November 17, 2017

International gathering on Parliament’s Role in the Open Government Partnership

On November 21, ParlAmericas, in partnership with the Open Government Partnership’s Legislative Openness Working Group, Directorio Legislativo Foundation and the Chamber of Deputies of Argentina, will be hosting a parliamentary meeting on Parliament’s role in the Open Government Partnership (OGP) within the margins of the OGP Americas Regional Meeting in Buenos Aires, Argentina. This meeting will take place within the Chamber of Deputies of Argentina, and will gather legislators from 15 countries across the Americas and the Caribbean. On November 22, the delegation will attend sessions of the OGP Americas Regional Meeting at the Centro Cultural Kirchner.

Since its creation, the OGP has promoted transparency, citizen empowerment, the fight against corruption, and the use of new technologies to improve governance in countries that have joined this international initiative. Through this activity, supported by Members of the Chamber of Deputies of Argentina, Margarita Stolbizer and Karina Banfi, legislators will receive a briefing on the OGP and its impact to date, and discuss how results of the National Action Plans adopted through this multilateral initiative can improve citizens’ lives and support legislatures in the exercise of their representation, law-making and oversight functions. The keynote address will be presented by the Honourable Scott Brison, President of the Treasury Board of Canada, and supporting government co-chair on the OGP Steering Committee.

“Parliaments play a critical role in the achievement of OGP objectives and in ensuring the sustainability of this initiative throughout electoral cycles and changes in governments” expressed Senator Hernán Larraín, President of the ParlAmericas Open Parliament, “it is important for legislators to be aware of the open government agenda, the role of the OGP, the benefits of these initiatives for the work of the legislature and for citizens’ lives, and to build cross-partisan support to continue prioritizing and monitoring this work”.

For further information, consult the agenda and follow @ParlAmericas on social media.

November 16, 2017

Statement by ParlAmericas

ParlAmericas wishes to express its sincere condolences for the loss of Canadian Senator, The Honourable Tobias C. Enverga, Jr., who passed away suddenly this morning in Medellin, Colombia, while on parliamentary business as a member of the Canadian delegation to ParlAmericas’ Annual Plenary Assembly. Senator Enverga was a valued contributor to our inter-parliamentary community in Latin America and the Caribbean, and a devoted voice for his constituents and for Canada. As an advocate for multiculturalism, he recently sponsored the Latin America Heritage Month Act in the Senate of Canada. He was a dedicated public servant and deeply respected parliamentary colleague. Known for his community service, Senator Enverga was a champion for people living with disabilities and founder of the Philippine Canadian Charitable Foundation. Senator Enverga was appointed to represent the province of Ontario in the Senate of Canada in September 2012. He is survived by his loving wife Rosemer Enverga and three daughters. The full statement is also available here.

November 14, 2017

Parliamentarians from across the hemisphere discuss “post-truth” during the 14th ParlAmericas Plenary Assembly in Medellin

The 14th Plenary Assembly of ParlAmericas, the institution that promotes parliamentary diplomacy in the inter-American system, will take place in Medellin, Colombia, on November 15-17, focusing on Parliamentary Actions to Promote Responsible Political Discourse.

Legislators from the Americas and the Caribbean will exchange institutional and individual initiatives aimed at promoting responsible discursive practices that model tolerance, respect, and recognition of plurality as a contribution to the sustained commitment to strengthen our democracies.

The activities begin on Wednesday, November 15, with the 44th meeting of the ParlAmericas Board of Directors and the workshop Navigating Information: Online Research Practices to Support Parliamentary Work. The latter is being conducted in collaboration with the Political Analysis Unit of the Secretariat for Strengthening Democracy of the OAS.

During the Plenary Assembly on Thursday, November 16, and Friday, November 17, thematic panel sessions and roundtable working groups will be held with national and international experts. These will address, among other topics, fake news and its effects, parliamentary initiatives to facilitate media coverage of legislative issues, and the exchange of practices to promote responsible political discourse within parliaments.

Senator Marcela Guerra (Mexico), President of ParlAmericas, noted that, “It is imperative that we parliamentarians redouble our commitment to positively influence public dialogue and deliberation that recognizes plurality and diversity. Today, more than ever, it is necessary to resist the temptation for reductionism, the exacerbation of antagonism, and the perpetuation of divisions and differences.”

Representative German Blanco Álvarez (Colombia), member of the ParlAmericas Board, added, “The political moment in Colombia creates a favourable setting for reflection on the role of legislatures throughout the Americas, at a complex time for governance and democracy in the region.”

