Over the years, ParlAmericas has collaborated with various supporters and funders. These partnerships have greatly contributed to the success of our programs.
Our partners have supported our efforts to foster open, constructive dialogue, as well as the productive exchange of ideas and practices among all parliamentary institutions of the hemisphere and their members.

The Inter-American Task Force on Women’s Empowerment and Leadership was announced at the 8th Summit of the Americas (Peru, April 2018). With the objective of contributing to regional progress towards SDG 5 (gender equality), the Task Force serves as a coordination mechanism that reinforces commitments and strategies to advance women’s empowerment and leadership. The Task Force is composed of key inter-American and international institutions working across sectors and at multiple levels.

The Open Parliament e-Network (OPeN) was launched at the 5th Open Government Partnership (OGP) Global Summit (Georgia, July 2018). With the objective of contributing to global progress towards SDG 16 (strong institutions), OPeN provides a platform for legislators who champion the issue of legislative openness through serving on the network’s Parliamentary Leadership Council. OPeN builds upon the work of the OGP Legislative Openness Working Group by bringing together leading international organizations that are committed to legislative openness.