December 4 | Panama City, Panama

1st Meeting of Parliamentary Staff Network on Open Parliament

October 30 | Asuncion, Paraguay

Accelerating Progress on Agenda 2030, Good Practices for Parliamentary Action
16th ParlAmericas Plenary Assembly

August 8 | Paramaribo, Suriname

Advancing Climate Action through Legislation and Parliamentary Oversight
4th Gathering of the Parliamentary Network on Climate Change

June 18 | Mexico City, Mexico

Achieving Balance in the World of Work
11th Gathering of the Parliamentary Network for Gender Equality

May 29 | Ottawa, Canada

Open Parliament Day and Parliamentary Track of the Open Government Partnership Summit

March 12 | Quito, Ecuador

Beyond the Walls of Parliament, Strengthening Parliamentary Oversight
4th Gathering of the ParlAmericas Open Parliament Network

January 24 | San Jose, Costa Rica

Meeting on Open Parliament in Costa Rica