For the most up-to-date information on the 14th ParlAmericas Plenary Assembly, follow @ParlAmericas on social media with the hashtag #PA14Col.

October 23, 2017

ParlAmericas and the Office of the United Nations for Disaster Risk Reduction sign a Letter of Cooperation to advance the Sendai Framework in parliaments across Latin America and the Caribbean

On October 20, 2017, ParlAmericas and the United Nations Office for Disaster Risk Reduction (UNISDR) signed a Letter of Cooperation as the first step in a joint work plan to update and promote a parliamentary protocol that will guide national parliaments in updating legislation related to disaster risk reduction and climate change adaptation.

The signing took place on Parliament Hill in Ottawa, Canada, during a parliamentary luncheon for Dr. Robert Glasser, head of the UNISDR and appointed Special Representative of the UN Secretary-General for Disaster Risk Reduction, that was hosted by the Honourable Robert Nault, Member of Parliament (Canada) and Vice-President of ParlAmericas, and Mr. Dan Ruimy, Member of Parliament (Canada) and Vice-President for North America of the ParlAmericas Parliamentary Network on Climate Change.

Through the discussion, Mr. Nault noted that, “For Canada to ensure our development assistance investments have the greatest impact, we must find ways to promote the integration of disaster risk reduction into climate change programs. Parliamentarians can assist to protect development gains in the hemisphere by creating incentives for governments and stakeholders to adopt disaster risk planning whenever it is possible.”

Dr. Glasser added: “It is necessary to strengthen the legislative framework to promote a paradigm shift towards risk-sensitive and resilient development. New or amended legislation should include a set of standard essential elements and link with related legal instruments to prevent and reduce risk effectively and strengthen resilience. Considering the high vulnerability of the Americas and the Caribbean to disasters, updating the parliamentary protocol on disaster risk reduction will help parliaments of the region to align their national legislation with the advances made with the Sendai Framework.”

The protocol to be developed will centre on the Sendai Framework for Disaster Risk Reduction, which was the main outcome of the Third United Nations World Conference on Disaster Risk Reduction held in May 2015, in Sendai, Japan. As part of its core priorities and targets, the Sendai Framework calls on parliamentarians to support disaster risk reduction by developing or amending relevant legislation and setting budget allocations. ParlAmericas and UNISDR will work to promote coherence of national legislation with local disaster risk reduction frameworks and policies to guide actions of public and private actors to address disaster risk.

Alisha Todd, Director General of ParlAmericas, explained that “ParlAmericas works to support the parliaments of the Americas and the Caribbean in advancing the climate change agenda and the implementation of the Paris Agreement in particular. We look forward to our partnership with UNISDR and the opportunities this presents for both institutions to further integrate disaster risk reduction, climate change adaptation, and sustainable development in national legislation.”

October 20, 2017

ParlAmericas participated in the XI Latin American and Caribbean Carbon Forum

From October 18-20, ParlAmericas participated in the Latin American and Caribbean Carbon Forum (LACCF) in Mexico City. The LACCF is an annual conference and exhibition organized by the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC), the World Bank, and other international organizations that brings together key stakeholders involved in climate change mitigation and carbon markets to exchange ideas and best practices on carbon reduction programs and projects.

Member of the National Assembly of Ecuador and Vice-President of the ParlAmericas Parliamentary Network on Climate Change (PNCC) for South America, Ana Belén Marín, participated on ParlAmericas behalf. Ms. Marín was the sole parliamentary representative at the event. Other organizations in attendance included Designated National Authorities (DNAs), national climate change focal points, international investment agencies, financial institutions, and expert service providers.

Ms. Marín spoke during the closing plenary of the forum. The session, titled Building the Vision for Climate Action, called for coherence in actions to mitigate climate change and presented the perspectives of different actors involved in this work.

On the role of legislative actors, she stated that, “As parliamentarians, we must identify and promote legislative reforms consistent with the most pressing mitigation needs in our countries, attract and incentivize sustainable private sector investment in small and medium enterprises, and raise awareness on the need to move towards sustainable production and consumption patterns. We must work to achieve real and significant reductions of carbon emissions, which require the highest political commitment.”

ParlAmericas continues to promote parliamentary voices within the climate change agenda and to identify avenues through which parliaments can advance the Nationally Determined Commitments undertaken by countries of the Americas and the Caribbean through the Paris Agreement.

October 13, 2017

ParlAmericas convenes legislators from Latin America and the Caribbean in Ottawa on study visit to strengthen legislative openness

On October 16 and 17, ParlAmericas, in collaboration with the Parliament of Canada, is holding a Study Visit on Legislative Openness that will convene parliamentary delegations from 7 countries across Latin America and the Caribbean.

