December 14, 2021
ParlAmericas participates in the CIM parliamentary consultation “Legal Frameworks, Economic Autonomy and Economic Empowerment of Women: Proposal for a Model Law on Care Services”

Today, the Inter-American Commission of Women (CIM-OAS), with the support of the European Union through its EUROsociAL+ program, hosted a parliamentary dialogue with the objective of receiving inputs, knowledge, and experiences from parliamentarians to strengthen the base document of the Inter-American Model Law on Care Services.

This consultation took place in the context of a series of meetings with civil society organizations and other stakeholders. The discussion centred on analysis of existing legal frameworks to inform the design of practical recommendations for laws to guarantee the economic rights of women, with a focus on visibilizing and protecting those who carry out care work.

Senator Verónica Noemí Camino Farjat (Mexico), President of the ParlAmericas Parliamentary Network for Gender Equality, participated in the event and provided a summary of the process of designing and proposing a bill in the Senate of Mexico on a national system of care services. This proposal’s aim is to guarantee access to high-quality care for all, based on the principle of co-responsibility between men and women, families, communities, the private sector, and the government.

Ms. Kathy Ramos, Director of the Gender Unit of the National Assembly of Panama, also participated in the event in representation of the Honourable Member of the National Assembly Kayra Harding (Panama), Vice-President for Central America of the ParlAmericas Parliamentary Network for Gender Equality. Ms. Ramos shared an overview of relevant good practices that have been implemented in Panama to promote equality between women and men in the labour market.