December 6 | Mexico City, Mexico

13th ParlAmericas Plenary Assembly: Strengthening Parliaments and Building Resilient Societies to Achieve the Sustainable Development Goals

December 5 | Mexico City, Mexico

Training session in English: Maximizing the Use of Technology to Improve Communication with Constituents

November 6 | Washington D.C., United States

Parliamentary Delegation Visit to the United States Elections

October 20 | Ottawa, Canada

Parliamentary Exchange: Multi-party Caucuses for Gender Equality

September 13 | Santiago, Chile

Study Visit on Legislative Openness

September 12 | Antigua, Guatemala

Parliamentary Gathering for Central America: The Electoral Journey of Women Candidates

August 3 | Panama City, Panama

Parliamentary Action to Stop Climate Change

June 2 | Quito, Ecuador

8th Annual Gathering organized by the Group of Women Parliamentarians: Diversifying Political Power to Build Inclusive Societies

May 26 | Asuncion, Paraguay

1st Annual Gathering of ParlAmericas’ Open Parliament Network: Road Map Towards Legislative Openness

January 26 | Castries, Saint Lucia

Gender-based Political Harassment: Building Awareness in Parliaments