The study visit is being co-hosted by Chairs of Foreign Affairs Standing Committees in Canada and Chile, Hon. Robert D. Nault, P.C., M.P., Chair of the ParlAmericas Canadian Section and Vice-President of ParlAmericas, and Senator Hernán Larraín, President of the ParlAmericas Open Parliament Network. Participating legislators will discuss current Canadian legislation, regulations and parliamentary practices to strengthen access to information, transparency and accountability, enforcement of conflict of interest standards and lobbying regulations, and inclusiveness in legislative decision-making processes.

“It is a privilege to host this activity in Ottawa to provide a first-hand glimpse into how the Canadian Government and Parliament works, as well as to discuss the initiatives being implemented across the hemisphere to promote a continued dialogue to advance legislative openness” explained Robert Nault “I was extremely pleased that my colleague from Chile, Senator Larraín, chose Canada for this study visit.”

“This is a great opportunity for legislators from Latin America and the Caribbean to learn about Canada’s robust frameworks to ensure transparency and access to public information, and the enforcement of conflict of interest, ethical behaviour and lobbying regulations, among other parliamentary practices,” added Senator Larraín, “as these are at the core of the transparency agenda.”

To learn about Canada’s progress on legislative openness, participants will be joined by Jean-Noé Landry, Executive Director of Open North, Nancy Bélanger, Deputy Commissioner, Legal Services and Public Affairs, Office of the Information Commissioner, Jean-Denis Fréchette, Parliamentary Budget Officer, Mary Dawson, Conflict of Interest and Ethics Commissioner, and Karen E. Shepherd, Commissioner of Lobbying, among other experts. The study visit will conclude with presentations by visiting parliamentarians on progress achieved through National Legislative Openness Action Plans of their respective parliaments.

For further information, consult the agenda and follow @ParlAmericas on social media.

October 7, 2017

President of the ParlAmericas Parliamentary Network on Climate Change participated in the IX International Congress on Climate Change in the Territorial Development Agenda

From October 5-7, Member of the National Assembly Javier Ortega (Panama), President of the ParlAmericas Parliamentary Network on Climate Change (PNCC), participated in the IX International Congress of Climate Change in the Territorial Development Agenda. The Congress, organized by the Dominican Federation of Municipal Districts (FEDOMIM, by its Spanish initials), brought together delegates from 24 countries in Latin America, including more than 170 district directors or mayors from the Dominican Republic.

During the Congress, delegates recognized that climate change is a global phenomenon that requires international agreements, and that policy is needed at the local, municipal, and regional levels to adapt to its impacts. The delegates presented examples of the impact of recent natural disasters in the region on municipalities and stressed that local governments lack the resources to face extreme weather events.

Mr. Ortega participated in the Congress’ main panel in his capacity as President of the Ibero-American Federation of Green Municipalities and stated that, “We must move forward with actions and effective mechanisms for comprehensive disaster risk management; that is why we as parliamentarians, together with municipal authorities and other social actors, have the responsibility to act in a coordinated manner to mitigate the effects of climate change.”

The ParlAmericas climate change program works to strengthen the legislative agenda in the fight against climate change and its impacts in the hemisphere, and to promote action aligned with the Nationally Determined Contributions adopted in the Paris Agreement.

October 5, 2017

ParlAmericas to be represented at ECLAC’s 56th meeting of the Presiding Officers of the Regional Conference on Women in Latin America and the Caribbean

On October 5-6, 2017, ParlAmericas will participate in the fifty-sixth meeting of the Presiding Officers of the Regional Conference on Women in Latin America and the Caribbean in Havana, Cuba.

The Regional Conference on Women in Latin America and the Caribbean is a permanent subsidiary body of the Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean (ECLAC) convened every three years. The Presiding Officers meet between the Conferences to provide continuous follow-up on member Government’s progress in gender mainstreaming. The fifty-sixth meeting will focus in particular on gender equality planning in the context of sustainable development.

ParlAmericas’ participation will offer a valuable legislative perspective to these discussions. Ligia Fallas, Member of the Legislative Assembly of Costa Rica and Vice-President of the Parliamentary Network for Gender Equality for Central America, will represent ParlAmericas. She emphasized that, “Parliamentarians play an important role in ensuring that national legislation and budgets are aligned with international commitments on sustainable development and gender equality, which helps to further social inclusion and improve the lives of our populations.” Such points will also be highlighted during Ms. Fallas’ intervention on a high-level panel on the first day of the meeting.

