July 30, 2021
ParlAmericas participates in the First International Meeting on Comprehensive Parliamentary Administration and Management, as well as in the International Diploma in Parliamentary Diplomacy program

On Friday, July 30, Anabella Zavagno, Deputy Director General of ParlAmericas, participated in the International Parliamentary Institutions course, International Diploma in Parliamentary Diplomacy, organized by the School of Government of Argentina’s Austral University. The Deputy Director General presented the work carried out by ParlAmericas as a parliamentary institution of the inter-American system, which is composed of the national legislatures of the Americas and the Caribbean, and whose purpose is to facilitate co-operative political dialogue and the exchange of good legislative practices to continue strengthening the function of legislative branches  in the region. She also presented on the thematic areas prioritized by ParlAmericas, which include mainstreaming gender equality and women’s empowerment in politics; the advancement of open parliaments that foster transparency, accountability, citizen participation, and ethics in legislative work; and the promotion of policies and legislative actions for mitigating and adapting to the effects of climate change, in accordance with the Sustainable Development Goals.

On the same day, Natalí Casanova, Senior Program Officer of Open Parliament at ParlAmericas, participated on a panel addressing the current context and future challenges parliaments face, during the First International Meeting on Comprehensive Parliamentary Administration and Management organized by the Association of Legislative Administration of the Argentine Republic (ASALRA), in the panel on the current context and future challenges for parliaments. The objective of this meeting was the exchange of experiences and knowledge between parliamentary staff and other specialists in parliamentary matters, to improve legislative functioning. In her presentation, Ms. Casanova highlighted the transition to virtual and hybrid sessions undertaken by parliaments in the region due to the pandemic, emphasizing the advancement of open parliament as an aspect that facilitated the transition. This session was moderated by Gabriel Duarte, Head of the Parliamentary Research and Documentation Department of the Congress of the Republic of Peru and also featured presentations by Karina Millán Bueno, President of the Academy of Public Administration of Universidad Autónoma de Occidente in Culiacán, Mexico; Patricia Rosset, President of the Association of Legislative Technical Advisers of the Legislative Assembly of the State of São Paulo, Brazil; and Gustavo Sánchez Piñeiro, Secretary Rapporteur of the Chamber of Senators and the General Assembly of Uruguay.

For more information on our work, go to www.parlamericas.org and follow @ParlAmericas on social media.