January 28 | Virtual
ParlAmericas Parliamentary Staff Network for Gender Equality Annual Planning Exchange
December 4 | Port of Spain, Trinidad and Tobago
Caribbean Parliamentary Workshop

- Opening Reflection by Dr. Rosina Wilshire
- Day 1
- Day 2
- Day 3
- Making the Case: Key Gender Considerations for Addressing Development Challenges in Caribbean SIDS, ParlAmericas, 2024.
- Gender Sensitivity in Legislation, ParlAmericas and the Parliament of Trinidad and Tobago
- Intersectionality Tool, ParlAmericas, 2021.
- Navigating Online Information: Tips and Tricks for Parliamentary Research, ParlAmericas, 2024.
- Justice through a Gender Lens: Gender Equality Protocol for Judicial Officers, Belize Judiciary, CCJ, CAJO, UN Women Caribbean, and the JURIST Project, 2024.
- Toolkit on Beijing +25: Fulfilling the Commitments, UN Women Caribbean and ParlAmericas
- Strategies for Chairing Inclusive Meetings, ParlAmericas, 2017.
- Gender Sensitising Parliaments Guidelines, CPA, 2020.
- Lactation and Daycare Facilities in Parliaments: Good Practices in the Americas and the Caribbean, ParlAmericas, 2023.
- What We Heard: Survey of Caribbean Women’s Organizations on their Engagement with Parliaments, ParlAmericas, 2022.
- Citizen Participation in the Legislative Process, ParlAmericas, 2018.
- Promoting Inclusion and Equality through Parliamentary Youth Programming, ParlAmericas, 2023.
November 22 | Panama City, Panama

- Gender-based political violence in the digital sphere in Latin America. Marcela Ríos Tobar, International IDEA (in Spanish)
- Inter-American Convention on the Prevention, Punishment, and Eradication of Violence Against Women (“Convention of Belém do Pará”). Organization of American States, 1994
- MESECVI Document on Cyber Violence. Organization of American States, 2020
- Political Gender Violence in the Digital Sphere in Latin America. International IDEA, 2024 (in Spanish)
- State of Legislation on Gender Violence. Eurosocial, 2022
November 14 | Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
October 23 | San José, Costa Rica

- Global Compact for Safe, Orderly and Regular Migration. United Nations, 2019
- Los Angeles Declaration on Migration and Protection. Summit of the Americas, 2022
- Inclusive Migration Governance in the Americas and Caribbean: A Primer for Parliamentarians. ECLAC and ParlAmericas, 2024
- Regional Framework Law on the Management of Migration for Climate and Environmental Reasons with a Human Rights. FOPREL/IOM, 2024 (in Spanish)
- Regional Framework Law on Migration with a Human Rights. FOPREL/IOM, 2019 (in Spanish)
- How Does International Migration Contribute to Sustainable Development in Latin America and the Caribbean? ECLAC, 2022
- Global Migration Data Portal, website
- Migration Policy Institute, website
- Migration, Environment and Climate Change, IOM Regional Office for the Americas, webpage
- Gender and Migration, IOM Regional Office for the Americas, webpage
- Regional Handbook for Mainstreaming a Human Rights, Gender and Intercultural Approach in the Work of Immigration and Border Security Authorities in the Americas. OAS Department of Social Inclusion, 2023
- Seven Key Elements on Building Human Rights Based Narratives on Migrants and Migration. Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights, 2020
Parliamentary Network for Gender Equality (PNGE)
Parliamentary Network on Climate Change and Sustainability (PNCCS)
During the 8th Gathering of the ParlAmericas Parliamentary Network on Climate Change and Sustainability and 16th Gathering of the ParlAmericas Parliamentary Network for Gender Equality, elections will be held for certain positions on the Executive Committee of the PNCCS and the Executive Committee of the PNGE. The nominations received can be found below:
Parliamentary Network for Gender Equality
PNGE 2nd Vice-Presidency – Central America
September 24 | Virtual
Meeting of the ParlAmericas Parliamentary Staff Network for Gender Equality
August 8 | Virtual

- Making the Case: Key Gender Considerations for Addressing Development Challenges in Caribbean SIDS. ParlAmericas, 2024.
- Communiqué to SIDS4 from the Gender Equality Forum
- SIDS 4 Outcome Document: The Antigua and Barbuda Agenda for SIDS (ABAS) – a Renewed Declaration for Resilient Prosperity
- Bridgetown Initiative 3.0
- Beijing Declaration and Platform for Action
- SDG Dashboard, Sustainable Development Report
- Beijing +25: Fulfilling the Commitments, ParlGenderTools
June 25 | Asuncion, Paraguay
May 25 | Saint John's, Antigua and Barbuda
AGENDA – Official Side-Event to SIDS Conference
December 13 | Virtual

