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PNGE Activities


January 28 | Virtual

Charting the Course to More Gender-Sensitive Parliaments in 2025
ParlAmericas Parliamentary Staff Network for Gender Equality Annual Planning Exchange

December 4 | Port of Spain, Trinidad and Tobago

Making the Work of Parliaments Responsive to the Needs of Women and Men
Caribbean Parliamentary Workshop

November 22 | Panama City, Panama

Building Safe, Inclusive, and Violence-Free Digital Spaces

November 14 | Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

Aligning Global Agendas: Gender and Race Parity as a Principle of Social, Economic Justice and Democracy

October 23 | San José, Costa Rica

Migration in the Context of Socio-Environmental Challenges

Parliamentary Network for Gender Equality (PNGE)
Parliamentary Network on Climate Change and Sustainability (PNCCS)

During the 8th Gathering of the ParlAmericas Parliamentary Network on Climate Change and Sustainability and 16th Gathering of the ParlAmericas Parliamentary Network for Gender Equality, elections will be held for certain positions on the Executive Committee of the PNCCS and the Executive Committee of the PNGE. The nominations received can be found below:

Parliamentary Network for Gender Equality

PNGE 2nd Vice-Presidency – Central America

September 24 | Virtual

Strategies for Gender Equality Training in Parliaments
Meeting of the ParlAmericas Parliamentary Staff Network for Gender Equality

June 25 | Asuncion, Paraguay

Towards Parity: Strengthening Women’s Political Participation in Paraguay

May 25 | Saint John's, Antigua and Barbuda

Parliamentary Engagement in the Gender Equality Forum and 4th International Conference on Small Island Developing States (SIDS)

AGENDA – Official Side-Event to SIDS Conference


March 5 | Virtual

Regional Meeting of Women of Political Parties

December 5 | Virtual

A Virtual Seminar for Women Parliamentarians of the Americas and the Caribbean on the Defence, Peace, and Security Agenda

October 31 | Gros Islet, Saint Lucia

Multi-Stakeholder Dialogue: Gender Equality and Sustainable Development

September 28 | Mexico City, Mexico

A Food Secure Future: Building People and Planet-centred Strategies
7th Gathering of the ParlAmericas Parliamentary Network on Climate Change and 15th Gathering of the ParlAmericas Parliamentary Network for Gender Equality




Parliamentary Network for Gender Equality (PNGE)
Parliamentary Network on Climate Change (PNCC)

During the 7th Gathering of the ParlAmericas Parliamentary Network on Climate Change (PNCC) and the 15th Gathering of the Parliamentary Network for Gender Equality (PNGE), elections will be held for certain positions on the Networks’ Executive Committees and for the host parliament of the next gathering. Nominations received can be found below.

PNCC Executive Commitee nominations

PNCC Presidency

PNCC Vice-Presidency – North America

PNCC Vice-Presidency – South America

PNCC Vice-Presidency – Caribbean

PNGE Executive Committee nominations

PNGE Presidency

PNGE Vice-Presidency – North America

PNGE Vice-Presidency – South America

PNGE Vice-Presidency – Central America

PNGE Vice-Presidency – Caribbean

August 23 | San José, Costa Rica

Building Networks of Sisterhood to Promote Gender Equality

August 17 | Panama City, Panama

The Role of Youth in Strengthening Democracy: Building a Just and Inclusive Future

August 16 | Panama City, Panama

Towards Equality: More Women Shaping Politics

May 30 | Virtual Meeting

Addressing Gender-Based Violence in Parliaments from an Intersectional Perspective


February 24 | Virtual workshop

Strengthening the Legislative Advocacy of Feminist Organizations in Latin America: Processes, Tools, and Experiences

November 30 | Bogota, Colombia

Legislative Perspectives for Inclusive Economic Growth: Investing in the Care Economy
14th Gathering of the ParlAmericas Parliamentary Network for Gender Equality



October 6 | Lima, Peru

High-level Parliamentary Dialogue | Consolidating the Full Political Participation of Women: Building Consensus

September 9 | Virtual Meeting

Effective Engagement in Parliamentary Processes | A series of virtual workshops for women’s organisations in the Caribbean – Workshop 1: Parliamentary Advocacy

October 4 | Virtual Meeting

Bolstering Social Protection beyond COVID-19: What the Data Tells Us
13th Gathering of the ParlAmericas Parliamentary Network For Gender Equality

During the 13th Gathering of the ParlAmericas Parliamentary Network for Gender Equality, elections will be held for the Network’s Executive Committee and for the host parliament of the next gathering. Nominations received can be found below.

