O ParlAmericas é a instituição que promove a diplomacia parlamentar no sistema interamericano. Composto pelas 35 legislaturas nacionais das Américas do Norte, Central e do Sul e do Caribe, o ParlAmericas promove o diálogo político cooperativo, facilita o intercâmbio de boas práticas legislativas e produz recursos personalizados para apoiar parlamentares em seu trabalho. O podcast do ParlAmericas foi compilado a partir de sessões gravadas das diferentes atividades do ParlAmericas realizadas localmente em todo o hemisfério.
This episode was recorded during the virtual meeting,Tying the Threads Together: Parliamentary Actions to Advance International Agreements on the SIDS and Gender Equality, organized by ParlAmericas, UN Women Multi-Country Office – Caribbean and Caribbean Women in Leadership (CIWiL).
Listen to this conversation between The Honourable Alincia Williams Grant, President of the Senate of Antigua and Barbuda, and Ms. Tonni Brodber, Representative of the UN Women – Caribbean, on the core tenets of key international frameworks – namely the SIDS agenda, the Bridgetown Initiative 3.0 and the Beijing Declaration and Platform for Action. They also consider concrete actions parliamentarians can take to contribute to their achievement.
Their dialogue further explores strategies for effectively communicating with citizens about the importance of international frameworks and for collaborating with civil society and through multi-party caucuses to advance the gender equality and sustainable development goals laid out in these agreements.
Resource mentioned during Ms. Tonni Brodber‘s intervention: Beijing +25: Fulfilling the Commitments