November 19, 2018 | Bridgetown, Barbados
Parliamentary-Civil Society Dialogue | Transformational Leadership for Gender Equality in the Caribbean: Regional Strategies and Partnerships

- Institute for Gender and Development Studies: Nita Barrow Unit. Dr. Halimah DeShong, Head and Lecturer
- No! to Online Abuse and Harassment. Ashell Forde, President
- UN Women Multi-Country Office for the Caribbean. Tonni Brodber, Deputy Representative
- The Commonwealth Secretariat. Dr. Tres-Ann Kremer, Head of Good Offices for Peace and Political Adviser for the Caribbean Region
- Promoting Women’s Political Leadership in the Caribbean: A joint CIWiL-ParlAmericas project. Lady Anande Trotman-Joseph, Chairperson of the Caribbean Institute for Women in Leadership (CIWiL), and Alisha Todd, Director General of ParlAmericas
RESOURCES Women’s political leadership
- Women’s Political Leadership in the Caribbean. UN Women, 2018
- The Status of Women in Leadership Across the Commonwealth. The Commonwealth, 2015
- Paving the Way to Opportunities: Women in Leadership across the Commonwealth. The Commonwealth Business Council and ACCA, 2013
- Women and Political Parties in Five Small States of the Commonwealth Caribbean. Commonwealth Secretariat, 2018
- Where are the Women? A Study of Women, Politics, and Equality in the CARICOM Countries. UNDP, 2015
- Promoting Women’s Candidacies: An overview of electoral systems, political parties, and campaign financing. ParlAmericas, 2017
Gender and sustainable development
- United Nations Multi-Country Sustainable Development Framework in the Caribbean. UN Caribbean, 2016
- Why Gender Equality Matters to Achieving all 17 SDGs. Infographic. UN Women, 2018
- Turning Promises into Action: Gender Equality in the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development. UN Women, 2018
- Making Social Protection Gender-Responsive: Lessons from UN Women’s Work in the Eastern Caribbean. UN Women, 2017
Inclusive legislative work
- Citizen Participation in the Legislative Process. Toolkit, ParlAmericas, 2018
- Intersectionality. ParlAmericas, 2018
Gender-based violence and discrimination
- Foundations Programme: Strengthening Prevention Approaches To Address Gender-Based Violence In the Caribbean. Brochure, UN Women and the Maria Holder Memorial Trust, 2018
- Reference documents compiling CEDAW recommendations by country:
- Concluding Observations on the Role of Parliaments. UN Women, 2018
- Recommendations on Equality and Social Inclusion. UN Women, 2018
- Recommendations for a Healthy Caribbean. UN Women, 2018
- Recommendations for an Inclusive, Equitable, and Prosperous Caribbean. UN Women, 2018
- Recommendations for a Safe, Cohesive, and Just Caribbean. UN Women, 2018
- Recommendations for a Sustainable and Resilient Caribbean. UN Women, 2018