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PNGE Activities


September 11 | Port-au-Prince, Haïti

1st Parliamentary Mission to Haiti by the Group of Women Parliamentarians


  • To promote the participation of Haitian women in the electoral process by encouraging them to register on electoral lists and to run as candidates in the legislative elections taking place in November 2005

May 20 | Brasilia, Brazil

3rd Meeting of the Group of Women Parliamentarians (held during the 4th Plenary Assembly)


  • To analyze the results of the regional forums on women’s leadership and the strengthening of democracy held in Bridgetown, Barbados, and Buenos Aires, Argentina, in order to prepare a work plan for the Group of Women Parliamentarians of the Americas
  • To share the recommendations and commitments of the parliamentarians of the Americas with the Heads of State and Government who will meet at the 4th Summit of the Americas (November 4–5, 2005 in Mar del Plata, Argentina)

April 6 | Buenos Aires, Argentina

2nd Regional Forum of the Group of Women Parliamentarians (Central & South America)


 Enhancing Women’s Leadership to Strengthen Democracy


  • To improve the ability of parliamentarians to implement gender-equality policies through the exchange of experiences and best practices
  • To assess progress in the area of women’s leadership in the region while identifying tools to enhance their participation in decision-making venues
  • To make recommendations to FIPA’s Plenary Assembly ahead of the 4th Summit of the Americas (Mar del Plata, Argentina, November 4-5, 2005), which will focus on the theme of creating employment to confront poverty and strengthen democratic governance

March 20 | Bridgetown, Barbados

1st Regional Forum of the Group of Women Parliamentarians (Caribbean & North America)


Enhancing Women’s Leadership to Strengthen Democracy


  • To create a forum for women parliamentarians of the Americas to advance the regional gender-equality agenda for shaping the direction and character of emerging societies of the 21st century
  • To build the capacity of parliamentarians to promote and implement gender-equity policies, through the sharing of experiences and best practices
  • To assess the advancement of women thus far and identify key growth areas and tools for their participation in leadership and decision making
  • To submit recommendations to the Plenary Assembly of FIPA, looking ahead to the 4th Summit of the Americas