ParlAmericas is an institution run by parliamentarians, for parliamentarians. It is governed by a Board of Directors comprised of executive members and sub-regional representatives designated by national parliaments from North, Central, and South America, and the Caribbean.
The Board has ex-officio representation from the ParlAmericas International Secretariat, the immediate Past President, the parliament hosting the next Plenary Assembly, the Corporation Board for the organization, as well as a representative from the General Secretariat of the Organization of American States.
ParlAmericas has three permanent working groups, known as Networks, that are dedicated to parliamentary action on the themes of gender equality, open parliament, and climate change. The Networks are governed by an Executive Committee whose Presidents each hold a position of Second Vice-President on the ParlAmericas Board of Directors.
Click here for an organogram of ParlAmericas’ governance.

Blanca Ovelar
Paraguay, Senator – President of ParlAmericasMs. Ovelar is an elected national senator of Paraguay for the 2023-2028 term. She held the position of Minister of Education and Culture and Coordinator of the Social Cabinet of the Presidency of the Republic from 2002 to 2007. She has also served as Deputy Minister of Education and National Director of Higher Education, in addition to having been a school teacher, a professor, and a researcher at the National University of Asunción. She was a presidential candidate for the Republic of Paraguay for the 2008-2013 term for the Colorado Party and an elected national senator for the 2013-2018 and 2018-2023 terms. She is currently President of ParlAmericas.

Bridgid Annisette-George
Trinidad and Tobago, Speaker of the House of Representatives – Vice-President of ParlAmericasMrs. Annisette-George first entered Parliament as a Senator and Attorney General on November 8, 2007, and thus became the third woman to hold this post in the history of Trinidad and Tobago, following Mrs. Kamla Persad-Bissessar and Mrs. Glenda Morean-Phillip. An alumnus of St. Joseph’s Convent, Port-of-Spain, Mrs. Annisette-George is also a graduate of the University of the West Indies, having obtained her Bachelor of Law from that institution in 1981. Before taking up the portfolio of Attorney General, Mrs. Annisette-George was the sole practitioner at Messrs. G.R. Annisette & Co. Mrs. Annisette-George has held a wide variety of positions in both the private and public sector including Commissioner of the Securities and Exchange Commission of Trinidad and Tobago (2003), Chairman of the Diego Martin Regional Corporation (1999-2003) and associate tutor/lecturer at the Hugh Wooding Law School. She entered Parliament with some 24 years of experience as an Attorney-at-law. She was elected Speaker of the House on September 23, 2015, a position she currently holds.

Verónica Noemí Camino Farjat
Mexico, Senator – 2nd Vice-President of ParlAmericas. President of the Parliamentary Network for Gender EqualityVerónica Noemí Camino Farjat is an elected senator for the state of Yucatán and secretary of the Executive Committee of the current legislature of the Senate of the Republic of Mexico. She has a law degree from Marista University in the state of Yucatán, a master’s degree in public administration, and is currently pursuing a doctorate degree in strategic management and development policies at Anáhuac-Mayab University. In 2015, she was elected as a member of the Honourable Congress of the State of Yucatán. Previously, she served as general director of the State Centre for Social Prevention of Crime and Citizen Participation of the State of Yucatán and as executive secretary of the Inter-Institutional Commission for Crime Prevention. In addition, during the years 2007-2012, she acted as head of the Department of Training, Education, and Outreach at the State Center for Municipal Development of the State of Yucatán and as state coordinator of ”Agenda desde lo local” (The Local Agenda).

Javier Macaya Danús
Chile, Senator – 2nd Vice-President and President of the ParlAmericas Open Parliament NetworkSenator Macaya is a lawyer, having obtained his law degree from the Catholic University of Chile. He has also received a Master’s in management from the Adolfo Ibáñez University and a Diploma in criminal legal reform from the University of Valparaíso. He was a lawyer in the Municipal Corporation of Viña del Mar for social development. He is the President of the Independent Democratic Union Party (UDI). In December 2009 he was elected as a Member of the Chamber of Deputies in representation of UDI for the 6th region of Libertador Bernardo O Higgins, district No. 34 (legislative period 2010-2014), being re-elected in 2013. In 2017 he was re-elected for Rancagua, district N° 15 for 2018-2022. He is currently a member of the Bicameral Group on Transparency which leads the National Congress of Chile’s efforts and action plans on open parliament.