- Changing the Paradigm: Advances and Regulatory Challenges Toward the Care Society. Ana Güezmes García, ECLAC.
- Inter-American Model Law on Care. Recognizing and valuing the invisible work of women. Alejandra Mora Mora, CIM/OAS.
- Buenos Aires Commitment, XV Regional Conference on Women in Latin America and the Caribbean. ECLAC and UN Women.
- The care society: A horizon for sustainable recovery with gender equality. ECLAC and UN Women.
- Global care policy portal. ILO.
- Lactation and daycare facilities in parliaments. ParlAmericas.
- Policy guide: Parental leave. ParlAmericas.
- Declaration of the 14th Gathering of the Parliamentary Network for Gender Equality “Legislative Perspectives for Inclusive Economic Growth: Investing in the Care Economy”. ParlAmericas, 2022.
- Advances in care policies in Latin America and the Caribbean: towards a care society with gender equality. ECLAC and UN Women, 2023.
September 28 | Mexico City, Mexico
7th Gathering of the ParlAmericas Parliamentary Network on Climate Change and 15th Gathering of the ParlAmericas Parliamentary Network for Gender Equality

- A food secure future: Building people and planet-centered strategies – Day 1
- A food secure future: Building people and planet-centered strategies – Day 2
Parliamentary Network for Gender Equality (PNGE)
Parliamentary Network on Climate Change (PNCC)
During the 7th Gathering of the ParlAmericas Parliamentary Network on Climate Change (PNCC) and the 15th Gathering of the Parliamentary Network for Gender Equality (PNGE), elections will be held for certain positions on the Networks’ Executive Committees and for the host parliament of the next gathering. Nominations received can be found below.
PNCC Executive Commitee nominations
PNCC Presidency
- Senator Rosa Galvez (Canada)
PNCC Vice-Presidency – North America
- Senator Raúl Bolaños-Cacho Cué (Mexico)
PNCC Vice-Presidency – South America
- Member of the Member of the Chamber of Deputies Margarita Stolbizer (Argentina)
- Member of the National Assembly Radjendrekoemar Debie (Suriname)
PNCC Vice-Presidency – Caribbean
- Member of the Chamber of Deputies Nelsa Shoraya Suárez Ariza (Dominican Republic)
- Senator Anthony Vieira (Trinidad and Tobago)
PNGE Executive Committee nominations
PNGE Presidency
- Senator Verónica Noemí Camino Farjat (Mexico)
PNGE Vice-Presidency – North America
- Member of Parliament Stephanie Kusie (Canada)
PNGE Vice-Presidency – South America
PNGE Vice-Presidency – Central America
- Member of the National Assembly Kayra Harding Bart (Panama)
- Member of Congress Andrea Villagrán Ánton (Guatemala)
PNGE Vice-Presidency – Caribbean
- Senator Lisa Jawahir (Saint Lucia)
August 23 | San José, Costa Rica

- Model Protocol for Political Parties. Preventing, Addressing, Punishing, and Eradicating Violence Against Women in Political Life, Inter-American Commission of Women
August 17 | Panama City, Panama
August 16 | Panama City, Panama
- Political Participation Of Women In Panama (In Spanish)
May 30 | Virtual Meeting
- Brazil (In Portuguese)
November 30 | Bogota, Colombia
14th Gathering of the ParlAmericas Parliamentary Network for Gender Equality

- Towards the Construction of Comprehensive Care Systems in Latin America and the Caribbean: Elements of Implementation, UN Women and ECLAC, 2021
- The Care Economy in Latin America: Putting Care at the Centre of the Agenda, Valeria Esquival, ILO, 2011
- The Care Economy in the New Social Contract by Gender in Latin America Working Group, IDRC, 2022
- Unpaid Carework: The Missing Link in the Analysis of Gender Gaps in Labour Outcomes, OECD, 2014
- Care in Latin America and the Caribbean during the COVID-19: Towards comprehensive systems to strengthen and response and recovery, ECLAC, 2020
- The Effect of Women’s Economic Power in Latin America and the Caribbean, The World Bank, 2012
- Caring in Times of COVID-19: A global study on the impact of the pandemic on care work and gender equality, ECLAC,, 2022
- Towards a Care Society: The Contributions of the Regional Gender Agenda to sustainable development, ECLAC, 2021
- Methodological guide on time-use measurements in Latin America and the Caribbean, ECLAC, 2022
- The COVID-19 Pandemic is exacerbating the care crisis in Latin America and the Caribbean, ECLAC, 2020
- Inter-American Model Law on Care, OAS and CIM, 2022
- Parliamentary Diplomacy: the Canadian Approach. Kinsella and Milliken. 2007.
- Parliamentary Diplomacy. Weisglas and de Boer. 2007.
- Legislative Diplomacy. Scoville. 2013.
- White paper on parliamentary diplomacy: Strategic actions. Chamber of Deputies of Mexico. 2021. (in Spanish)
- The role of parliamentary diplomacy in a world marked by insecurity. Salimena and Teruggi. Institute of International Relations. University of La Plata. (in Spanish)
- Parliamentary diplomacy. Burgos and Riffo. Chilean Senate. 2014. (in Spanish)
- Parliamentary diplomacy in an uncertain world. Systemic restructuring as a challenge and opportunity. Giglio. 2021. (in Spanish)
October 6 | Lima, Peru
October 4 | Virtual Meeting
13th Gathering of the ParlAmericas Parliamentary Network For Gender Equality

