May 28, 2024
ParlAmericas’ parliamentary delegation active participants in the SIDS Gender Equality Forum and the 4th International Conference on SIDS

Today marked the conclusion of a five-day visit to Antigua and Barbuda, where a ParlAmericas delegation of 14 parliamentarians representing ten countries from the Caribbean participated in the Small Island Developing States Gender Equality Forum from May 25-26  and the 4th International Conference on SIDS, from May 27-30, 2024

The events provided participants a space to engage in multi-stakeholder discussions on the path towards resilient prosperity and served as a platform for debate on the distinctive challenges that hinder gender equality and women’s empowerment in Small Island Developing States. 

In the framework of the SIDS Gender Equality Forum, the delegation took part in high-level panels and open-dialogue discussions. Their participation served to highlight women’s leadership in action and the role of institutions; how gender equality and SIDS issues can be integrated into other international agreements; the manner in which the implementation of the commitments made at the GEF and SIDS can be inclusive of youth, and other stakeholders; and ways to effectively track and communicate progress on SIDS commitments.

As part of the GEF, a final Communique was issued to inform and contribute to the 4th International Conference on Small Island Developing States. The Communique notes the importance of not viewing SIDS issues in isolation and taking into account the needs, perspectives, and agency of women and girls in its drive to achieve sustainable development, including through protection of human rights, provision of economic opportunities, and transformative leadership. 

In the framework of the 4th International Conference on SIDS, ParlAmericas, jointly with  Parliamentarians for Global Action (PGA), hosted the side event “Empowering Action on the Escazú Agreement: A Parliamentarians &-Civil Society Dialogue,” which brought together parliamentarians and civil society representatives from the Caribbean SIDS for a dialogue on the Escazú Agreement as a critical framework for effective and inclusive environmental governance that contributes to the region’s sustainable growth.

Members of the ParlAmericas delegation:

  • Her Honour Cynthia Forde (Barbados), Deputy Speaker of the House of Assembly
  • The Honourable Valerie Woods (Belize), Speaker of the House of Representatives
  • The Honourable Representative Lakeyia Joseph (Dominica), Parliamentary Secretary in the Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Blue and Green Economy
  • The Honourable Senator Dr. Dessima Williams (Grenada), President of the Senate and Member of the ParlAmericas Board of Directors 
  • The Honourable Senator Dr. Joyelle Clarke (Saint Kitts and Nevis), Minister of Sustainable Development, Environment, Climate Action and Constituency Empowerment
  • The Honourable Senator Lisa Jawahir (Saint Lucia), Vice-President for the Caribbean of the ParlAmericas Parliamentary Network for Gender Equality
  • Member of the National Assembly Grachelle Sluisdom (Suriname)
  • Member of the National Assembly Karto Evert (Suriname)
  • Member of the National Assembly Remie Tarnadi (Suriname)
  • Senator The Honourable Dr. Erecia Hepburn Forbes (The Bahamas)
  • The Honourable Senator Anthony Vieira (Trinidad and Tobago), First Vice-President for the Caribbean of the ParlAmericas Parliamentary Network on Climate Change and Sustainability
  • The Honourable Senator Alincia Williams-Grant (Antigua and Barbuda), President of the Senate
  • The Honourable Senator Shawn Nicholas (Antigua and Barbuda)
  • The Honourable Senator Kiz Johnson (Antigua and Barbuda)
  • Dr. Jacqueline Wiltshire (Barbados)