Rosa Galvez
Canada, Senator – 2nd Vice-President of ParlAmericas. President of the Parliamentary Network on Climate Change and SustainabilityMs. Rosa Galvez, originally from Peru, is one of Canada’s leading experts in pollution control and its effect on human health. She has a Ph.D. in Environmental Engineering from McGill University and has been a professor at Université Laval à Québec since 1994, heading the Civil and Water Engineering Department from 2010 to 2016. She specializes in water and soil decontamination, waste management and residues, and environmental impact and risk assessment. Senator Galvez is a member of the Ordre des ingénieurs du Québec, the Canadian Society for Civil Engineering and Engineers Without Borders. Senator Galvez was appointed to the Senate on December 6, 2016, representing Québec (Bedford) and is an independent senator. Her work as a legislator focuses on strengthening environmental protection, the gender perspective and income equality, as well as transparency in government. Senator Galvez was elected President of the Parliamentary Network on Climate Change and Sustainability during its 5th Gathering, held in June 2021. She is also the Treasurer of the ParlAmericas Corporation.

Antares Vázquez
Mexico – Member of the Chamber of DeputiesMember of the Chamber of Deputies Antares G. Vázquez Alatorre holds a medical degree from the La Salle Mexico University, a specialization in dermatology and sub-specialization in cryosurgery from the National Autonomous University of Mexico, a Master’s degree in Education and Teacher Training from the University of Salle Bajío, and a Doctorate in Educational Innovation from the Technological Institute of Monterrey. She is a member of the LXVI Legislature of the Mexican Congress.

Arling Alonso
Nicaragua – Member of the National AssemblyMember of the National Assembly of Nicaragua Arling Patricia Alonso Gómez is a physician with a master’s degree in HIV and AIDS. She has served as Coordinator for the Department of Chinandega with the Unit for the Prevention and Control of Sexually Transmitted Infections – HIV and AIDS. She is a member of the Sandinista National Liberation Front Party. She has been a Member of the National Assembly since January 9, 2012, having been re-elected in 2017 and in 2021, for the Department of Chinandega, Republic of Nicaragua. She is currently First Vice-President of the National Assembly’s Governing Council and in the previous legislative period she served as President of the Environment and Natural Resources Committee. She is Vice-President of the Modernization Committee and member of the Environment and Natural Resources Committee. She also serves as President of the Group for Parliamentary Friendship with the United Arab Emirates, Vice-President of the Group for Parliamentary Friendship with the People’s Republic of China and member of the Group for Parliamentary Friendship with the Republic of Chile, the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela and the Sahrawi Arab Democratic Republic.

Arthur Holder
Barbados – Speaker of the House of AssemblySpeaker Holder is a teacher, social worker, lawyer, and politician. As a trained social worker, Speaker Holder has served as a local consultant for the United Nations International Drug Control Programme for targeted efforts to eradicate drug use. As an attorney, Speaker Holder has done significant pro-bono work on behalf of juveniles brought before the Criminal Courts, and uses such opportunities to counsel the youth and their families. Currently, he is the Speaker of the House of Assembly and a member of the Barbados Labour Party team.