- Can social protection be a driver of gender equality? UNICEF, 2020.
- 2.7 billion people have had no social protection to cope with Covid-19 economic crisis. OXFAM, 2020
- COVID-19 Global Gender Response Tracker. UNDP and UN Women, 2021
- Making social protection gender-responsive: Lessons from UN Women’s work in the Eastern Caribbean. UN Women Caribbean, 2020
- Employment and informality in Latin America and the Caribbean: an insufficient and unequal recovery. ILO, 2021
- Policy Guide: Parental Leave. ParlAmericas, 2020.
During the 13th Gathering of the ParlAmericas Parliamentary Network for Gender Equality, elections will be held for the Network’s Executive Committee and for the host parliament of the next gathering. Nominations received can be found below.
- President
- Senator Verónica Noemi Camino Farjat (Mexico) – in Spanish
- Vice-President – North America
- Senator Mobina Jaffer (Canada) – in French
- Vice-President – Central America
- Vice-President – South America
- Vice-President – The Caribbean
- Host Parliament of the 14th Gathering of the ParlAmericas Parliamentary Network for Gender Equality
- Colombia – in Spanish
September 22 | Virtual meeting: Parliamentary Dialogue with Civil Society and Youth Representatives
- Equal Measures 2020 Data Hub. Equal Measures, 2020
- Where are there gaps in gender data in five LAC countries? Data2X, 2020
- Differentiated socioeconomic impacts of COVID-19 in the condition of women from SICA member countries (in Spanish). SICA, 2020
- United Nations survey on Latin American and Caribbean youth within the context of the COVID-19 pandemic. UN Women, 2021
- COVID-19 in Latin America and the Caribbean: How to Incorporate Women and Gender Equality in the Management of the Crisis Response. UN Women, 2020
September 13 | Virtual meeting: Inter-parliamentary Dialogue
- Differences-Sensitive Social Protection in the context of COVID-19 in Latin America and the Caribbean, Carlos Maldonado, CEPAL (in Spanish)
- Gender, Food Security, Nutrition and Inclusive Social Protection: Keys to Post-Pandemic Recovery, Claudia Brito, FAO (in Spanish)
- Gender-Responsive Age-Sensitive Social Protection, Zahrah Nesbitt-Ahmed, UNICEF
- Mainstreaming gender into social protection strategies and programs. UNICEF, 2021
- 2020 Social Panorama of Latin America. ECLAC, 2020
- Gender-responsive and age-sensitive social protection. UNICEF, 2021
- The recovery paradox in Latin America and the Caribbean. Growth amid persisting structural problems: inequality, poverty and low investment and productivity. ECLAC, 2021
- The economic autonomy of women in a sustainable recovery with equality. CEPAL, 2021
- Summary Status of Women and Men Report – The Impacts of COVID-19. UN Women Caribbean, 2021
- The Coronavirus Disease (COVID-19) Pandemic: An Opportunity for a Systemic Approach to Disaster Risk for the Caribbean. ECLAC, 2021
- The Santiago Commitment. ECLAC, 2020
- Preventing the COVID-19 crisis from becoming a food crisis: Urgent measures against hunger in Latin America and the Caribbean. ECLAC, 2020
February 8 | Virtual Meeting

- Lessons from Guyana’s electoral quota law: Remarks by Hon. Minister Vindhya Persaud during the preparatory CSW65 Caribbean meeting. ParlAmericas Podcast, 2021
- CARICOM Statement Preparatory to CSW65. CARICOM, 2021
October 2 | Virtual Meeting
12th Gathering of the Parliamentary Network for Gender Equality

- Podcast: Youth and Politics in Latin America (in Spanish). Atenea, 2020.
- Youth for Gender Equality Roadmap. Plan International, 2019.
- Youth and Gender Equality Strategy. UN Women, 2017.
- Youth Participation in National Parliaments. IPU, 2018.
- Youth 2030: Working with Young People. UN Youth Envoy, 2020.
- Youth Participation in Democratic Processes. Resolution adopted by consensus by the 122nd IPU Assembly, Bangkok, April 1st, 2010.
- Action Coalitions, Generation Equality. UN Women, 2020.
- Gender Data for Generation Equality: A Brief Series. Data 2x, 2020.
- Women in the Parliament of Canada. Library of Parliament, Canada, 2020.
September 2 | Virtual meeting
- Video of the meeting Gender-Responsiveness and Disaster Resilience during the COVID-19 Crisis (held on July 22, 2020)
- Gender-Transformative Hurricane Resilience During the COVID-19 Crisis. UN Women, 2020
- Guidance for GBV Shelters in the Context of COVID-19. Un Women, WHO, and UNFPA, 2020
- UN Secretary-General’s Policy Brief: The Impact of COVID-19 on Women. UN and UN Women, 2020
- COVID-19 in Latin America and the Caribbean: How to Incorporate Women and Gender Equality in the Management of the Crisis Response. UN Women, 2020
- Parliamentary Protocol for Disaster Risk Reduction and Climate Change Adaptation. ParlAmericas, 2019
- COVID-19: An Analysis of the Legislative Agenda and the Centering of Gender Equality in Legislative Responses. ParlAmericas and Directorio Legislativo, 2020
July 22 | Virtual Meeting

