November 5, 2014
ParlAmericas Adds its Voice to the 5th Forum of the Parliamentary Front Against Hunger in Latin America and the Caribbean

ParlAmericas is proud to participate in the Fifth Forum of the Parliamentary Front Against Hunger in Latin America and the Caribbean, which takes place in Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic on November 5 and 6.

The objective of this year’s forum is to strengthen political commitment towards inclusive governance for the purpose of developing, drafting, and implementing regulatory frameworks aimed at fulfilling the right to suitable diets. This will be carried out in the context of the fight against hunger, food insecurity, malnutrition, and poverty.

As ParlAmericas board member Guadalupe Valdez has noted, “For the Parliamentary Front Against Hunger in Latin America and the Caribbean, the link with ParlAmericas is an opportunity to promote the commitment of legislators in the region to the fight against hunger, poverty, and for the Right to Food. Spaces are generated for dialogue about the importance of laws on food and nutrition security, as well as the role of parliamentarians in passing budgets and public policy oversight.” Ms. Valdez is a member of the Chamber of Deputies of the Dominican Republic and the regional coordinator of the Parliamentary Front Against Hunger in Latin America and the Caribbean.

ParlAmericas has previously engaged with issues including food security and connecting women’s rights to food security in working groups at the 10th Plenary Assembly. The recommendations issued are available on our website.

For updates on the forum in Santo Domingo, follow @ALCsinhambre on Twitter (in Spanish).