September 29, 2017

ParlAmericas delegation to participate in a dialogue on carbon pricing instruments for the Caribbean region

ParlAmericas has been invited by the Caribbean Community Climate Change Centre (5C) and the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change Regional Collaboration Center (RCC) in St George’s, Grenada, to take part in a dialogue on carbon pricing instruments in the Caribbean region. ParlAmericas will be represented by Speaker of the National Assembly Jennifer Simons (Suriname) and President of the Senate Andy Daniel (Saint Lucia), Vice-Presidents of the ParlAmericas Parliamentary Network on Climate Change (PNCC) for South America and the Caribbean, respectively.

Most countries in the Caribbean indicated an interest in using instruments which give a price signal on carbon emissions as part of their mitigation action in the Nationally Determined Contribution (NDCs) adopted under the Paris Agreement. The dialogue, to be held in Grenada on October 2-3, 2017, will offer these countries an opportunity to come together to discuss carbon market and pricing instruments, how they are being used around the world, and the opportunity they present to support the achievement of NDCs.

The dialogue is a first step to develop and deliver a wider program to provide in-country support to those in the Caribbean region interested in adapting carbon pricing instruments. This informal consultation follows a series of discussions held on the margins of the Bonn Climate Change Conference in May 2017 under the leadership of 5C in collaboration with UNFCCC RCC in St. Georges, Grenada.

ParlAmericas is similarly working towards accelerating the implementation of the NDCs across the Americas and the Caribbean. The President of the ParlAmericas PNCC, Member of the National Assembly Javier Ortega (Panama), stated: “This event is in line with the commitments adopted by the Parliamentary Network on Climate Change to fight against climate change with the highest political commitment and to strengthen the efforts by governments  to implement the Nationally Determined Contributions, ensuring that, in the process, we work towards a broad distribution of the benefits derived from the transition to a sustainable, zero-emissions economy.”

The ParlAmericas delegation expressed their solidarity with their fellow Caribbean countries in light of recent events in the region, where natural hazards have become disaster events. The parliamentarians emphasized the importance of building-back-better and asserted their commitment to promote sustainable and resilient communities in the Small Island States of the Caribbean. They further highlighted that science has proven the connections between climate change and the extreme weather events impacting the region. Dialogues such as this one are critical to accelerating the implementation of the climate change agenda.

September 27, 2017

ParlAmericas admitted as Observer Organization of the IPCC

The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) accepted ParlAmericas as an official Observer Organization during their 46th session in Montreal, Canada, on September 6-10, 2017.

The IPCC is the international body for assessing the science related to climate change. It was set up in 1988 by the World Meteorological Organization (WMO) and United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) to provide policymakers with regular assessments of the scientific basis of climate change, its impacts and future risks, and options for adaptation and mitigation.

In this new observer role, ParlAmericas will be represented at future sessions of the IPCC and its Working Groups, directly engaging in the international agenda on climate change. This is a step towards enhancing parliamentary action, informed by the most up-to-date climate science, to help accelerate the implementation of the Nationally Determined Contributions adopted under the Paris Agreement by the countries in Latin America and the Caribbean.

September 20, 2017

Statement on the earthquake in Mexico

Following the earthquake that occurred in Mexico on September 19, the ParlAmericas member parliamentarians wish to express to the people of Mexico, and to our follow legislators, our most sincere sentiments of support, solidarity, and humanity.

We offer the victims and their families our respectful condolences, and extend a message of strength and resilience to the survivors and affected communities.

We call on our governments to provide the necessary support to the Mexican authorities.

September 12, 2017

Statement on natural disasters in Mexico

The member parliamentarians of ParlAmericas offer our sincere condolences and solidarity to the people of Mexico, who have suffered the devastating impacts of Hurricane Katia and an earthquake measuring above 8.0 in magnitude on the Richter scale.

We hope for a swift recovery for the survivors and affected communities, and we call on our governments to provide the necessary support to the respective national authorities.

These unfortunate events highlight the urgent need to continue to implement legislative action that responds to the effects of climate change and to develop initiatives for risk management that consider the needs of the most vulnerable populations.

September 6, 2017

ParlAmericas participates in the II Inter-American Congress on the Environmental Rule of Law

From September 4th to the 6th, lawyers, judges, experts, parliamentarians, and academics gathered at the Supreme Court of Justice in Santiago, Chile, to participate in the II Inter-American Congress on the Environmental Rule of Law. The conference was organized by the Organization of American States (OAS), in collaboration with UN Environment, the World Commission on Environmental Law, and the International Union for Conservation of Nature to promote the debate on the state of environmental law in the Americas, within the framework of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development.

