Home PNCCS Activities

PNCCS Activities


August 8 | Paramaribo, Suriname

Advancing Climate Action through Legislation and Parliamentary Oversight
4th Gathering of the Parliamentary Network on Climate Change

PRESENTATIONS Keynote address

Special Presentations

Session 1: Outcomes of COP 24 (Poland) and Preparations for COP25 (Chile)

  • Outcomes of COP24. Carlos Fuller, International and Regional Liaison Officer of the CCCCC and Chair of the Alliance of Small Island Nations
  • COP25 Chile 2019. Iván Flores, President of the Chamber of Deputies (Chile)

Session 2: Taking Climate Action and Building Resilience through the Power of Legislation

Session 3: Overcoming the Obstacles and Seizing Opportunities for Implementing Carbon Market and Non-Market Mechanisms

Session 4: Raising Ambition and Accessing Climate Financing


During the gathering, elections will be held for certain positions on the Network’s Executive Committee and for the host parliament of the next gathering. The results were the following:

Vice President – Central America