October 2 | Virtual Meeting
Designing Inclusive Futures in Partnership with Youth
12th Gathering of the Parliamentary Network for Gender Equality
12th Gathering of the Parliamentary Network for Gender Equality

- Podcast: Youth and Politics in Latin America (in Spanish). Atenea, 2020.
- Youth for Gender Equality Roadmap. Plan International, 2019.
- Youth and Gender Equality Strategy. UN Women, 2017.
- Youth Participation in National Parliaments. IPU, 2018.
- Youth 2030: Working with Young People. UN Youth Envoy, 2020.
- Youth Participation in Democratic Processes. Resolution adopted by consensus by the 122nd IPU Assembly, Bangkok, April 1st, 2010.
- Action Coalitions, Generation Equality. UN Women, 2020.
- Gender Data for Generation Equality: A Brief Series. Data 2x, 2020.
- Women in the Parliament of Canada. Library of Parliament, Canada, 2020.
September 2 | Virtual meeting
Supporting the National Adoption of Gender-Responsive Disaster and Crisis Planning
- Video of the meeting Gender-Responsiveness and Disaster Resilience during the COVID-19 Crisis (held on July 22, 2020)
- Gender-Transformative Hurricane Resilience During the COVID-19 Crisis. UN Women, 2020
- Guidance for GBV Shelters in the Context of COVID-19. Un Women, WHO, and UNFPA, 2020
- UN Secretary-General’s Policy Brief: The Impact of COVID-19 on Women. UN and UN Women, 2020
- COVID-19 in Latin America and the Caribbean: How to Incorporate Women and Gender Equality in the Management of the Crisis Response. UN Women, 2020
- Parliamentary Protocol for Disaster Risk Reduction and Climate Change Adaptation. ParlAmericas, 2019
- COVID-19: An Analysis of the Legislative Agenda and the Centering of Gender Equality in Legislative Responses. ParlAmericas and Directorio Legislativo, 2020
July 22 | Virtual Meeting
Gender-Responsiveness and Disaster Resilience during the COVID-19 Crisis (in English)

- Gender-Responsive Approaches to Building Climate and Disaster Resilience. Angie Dazé, IISD.
- Gender-Transformative Disaster Resilience. Kyana Bowen, UN Women.
- Hazards, Hurricane Season and COVID-19. Elizabeth Riley, CDEMA.
- Enabling Gender-Responsive Disaster Recovery, Climate and Environmental Resilience in the Caribbean (EnGenDER), Massimiliano Tozzi, UNDP.
- Gender-Transformative Hurricane Resilience During the COVID-19 Crisis. UN Women, 2020
- Sustainable Responses for a Post COVID-19 Economic Recovery. ParlAmericas, 2020
- Generation Equality: Realizing Women’s Rights for an Equal Future. UN Women, 2020
- UN Secretary-General’s Policy Brief: The Impact of COVID-19 on Women. UN and UN Women, 2020
- COVID-19 in Latin America and the Caribbean: How to Incorporate Women and Gender Equality in the Management of the Crisis Response. UN Women, 2020
- Climate Change and Small States: Parliamentarian’s Toolkit. CPA, 2020
- Parliamentary Protocol for Disaster Risk Reduction and Climate Change Adaptation. ParlAmericas, 2019
- COVID-19: An Analysis of the Legislative Agenda and the Centering of Gender Equality in Legislative Responses. ParlAmericas and Directorio Legislativo, 2020
- Guidance for GBV Shelters in the Context of COVID-19. Un Women, WHO, and UNFPA, 2020
- COVID-19 in the Caribbean: Daily Surveillance Report. GA-CDRC, 2020.
- Tackling Social Norms: A Game Changer for Gender Inequalities. UNDP, 2020
June 11 | Virtual Meeting
Sustainable Responses for a Post COVID-19 Economic Recovery (in English)

- Sustainable Responses for a Post COVID-19 Economic Recovery. Diane Quarless, ECLAC.
- The Economic and Gendered Impacts of COVID-19. Monika Queisser, OECD.
- Covid-19 and Parliament’s Role during a Pandemic. ParlAmericas, 2020.
- Compendium of Legislative and Executive Actions from the Americas and the Caribbean in Response to COVID-19. ParlAmericas, 2020.
- Covid-19 and Implications for Inclusive Economic Empowerment in Caricom: Policy and Programme Considerations. UN Women, 2020.
- Caribbean Region Quarterly Bulletin: Caribbean Economies in the Time of Coronavirus. IDB, 2020.
- COVID-19 in Latin America and the Caribbean: How to Incorporate Women and Gender Equality in the Management of the Crisis Response. UN Women, 2020.
- A Policy Framework for Mitigating the Impact of the COVID-19 Crisis. World Bank Group, 2020.
- Industries post-COVID-19: A gender-responsive approach to global economic recovery. UNIDO, 2020
- Policy Brief: The Impact of COVID-19 on Women. UN, 2020.
- The post COVID-19 recovery: How to articulate integrated responses to the health, economic and climate crises in Latin America and the Caribbean. UN, 2020.
- Women at the core of the fight against COVID-19 crisis. OECD, 2020.
- Our recovery from the coronavirus crisis must have gender empowerment at its heart. World Economic Forum, 2020
May 8 | Virtual Meeting
Legislative Actions for the Prevention of Violence Against Women during the COVID-19 Pandemic

- Presentation by Member of the National Assembly Karina Arteaga. National Assembly of Ecuador, 2020.
- Testimony of a participant in the Financial School for Entrepreneurs. Member of the National Assembly Karina Arteaga, 2020.
- Considerations and Reflections on Gender Violence against Women in Times of the Pandemic in Mexico. Senator Verónica Camino, 2020.
RESOURCES (in Spanish)
February 10 | Bridgetown, Barbados
Building a Coordinated Position for Caribbean Negotiations on Beijing +25

- Beijing Declaration and Platform for Action. UN Women, 1995.
- National Reports from the Latin American and Caribbean governments to the Beijing Declaration and Platform for Action. ECLAC.
- Regional report on the review of the Beijing Declaration and Platform for Action in Latin American and Caribbean countries, 25 years on. ECLAC, 2019.
- Santiago Commitment. XIV Regional Conference on Women in Latin America and the Caribbean, 2020.
- Caribbean Joint Statement on Gender Equality and the Post 2015 and SIDS Agenda. UN Women, Multi-Country Office – Caribbean et al., 2013