The Congress was inaugurated by Luis Almagro, Secretary General of the OAS, followed by a high-level panel comprised of Senator Andres Zaldívar Larraín, President of the Senate of Chile; Ricardo Lorenzetti, President of the Supreme Court of Argentina; and Antonio Benjamin, Minister of the High Court of Brazil, among others.

During the meeting, a ParlAmericas delegation offered a parliamentary perspective on the status of environmental rule of law. Member of the National Assembly and Vice-President of the ParlAmericas Parliamentary Network on Climate Change Ana Belén Marín (Ecuador) stated that, “National laws must be aligned with international commitments and have the necessary budgetary support. It is imperative to create long-term agendas that are independent from political situations”. Also in attendance was Member of the Chamber of Deputies Patricio Vallespín (Chile), member of the commission on the environment and natural resources in the Chamber of Deputies of Chile, who highlighted that, “Legislatures must seek mechanisms to oversee progress in environmental legislation and use approaches that are appropriate the reality of each territory.”

Further, the delegates shared information about legislative work to advance environmental legislation in alignment with the commitments adopted by governments through the Nationally Determined Contributions (NDCs) under the Paris Agreement. During the discussions, participants emphasized the importance of decision makers taking into account environmental issues and the dynamic nature of environmental legislation, which must keep pace with the changing climate and its impacts.

September 5, 2017

Statement on Hurricane Irma

ParlAmericas stands in solidarity with the Caribbean countries preparing for category 5 storm Hurricane Irma. ParlAmericas expresses its sincere concern for those who may be affected by the severe impacts that are anticipated, and wishes to recognize the efforts of governments and communities organizing to minimize risk to their populations.

With recovery ongoing in the United States following the devastating losses from Hurricane Harvey, ParlAmericas calls for cooperation to support relief efforts across the region.

Furthermore, in recognition of the increased frequency of extreme weather events in the region, ParlAmericas reaffirms its commitment to inter-parliamentary action for adaptation and mitigation.

The President of ParlAmericas, Senator Marcela Guerra of Mexico, stated “More than ever, governments require integral disaster risk preparedness, and legislators in our hemisphere stand prepared to build legal frameworks that protect our populations – and especially the most vulnerable sectors – from the effects of climate change.”

August 18, 2017

ParlAmericas has continuously called to safeguard democracy and the will of the sovereign people of Venezuela in the pursuit of a peaceful solution to the current situation

As an institution that convenes the national legislatures of the 35 independent states of the Americas, ParlAmericas notes with concern today`s declared intent by the Constituent Assembly to assume core competencies of the National Assembly of Venezuela.

Senator Marcela Guerra, President of ParlAmericas, cautioned that “moves to circumvent the National Assembly [of Venezuela] and threats to remove the immunities of its members only stand to diminish conditions for dialogue“ adding that “the separation of powers is essential to representative democracy and the rule of law. The democratically elected National Assembly is the legislative body in Venezuela. Its powers must be respected.

August 1, 2017

ParlAmericas and Parlatino hold 2nd gathering of the Parliamentary Network on Climate Change, Renewable Energies

ParlAmericas and Parlatino will hold the 2nd gathering of the Parliamentary Network on Climate Change (PNCC), Renewable Energies, on August 3 and 4, 2017, in Panama City, Panama. The gathering will bring together legislators from more than 20 countries of the Americas and the Caribbean to exchange good legislative practices and engage in dialogue with international experts on parliamentary action to contribute to achieving the commitments undertaken in the COP21 Paris Agreement.

The keynote address will be delivered by Dr. Gisela Alonso, member of the High-Level Panel on the Post-2015 Development Agenda and President of the Cuban Environmental Agency (1999-2016). The working sessions will feature the participation of experts from international organizations including the Organization of American States (OAS), the Global Environment Facility (GEF), the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP), the Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean (ECLAC), the International Union for the Conservation of Nature (IUCN), and civil society representatives working in areas related to climate change. Read entire article

July 24, 2017

Senator Marcela Guerra (Mexico), President of ParlAmericas, receives the Global Democracy Award

Senator Guerra was recognized by the Washington Academy of Political Arts & Sciences (WAPAS) with the Global Democracy Award. The award, given for the first time by the Academy, was conferred for her work as President of ParlAmericas, a position she held since being elected in 2014 by delegations representing national legislatures of the continent.