- Gender-Responsive Approaches to Building Climate and Disaster Resilience. Angie Dazé, IISD.
- Gender-Transformative Disaster Resilience. Kyana Bowen, UN Women.
- Hazards, Hurricane Season and COVID-19. Elizabeth Riley, CDEMA.
- Enabling Gender-Responsive Disaster Recovery, Climate and Environmental Resilience in the Caribbean (EnGenDER), Massimiliano Tozzi, UNDP.
- Gender-Transformative Hurricane Resilience During the COVID-19 Crisis. UN Women, 2020
- Sustainable Responses for a Post COVID-19 Economic Recovery. ParlAmericas, 2020
- Generation Equality: Realizing Women’s Rights for an Equal Future. UN Women, 2020
- UN Secretary-General’s Policy Brief: The Impact of COVID-19 on Women. UN and UN Women, 2020
- COVID-19 in Latin America and the Caribbean: How to Incorporate Women and Gender Equality in the Management of the Crisis Response. UN Women, 2020
- Climate Change and Small States: Parliamentarian’s Toolkit. CPA, 2020
- Parliamentary Protocol for Disaster Risk Reduction and Climate Change Adaptation. ParlAmericas, 2019
- COVID-19: An Analysis of the Legislative Agenda and the Centering of Gender Equality in Legislative Responses. ParlAmericas and Directorio Legislativo, 2020
- Guidance for GBV Shelters in the Context of COVID-19. Un Women, WHO, and UNFPA, 2020
- COVID-19 in the Caribbean: Daily Surveillance Report. GA-CDRC, 2020.
- Tackling Social Norms: A Game Changer for Gender Inequalities. UNDP, 2020
June 11 | Virtual Meeting

- Sustainable Responses for a Post COVID-19 Economic Recovery. Diane Quarless, ECLAC.
- The Economic and Gendered Impacts of COVID-19. Monika Queisser, OECD.
- Covid-19 and Parliament’s Role during a Pandemic. ParlAmericas, 2020.
- Compendium of Legislative and Executive Actions from the Americas and the Caribbean in Response to COVID-19. ParlAmericas, 2020.
- Covid-19 and Implications for Inclusive Economic Empowerment in Caricom: Policy and Programme Considerations. UN Women, 2020.
- Caribbean Region Quarterly Bulletin: Caribbean Economies in the Time of Coronavirus. IDB, 2020.
- COVID-19 in Latin America and the Caribbean: How to Incorporate Women and Gender Equality in the Management of the Crisis Response. UN Women, 2020.
- A Policy Framework for Mitigating the Impact of the COVID-19 Crisis. World Bank Group, 2020.
- Industries post-COVID-19: A gender-responsive approach to global economic recovery. UNIDO, 2020
- Policy Brief: The Impact of COVID-19 on Women. UN, 2020.
- The post COVID-19 recovery: How to articulate integrated responses to the health, economic and climate crises in Latin America and the Caribbean. UN, 2020.
- Women at the core of the fight against COVID-19 crisis. OECD, 2020.
- Our recovery from the coronavirus crisis must have gender empowerment at its heart. World Economic Forum, 2020
May 8 | Virtual Meeting

- Presentation by Member of the National Assembly Karina Arteaga. National Assembly of Ecuador, 2020.
- Testimony of a participant in the Financial School for Entrepreneurs. Member of the National Assembly Karina Arteaga, 2020.
- Considerations and Reflections on Gender Violence against Women in Times of the Pandemic in Mexico. Senator Verónica Camino, 2020.
RESOURCES (in Spanish)
February 10 | Bridgetown, Barbados

- Beijing Declaration and Platform for Action. UN Women, 1995.
- National Reports from the Latin American and Caribbean governments to the Beijing Declaration and Platform for Action. ECLAC.
- Regional report on the review of the Beijing Declaration and Platform for Action in Latin American and Caribbean countries, 25 years on. ECLAC, 2019.
- Santiago Commitment. XIV Regional Conference on Women in Latin America and the Caribbean, 2020.
- Caribbean Joint Statement on Gender Equality and the Post 2015 and SIDS Agenda. UN Women, Multi-Country Office – Caribbean et al., 2013
June 18 | Mexico City, Mexico
11th Gathering of the Parliamentary Network for Gender Equality

