November 11 | Baku, Azerbaijan
- Pre-COP29 campaign: Information to support engagement of parliamentarians from the region at COP29, ParlAmericas.
- Parliaments and the Paris Agreement, ParlAmericas.
- Environment and Sustainability: Mapping the Strategies and Plans of the Americas and the Caribbean, ParlAmericas.
- 10 Actions for Stronger National Climate Commitments, IPU.
- Duration of COP29: There will be a parliamentary pavilion, run by GLOBE Legislators.
- The parliamentary pavilion will also host daily briefings from 9:00-9:30 am.
- View all events happening at the parliamentary pavilion here
- A COP29 virtual platform is being made available to accredited individuals. ParlAmericas has a limited number of accredited spots to access this virtual feature. If you are interested, please contact us.
- UNFCCC Pavilion side events will be live-streamed on the official secretariat-managed YouTube channel.
- Press conferences and a variety of events can also be viewed on the public webcast schedule of the official UNFCCC website.
October 23 | San José, Costa Rica

- Global Compact for Safe, Orderly and Regular Migration. United Nations, 2019
- Los Angeles Declaration on Migration and Protection. Summit of the Americas, 2022
- Inclusive Migration Governance in the Americas and Caribbean: A Primer for Parliamentarians. ECLAC and ParlAmericas, 2024
- Regional Framework Law on the Management of Migration for Climate and Environmental Reasons with a Human Rights. FOPREL/IOM, 2024 (in Spanish)
- Regional Framework Law on Migration with a Human Rights. FOPREL/IOM, 2019 (in Spanish)
- How Does International Migration Contribute to Sustainable Development in Latin America and the Caribbean? ECLAC, 2022
- Global Migration Data Portal, website
- Migration Policy Institute, website
- Migration, Environment and Climate Change, IOM Regional Office for the Americas, webpage
- Gender and Migration, IOM Regional Office for the Americas, webpage
- Regional Handbook for Mainstreaming a Human Rights, Gender and Intercultural Approach in the Work of Immigration and Border Security Authorities in the Americas. OAS Department of Social Inclusion, 2023
- Seven Key Elements on Building Human Rights Based Narratives on Migrants and Migration. Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights, 2020
Parliamentary Network for Gender Equality (PNGE)
Parliamentary Network on Climate Change and Sustainability (PNCCS)
During the 8th Gathering of the ParlAmericas Parliamentary Network on Climate Change and Sustainability and 16th Gathering of the ParlAmericas Parliamentary Network for Gender Equality, elections will be held for certain positions on the Executive Committee of the PNCCS and the Executive Committee of the PNGE. The nominations received can be found below:
Parliamentary Network for Gender Equality
PNGE 2nd Vice-Presidency – Central America
October 21 | Cali, Colombia
- Official COP16 Side Events: https://www.cbd.int/side-events/
- Information for participants: https://www.cbd.int/conferences/2024/info-note
Parliamentary meetings taking place at COP16 of the CBD:
October 23: Parliamentary Forum: “Parliamentarians for Economic Transitions for the Care, Conservation, and Sustainable Use of Biodiversity”
- Hosts: Ministries of Environment and Sustainable Development and Foreign Affairs, together with the Secretariat of the Convention on Biological Diversity, in coordination with the International Conservation Caucus Foundation Group and with the support of the Inter-Parliamentary Union.
- Location and time: Blue zone; 8:00am – 5:50 pm (followed by a cocktail)
October 24: Parliamentary Dialogue: Amazon Free of Fossil Fuels
- Host: Parliamentarians for a Fossil-Free Future
- Location and time: Blue zone (Colombian Pavilion); 11:00 – 12:00
October 25: First Public Hearing: Current Situation of Oil and Gas Exploitation in the Amazon Biome
- Host: Parliamentarians for a Fossil-Free Future
- Location and time: Green zone (San Pedro: Carrera 1 con calle 10, sobre el boulevard del río); 11:00 – 15:00
October 26: The role of parliamentarians in the protection of environmental defenders in Latin America
- Host: Parliamentarians for a Fossil-Free Future and Global Witness
- Location and time: Green zone (San Pedro: Carrera 1 con calle 10, sobre el boulevard del río); 9:00 – 10:30
October 27: Side event “Satellite Technologies Role in Conservation”
- Host: International Conservation Caucus Foundation Group
- Location and time: Blue zone (British Pavilion); 10:00 – 12:00
October 28: Gathering of Women from Water and Biodiversity Regions and Promotion of the “Women in Biodiversity” Bill
- Host: Legal Committee for Women’s Equity of the Congress of Colombia, Network of Women of Water Territories, Government of Valle del Cauca
- Location and time: Green zone (Biblioteca Departamental Jorge Garcés Borrero, Auditorio Diego Garcés); 16:00 – 18:00
October 31: Regional Parliamentary Gathering
- Host: Commission of the Pacific Alliance (CISAP), CAF
- Location and time: Blue zone (CAF Pavilion); 9:30 – 11:00 am
November 1: Dialogue – Biodiversity Protection: Opportunities and Challenges
- Host: Commission of the Pacific Alliance (CISAP)
- Location and time: Green zone (Auditorio Universidad Católica de Cali); 10:30
September 25 | Virtual

- Better Practises and Lessons Learned in Inclusive Disaster Risk Management, UN Women MCO Caribbean
- Multi-Hazard Early Warning Systems: Perspectives on Sustainable and Inclusive Governance, UNDRR
- Linking Shock-Responsive Social Protection to Disaster Risk Financing: Lessons from On the Ground, WFP
- Resilient Infrastructure: The Urgency from Legislation and Institutional Architecture to Cope with Disasters, UNDRR
August 28 | Virtual
Meeting of the ParlAmericas Parliamentary Staff Network on Climate Change and Sustainability
- Sustainable Procurement, Reeve Consulting
- Becoming ISO 14001 certified, Chamber of Deputies of Mexico
- Sustainable Management, Chamber of Deputies of Brazil
- Institutional Program on Environmental Management, Legislative Assembly of Costa Rica
- Waste Reduction Efforts, Parliament of Trinidad and Tobago
- Sustainable Practices in Building Renovations, Parliament of Canada
March 13 | Virtual
Meeting of the ParlAmericas Parliamentary Staff Network on Climate Change and Sustainability
- Scientific evidence of climate change: Key messages from the IPCC, Dr. Paulina Aldunce, University of Chile and lead author of the IPCC AR6 report.
- Climate Change Laws of the World: Designing gender and Human Rights Responsive Climate Laws, Catherine Higham, Grantham Research Institute.
- About the International Science Council, Dr. Carolina SantaCruz, International Science Council.
- Presentation on Sustainable Management, Chamber of Deputies of Brazil.
- Presentation on Waste Management, Senate of Brazil.
- The Synthesis Report of the IPCC Sixth Assessment Report: Climate Change 2023, IPCC, 2023.
- Parliaments and the Paris Agreement, ParlAmericas, GLOBE, INTER PARES, and WFD, 2021.
- Climate Change Laws of the World, LSE Database.
- Principles for effective communication and public engagement on climate change: A Handbook for IPCC authors, Climate Outreach, 2018.
- Environment and Sustainability: Mapping the Strategies and Plans in the Americas and the Caribbean, ParlAmericas.
- The Sustainable Program of the Chamber of Deputies of Mexico (in Spanish)
- EcoCâmara of the Chamber of the Deputies of Brazil (in Portuguese)