April 22, 2023
Parliaments of the Americas and the Caribbean adopt a declaration on inclusive, transparent, and responsible access to the digital world

The 7th Gathering of the ParlAmericas Open Parliament Network, an event organized by ParlAmericas and the National Congress of Chile as host parliament, convened more than 50 parliamentarians from 18 countries of the Americas and the Caribbean to dialogue on “The future of democracy in the digital era.”

The delegations in attendance adopted the Declaration of the Gathering, through which they commit to advocating for people-centred and inclusive digitalization in observance of human rights and to promoting a reliable, secure, responsible, and sustainable use of emerging digital technologies and artificial intelligence, among other actions.

The Gathering began on Thursday, April 20 and took place over the course of three days at the building of the National Congress of Chile, in Santiago. Parliamentarians, alongside specialists and representatives of regional and international organizations, participated in working sessions in which the synergies between the open parliament and gender equality agendas were highlighted. Presentations included topics such as international standards for reliable and inclusive internet use; the challenges for parliament of addressing disinformation; legislative actions for inclusive digital governance; and diverse dimensions of digital inclusion.

The announcement of the new Executive Committee of the ParlAmericas Open Parliament Network was among the highlights of the final day of the Gathering. The Committee will be formed by:

  • President: Senator Javier Macaya Danús (Chile)
  • First Vice-President for North America: Senator Bertha Caraveo (Mexico)
  • Second Vice-President for North America: Senator the Honourable René Cormier (Canada)
  • First Vice-President for Central America: Member of the Legislative Assembly Luz Mary Alpízar (Costa Rica)
  • Second Vice-President for Central America: Member of the National Assembly Corina Cano (Panama)
  • First Vice-President for South America: Member of the National Assembly Wilma Andrade (Ecuador)
  • Second Vice-President for South America: Member of the House of Representatives Catherine Juvinao (Colombia)
  • Vice-President for the Caribbean: His Honour Reginald Farley, President of the Senate (Barbados)



Senator Javier Macaya Danús (Chile), President of the ParlAmericas Open Parliament Network

“Digital changes will continue to evolve rapidly. The ParlAmericas Open Parliament Network will continue to promote spaces in the democracies of our hemisphere to discuss the benefits and challenges of digital transformation, as well as the integrative legislative actions to address them.”