- Recognizing Women’s Labour: The Care Economy. Member of the Legislative Assembly Shirley Díaz Mejías (Costa Rica)
- Analysis of Discriminatory Legislation on Women’s Economic Autonomy and Empowerment in Latin America and the Caribbean. Beatriz García, UN Women Regional Office for Latin America and the Caribbean
- Closing the Gaps on Women’s Economic Rights: A Canadian Perspective. Member of Parliament Dr. Kellie Leitch (Canada)
- Women in the Labour Market: Perspectives and Challenges. Member of the National Assembly Maritza Espinales (Nicaragua)
- Women and the Future of Work. Member of the Chamber of Deputies Camila Vallejo (Chile)
- Women and Men in CARICOM: Capitalizing on Windows of Opportunity for Achieving Gender Equality in the World of Work. Isiuwa Iyahen, UN Women Multi-Country Office for the Caribbean
- “Gendering” the 4th Industrial Revolution: The Role of the Private Sector. Diana Gutiérrez, UNDP
- The State of Leadership Diversity in Entrepreneurship & Traditional Employment. Sophia D. Bryan, Jamaica Youth Ambassador
- Analysis of Discriminatory Legislation in Latin America and the Caribbean on the Autonomy and Economic Empowerment of Women. UN Women and the Ibero-American General Secretariat, 2018
- Advancing the Economic Empowerment and Autonomy of Women in the Caribbean through the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development. ECLAC, 2018
- Women, Business and the Law 2019. World Bank Group, 2019
- Care Work and Care Jobs for the Future of Decent Work. ILO, 2018
- Promoting Women’s Economic Empowerment: Recognizing and Investing in the Care Economy. UN Women, 2019
- Women in the Future of Work. ECLAC, 2019
Online resources
- SDG 8: Decent Work and Economic Growth. United Nations, website
- Gender Data Portal. World Bank, website
- Gender Equality Portal. ILO, website
- Economic Autonomy. Gender Equality Observatory for Latin America and the Caribbean, website
- The Future of Work in Latin America and the Caribbean. IDB, website
During the gathering, elections were held for certain positions on the Network’s Executive Committee. The results were the following:
- President
- Vice-President – Caribbean
- President of the Senate Chester Humphrey (Grenada)
- Vice-President – North America
- Senator Verónica Noemí Camino Farjat (Mexico)
November 19 | Bridgetown, Barbados

- Institute for Gender and Development Studies: Nita Barrow Unit. Dr. Halimah DeShong, Head and Lecturer
- No! to Online Abuse and Harassment. Ashell Forde, President
- UN Women Multi-Country Office for the Caribbean. Tonni Brodber, Deputy Representative
- The Commonwealth Secretariat. Dr. Tres-Ann Kremer, Head of Good Offices for Peace and Political Adviser for the Caribbean Region
- Promoting Women’s Political Leadership in the Caribbean: A joint CIWiL-ParlAmericas project. Lady Anande Trotman-Joseph, Chairperson of the Caribbean Institute for Women in Leadership (CIWiL), and Alisha Todd, Director General of ParlAmericas
RESOURCES Women’s political leadership
- Women’s Political Leadership in the Caribbean. UN Women, 2018
- The Status of Women in Leadership Across the Commonwealth. The Commonwealth, 2015
- Paving the Way to Opportunities: Women in Leadership across the Commonwealth. The Commonwealth Business Council and ACCA, 2013
- Women and Political Parties in Five Small States of the Commonwealth Caribbean. Commonwealth Secretariat, 2018
- Where are the Women? A Study of Women, Politics, and Equality in the CARICOM Countries. UNDP, 2015
- Promoting Women’s Candidacies: An overview of electoral systems, political parties, and campaign financing. ParlAmericas, 2017
Gender and sustainable development
- United Nations Multi-Country Sustainable Development Framework in the Caribbean. UN Caribbean, 2016
- Why Gender Equality Matters to Achieving all 17 SDGs. Infographic. UN Women, 2018
- Turning Promises into Action: Gender Equality in the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development. UN Women, 2018
- Making Social Protection Gender-Responsive: Lessons from UN Women’s Work in the Eastern Caribbean. UN Women, 2017
Inclusive legislative work
- Citizen Participation in the Legislative Process. Toolkit, ParlAmericas, 2018
- Intersectionality. ParlAmericas, 2018
Gender-based violence and discrimination
- Foundations Programme: Strengthening Prevention Approaches To Address Gender-Based Violence In the Caribbean. Brochure, UN Women and the Maria Holder Memorial Trust, 2018
- Reference documents compiling CEDAW recommendations by country:
- Concluding Observations on the Role of Parliaments. UN Women, 2018
- Recommendations on Equality and Social Inclusion. UN Women, 2018
- Recommendations for a Healthy Caribbean. UN Women, 2018
- Recommendations for an Inclusive, Equitable, and Prosperous Caribbean. UN Women, 2018
- Recommendations for a Safe, Cohesive, and Just Caribbean. UN Women, 2018
- Recommendations for a Sustainable and Resilient Caribbean. UN Women, 2018
May 22 | Port of Spain, Trinidad and Tobago
10th Gathering of the Parliamentary Network for Gender Equality