Carolina Delgado Ramírez
Costa Rica – Member of the Legislative AssemblyCarolina Delgado Ramírez is a member of the Legislative Assembly of the Republic of Costa Rica for the constitutional period 2022-2026 and represents the National Liberation Party (Partido de Liberación Nacional). She held this same office between 2012 and 2014. She is an architect and consultant on environmental matters, and has over 30 years’ experience in the field of politics. She has also presided over the Women’s Liberation Movement (Movimiento de Mujeres Liberacionistas) since 2013, this being her third consecutive period in office. She is secretary of the Front of Women in Political Parties and was appointed chair of the Special Standing Commission on Women in the Legislative Assembly and secretary of the Special Standing Committee on Infrastructure. She is also chair of the Special Inter-Parliamentary Committee on Women before the Forum of Presidents of the Legislative Bodies of Central America and the Caribbean Basin (FOPREL) and a ParlAmericas Board Member. She focuses her work on the defense of women’s rights, promotion of tourism, economic reactivation, control of public expenditure, development of public road infrastructure and human settlements, assistance for populations living in border and coastal areas and strengthening of education.

Carolyn Trench-Sandiford
Belize – President of the SenateCarolyn Trench-Sandiford is a leading advocate, in media, conferences and forums, for healthy and reformed governance and planning frameworks that are designed to reduce gender and spatial inequities, to eliminate economic and social disparity, and to improve the quality of lives of vulnerable populations and marginalized communities. She champions the Sustainable Development Goals, and partners with public and private sector and civil society organizations, academia and community groups to deliver on SDG11 for safe, inclusive, resilient and sustainable communities. Ms. Trench-Sandiford is eminently qualified in the fields of Planning and Environmental Law. Carolyn is the President of the Belize Association of Planners and the Caribbean Planners Association, and is a Vice-President of the Commonwealth Association of Planners. She is also a member of Caribbean 2030 Leaders Network, a regional think and do tank, with a mandate to improving the Caribbean’s socio-political and economic trajectory, and has served as a member of the Physical and Environmental Planning Sub-Sector Committee of the Caribbean Disaster Emergency Management Agency and of the Advisory Committees of the Caribbean Network for Urban Land Management and the Urban Planning Programme of the University of Technology, Jamaica. She is also recognized as a UN Global Evaluation Expert.

Claudius J. Francis
Saint Lucia – Speaker of the House of AssemblyClaudius J. Francis is an Insurance Loss Adjuster, Consultant and Arbitrator by profession and the Managing Director of the firm Francis, Rosemin & Co. Ltd. He is the current President of the Insurance Council of Saint Lucia and is now serving his fourteenth term in office. Mr. Francis served for eight years as a member of Saint Lucia’s Electoral Commission and is a member of the Electoral Commission of Latin and the Caribbean. He also served as Press Secretary to former Prime Minister Dr. Kenny Anthony and has lectured in Insurance Law & Ethics on a part time basis. He was appointed a Senator on the advice of the Prime Minister on 29 December 2011 and elected President of the Saint Lucia Senate on 5 January 2012 a position he held until July 2016. In 2015, he was elected Chairman of the Saint Lucia Labour Party a position he held until international duties caused him to demit office in 2018. In 2019, he was elected Chairman of Special Olympics, Saint Lucia and on 17 August 2021, he was elected Speaker of the Saint Lucia House of Assembly.

Dessima Williams
Grenada – President of the SenateDr. Dessima D Williams is a Grenadian parliamentarian, diplomat and scholar. She has served as Ambassador of Grenada to the United Nations and to the Organization of American States. She was also the Chair of the Alliance of Small Island Developing States, where she successfully led a 40-island global climate change effort that recorded the high ambition of keeping average global temperatures to 1.5 degrees. Dr. Williams is the founder and director of the Grenada Education and Development Programme (GRENED) as well as the co-founder of HAITIwomen, a former advocacy group for Haitian peoples’ human rights. She holds a Ph.D. and a master’s degree in International Relations from the American University and was a professor of sociology, development and gender at Brandeis University in Waltham, Massachusetts. Dr. Williams was elected President of the Senate of Grenada on August 31, 2022, a position she currently holds.

