June 11, 2020 | Virtual Meeting
Sustainable Responses for a Post COVID-19 Economic Recovery (in English)

- Sustainable Responses for a Post COVID-19 Economic Recovery. Diane Quarless, ECLAC.
- The Economic and Gendered Impacts of COVID-19. Monika Queisser, OECD.
- Covid-19 and Parliament’s Role during a Pandemic. ParlAmericas, 2020.
- Compendium of Legislative and Executive Actions from the Americas and the Caribbean in Response to COVID-19. ParlAmericas, 2020.
- Covid-19 and Implications for Inclusive Economic Empowerment in Caricom: Policy and Programme Considerations. UN Women, 2020.
- Caribbean Region Quarterly Bulletin: Caribbean Economies in the Time of Coronavirus. IDB, 2020.
- COVID-19 in Latin America and the Caribbean: How to Incorporate Women and Gender Equality in the Management of the Crisis Response. UN Women, 2020.
- A Policy Framework for Mitigating the Impact of the COVID-19 Crisis. World Bank Group, 2020.
- Industries post-COVID-19: A gender-responsive approach to global economic recovery. UNIDO, 2020
- Policy Brief: The Impact of COVID-19 on Women. UN, 2020.
- The post COVID-19 recovery: How to articulate integrated responses to the health, economic and climate crises in Latin America and the Caribbean. UN, 2020.
- Women at the core of the fight against COVID-19 crisis. OECD, 2020.
- Our recovery from the coronavirus crisis must have gender empowerment at its heart. World Economic Forum, 2020