June 12, 2017
President Marcela Guerra spoke at the 33rd General Assembly of the Latin American and Caribbean Parliament (Parlatino)

Senator Marcela Guerra (Mexico), President of ParlAmericas, spoke in the panel “Successful strategies for protection and assistance, public policy for sustainable development, and conflict resolution,” at the high level parliamentary dialogue on migration and climate change in Latin America and the Caribbean, “Realities and Commitments towards the Global Compact” that took place during the 33rd General Assembly of Parlatino, together with the the International Organization for Migration (IOM).

The session aimed to generate legislative inputs that contribute to the creation of public policy for the reduction of risks to migrants (in receiving as well as transit countries), the guarantee of respect for their human rights at all times, and that they receive adequate protection in accordance with established international standards. In her presentation, Senator Guerra underscored the link between migration and climate change, emphasizing that “the non-criminalization of migrants should be part of the Global Compact for Migration that will be undertaken in 2018.”