Home 7th Plenary Assembly

November 17, 2010 | Mexico City, Mexico

7th Plenary Assembly

Theme: New Challenges for the Americas in the 21st Century

Objectives of the meeting: to discuss a number of challenges facing the Americas, including preparation and response to disasters and emergency situations, regional security and transnational crime, and the participation of civil society in democracy, and to develop recommendations for the hemisphere’s parliaments.

Working groups

  • WG1. Preparation and Response to Natural and Human-Made Disasters and Emergency Situations
  • WG2. Regional Security and Transnational Crime
  • WG3. Participation of Civil Society in the Strengthening of Democracy
  • Group of Women Parliamentarians. No discrimination and interculturality

Inauguration. Statement by Adriana González (Mexico), member of the Executive Committee of ParlAmericas (Spanish)