November 21 | Buenos Aires, Argentina
Parliamentary Meeting: Parliament’s Role in the Open Government Partnership

- Open Government Partnership and its Impacts on Citizens and Parliaments. Member of the National Assembly Paula Forteza (France)
- Evolution of a Partnership and a Concept. Joseph Foti, Director of the Independent Reporting Mechanism, Open Government Partnership
- First Action Plan Open and Transparent Congress. Senator Mauricio Lizcano (Colombia), Vice-President of the ParlAmericas Open Parliament Network for South America
- First Legislative Visualizathon – PARALELO. David Bello, Winner of the Colombian Congress’s Legislative Visualizathon
- The Open Government Partnership: An Overview for Parliamentarians in the Americas and the Caribbean. ParlAmericas, 2017
- Open Government Partnership, website
- Open Government Partnership, brochure
- Open Government Declaration
- Parliamentary Engagement Policy Guidance, Open Government Partnership
- Legislative Openness Data Explorer, National Democratic Institute, website
October 16 | Ottawa, Canada
Study Visit on Legislative Openness

- Access to Information Act –The Canadian Model. Nancy Bélanger, Deputy Commissioner, Legal Services and Public Affairs, Office of the Information Officer
- Office of the Parliamentary Budget Officer: Role, Legislative Mandate and the Importance of Data Access. Jean-Dénis Fréchette, Parliamentary Budget Officer, Parliament of Canada
- Open House Nova Scotia. Mark Coffin, Executive Director & Founder, Springtide
- The Role and Mandate of the Office of the Conflict of Interest and Ethics Commissioner. Mary Dawson, Conflict of Interest and Ethics Commissioner
- Public Engagement at the House of Commons. Eric Janse, Clerk Assistant, Committees and Legislative Services, House of Commons
- Senate Communications. Mélisa Leclerc, Director of Communications, Senate of Canada
- Indigenous Peoples and Participation in Parliamentary Process(es). Gwen Phillips, British Colombia Region Data Governance Coordinator, Co-chair of the national INAC Community Development Strategy Implementation Working Group and British Colombia First Nations Health Council Representative
- Legislative Action Plan – Paraguay. Senator Blanca Ovelar (Paraguay)
- Legislative Action Plan – Experience of the National Congress of Chile. Member of the Chamber of Deputies Patricio Vallespín (Chile)
- Office of the Information Commissioner of Canada, website
- Open data, House of Commons of Canada, website
- Office of the Parliamentary Budget Officer, website
- Open Parliament Canada, Civil Society Initiative, website
- Office of the Conflict of Interest and Ethics Commissioner of Canada, website
- Office of the Commissioner of Lobbying of Canada, website
- Office of the Senate Ethics Officer, website
- Open Government Canada, website
- Participate, House of Commons of Canada, website
September 7 | Port of Spain, Trinidad and Tobago
2nd Co-creation meeting: Citizen Participation Toolkit

- Educating Citizens and Promoting Participation: Focus on Youth (18-30). Caro Loutfi, Executive Director, Apathy is Boring (Canada)
- Improving Local Governance in Jamaica. Prof. Rosalea Hamilton, Member of Board of Directors, National Integrity Action (Jamaica)
- Public Engagement and Sensitization Relative to the Business of Parliament. Senator Mauricia Thomas-Francis (Saint Lucia)
- Strategies for Citizen Participation at the Parliament of Trinidad and Tobago. Jason Elcock, Manager of Corporate Communications, Parliament of Trinidad and Tobago
- Citizens Initiative for Participation & Good Governance. Sharda Ganga, Director, Projekta (Suriname)
- Road Map Towards Legislative Openness. ParlAmericas, 2016
- Report: Citizen Participation Co-creation Meeting. ParlAmericas, 2017
- Report: 2nd Gathering of the Open Parliament Network of ParlAmericas: Strengthening the Ties between Citizens and Legislatures. ParlAmericas, 2017
September 6 | Port of Spain, Trinidad and Tobago
Workshop: Strengthening Accountability through Fiscal Transparency Practices

- Towards Establishing a Parliamentary Budget Office (PBO) in Jamaica. Cheryl Gibson, Assistant Clerk, Parliament of Jamaica
- Fiscal Openness and Opportunities. Juan Pablo Guerrero, Network Director, Global Initiative for Fiscal Transparency (GIFT)
- Fiscal Transparency as an Element of Government Accountability. Sandeep Saxena, Senior Economist of the Public Financial Management
Division, International Monetary Fund (IMF) - Public Participation in Fiscal Policies. Juan Pablo Guerrero, Network Director, Global Initiative for Fiscal Transparency (GIFT)
- Public Participation in Budget Policy – The Story of Gender Responsive Budgets in Mexico. Manuela Garza, Founding Partner, Colectivo Cometa
- Report: Workshop “Building Trust between Parliaments and Citizens”. ParlAmericas, 2017
- Budget Transparency Toolkit. OECD
- Recommendation of the Council on Principles for Independent Fiscal Institutions. OECD, 2014
- Draft Guideline for Operationalizing a Parliamentary Budget Office. The Global Network of Parliamentary Budget Officers, 2015
- Public Participation Principles Guide. GIFT, website
- The Fiscal Transparency Code. The International Monetary Fund, 2014
May 29 | Lima, Peru
Co-creation Meeting: International Standards for Lobby Regulation