September 22 | Virtual meeting: Parliamentary Dialogue with Civil Society and Youth Representatives

13th Gathering of the ParlAmericas Parliamentary Network For Gender Equality. Bolstering Social Protection beyond COVID-19: What the Data Tells Us

September 13 | Virtual meeting: Inter-parliamentary Dialogue

13th Gathering of the ParlAmericas Parliamentary Network For Gender Equality. Bolstering Social Protection beyond COVID-19: What the Data Tells Us

July 19 | Virtual Meeting

1st Gender Equality Staff Network Meeting

February 8 | Virtual Meeting

Building a Coordinated Caribbean Position for CSW65

October 2 | Virtual Meeting

Designing Inclusive Futures in Partnership with Youth
12th Gathering of the Parliamentary Network for Gender Equality


July 22 | Virtual Meeting

Gender-Responsiveness and Disaster Resilience during the COVID-19 Crisis (in English)

February 10 | Bridgetown, Barbados

Building a Coordinated Position for Caribbean Negotiations on Beijing +25

June 18 | Mexico City, Mexico

Achieving Balance in the World of Work
11th Gathering of the Parliamentary Network for Gender Equality




Online resources

During the gathering, elections were held for certain positions on the Network’s Executive Committee. The results were the following:

November 19 | Bridgetown, Barbados

Parliamentary-Civil Society Dialogue | Transformational Leadership for Gender Equality in the Caribbean: Regional Strategies and Partnerships


RESOURCES Women’s political leadership

Gender and sustainable development

Inclusive legislative work

Gender-based violence and discrimination

May 22 | Port of Spain, Trinidad and Tobago

Gender-Responsive Climate Action
10th Gathering of the Parliamentary Network for Gender Equality



Following the elections held at the gathering, the composition of the Parliamentary Network for Gender Equality Executive Committee is as follows:

  • President:
    • Member of the Chamber of Deputies Karina Banfi (Argentina)
  • Vice-President – North America:
    • Senator Mobina Jaffer (Canada)
  • Vice-President – Central America:
    • Member of the Legislative Assembly Norma Cristina Cornejo (El Salvador)
  • Vice-President – Caribbean:
    • President of the Senate Chester Humphrey (Grenada)
  • Vice-President – South America:
    • Member of the National Assembly Karina Arteaga (Ecuador)
    • Alternate: Member of the Chamber of Deputies Marcela Sabat (Chile)
  • Observer:
    • Member of the National Assembly Delsa Solórzano (Venezuela)

January 24 | Kingston, Jamaica

Inter-parliamentary Meeting: Partnerships to Transform Gender Relations


RESOURCES Session 1: Comprehensive approaches to address gender inequality

Session 2: Effective strategies for engaging men

Session 3: Media and cultural agents

Session 4: Advancing legislative reforms for workplace equality: Critical moments for change

May 23 | Buenos Aires, Argentina

Women’s Empowerment: Social and Political Responses
9th Gathering organized by the Parliamentary Network for Gender Equality

During the 9th gathering organized by the Group of Women Parliamentarians, the​ president, two​ vice-presidents of the ​Group’s ​executive committee, and the host for the next gathering ​were elected: 

May 22 | Buenos Aires, Argentina

Men as Allies in Parliamentary Work for Gender Equality

January 12 | Santiago, Chile

Gender Equality and the Media
3rd Parliamentary Forum on Beijing+20



October 20 | Ottawa, Canada

Parliamentary Exchange: Multi-party Caucuses for Gender Equality

September 12 | Antigua, Guatemala

Parliamentary Gathering for Central America: The Electoral Journey of Women Candidates

June 2 | Quito, Ecuador

8th Annual Gathering organized by the Group of Women Parliamentarians: Diversifying Political Power to Build Inclusive Societies

January 26 | Castries, Saint Lucia

Gender-based Political Harassment: Building Awareness in Parliaments

June 11 | Termas de Río Hondo, Argentina

7th Annual Gathering of the Group of Women Parliamentarians: Action Plan for Preventing Political Harassment and Violence Against Women

Theme: Action Plan for Preventing Political Harassment and Violence Against Women

September 26 | Santiago, Chile

10th Meeting of the Group of Women Parliamentarians (held during the 11th Plenary Assembly)

THEME  Women’s Healthcare


Women’s Healthcare: From Mother to Woman with Rights – Dr. Paulina Troncoso [Spanish only]

La Conferencia Internacional de Población y Desarrollo: su impacto y su futuro – María Antonieta Alcalde [Spanish only]

June 24 | Mexico City, Mexico

6th Annual Gathering of the Group of Women Parliamentarians


Session 1 – Achievements in Guaranteeing Equality: Experiences Promoting Legislation and Programs Benefiting Women

Session 2 – Barriers to Real Equality

Strategic Planning – Bridging the Gap: Parliamentarians as Agents of Change

May 16 | Paramaribo, Suriname

5th Annual Gathering of the Group of Women Parliamentarians (2013)


  • To develop strategies for increasing the political participation and leadership of women in the Americas, and provide legislators with tools for passing laws that are reflective of women’s issues from the region

Session 1: Women Presidents of National Legislatures Session 2: Leadership and Political Participation of Women of African Descent Session 3: The Effects of Women’s Participation in Politics


August 30 | Panama City, Panama

8th Meeting of the Group of Women Parliamentarians (held during the 9th Plenary Assembly)

Host: Panama Theme: Financial Crisis and its Effects on Women in the Region

Objectives of the meeting: to reflect upon the economic crisis and its impact on women, to identify the unique characteristics of women as vulnerable subjects in an economic crisis, to define the social and historical context giving rise to the economic crisis, as well as its financial components, and to identify potential Government policies to protect women and support them in an economic downturn.

