December 14 | Virtual Event

Parliamentary Day on the margins of the 2021 OGP Global Summit, hosted by OPeN

December 10 | Virtual Meeting

Rebuilding the Social Contract
18th ParlAmericas Plenary Assembly

November 29 | Virtual meeting

18th ParlAmericas Plenary Assembly (Dialogue with Civil Society and Youth Representatives)

November 26 | Virtual meeting: Inter-parliamentary Dialogue

18th ParlAmericas Plenary Assembly: Rebuilding the Social Contract

October 4 | Virtual Meeting

Bolstering Social Protection beyond COVID-19: What the Data Tells Us
13th Gathering of the ParlAmericas Parliamentary Network For Gender Equality

September 22 | Virtual meeting: Parliamentary Dialogue with Civil Society and Youth Representatives

13th Gathering of the ParlAmericas Parliamentary Network For Gender Equality. Bolstering Social Protection beyond COVID-19: What the Data Tells Us

September 13 | Virtual meeting: Inter-parliamentary Dialogue

13th Gathering of the ParlAmericas Parliamentary Network For Gender Equality. Bolstering Social Protection beyond COVID-19: What the Data Tells Us

August 18 | Virtual Meeting

Interparliamentary Dialogue | Canada – Central America Celebrating 60 Years of Diplomatic Relations: The Important Role of Interparliamentary Cooperation

July 19 | Virtual Meeting

1st Gender Equality Staff Network Meeting

June 25 | Virtual Meeting

Addressing Inequalities to Enable Climate Ambition: A Just Transition to Achieve the Paris Agreement
5th Gathering of the ParlAmericas Parliamentary Network on Climate Change

June 15 | Virtual meeting: Dialogue with Civil Society and Youth Representatives

5th Gathering of the ParlAmericas Parliamentary Network on Climate Change. Addressing Inequalities to Enable Climate Ambition: A Just Transition to Achieve the Paris Agreement

June 4 | Virtual meeting: Inter-parliamentary Dialogue (Working Session)

5th Gathering of the ParlAmericas Parliamentary Network on Climate Change. Addressing Inequalities to Enable Climate Ambition: A Just Transition to Achieve the Paris Agreement

March 26 | Virtual Meeting

Countering Disinformation to Promote Responsible Public Discourse
5th Gathering of the ParlAmericas Open Parliament Network

March 22 | Virtual event

3rd Meeting of the Parliamentary Staff Network on Open Parliament

March 15 | Virtual event: Working Session

5th Gathering of the ParlAmericas Open Parliament Network

February 8 | Virtual Meeting

Building a Coordinated Caribbean Position for CSW65

January 29 | Virtual meeting

Experiences of Legislative Modernization in Latin America: Adaptation, Innovation, and Citizen Participation in the Legislative Process (in Spanish)

January 22 | Virtual Meeting

2nd Meeting of the Parliamentary Staff Network on Open Parliament (in Spanish)