May 7, 2018
Parlamericas Participated in the UNFCCC Talanoa Dialogue and Workshop on Gender Responsive Climate Action

On May 2-6, the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) launched the first session of the Talanoa Dialogue, in Bonn, Germany, to collect information on efforts being taken by non-state actors to prepare for the next round of commitments that countries will take under the Paris Agreement through updates to Nationally Determined Contributions (NDCs). The ParlAmericas International Secretariat was invited to participate in the Talanoa Dialogue in a technical capacity to share information about the essential role of national parliaments in accelerating progress to combat climate change, and about the importance of updating national legislation to integrate climate change adaptation and mitigation measures. The ParlAmericas Secretariat also provided an update on recent and upcoming gatherings of the Parliamentary Network on Climate Change, and initiatives being taken by national parliaments across the Americas and the Caribbean to combat climate change. As part of its participation in the Talanoa Dialogue, ParlAmericas was featured in a video to support the launch of Talanoa Stories, a social media campaign to highlight actions needed to accomplish the goals of the Paris Agreement.

While in Bonn, the ParlAmericas Secretrariat also attended a workshop on the differentiated impacts of climate change on women and men, and on integrating gender considerations in climate change policy. The workshop provided an opportunity to coordinate with multilateral stakeholders and to brief experts who will be participating in the 10th Gathering of the ParlAmericas Parliamentary Network for Gender Equality on Gender-Responsive Climate Action, being hosted by the Parliament of Trinidad and Tobago in Port-of-Spain on May 22-24, 2018.