May 9, 2012
Annual Gathering of the Group of Women Parliamentarians

Linda Machuca, President of the Group of Women Parliamentarians and Member of the National Assembly of Ecuador, along with with Mexican Senator Adriana González, and Chilean Members of the Chamber of Deputies Mónica Zalaquett, Andrea Molina, Cristina Girardi, Alejandra Sepúlveda, Marta Isasi, Ximena Vidal, and Maria Antonieta Saa, met in the Chamber of Deputies of Chile to announce the beginning of the Annual Gathering of the Group of Women Parliamentarians, which started this morning.

Ms. Machuca explained that the meeting, Citizen Security for Women: A Parliamentary Task is divided into three main themes, “particularly all related to violence and rates of violence [that exist] in each of our countries, then to discuss issues related to femicide and finally to discuss the budgets of our countries and how to adjust them to meet these widespread needs of the women in our regions.”

Ms. Zalaquett said, “This meeting is very rewarding as we will advance public policies across the continent in favor of women and [in our country, Chilean] families.” Ms. Sepúlveda emphasized the importance of this meeting taking place in Chile. “Today, Chile welcomes the largest gathering of women parliamentarians in Latin America. We will have nearly 56 women parliamentarians with whom we will discuss budget issues, defining whether they are sufficient to address the protection of women in terms of femicide and domestic violence.”