July 19, 2021
Parliamentary Staff Network Meets to Establish Guidelines for the Exchange of Good Practices on Gender Equality in their Latin American Parliaments

Parliamentary staff from various Latin American countries met virtually on July 19, for the 1st Meeting of the Gender Equality Staff Network.

The objective of this parliamentary staff network is to accompany the work carried out by the Parliamentary Network for Gender Equality (PNGE), in which legislators from across the hemisphere exchange knowledge and good practices on important issues such as women’s economic empowerment, the eradication of gender-based political violence, electoral reforms to promote women’s candidacies, among others.

During this meeting, the participants committed to aligning agendas and promoting collaborative networking to identify and work on common priorities for the region. In addition, they agreed to develop a work plan in the upcoming months, which will consider the challenges and positive experiences in their parliamentary work.

In her welcoming remarks, Member of the Chamber of Deputies Maya Fernández Allende (Chile) stated that the staff network “is an adept space for exchanging experiences and learning among peers on efforts and initiatives in favor of gender equality in the parliaments of the hemisphere.” She invited the attendees to promote this “community of parliamentary staff members, committed to promoting equal opportunities for all our fellow citizens.”

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