The main achievements recognized by the Academy were the following:


  • The consolidation of ParlAmericas as a hemispheric model for parliamentary diplomacy and cooperative political dialogue on the most prevalent issues on the inter-American agenda.
  • The work of the Parliamentary Network for Gender Equality in the pursuit of women’s political empowerment and participation, equality of conditions in public life, and the inclusion of gender perspective on the legislative agendas of the parliaments of the Americas.
  • The creation of the Road Map towards Legislative Openness by the Open Parliament Network, which promotes greater openness in the legislatures of the continent through transparency and access to information, probity and parliamentary ethics, accountability, and citizen participation.
  • The establishment of the Parliamentary Network on Climate Change in order to strengthen the legislative agenda for environmental conservation and protection, and the fight against climate change as a fundamental dimension of sustainable development.

July 7, 2017

ParlAmericas urges respect for the rights of Venezuelan parliamentarians

ParlAmericas, as an institution that promotes democratic strengthening and parliamentary diplomacy in the inter-American system, upholds cooperative political dialogue and good legislative practices.

In light of the events in the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela on July 5, ParlAmericas expresses its solidarity with the parliamentarians affected by the regrettable acts of violence carried out in the National Assembly of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela.

Recognizing the universal principles of sovereignty and people’s right to self-determination, ParlAmericas rejects violence in all its forms and manifestations, and puts forward a respectful call to both sides for a peaceful resolution of differences through dialogue in observance of, and unhindered respect for, the personal integrity and security of Venezuelan parliamentarians.

June 23, 2017

ParlAmericas participated in the 47th Regular Session of the General Assembly of the Organization of American States

From June 19-21, ParlAmericas participated in the 47th Regular Session of the General Assembly of the Organization of American States (OAS), Strengthening Dialogue and Concerted Action for Prosperity, which took place in Cancun, Mexico. The delegation, led by Senator Marcela Guerra (Mexico), President of ParlAmericas, was composed of legislators from Canada, Colombia, Ecuador, Grenada, Mexico, and Panama.

Member of Parliament Robert Nault (Canada), Vice-President of ParlAmericas, highlighted the importance of ParlAmericas’ participation, stating that “working with the OAS allows us to reinforce the important role of parliaments in the governance and legislation of the hemisphere and to improve understanding of global issues like climate change and gender equality.” The President of the Senate Chester Humphrey and Vice-President of the Parliamentary Network for Gender Equality, indicated that “participating in these instances allows us to present the ways in which parliaments can be play a role to support the resolution of difficulties between and within States”. Likewise, Representative Germán Blanco (Colombia), Member of ParlAmericas’ Board, highlighted that “the presence of our parliaments legitimizes our role in regards to diplomatic decisions taken by the Executive, allowing us to lobby as necessary to position our parliamentary work”.

ParlAmericas’ work supports the efforts of the OAS through strengthening parliaments, to build more efficient, transparent and inclusive institutions that adopt measures to guarantee gender equality and mitigate climate change, among others.

June 21, 2017

Statement for the guarantee of security for Venezuelan parliamentarians

The Parliamentary Delegation of ParlAmericas that participated in the 47th General Assembly of the Organization of American States respectfully requests to the government of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela to offer all the necessary guarantees for the personal integrity and security of the following Venezuelan Members of the National Assembly: Luis Florido, Williams Dávila, Franco Casella, Carlos Lozano, Winston Flores, and additionally to the team of advisors who attended the General Assembly, so they can resume their functions in full observance of their political rights upon their return to Venezuela.

June 12, 2017

President Marcela Guerra spoke at the 33rd General Assembly of the Latin American and Caribbean Parliament (Parlatino)

Senator Marcela Guerra (Mexico), President of ParlAmericas, spoke in the panel “Successful strategies for protection and assistance, public policy for sustainable development, and conflict resolution,” at the high level parliamentary dialogue on migration and climate change in Latin America and the Caribbean, “Realities and Commitments towards the Global Compact” that took place during the 33rd General Assembly of Parlatino, together with the the International Organization for Migration (IOM).

The session aimed to generate legislative inputs that contribute to the creation of public policy for the reduction of risks to migrants (in receiving as well as transit countries), the guarantee of respect for their human rights at all times, and that they receive adequate protection in accordance with established international standards. In her presentation, Senator Guerra underscored the link between migration and climate change, emphasizing that “the non-criminalization of migrants should be part of the Global Compact for Migration that will be undertaken in 2018.”

May 30, 2017

ParlAmericas participated in international conference on resistance to women’s political leadership

From May 22 to 26, academics and practitioners gathered at the Eagleton Institute of Politics at Rutgers University for the international conference “Resisting Women’s Political Leadership: Theories, Data, Solutions.” The International Secretariat of ParlAmericas participated in the conference in a technical capacity, sharing information about the work of national legislators on ending violence against women in politics in the Americas and Caribbean region.

