December 4 | Dubai, United Arab Emirates

ParlAmericas side event and networking space
December 4 | Dubai, United Arab Emirates
The Escazú Agreement and ACE: Strengthening environmental democracy in Latin America and the Caribbean
December 5 | Dubai, United Arab Emirates
COP28: Latin American legislative perspectives for effective and inclusive climate action
Virtual Participation
Key resources for parliaments
- Parliaments and the Paris Agreement. ParlAmericas, GLOBE, INTER PARES, and WFD, 2021.
- Environment and Sustainability: Mapping the Strategies and Plans in the Americas and the Caribbean
- Parliamentary declaration adopted at the 6th Gathering of the Parliamentary Network on Climate Change titled “Realizing our green future: The road to low emissions.”
- Parliamentary declaration adopted at the 7th Gathering of the Parliamentary Network on Climate Change and 5th Gathering of the Parliamentary Network for Gender Equality titled “A food secure future: Building people and planet-centred strategies.”
Recent reports on the state of climate change
- The Adaptation Gap Report 2023: Underfinanced. Underprepared – Inadequate investment and planning on climate adaptation leaves world exposed. UNEP, 2023.
- Emissions Gap Report 2023: Broken Record – Temperatures hit new highs, yet world fails to cut emissions (again). UNEP, 2023.
- The State of the Climate in Latin America & the Caribbean 2022. WMO, 2023.
- Tripling renewable power and doubling energy efficiency by 2030: Crucial steps towards 1.5°C. IRENA, COP28 Presidency, and GRA, 2023.
- Technical dialogue of the first global stocktake. Synthesis report. UNFCCC, 2023.
- The Synthesis Report of the IPCC Sixth Assessment Report: Climate Change 2023. IPCC, 2023.
- Climate Change 2022: Impacts, Adaptation and Vulnerability. Working Group II Contribution to the IPCC Sixth Assessment Report. IPCC, 2022.
- Climate Change 2022: Mitigation of Climate Change. Working Group III Contribution to the IPCC Sixth Assessment Report. IPCC, 2022.
October 25 | Panama City, Panama

October 24 | Panama City, Panama

- Regulatory Frameworks and Governance. IOM.
- The Migratory Situation in the Darién Gap.
- Socio-Economic Contributions of International Migration to Sustainable Development. CELADE-Population Division, ECLAC
- Evolution & Impact of the OECS Free Movement of Persons Regime. OECS
- Contributions of migration to socio-economic development. UN Women
International instruments
- Global Compact for Safe, Orderly and Regular Migration. United Nations
- Los Angeles Declaration on Migration and Protection. IX Summit of the Americas
Children and adolescents
- The Changing Face of Child Migration in Latin America and the Caribbean
- Children on the move in Latin America and the Caribbean
Gender and migration
September 28 | Mexico City, Mexico
7th Gathering of the ParlAmericas Parliamentary Network on Climate Change and 15th Gathering of the ParlAmericas Parliamentary Network for Gender Equality

- A food secure future: Building people and planet-centered strategies – Day 1
- A food secure future: Building people and planet-centered strategies – Day 2
Parliamentary Network for Gender Equality (PNGE)
Parliamentary Network on Climate Change (PNCC)
During the 7th Gathering of the ParlAmericas Parliamentary Network on Climate Change (PNCC) and the 15th Gathering of the Parliamentary Network for Gender Equality (PNGE), elections will be held for certain positions on the Networks’ Executive Committees and for the host parliament of the next gathering. Nominations received can be found below.
PNCC Executive Commitee nominations
PNCC Presidency
- Senator Rosa Galvez (Canada)
PNCC Vice-Presidency – North America
- Senator Raúl Bolaños-Cacho Cué (Mexico)
PNCC Vice-Presidency – South America
- Member of the Member of the Chamber of Deputies Margarita Stolbizer (Argentina)
- Member of the National Assembly Radjendrekoemar Debie (Suriname)
PNCC Vice-Presidency – Caribbean
- Member of the Chamber of Deputies Nelsa Shoraya Suárez Ariza (Dominican Republic)
- Senator Anthony Vieira (Trinidad and Tobago)
PNGE Executive Committee nominations
PNGE Presidency
- Senator Verónica Noemí Camino Farjat (Mexico)
PNGE Vice-Presidency – North America
- Member of Parliament Stephanie Kusie (Canada)
PNGE Vice-Presidency – South America
PNGE Vice-Presidency – Central America
- Member of the National Assembly Kayra Harding Bart (Panama)
- Member of Congress Andrea Villagrán Ánton (Guatemala)
PNGE Vice-Presidency – Caribbean
- Senator Lisa Jawahir (Saint Lucia)
August 16 | Virtual Meeting

- Parliaments and the Paris Agreement. ParlAmericas.
- Guide on Green Parliaments: Actions to Promote Sustainable Practices within Parliaments. ParlAmericas.
- Environment and Sustainability: Mapping the Strategies and Plans in the Americas and the Caribbean, ParlAmericas interactive resource.
July 11 | Virtual Meeting

- The Escazú Agreement: Where are we now? David Barrio Lamarche, 2023.
- Factsheet for Parliamentarians: The Escazú Agreement, an Environmental and Human Rights Treaty. PGA, 2022.
- Regional Agreement on Access to Information, Public Participation and Justice in Environmental Matters in Latin America and the Caribbean. Implementation guide. ECLAC, 2022.
- Towards an Environmental Democracy with a Gender Perspective. IUCN, FARN, and ECO MAXEI, 2022.
- Road Map Towards Legislative Openness 2.0. ParlAmericas, 2022.
- Toolkit: Citizen Participation in the Legislative Process. ParlAmericas, 2018.
- Observatory on Principle 10 in Latin America and the Caribbean of ECLAC, website.
- Environment and Sustainability: Mapping the Strategies and Plans in the Americas and the Caribbean, ParlAmericas interactive resource.
- Actions for Climate Empowerment (ACE)
- Gender and climate change action plans
- Status on the ratification of the Escazú Agreement
May 24 | Virtual Meeting

- International landscape and the importance of ending plastic pollution. UNEP, 2023.
- Circular Economy of Plastics. WRAP, 2023.
- Transitioning away from a linear economy. EMF, 2023.
- Decent work in the circular economy: An overview of the existing evidence base. Circular Economy. ILO, and S4YE, 2023.
- Turning off the Tap: How the world can end plastic pollution and create a circular economy. UNEP, 2023.
- Monitoring trade in plastic waste and scrap. OCDE, 2022.