- May 22, 2018
- May 23, 2018
- Gender Equality & Climate Policy: Words to Action. Bridget Burns, WEDO
- Strengthening the Gender Responsiveness of Climate Change Policies & Actions. UnaMay Gordon, Climate Change Division, Ministry of Economic Growth and Job Creation of Jamaica
- Gender and Climate Change in Mexico: Achievements, Opportunities, Lessons Learned, and Challenges. Itzá Castañeda, IUCN Global Gender Office
- The Sendai Framework for Disaster Risk Reduction 2015-2030: Articulating Global Agendas on DRR, CC and SDGs with a Gender Perspective. Jennifer Guralnick, UNISDR
- May 24, 2018
- Gender-Responsive Disaster Response. Farmala Jacobs, Directorate of Gender Affairs of Antigua and Barbuda
- UNFPA’s Work in Addressing Disasters. Aurora Noguera-Ramkissoon, UNFPA’s Sub-regional Office for the Caribbean in Trinidad and Tobago
- Waste Picker Perceptions on Health and Health Risks: Perspectives from the Ground. Ana Carolina Ogando, WIEGO
- Gender, Health and Climate Action. Cathy Cuellar, PAHO
- Gender-Responsive Budgeting Training Session Tools. ParlTools Portal, UN Women and ParlAmericas
- Climate Change Laws of the World, database, The Grantham Research Institute on Climate Change and the Environment
- Gender Mainstreaming in Public Policies on Climate Change in Latin America. ECLAC and the European Union, 2017 (in Spanish)
- Climate Change Gender Action Plans, website, IUCN
- Paris Agreement. United Nations, 2015
- Mapping Nationally Determined Contributions, website, ParlAmericas
- A Gender Analysis of Intended Nationally Determined Contributions. WEDO, 2016
- Gender Action Plan. UNFCCC, 2017
- Pocket Guide to Gender Equality under the UNFCCC. European Capacity Building Initiative, 2017
- Sendai Framework for Disaster Risk Reduction (2015-2030). UNISDR, 2015
- UN Women in Crisis and Emergency Contexts in Latin America and the Caribbean. UN Women, 2017
- Gender, Climate Change and Health. WHO, 2016
- Training Manual on Gender and Climate Change. IUCN, UNDP, GGCA, 2009
- Gender inequalities in health in the Americas. PAHO, 2016
Following the elections held at the gathering, the composition of the Parliamentary Network for Gender Equality Executive Committee is as follows:
- President:
- Member of the Chamber of Deputies Karina Banfi (Argentina)
- Vice-President – North America:
- Senator Mobina Jaffer (Canada)
- Vice-President – Central America:
- Member of the Legislative Assembly Norma Cristina Cornejo (El Salvador)
- Vice-President – Caribbean:
- President of the Senate Chester Humphrey (Grenada)
- Vice-President – South America:
- Member of the National Assembly Karina Arteaga (Ecuador)
- Alternate: Member of the Chamber of Deputies Marcela Sabat (Chile)
- Observer:
- Member of the National Assembly Delsa Solórzano (Venezuela)
January 24 | Kingston, Jamaica

- Keynote address, Sheila Roseau, Deputy Regional Director – UNFPA Regional Office for Latin America and the Caribbean
- Metricizing Gender For State Intervention, Patricia Mohammed, University of the West Indies
- Men and Boys and Gender Equality, Humberto Carolo, White Ribbon
RESOURCES Session 1: Comprehensive approaches to address gender inequality
- National Gender Policies in the English Speaking Caribbean. Deborah McFee, IDRC Research Report, 2014
- Gender Equality Plans in Latin America and the Caribbean: Roadmaps for Development. ECLAC, 2017
- Policies and plans
- Strategic Plan to Address Gender-Based Violence. The Bahamas, 2015
- Revised National Gender Policy. Belize, 2013
- It’s Time: Canada’s Strategy to Prevent and Address Gender-Based Violence. Status of Women Canada, website
- National Policy and Action Plan for Gender Equity and Equality in the Commonwealth of Dominica. Dominica, 2006
- National Policy for Gender Equality. Jamaica, 2011
Session 2: Effective strategies for engaging men
- Male Allies for Gender Equality: A Toolkit for Parliamentarians. ParlAmericas, website
- White Ribbon. Website
- Strengthening Civil Society Organizations and Government Partnerships to Scale Up Approaches to Engaging Men and Boys for Gender Equality and Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights: A Tool for Action. UNFPA, Promundo and the MenEngage Alliance, 2016
- Men, Masculinities and Changing Power: A Discussion Paper on Engaging Men in Gender Equality from Beijing 1995 to 2015. MenEngage, UN Women and UNFPA, 2015
Session 3: Media and cultural agents
- WMW (Women’s Media Watch) Jamaica. Website
- Global Media Monitoring Project – Caribbean Regional Report. Global Media Monitoring Project, 2015
Session 4: Advancing legislative reforms for workplace equality: Critical moments for change
- Employment Sexual Harassment (Prevention) Act. Barbados, 2017
- Bill C-65: An Act to amend the Canada Labour Code (harassment and violence), the Parliamentary Employment and Staff Relations Act and the Budget Implementation Act. Canada, introduced in 2017
- Model Sexual Harassment Bill. IMPACT Justice, 2017
- Model Guidelines for Sexual Offences Cases in the Caribbean Region. Judicial Reform and Institutional Strengthening (Jurist) Project
May 23 | Buenos Aires, Argentina
9th Gathering organized by the Parliamentary Network for Gender Equality

