November 13 | Virtual Meeting
Experiences of Legislative Modernization in Latin America: Virtual Session for Parliamentarians from El Salvador, Guatemala, and Honduras

- Road Map Towards Legislative Openness. ParlAmericas, 2016.
- Organizing Virtual Parliamentary Sittings. ParlAmericas, 2020.
October 1 | Virtual Meeting
Transparency is not in Quarantine: Launch of the Legislative Transparency Toolkit (in Spanish)
- Presentation of the Legislative Transparency Toolkit. María José Méndez, Eurosocial+. (in Spanish)
- Presentation by INAI of the Legislative Transparency Toolkit. Blanca Lilia Ibarra, National Institute for Transparency, Access to Information and Personal Data Protection (INAI) of Mexico. (in Spanish)
- Presentation by the Latin American Network for Legislative Transparency. Marcelo Espinel, Citizenship and Development Foundation. (in Spanish)
- Presentation of good practices in legistlative transparency from Europe. Miguel Ángel Gonzalo, Project Coordination and Planning Unit of the Office of the Secretary General, Congress of Deputies of Spain. (in Spanish)
- Presentation of the Congreso2030py platform. María Liz Sosa, Legislative Strengthening and External Cooperation, Chamber of Senators of Paraguay. (in Spanish)
- Presentation of the Open Data Portal. Manuel Cotado, Program for Parliamentary Modernization, Innovation, Transparency, and Democratic Strengthening, Chamber of Deputies of Argentina. (in Spanish)
- Red de Transparencia y Acceso a la Información Pública (RTA) (in Spanish)
- EUROsociAL+
- Road Map Towards Legislative Openness. ParlAmericas, 2016
- ParlAmericas Open Parliament Portal. ParlAmericas.
August 21 | Virtual Meeting
Strengthening Oversight of Responses to the COVID-19 Pandemic (in Spanish)

- Strengthening Oversight of Responses to the COVID-19 Pandemic: The Gender Agenda in Argentina. Member of the Chamber of Deputies Jimena López (Argentina). (in Spanish)
- Brazil x COVID-19: Parliamentary Action during the Pandemic. Senator Confúcio Moura (Brazil). (in Portuguese)
- Strengthening Oversight of Responses to the COVID-19 Pandemic: Legal Committee for Women’s Equity. Senator Esperanza Andrade (Colombia). (in Spanish)
- COVID-19 Working Group of the Senate of the Republic: Activity Report. Senator Antares Vázquez (Mexico). (in Spanish)
- Experiences of the Bicameral Congressional Committee for the Oversight of Resources Provided in Law N°6524/20 “Which declares a State of Emergency throughout the Territory of the Republic of Paraguay.” Senator Agustín Amado Florentín (Paraguay). (in Spanish)
- COVID-19 and Parliament’s Role during a Pandemic. ParlAmericas, 2020.
- COVID-19: The Challenge of Adapting and Strengthening the Role of Parliaments. An Analysis from an Open Parliament Perspective. ParlAmericas and Directorio Legislativo, 2020.
- COVID-19: The Challenge of Adapting and Strengthening the Role of Parliaments. An Analysis of the Legislative Agenda and the Centering of Gender Equality in Legislative Responses. ParlAmericas and Directorio Legislativo, 2020.
- Strengthening Accountability through Fiscal Openness: A Toolkit for Parliamentarians in the Americas and the Caribbean. ParlAmericas, Institute of Fiscal Studies and Democracy, and Global Initiative for Fiscal Transparency.
- Public Procurement in States of Emergency: Minimum Considerations by Governments to Reduce Risks of Corruption and Misuse of Extraordinary Resources. Transparency International, 2020. (in Portuguese and Spanish)
June 5 | Virtual Meeting
Legislating for Post COVID-19 Economic Recovery (in Spanish)

- The Economic and Social Effects of COVID-19 in Latin America and the Caribbean. Alicia Bárcena, CEPAL. (in Spanish)
- COVID-19 and Parliament’s Role during a Pandemic. ParlAmericas, 2020.
- Compendium of Legislative and Executive Actions from the Americas and the Caribbean in Response to COVID-19. ParlAmericas, 2020.
- Practical Guidebook to Inclusive Rights-Focused Responses to COVID-19 in the Americas. OEA, 2020. (in Spanish)
- The post COVID-19 recovery: How to articulate integrated responses to the health, economic and climate crises in Latin America and the Caribbean. UN, 2020.
- Employment Situation in Latin America and the Caribbean. Work in times of pandemic: The challenges of the coronavirus disease (COVID-19). ECLAC, 2020. (in Spanish)
- COVID-19 Observatory in Latin America and the Caribbean. ECLAC, 2020.
May 1 | Virtual Meeting
Virtual Parliamentary Sittings during the COVID-19 Pandemic (in English)

- COVID-19: The challenge of adapting and strengthening the role of parliaments. ParlAmericas and Directorio Legislativo (2020).
- Video of the implementation of the virtual sessions of the Chamber of Deputies of Brazil. (in Portuguese and Spanish)
- COVID-19 and parliament’s role during a pandemic. ParlAmericas (2020).
- Manual of technology transfer for remote parliamentary sessions. Brazilian Federal Senate (2020).
- How to run a parliament during a pandemic: Q and A. Inter-Parliamentary Union (2020).
- CPA Toolkit for Commonwealth Parliaments and Legislatures on the COVID-19 (Coronavirus) pandemic and delivering parliamentary democracy. Commonwealth Parliamentary Association (2020).
- Organizing Virtual Parliamentary Sittings. ParlAmericas (2020).
- COVID-19 Hybrid proceedings in the House of Commons. House of Commons of the United Kingdom (2020).
April 16 | Virtual Meeting
Organizing Virtual Parliamentary Sessions during the COVID-19 Pandemic (in Spanish)

- Virtual Plenary of the Chamber of Deputies of Brazil. Gustavo Vasconcellos Cavalcante
- The Implementation of Virtual Sessions of the National Assembly of Ecuador. Claudio Prieto
- Video of the implementation of the virtual sessions of the Chamber of Deputies of Brazil. (in Portuguese and Spanish)
- COVID-19 and parliament’s role during a pandemic. ParlAmericas (2020).
- Manual of technology transfer for remote parliamentary sessions. Brazilian Federal Senate (2020).
- How to run a parliament during a pandemic: Q and A. Inter-Parliamentary Union (2020).