The conference, organized by Professor Mona Lena Krook, featured sessions exploring the multiple forms of resistance to women political leaders which are increasingly recognized as detrimental to women’s rights, gender equality, inclusive governance, and democracy. In addition to violence against women in politics, topics discussed included barriers to women in candidate selection processes, the backlash against gender quotas, and gender discrimination in political institutions and parties, as well as in traditional and social media.

May 27, 2017

ParlAmericas participates in ECLAC: 55th Meeting of the Presiding Officers of the Regional Conference on Women in Latin America and the Caribbean

During the meeting, the delegations present addressed, among other issues, the results of the First Meeting of the Forum of the Countries of Latin America and the Caribbean on Sustainable Development and its connections to the Regional Gender Agenda and the Montevideo Strategy. A panel was held on technical-professional education and its link to young women’s labour insertion in Latin America and the Caribbean, and a new study was presented from the Gender Equality Observatory for Latin America and the Caribbean on gender equality plans in the region.

María Nieves Rico, Chief of the Division for Gender Affairs of ECLAC, highlighting ParlAmericas’ participation in the gathering, stated that “the role of the parliaments of the hemisphere is fundamental for translating the commitments made in the Montevideo Strategy into concrete public policy actions to achieve the goals and measures included in the Sustainable Development Goals and the Regional Gender Agenda.

May 26, 2017

Parliamentary delegations and civil society organizations to discuss lobbying regulations

On Monday, May 29, ParlAmericas, in collaboration with the Congress of the Republic of Peru, Directorio Legislativo and the Latin American Network for Legislative Transparency, will hold a cocreation meeting entitled International Standards for Lobby Regulation, with the participation of parliamentary delegations and civil society representatives from 8 Latin American countries.

One of the main objectives of the meeting will be to continue promoting the implementation of ParlAmericas’ Road map towards legislative openness by reflecting on lobbying regulations to prevent conflicts of interest, whether actual, apparent, or perceived, and ensure that the impact of lobbying on decision-making is transparent and that legislators are held accountable. Read entire article

May 24, 2017

Statement on Venezuela

ParlAmericas continues to be preoccupied by the circumstances being faced by the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela, which is confronted by a grave social, political and institutional situation.

Recognizing the universal principles of sovereignty and people’s right to self-determination, ParlAmericas rejects violence in any of its forms and manifestations, and puts forward a respectful call to both sides for a peaceful resolution of differences through dialogue in observance of, and unhindered respect for, the human rights of Venezuelans.

May 24, 2017

Open Parliament Network (OPN) Vice-Presidents attend the Global Legislative Openness Conference “Building Citizen Trust through Openness and Engagement” in Ukraine

On May 19-20, Senator Mauricio Lizcano (Colombia), President of the Senate and Vice-President of the OPN for South America, and Member of the Chamber of Deputies Marcela González Salas (Mexico), Vice-President of the OPN for North America participated in the Global Legislative Openness Conference “Building Citizen Trust through Openness and Engagement” in Kiev, Ukraine.

This event was hosted by the Verkhovna Rada (parliament of Ukraine), and was organized by the Legislative Openness Working Group of the Open Government Partnership (OGP) and the Open Parliament Initiative in Ukraine. It convene leading legislators, government officials, and civil society representatives to consider how legislative openness can strengthen public trust in representative institutions and build a responsive, 21st century legislature. In addition, the conference explored how parliaments can best leverage the OGP’s new legislative engagement policy to develop and implement legislative openness plans and commitments.

The OPN Vice-Presidents promoted the Road Map towards Legislative Transparency of ParlAmericas, which has served as a critical tool for the development of legislative openness action plans in the hemisphere. Senator Mauricio Lizcano also briefed participants on the legislative advances achieved in Colombia to build trust in the legislature as part of the “Lightning talk: country updates” session.

May 22, 2017

Legislators and social movement leaders from across the hemisphere to dialogue on joint efforts for women’s empowerment

ParlAmericas, in collaboration with the Chamber of Deputies of Argentina, will hold a gathering titled Women’s Empowerment: Social and Political Responses, from May 23 to 24 in Buenos Aires, Argentina. This gathering will bring together legislators from more than 20 countries of the hemishere to analyse the ways in which civil society and parliamentary actors can collectively advance gender equality.