- Equal Media Treatment of Women Politicians: Recommendations to promote balanced media coverage and communication free of gender stereotypes. ParlAmericas, 2017
- Promoting Women’s Candidacies: An overview of electoral systems, political parties, and campaign financing. ParlAmericas, 2017
- Diversifying political power to build inclusive societies, report of the 8th gathering organized by the Group of Women Parliamentarians. ParlAmericas, 2016
During the 9th gathering organized by the Group of Women Parliamentarians, the president, two vice-presidents of the Group’s executive committee, and the host for the next gathering were elected:
- President: Member of the Chamber of Deputies Karina Banfi (Argentina)
- Vice-President (Central America): Member of the Legislative Assembly Ligia Fallas (Costa Rica)
- Vice-President (Caribbean): Senator Chester Humphrey, President of the Senate (Grenada)
- Host Parliament: Trinidad and Tobago
May 22 | Buenos Aires, Argentina
- Men as Allies in Parliamentary Work for Gender Equality, ParlAmericas
January 12 | Santiago, Chile
3rd Parliamentary Forum on Beijing+20

- Communication Media, Gender and Human Rights, Dr. Aimée Vega Montiel (in Spanish)
- Challenging Stereotypes: Communications Strategies, Dr. Virginia García Beaudoux (in Spanish)
- Organic Law on Communication (Ecuador, 2013) (in Spanish)
- Inclusive Language Manual (Mexico, 2016) (in Spanish)
- Social Media: Advancing Women in Politics? (WIP – Harvard – Facebook)
- Public Policies on Communication and Gender in Latin America (2016), Civil Association Communication for Equality and the Public Defender of Audiovisual Communications Services of Argentina (in Spanish)
- Public Policies on Communication and Gender in Latin America (2014), Civil Association Communication for Equality (in Spanish)
- Section J, “Women and the Media” (Beijing Platform for Action)
- Illustrated Guide for Communication without Gender Stereotypes (Secretariat of Communications – SECOM, in collaboration with the National Women’s Service – SERNAM, Chile) (in Spanish)
- Gender-Sensitive Indicators for the Media: Framework of Indicators to Gauge Gender Sensitivity in Media Operations and Content (UNESCO)
- Guide for the Use of a Non-Sexist and Egalitarian Language in the HCDN (Chamber of Deputies, Argentina) (in Spanish)
October 20 | Ottawa, Canada
- Multi-Party Caucuses for Gender Equality (presentation prepared by Dr. Sonia Palmieri, facilitator)
- Strategic Planning Tool for Initiating a Multi-Party Caucus for Gender Equality
- A Comparative Study of Structures for Women MPs in the OSCE Region (OSCE Office for Democratic Institutions and Human Rights, 2013)
- Guidelines for Women’s Caucuses (IPU, 2013)
- Legislative Change Agents: Multi-Partisan Caucuses (IRI, 2014)
- One Size Does Not Fit All: Lessons Learned from Legislative Gender Commissions and Caucuses (NDI, International IDEA, 2010)
- PARLINE database: Specialized Parliamentary Bodies (IPU)
September 12 | Antigua, Guatemala

