September 27, 2021
ParlAmericas participated in an online course on the co-creation of open parliament action plans hosted by the National Democratic Institute and the Senate of Mexico

On Friday, September 24, one of the modules of the “Co-creation of open parliament action plans” online course was delivered and hosted by the National Democratic Institute of Mexico and the Mexican Senate through the Centro de Capacitación y Formación Permanente (CECAFP) and the Belisario Domínguez Institute (IBD). Parliamentary staff from the National Congress, as well as from the subnational parliaments of Mexico participated in this activity. On this occasion, ParlAmericas was represented by Mr. Fredy Erazo, General Coordinator of the Transparency Unit of the Senate of Mexico, and Mr. Juan Carlos Chavarría, Director of the Department of Citizen Participation of the Costa Rica Legislative Assembly, in their capacity of regional coordinators of the ParlAmericas Parliamentary Staff Network on Open Parliament for North America and Central America, respectively. They were accompanied by Ms. Natalí Casanova, Open Parliament Projects Manager at the ParlAmericas International Secretariat.

This module focused on exploring the processes and coordination necessary for the co-creation of action plans, taking as a reference the steps included in the Guide to Develop Open Parliament Action Plans published by ParlAmericas. From a regional perspective, the presentations addressed how different parliaments have identified the most appropriate processes to carry out co-creation, as well as explored in depth the case of Costa Rica and the key considerations that guide a successful co-creation process.

Within this session, Mr. Erazo highlighted that “legislative openness is a fundamental issue not only because it strengthens the work of parliament, but also allows us to have better tools and build consensus for stronger democratic institutions leaving no one behind”.  For his part, Mr. Chavarría emphasized that “the co-creation processes in Costa Rica have resulted not only in active participation of civil society, but also organizations are now members of the Institutional Committee of Open Parliament, the parliamentary body that leads action plans within the Legislative Assembly”.

For more information on the work carried out by ParlAmericas, go to and follow @ParlAmericas on social media.