Germán Blanco Álvarez
Colombia – SenatorGermán Blanco is a lawyer specializing in public administration, political culture, human rights, and international humanitarian law. He also has a master’s degree in government. During his professional career, he has worked as a university professor, Social Security Manager of Antioquia, and Director of Edatel Antioquia. He is also a major in the Professional Reserve of the National Army of the Republic of Colombia. He has stood out in his political career for promoting social matters, the pro-life cause, the solidarity economy, the environment, and sports. He was a member of the Departmental Assembly of Antioquia from 2001 to 2007, and President of the Departmental Assembly of Antioquia in 2006. Since 2010 he has been a representative to the Chamber, where before becoming President, he served as First Vice-President and was a member of the Economic Affairs Committees of the Chamber of Representatives. In addition, he is the Founding Co-Chair of the Conservation and Oceans Caucus of the Colombian Congress and the delegate of the Colombian Parliament to ParlAmericas. Germán chaired the General Committee of the Chamber of Representatives, having been unanimously elected by his colleagues on July 20 for the 2020-2021 period.

Joseph Isaac
Dominica – Speaker of the House of AssemblyJoseph T Isaac (born January 14, 1969) is a Dominican politician and Businessman. He was elected as Speaker of the House of Assembly of the Commonwealth of Dominica on February 10, 2020. He was elected as the Parliamentary Representative for the Roseau Central Constituency in December 2014 and was appointed Minister for Environment, Climate Resilient, Disaster Management and Urban Renewal in April 2018. He served as a member of the Public Accounts Committee from 2015 to 2018. He is currently the chairperson of the Standing Orders Committee, the Privileges Committee and the Parliamentary Proceedings and Broadcasting Committee of the House of Assembly. He is, also, currently the Chairman of the Constituency Boundaries Commission. In addition, before entering into politics, he was an Industrial Engineering & Management Consultant and an entrepreneur who spent over twenty-five years working in the private and public sectors in the Caribbean region. He holds a Masters in Business Administration from Georgia State University, Atlanta, Georgia. In addition, he holds a Bachelor of Science degree in Industrial Engineering and a Bachelor of Arts in Economics from New Mexico State University, Las Cruces, New Mexico. Hon Isaac was an avid sportsman who represented Dominica at youth level and New Mexico State University at NCAA BIG WEST Conference final.

Manzoor Nadir
Guyana – Speaker of the National AssemblyHon. Manzoor Nadir, MP, Speaker of the National Assembly of the Parliament of Guyana. Hon. Nadir is a married father and grandfather. He holds a Master’s Degree in Economics and a Bachelor of Commerce Degree. Hon. Nadir is a six-term Member of Parliament, first being elected in 1992, and a two-term Cabinet Minister. He piloted more than 15 Bills and served on many Parliamentary Committees. Hon. Nadir served for 10 years as the administrative head of the Caribbean Youth Movement; an elected Vice President of the 1987 United Nations Youth Forum; an Executive of CARIBCARE; President of the Guyana Public Transportation Association; and President of the Everest Cricket Club.

Marc G. Serré
Canada – Member of ParliamentMarc G. Serré was first elected at the Parliament of Canada as the Member for Nickel Belt in 2015. He currently holds the position of Parliamentary Secretary to the Minister of Official Languages and was previously Parliamentary Secretary to the Ministers of Rural Economic Development and of Natural Resources. He is involved in the House of Commons Committees on the Status of Women, Transport, Infrastructure and Communities, Industry and Technology, and Official Languages. Mr. Serré is also the Chair of the Canadian Section of ParlAmericas. Mr. Serré holds a bachelor’s degree in commerce with a specialization in human resources and marketing from Laurentian University. Prior to politics Marc founded an ISP Internet business, was Regional Director of the Canadian Hearing Society, and served as a municipal councillor and school board trustee. He is a proud recipient of the Ontario Community Action Award for his work in both the non-profit and disability sectors. He is proud of his Franco-Ontarian and Métis heritage.

