July 10, 2020
Online meeting with officials – Protocols of action in cases of sexual harassment in Latin American Parliaments

Today ParlAmericas held a technical webinar on action protocols in cases of sexual harassment within the parliaments of Latin America. This virtual meeting brought together gender specialists from the parliaments of Argentina, Chile, Colombia, Costa Rica, Ecuador, Mexico, Nicaragua, Panama, Paraguay and Peru.

The meeting hosted a panel of expert speakers in the area of gender equality in the parliaments of their respective countries: from Argentina, Jimena Boland y Castilla and Catalina Cirio from the Gender and Equity Observatory of the Chamber of Deputies; from Chile, Constanza Toro Justiniano, Coordinator of Gender Policies of the Chamber of Deputies; from Costa Rica, Haydeé Hernández, Head of the Technical Unit for Gender Equality of the Legislative Assembly; and finally from Mexico, Sulma Eunice Campos,Head of the Technical Unit for Equality of the Senate of the Republic.

Subsequently, a question-and-answer session and dialogue were held where parliamentary officials were able to consult the panelists and comment on experiences in their institutions with the design and implementation of protocols to prevent sexual and workplace harassment.

The ParlAmericas International Secretariat is committed to continuing to provide spaces for dialogue to facilitate the exchange of best practices among parliamentary staff to promote gender equality and women’s rights in the legislatures of the region.

For more information on the work of ParlAmericas, visit www.parlamericas.org and follow@ParlAmericas on social media.