- International Standards for Lobbying Regulation. Access Info Europe, Open Knowledge, Sunlight Foundation, Transparency International, 2015
- OECD Principles for Transparency and Integrity in Lobbying
- Laws and articles for lobby regulation in Latin America
April 20 | Bogota, Colombia
Workshop: Building Trust between Parliaments and Citizens

- How to Implement a Budget Office or Other Control Tools in Parliament?, Nelson Shack, World Bank
- Open Budget Survey: An Instrument for Transparency in the Public Budget, Mario Martínez, Survey on Open Budget
- Latin American Index on Legislative Transparency 2016, Octavio Del Favero, Ciudadano Inteligente
- Infographic by the Budget Technical Assistance Office (OATP, Spanish initials) for the Congress of Colombia
- Parliamentary Initiatives Adopted for Communication and Citizen Participation, Member of Congress Welsy Vásquez (Honduras)
- Open Parliament for Public Budgets in Mexico, Guillermo Ávila, Fundar
- Public Participation in Budgetary Policies and Processes: International Perspective and Experience, Juan Pablo Guerrero, GIFT
- Perceptions and Progress of Parliaments: How Are We Doing?, Rocío Noriega, Bicameral Group on Transparency of the Congress of Chile
- Global Initiative for Fiscal Transparency, GIFT (website)
- Public Participation Principles Guide, GIFT (website)
- Principles of Public Participation in Fiscal Policy
- Open Budget Survey
- Corruption Perceptions Index 2016
* This workshop was held in collaboration with the World Bank, the Congress of Chile, and the Congress of Colombia.
April 19 | Bogota, Colombia
Co-creation Meeting: Toolkit on Citizen Participation

- Road Map Towards Legislative Openness, ParlAmericas
- Declaration of Commitment of the 2nd Gathering of the Open Parliament Network (OPN)
- Legislative action plans:
- Chile (in Spanish)
- Colombia (in Spanish)
- Costa Rica (in Spanish)
- Guatemala (in Spanish)
- Paraguay (in Spanish)
- Legislative Transparency Index 2016, The Latin America Network for Legislative Transparency (LALT) (in Spanish)
- OGP Participation and Co-creation Standards
- Legislative Engagement in the Open Government Partnership
March 16 | San José, Costa Rica
Strengthening the Ties between Citizens and Legislatures
2nd Gathering of the Open Parliament Network
2nd Gathering of the Open Parliament Network

- TV News (March 17, 2017), TV Legislativa, Asamblea Legislativa de Costa Rica (in Spanish)
- Radio interview featuring Senator Marcela Guerra (México), President of ParlAmericas, and Senator Hernán Larraín (Chile), President of the Open Parliament Network (OPN) (March 17, 2017), Matices, Radio Monumental (in Spanish)
- TV News (March 16, 2017), TV Legislativa, Asamblea Legislativa de Costa Rica (in Spanish)
- Inauguration (March 16, 2017), TV Legislativa, Asamblea Legislativa de Costa Rica (in Spanish)
- TV News (March 13, 2017), TV Legislativa, Asamblea Legislativa de Costa Rica (in Spanish)
- Press release (March 13, 2017) (in Spanish)
- New horizons for citizen participation, Scott Hubli, National Democratic Institute (in Spanish)
- The role of CSOs in an Open Parliament, Agustina de Luca, Fundación Directorio Legislativo
- A step forward towards transparency, Senator Mauricio Lizcano (Colombia), President of the Senate
- Incorporating Gender Perspective in the Costa Rican Parliament, Haydee Hernandez Perez, Legislative Assembly of Costa Rica
- Leveraging Citizen Engagement: Guiding Questions for Incorporating Citizen Engagement into the Legislative Framework, GovLab, Yale Open Government & Open Data Governance Innovation Clinic
- Road Map Towards Legislative Openness, ParlAmericas
- What is Open Parliament?, ParlAmericas
- Best practices for the use of social networks by parliamentarians, ParlAmericas
- OGP Participation and Co-creation Standards
- Legislative Engagement in the Open Government Partnership
- Legislative Transparency Index 2016, The Latin America Network for Legislative Transparency (LALT) (in Spanish)
- World e-Parliament Report 2016, Inter-Parliamentary Union (IPU)
- Model Inter-American Law on Access to Public Information, Organization of American States (OAS)
- Inter-American Program on Access to Public Information, Organization of American States (OAS)
- Legislative action plans:
- Chile (in Spanish)
- Colombia (in Spanish)
- Costa Rica (in Spanish)
- Guatemala (in Spanish)
- Paraguay (in Spanish)
- Member of the Legislative Assembly José Alfaro Jiménez (Costa Rica), Interim President of the Legislative Assembly (in Spanish)
- Senator Marcela Guerra (México), President of ParlAmericas (in Spanish)
During the 2nd Gathering of the OPN, the four vice-presidents of the OPN executive committee were elected:
- North America: Member of Parliament Marcela González Salas (Mexico)
- Central America: Member of the Legislative Assembly Karla Prendas (Costa Rica)
- South America: Senator Mauricio Lizcano (Colombia), President of the Senate
- Caribbean: Senator Saphire Longmore (Jamaica)
March 15 | San José, Costa Rica
Training Session: Maximizing the Use of Social Networks to Promote Citizen Participation
- Road Map Towards Legislative Openness, ParlAmericas
- What is Open Parliament?, ParlAmericas
- Best practices for the use of social networks by parliamentarians, ParlAmericas