September 10, 2018 | Victoria, Canada
Promoting Inclusive Societies for Sustainable Development
15th ParlAmericas Plenary Assembly
15th ParlAmericas Plenary Assembly

- The Employment Situation in Latin America and the Caribbean: Advances and Challenges in Measuring Decent Work. ECLAC, 2013
- 2017 Labour Overview of Latin America and the Caribbean – Executive Summary. ILO, 2017
- International Migration in the Americas 2017. OAS and OECD, 2017
- UNHCR Global Report 2017 Regional Summaries: The Americas. UNHCR, 2017
- World Migration Report 2018. IOM, 2018
- Migration in the 2030 Agenda. IOM, 2017
- Gender, Age and Migration. BRIDGE, 2016
- Reintegration in Colombia: An opportunity changes everything. Joshua Mitrotti, founding partner BO Consulting Group – Colombia, former director of the Agency for Reincorporation and Normalization, Colombia
- Economic Inclusion: Accessible and Equitable Labour Markets in Canada. Michael Prince, professor, Faculty of Human and Social Development, University of Victoria
- Global Immigration Context and its Consequences: Problems, Successes, and its Great Challenges. Diego Beltrand, Regional Director for South America, IOM
- Canadian Immigration and Social Integration Policies. Marc Serré, Member of Parliament, House of Commons, Canada
- Model legislation and policies for economic and social integration of migrants in South America. Elizabeth Cabezas, Member of Parliament, President of the National Assembly, Ecuador
- Climate-Induced Displacement/Resettlement Measures in the English Caribbean. Alincia Williams-Grant, Senator, President of the Senate, Antigua and Barbuda
- Best practices and legislation for social protection and integration of migrants in Central America. José Arturo Martínez Dell, Member of Parliament, Chair of the Standing Committee on Migrants, Congress, Guatemala
Training Session on Parliamentary Budget Consultations AGENDA PHOTO GALLERY PRESENTATIONS
- Parliaments, money and participation. Helaina Gaspard, Director, Governance and Institutions, Institute of Fiscal Studies and Democracy
- Citizen Participation in the National Budget. Member of Parliament Nicole Olivierre (Trinidad and Tobago), Parliamentary Secretary in the Ministry of Energy and Energy Industries
- Federal Parliamentary Pre-Budget Consultations in Canada: The Role of the House of Commons Standing Committee on Finance. Honourable Wayne Easter (Canada), Member of Parliament and Chair of the Standing Committee on Finance
- Budget Consultations in British Columbia. Kate Ryan-Lloyd, Deputy Clerk and Clerk of Committees, Legislative Assembly, British Columbia
- Fiscal Ecosystem
- Budget Cycle
- Principles of Public Participation in Fiscal Policy. Global Initiative for Fiscal Transparency (GIFT)
- Open Budget Survey 2017. International Budget Partnership, 2017
- Open Budget Survey Results by Country. International Budget Partnership, website
During the 15th Plenary Assembly, elections were held for certain positions on the Board of Directors and for the host parliament of the next Plenary. The results of the election were the following:
- Presidency
- Vice-Presidency:
- North America:
- Central America:
- South America:
- Caribbean:
- Host of the 16th Plenary Assembly