- Prezi presentation by ParlAmericas
- Strategic Plan – Group of Women Parliamentarians 2014-2015 (in Spanish)
- Women in Central American parliaments (in Spanish)
- Comparative Charts (in Spanish)
September 26 | Santiago, Chile
THEME Women’s Healthcare
Women’s Healthcare: From Mother to Woman with Rights – Dr. Paulina Troncoso [Spanish only]
La Conferencia Internacional de Población y Desarrollo: su impacto y su futuro – María Antonieta Alcalde [Spanish only]
ARTICLE Is 20 Years Just Nothing? The International Conference on Population and Development 20 Years after its Adoption (María Antonieta Alcalde)
June 24 | Mexico City, Mexico
THEME Moving from Formal to Substantive Equality
Challenging the Barriers to Real Equality: Transformative Equality (Ramona Biholar – S1)
Gender Equality – The Legislative Agenda (Teresa Incháustegui – S2)
Session 1 – Achievements in Guaranteeing Equality: Experiences Promoting Legislation and Programs Benefiting Women
Session 2 – Barriers to Real Equality
Strategic Planning – Bridging the Gap: Parliamentarians as Agents of Change
Challenging the Barriers to Real Equality: Transformative Equality (Ramona Biholar – S1)
Progress and Challenges in the Gender Equality Agenda in the Americas (Teresa Incháustegui – S2)
May 16 | Paramaribo, Suriname
- To develop strategies for increasing the political participation and leadership of women in the Americas, and provide legislators with tools for passing laws that are reflective of women’s issues from the region
Session 1: Women Presidents of National Legislatures Session 2: Leadership and Political Participation of Women of African Descent Session 3: The Effects of Women’s Participation in Politics
- Political Participation and Leadership of Afro-Descendant Women (Beatriz Ramírez Abella – S2)
- Presentation (Beatriz Ramírez Abella – S2)
- Women’s Political Representation in the Commonwealth Caribbean and Latin America: A Preliminary Analysis (Cynthia Barrow Giles – S3)
- Presentation (Cynthia Barrow Giles – S3)
- Presentation (Maureen Clarke Clarke – keynote speaker) (in Spanish)
August 30 | Panama City, Panama
Host: Panama Theme: Financial Crisis and its Effects on Women in the Region
Objectives of the meeting: to reflect upon the economic crisis and its impact on women, to identify the unique characteristics of women as vulnerable subjects in an economic crisis, to define the social and historical context giving rise to the economic crisis, as well as its financial components, and to identify potential Government policies to protect women and support them in an economic downturn.
- How Do Women Weather Economic Shocks? What We Know (Mayra Buvinic)
May 9 | Valparaiso, Chile
Citizen Security for Women: A Parliamentary Task
- To discuss strategies for incorporating concrete mechanisms of protection for women into the national public safety policies of countries in the Americas
- Gender-based Violence in the Americas and the Caribbean: A National Perspective (Christine Brendel)
- Systemic Sexual Violence Against Women (Pável Uranga)
- Adjusting National Budgets to Citizen Security Needs (Lorena Vinueza)
September 8 | Asuncion, Paraguay
Gender Perspective on Citizen Security
- To undertake an analysis of new forms of violence against women – expressed as femicide, the feminization of poverty and migration, the trade of women and girls or illegal trafficking, as factors which contribute to the deterioration of citizen security and that affect all women in the hemisphere
- Gender Perspective on Citizen Security (Teresa Ulloa)
June 30 | Santo Domingo, República Dominicana
- To discuss key issues such as women’s leadership and empowerment in politics; migration and afro-descendants; the challenges of the democratic system to ensure gender equality in political participation; and the situation of female politicians in the Caribbean
November 17 | Mexico City, Mexico
Progress, Difficulties and Challenges With Respect to Political and Electoral Participation by Women
To discuss issues related to the current situation of women’s participation in politics, family issues they face, as well as their roles, and the issue of confidence in their abilities and the right to act as political representatives of men and women
August 11 | Quito, Ecuador
Women in Power: Challenges for the 21st Century
- To further develop women parliamentarians’ political skills from a gender and human rights perspective
The meeting agenda was developed based on the current scenario in the Americas and the status of women’s rights, under the following topics: Exercising Power: The Experience of a Woman Politician; The Current Situation of Women’s Rights in the Americas: A Critical Look at National Legislatures; and Women Politicians and the Media.
September 13 | Ottawa, Canada
Prosperity and Cooperation: A New Agenda for the Americas
To discuss how to eliminate or reduce the disparity in the number of women engaged in the political process
April 2 | Port-au-Prince, Haïti
- To build capacity and accompany women candidates to the 2009 legislative and municipal elections in Haiti
- For FIPA delegates to participate as speakers and mentors in a round table with candidates of various political parties, addressing issues such as campaign financing, communication strategies, parliamentary roles and responsibilities, and the incorporation of a gender perspective to the programs of political parties
November 20 | Bogota, Colombia
THEME Towards a Gender-Sensitive Legislative Agenda for Development in the Americas
- To discuss how to achieve a gender-sensitive legislative agenda for development in the Americas, including current economic and gender policies, social and environmental policies, political and electoral reforms from a gender perspective, as well as the implications of the international crisis for the Americas
November 20 | Bogota, Colombia
Host: Colombia
Objectives of the meeting: to carry out the 2007-2008 work plan of the Group of Women Parliamentarians.
September 11 | Port-au-Prince, Haïti
- To promote the participation of Haitian women in the electoral process by encouraging them to register on electoral lists and to run as candidates in the legislative elections taking place in November 2005
May 20 | Brasilia, Brazil
- To analyze the results of the regional forums on women’s leadership and the strengthening of democracy held in Bridgetown, Barbados, and Buenos Aires, Argentina, in order to prepare a work plan for the Group of Women Parliamentarians of the Americas
- To share the recommendations and commitments of the parliamentarians of the Americas with the Heads of State and Government who will meet at the 4th Summit of the Americas (November 4–5, 2005 in Mar del Plata, Argentina)
April 6 | Buenos Aires, Argentina
Enhancing Women’s Leadership to Strengthen Democracy
- To improve the ability of parliamentarians to implement gender-equality policies through the exchange of experiences and best practices
- To assess progress in the area of women’s leadership in the region while identifying tools to enhance their participation in decision-making venues
- To make recommendations to FIPA’s Plenary Assembly ahead of the 4th Summit of the Americas (Mar del Plata, Argentina, November 4-5, 2005), which will focus on the theme of creating employment to confront poverty and strengthen democratic governance
March 20 | Bridgetown, Barbados
Enhancing Women’s Leadership to Strengthen Democracy
- To create a forum for women parliamentarians of the Americas to advance the regional gender-equality agenda for shaping the direction and character of emerging societies of the 21st century
- To build the capacity of parliamentarians to promote and implement gender-equity policies, through the sharing of experiences and best practices
- To assess the advancement of women thus far and identify key growth areas and tools for their participation in leadership and decision making
- To submit recommendations to the Plenary Assembly of FIPA, looking ahead to the 4th Summit of the Americas
April 2 | Valparaiso, Chile
– To discuss democratic governance and public policies with a gender perspective
February 21 | Panama City, Panama
– To discuss the creation of the Group of Women Parliamentarians of the Americas