Home OAS General Assembly 40

June 6, 2010 | Lima, Peru

OAS General Assembly 40

Objectives of the meeting: to adopt decisions on issues such as peace, hemispheric security and cooperation, democracy, human rights, freedom of expression, legal development, social development, terrorism, corruption, civil society, removal of anti-personnel landmines, combating the manufacturing of and illicit trafficking in arms, cooperation in dealing with criminal gangs, drug abuse control, natural disasters, trade, tourism, scholarships, disability, women, children, and indigenous peoples.

FIPA delegation

  • Adriana González Carillo, Senator, Mexico
  • Alberto Grillón, Senator, Paraguay
  • Rosemary Husbands-Mathurin, Speaker of the House of Assembly, Saint Lucia
  • Víctor Juliao, Member of the National Assembly, Panama
  • Linda Machuca, Member of the National Assembly, Ecuador
  • Emmanuelle Pelletier, Executive Secretary, FIPA