María Eugenia Catalfamo
Argentina – SenatorShe holds a Bachelor’s Degree (licenciada) in Social Communication, with a major in Institutional Communication awarded by the School of Social Communication, National University of Cordoba. In 2017 she was appointed Secretary for Youth of San Luis province, and in October that year she was elected National Senator. She assumed office in December, at the age of 30, and thus became the youngest female legislator in the history of the Senate. The core areas in which she pursues her legislative work are youth; women and diverse identities; and environment. The bills she introduced include the National Law for Youth [Ley Nacional de Juventudes] and the Law on Financial Literacy [Ley de Alfabetización Financiera] (both of which have been passed by the Senate and sent to the Chamber of Deputies to be considered and granted final passage); and the Yolanda Act (Ley Yolanda), in force in our country since December 2020, aimed at ensuring the delivery of comprehensive education on environmental matters —based on sustainable development and with a special emphasis on climate change— for public officers. She currently presides over the Women’s Caucus; is the secretary of the committee on Population and Human Development and is a member of the committees on General Legislation; Industry and Commerce; Rights and Guarantees; Systems, Media, and Freedom of Expression; Science and Technology; Health; and the Joint Permanent Committee of the Advocate for the Rights of Girls, Boys and Adolescents.

Marinus Bee
Suriname – Speaker of the National AssemblyMarinus Bee MSc. LL.B is the current Speaker of the National Assembly of the Republic of Suriname with 20 years of experience in politics. Driven by passion for community service he worked as district secretary at the commissioner’s office of Marowijne and held the positions of vice-chairman of the Board for the development of rural Suriname, chairman of the Albina Sport Foundation and chairman of the Congress Board. He has taught Constitutional Law and Integral Management at IBW and is currently secretary to the ABOP political party. He is a socially engaged person and is an exemplary figure who promotes and stimulates youth participation and gender equality.

Saphire Longmore
Jamaica – SenatorSenator Longmore was appointed to the Senate of Jamaica in March 2016. She is a psychiatrist and primary care physician, and has been a consultant to UNICEF and a lecturer in neuroanatomy at the University Hospital of the West Indies. She is also a guest physician/psychiatrist on various media programs in Jamaica, among her extensive experience as a media contributor and presenter. Senator Longmore has also served on the Board of the Jamaica Social Investment Fund and as Executive Director of the Jamaica Network of Seropositives Secretariat.

Randy Hoback
Canada – Member of Parliament. Member of the ParlAmericas CorporationMr. Hoback was elected Chair of the Canadian Section of ParlAmericas in March 2010 and served from February 2011 to September 2014 as President of ParlAmericas at the hemispheric level. His experience working closely with farm organizations led him to Ottawa, where he served as a special advisor to the Parliamentary Secretary for the Minister of Agriculture and Agri-Food, and Minister of the Canadian Wheat Board. He was elected in 2008 as the Member of Parliament for Prince Albert, Saskatchewan. Due to his experience with Trades and Agriculture, he has developed a strong interest in Canada’s trading partners, particularly, in promoting dialogue and trade with Latin America as he believes in Canada’s given responsibility to collaborate with the Americas for a stronger and safer hemisphere. He currently sits on the Standing Committee on International Trade. He holds a business administration certificate through the University of Saskatchewan, and Chartered Director’s designation (C. Dir.), which he completed through McMaster University’s Chartered Directors College.

Vlado Mirosevic
Chile – Member of the Chamber of DeputiesMr. Mirosevic is from the city of Arica. He holds a degree in political science from the Universidad Central de Chile and a master’s degree in digital journalism and communication from the Universidad Mayor de Chile. He served as president of the Liberal Party of Chile from 2012-2013, which he cofounded alongside a young generation of under-35s. He was elected as a member of the Chamber of Deputies for the first time during the 2014–2018 legislative period and re-elected for the 2018–2022 period. He served on the committees on foreign affairs, extreme zones, and the Chilean Antarctica. In the National Congress, he became an advocate for regional issues, free software, civil rights, renewable energy, and transparency. In 2021, he was reelected for a third legislative period of 2022–2026 and was appointed to the committees on finance, foreign affairs, and extreme zones. He served as the president of the Chamber of Deputies from November 2022 to July 2023.

