Policy Brief for Legislating on Sexual Violence with a Consent-based Approach
Making the Case: Key Gender Considerations for Addressing Development Challenges in Caribbean SIDS
Primer on Gender-Responsive Parliamentary Work on Food Security
Promoting Inclusion and Equality through Parliamentary Youth Programming: Resource Compilation for Member Parliaments
Lactation and Daycare Facilities in Parliaments
What We Heard: Survey of Women’s Organisations on their Engagement with Parliaments
COVID-19: An Analysis of the Legislative Agenda and the Centering of Gender Equality in Legislative Responses
Centering Gender Equality in Legislative Responses to the Pandemic
Gender Sensitivity in Legislation
Policy Guide: Parental Leave
Promoting Women’s Candidacies
Equal Media Treatment of Women Politicians
Multi-Party Caucuses for Gender Equality
Navigating Online Information: Tips and Tricks for Parliamentary Research
Action Plan for Preventing Political Harassment and Violence Against Women
Diversifying Political Power to Build Inclusive Societies
Gender-based Political Harassment: Building Awareness in Parliaments
Standards for Legislative Openness in Committee Work
Road Map Towards Legislative Openness 2.0
The Importance of Parliamentary Oversight during the COVID-19 Pandemic
Legislative Transparency Toolkit
Strengthening Accountability through Fiscal Openness: A Toolkit for Parliamentarians in the Americas and the Caribbean
Guide to Develop Open Parliament Action Plans
What is Open Parliament?
Road Map Towards Legislative Openness
The Open Government Partnership: An Overview for Parliamentarians in the Americas and the Caribbean
Legislation, Regulations and Parliamentary Best Practices for Legislative Openness: The Canadian Experience
Citizen Participation in the Legislative Process
Regulatory Frameworks for Citizen Participation in the Legislative Process in the Americas and the Caribbean
Good Practices on Transparency and Citizen Participation in the Legislatures of the Americas
Parliaments and Open Government: Early Lessons from Country Experiences
Compendium of Legislative and Executive Actions from the Americas and the Caribbean in Response to COVID-19
Organizing Virtual Parliamentary Sittings
COVID-19: The Challenge of Adapting and Strengthening the Role of Parliaments
COVID-19 and Parliament’s Role During a Pandemic
Inclusive Migration Governance in the Americas and Caribbean
Primer on Development Finance in Latin America and the Caribbean
Executive Summary: Parliaments and the Paris Agreement
Parliaments and the Paris Agreement
Primer on Gender-Responsive Disaster and Crisis Planning for the Caribbean
Guide on Supporting a Post-COVID-19 Green Economic Recovery
Guide on Green Parliaments: Actions to Promote Sustainable Practices within Parliaments
Parliament’s Role in Implementing the Sustainable Development Goals
Parliamentary Protocol for Disaster Risk Reduction and Climate Change Adaptation
Primer on Climate Financing: Mechanisms and Opportunities for Latin America and the Caribbean
Primer on Carbon Pricing
Primer on the United Nations Climate Change Regime
A Comparative Overview of Legislative and Executive Responses in the Americas
A Comparative Overview of the Rights Based Approach in the Americas
Summary of the Nationally Determined Contributions (COP21)
Contributions to the Implementation of the Lima Commitment
Election Observation: Aide Memoire for Parliamentarians