October 16, 2017 | Ottawa, Canada
Study Visit on Legislative Openness

- Access to Information Act –The Canadian Model. Nancy Bélanger, Deputy Commissioner, Legal Services and Public Affairs, Office of the Information Officer
- Office of the Parliamentary Budget Officer: Role, Legislative Mandate and the Importance of Data Access. Jean-Dénis Fréchette, Parliamentary Budget Officer, Parliament of Canada
- Open House Nova Scotia. Mark Coffin, Executive Director & Founder, Springtide
- The Role and Mandate of the Office of the Conflict of Interest and Ethics Commissioner. Mary Dawson, Conflict of Interest and Ethics Commissioner
- Public Engagement at the House of Commons. Eric Janse, Clerk Assistant, Committees and Legislative Services, House of Commons
- Senate Communications. Mélisa Leclerc, Director of Communications, Senate of Canada
- Indigenous Peoples and Participation in Parliamentary Process(es). Gwen Phillips, British Colombia Region Data Governance Coordinator, Co-chair of the national INAC Community Development Strategy Implementation Working Group and British Colombia First Nations Health Council Representative
- Legislative Action Plan – Paraguay. Senator Blanca Ovelar (Paraguay)
- Legislative Action Plan – Experience of the National Congress of Chile. Member of the Chamber of Deputies Patricio Vallespín (Chile)
- Office of the Information Commissioner of Canada, website
- Open data, House of Commons of Canada, website
- Office of the Parliamentary Budget Officer, website
- Open Parliament Canada, Civil Society Initiative, website
- Office of the Conflict of Interest and Ethics Commissioner of Canada, website
- Office of the Commissioner of Lobbying of Canada, website
- Office of the Senate Ethics Officer, website
- Open Government Canada, website
- Participate, House of Commons of Canada, website