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November 17 | Mexico City, Mexico

6th Meeting of the Group of Women Parliamentarians (held during the 7th Plenary Assembly)


Progress, Difficulties and Challenges With Respect to Political and Electoral Participation by Women


To discuss issues related to the current situation of women’s participation in politics, family issues they face, as well as their roles, and the issue of confidence in their abilities and the right to act as political representatives of men and women

August 11 | Quito, Ecuador

2nd Annual Gathering of the Group of Women Parliamentarians (2010)


Women in Power: Challenges for the 21st Century


  • To further develop women parliamentarians’ political skills from a gender and human rights perspective 


The meeting agenda was developed based on the current scenario in the Americas and the status of women’s rights, under the following topics: Exercising Power: The Experience of a Woman Politician; The Current Situation of Women’s Rights in the Americas: A Critical Look at National Legislatures; and Women Politicians and the Media.