The keynote address will be delivered by Minou Tavárez Mirabal, a former parliamentarian and former presidential candidate from the Dominican Republic whose career has centred on social justice causes. Other speakers include activists who have been on the frontlines of mobilizations demanding an end to impunity for femicide and sexual violence, and calling for respect for women’s human rights and leadership in post-conflict situations. These leaders represent Ni Una Menos and Tambourine Army, collectives dedicated to combatting gender violence in Latin America and the Caribbean respectively, as well as the women’s movement for peace in Colombia and the Women’s March on Washington in the United States. Read entire article

April 28, 2017

ParlAmericas participates in the Forum of the Countries of Latin America and the Caribbean on Sustainable Development

Senator Marcela Guerra (Mexico), President of ParlAmericas, and Member of the Chamber of Deputies Graciela Cousinet (Argentina) are representing ParlAmericas in the First Meeting of the Forum of the Countries of Latin America and the Caribbean on Sustainable Development (#ForoALC2030), organized by the Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean (ECLAC) in Mexico City, Mexico, on April 26-28, 2017.

The forum was created by resolution 700 (XXXVI), adopted during ECLAC’s thirty-sixth session (May 2016), as a regional mechanism to follow up and review the implementation of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, the Sustainable Development Goals and targets, its means of implementation, and the Addis Ababa Action Agenda on Financing for Development. The United Nations Economic and Social Council subsequently endorsed the establishment of the Forum in its resolution 2016/12.

March 17, 2017

Declaration of Solidarity with Peru

Participants at the 2nd gathering of the Open Parliament Network (OPN) signed a declaration of solidarity with Peru to offer their support and present their condolences for the human losses and damages it had suffered due to the strong rain, floods and landslides that had recently occurred.

March 17, 2017

Elections Results – Open Parliament Network (OPN)

During the 2nd gathering of the OPN, the four vice-presidents of the OPN executive committee were elected:

  • North America: Member of the Chamber of Deputies Marcela González Salas (Mexico)
  • Central America: Member of the Legislative Assembly Karla Prendas (Costa Rica)
  • South America: Senator Mauricio Lizcano (Colombia), President of the Senate
  • Caribbean: Senator Saphire Longmore (Jamaica)

March 17, 2017

Elections Results – Open Parliament Network (OPN)

During the 2nd gathering of the OPN, the four vice-presidents of the OPN executive committee were elected:

  • North America: Member of the Chamber of Deputies Marcela González Salas (Mexico)
  • Central America: Member of the Legislative Assembly Karla Prendas (Costa Rica)
  • South America: Senator Mauricio Lizcano (Colombia), President of the Senate
  • Caribbean: Senator Saphire Longmore (Jamaica)

March 3, 2017

President of the Group of Women Parliamentarians greets members of the #MujeresLideresAmerica Committee

Member of the National Assembly Gina Godoy (Ecuador), President of the Group of Women Parliamentarians of ParlAmericas, greets the members of the #MujeresLideresAmerica Committee and discusses the challenges and the significance of empowering women in the Americas and the Caribbean, from the perspective of women parliamentarians.

#MujeresLideresAmerica is a project that seeks to document, train and promote the empowerment of women in the 35 member states of the Organization of American States (OAS) in politics, business and society at large, through the use of technology.

February 22, 2017

Election Advisory – Open Parliament Network

During this year’s gathering, we will hold an election for positions on the Executive Committee of the Open Parliament Network as well as the host parliament for the next gathering, taking place in 2018. More

February 16, 2017

The President of ParlAmericas urges respect for the rights of Venezuelan parliamentarians

ParlAmericas, as an independent forum that promotes parliamentary diplomacy in the inter-American system, upholds cooperative political dialogue and good legislative practices.

Senator Marcela Guerra, President of ParlAmericas, in consideration of the recent events which occurred in Venezuela, expressed her solidarity with the legislators who have been affected by restrictions preventing their departure from the country to fulfil their parliamentary duties.

“For the sake of democracy, we call for the respect and reinstatement of their rights.”

January 12, 2017

President Marcela Guerra speaks at the Meeting of Mexican Ambassadors and Consuls

Senator Marcela Guerra (Mexico), President of ParlAmericas, presented at the forum “Mexico’s Priorities on the 2017 Multilateral Agenda,” organized by the Commission on External Relations and International Organizations, during the Meeting of Mexican Ambassadors and Consuls.

During her speech to the Mexican diplomatic corps, she emphasized ParlAmericas’ work as the legislative branch of the Organization of American States (OAS), as well as the renewal of the Memorandum of Understanding between the two organizations this past August.

January 11, 2017

Michelle Bachelet to be the keynote speaker at ParlAmericas’ Parliamentary Forum “Gender Equality and the Media”

Her Excellency the President of the Republic, Ms. Michelle Bachelet, will be in attendance for the inauguration of the 3rd Parliamentary Forum on Beijing +20: Gender Equality and the Media, to take place on January 12 and 13 in Santiago, Chile. More