Alisha Todd
ParlAmericas – Director General of ParlAmericasMs. Alisha Todd joined ParlAmericas in March 2014, bringing her expertise and enthusiasm for promoting democratic principles and strengthening governance institutions. Prior to joining ParlAmericas, Alisha specialized in designing and implementing international democracy, governance, humanitarian, and security sector programming with an Ottawa-based NGO. Alisha has extensive experience in developing innovative programming, strengthening relationships, and building partnerships with international and regional stakeholders. Alisha’s passion for the Americas started in her teens; having on occasion lived, worked and traveled throughout the region. She speaks English, French, Portuguese, and Spanish and is a graduate from the University of Toronto’s Trinity College, specializing in International Relations and Latin American Studies.

Francisco Guerrero
Organization of American States (OAS) – Secretary for Strengthening DemocracyMr. Guerrero is the Secretary for Strengthening Democracy of the Organization of American States (OAS) since June, 2015. He has held several positions in the public sector, like Senior Director at the Social Studies and Public Opinion Centre (CESOP) at the Mexican Chamber of Deputies; Chief of Staff for the President of Mexican Senate; National Sub-commissioner at the National Medical Arbitration Commission (Conamed); Head of International Affairs Office and Chief of Staff both at the Secretariat of Labour and Social Welfare, and also served as Chair of the General Coordination for Affiliated Workers at the Institute for Security and Social Services for State Workers (ISSSTE).

Yessica Rosselli Amuruz Dulanto
Peru – Member of CongressYessica Rosselli Amuruz Dulanto is a lawyer from the University of Lima and a member of the Lima Bar Association, specialising in Business Law and Public Management. She is a member of the Special Multiparty Capital Perú Committee and of the Foreign Trade and Tourism Committee; president of the Parliamentary Friendship Leagues: Peru-Czech Republic, Peru-Saudi Arabia, and Peru-El Salvador; representative of the Peruvian Parliament to the EUROLAT Parliamentary Assembly; member of the Political Affairs, Security and Human Rights Committee; and Vice-President of the Special Committee for the Follow-up of the Incorporation for Economic Cooperation and Development CESIP-OECD. She was elected Third Vice-President of the Congress of the Republic of Peru for the period 2023-2024. She is a member of the political party Avanza País – Partido de Integración Social. Her legislative work focuses on defending women’s rights, the free market, and guaranteeing democracy in the country.
She is a Member of the Congress of the Republic for the parliamentary period 2021-2026.

Nery Mamfredo Rodas Méndez
Guatemala – Member of CongressNery Mamfredo Rodas Méndez is a distinguished business administrator and Guatemalan politician holding degrees in Business Administration and Computer Science, and Business Management.
His political career has been active and diverse. Rodas Méndez served as a member of Congress of the Republic from 2012 to 2016 and, prior to that, as a councillor for the Municipality of Guatemala.
A member of the CABAL party, he currently serves as a member of Congress for the 2024-2028 period and also holds the position of Third Vice-President of the Congress of the Republic of Guatemala. He sits on the committees on Foreign Affairs, Agriculture, and Tourism, and by the designation of the President of the Congress, he coordinates the Presidential Forum for the Digital Transformation of the State of Guatemala.

Joan Manuel Guevara Rodríguez
Panama – Member of the National AssemblyJoan Manuel Guevara Rodríguez is a Member of the National Assembly of Panama, representing Circuit 8-1 for the 2024-2029 term. His legislative work focuses on key issues such as national security, as well as the improvement of education and healthcare, with a particular emphasis on rural areas and underserved communities. Throughout his tenure, he has remained firmly committed to strengthening Panama’s diplomacy and fostering local development within his constituency.
He currently chairs the Foreign Relations committee and serves as a member of the Population, Environment and Development committee for the 2024-2025 legislative period.