May 9 | Valparaiso, Chile

4th Annual Gathering of the Group of Women Parliamentarians (2012)


Citizen Security for Women: A Parliamentary Task


  • To discuss strategies for incorporating concrete mechanisms of protection for women into the national public safety policies of countries in the Americas

September 8 | Asuncion, Paraguay

7th Meeting of the Group of Women Parliamentarians (held during the 8th Plenary Assembly)


Gender Perspective on Citizen Security


  • To undertake an analysis of new forms of violence against women – expressed as femicide, the feminization of poverty and migration, the trade of women and girls or illegal trafficking, as factors which contribute to the deterioration of citizen security and that affect all women in the hemisphere

June 30 | Santo Domingo, República Dominicana

3rd Annual Gathering of the Group of Women Parliamentarians (2011)


  • To discuss key issues such as women’s leadership and empowerment in politics; migration and afro-descendants; the challenges of the democratic system to ensure gender equality in political participation; and the situation of female politicians in the Caribbean

November 17 | Mexico City, Mexico

6th Meeting of the Group of Women Parliamentarians (held during the 7th Plenary Assembly)


Progress, Difficulties and Challenges With Respect to Political and Electoral Participation by Women


To discuss issues related to the current situation of women’s participation in politics, family issues they face, as well as their roles, and the issue of confidence in their abilities and the right to act as political representatives of men and women

August 11 | Quito, Ecuador

2nd Annual Gathering of the Group of Women Parliamentarians (2010)


Women in Power: Challenges for the 21st Century


  • To further develop women parliamentarians’ political skills from a gender and human rights perspective 


The meeting agenda was developed based on the current scenario in the Americas and the status of women’s rights, under the following topics: Exercising Power: The Experience of a Woman Politician; The Current Situation of Women’s Rights in the Americas: A Critical Look at National Legislatures; and Women Politicians and the Media.

September 13 | Ottawa, Canada

5th Meeting of te Group of Women Parliamentarians (held during the 6th Plenary Assembly)


Prosperity and Cooperation: A New Agenda for the Americas


To discuss how to eliminate or reduce the disparity in the number of women engaged in the political process

April 2 | Port-au-Prince, Haïti

2nd Parliamentary Mission to Haiti by the Group of Women Parliamentarians


  • To build capacity and accompany women candidates to the 2009 legislative and municipal elections in Haiti
  • For FIPA delegates to participate as speakers and mentors in a round table with candidates of various political parties, addressing issues such as campaign financing, communication strategies, parliamentary roles and responsibilities, and the incorporation of a gender perspective to the programs of political parties

November 20 | Bogota, Colombia

1st Annual Gathering of the Group of Women Parliamentarians (2008)

THEME  Towards a Gender-Sensitive Legislative Agenda for Development in the Americas


  • To discuss how to achieve a gender-sensitive legislative agenda for development in the Americas, including current economic and gender policies, social and environmental policies, political and electoral reforms from a gender perspective, as well as the implications of the international crisis for the Americas

November 20 | Bogota, Colombia

4th Meeting of the Group of Women Parliamentarians (held during the 5th Plenary Assembly)

Host: Colombia

Objectives of the meeting: to carry out the 2007-2008 work plan of the Group of Women Parliamentarians.

September 11 | Port-au-Prince, Haïti

1st Parliamentary Mission to Haiti by the Group of Women Parliamentarians


  • To promote the participation of Haitian women in the electoral process by encouraging them to register on electoral lists and to run as candidates in the legislative elections taking place in November 2005

May 20 | Brasilia, Brazil

3rd Meeting of the Group of Women Parliamentarians (held during the 4th Plenary Assembly)


  • To analyze the results of the regional forums on women’s leadership and the strengthening of democracy held in Bridgetown, Barbados, and Buenos Aires, Argentina, in order to prepare a work plan for the Group of Women Parliamentarians of the Americas
  • To share the recommendations and commitments of the parliamentarians of the Americas with the Heads of State and Government who will meet at the 4th Summit of the Americas (November 4–5, 2005 in Mar del Plata, Argentina)

April 6 | Buenos Aires, Argentina

2nd Regional Forum of the Group of Women Parliamentarians (Central & South America)


 Enhancing Women’s Leadership to Strengthen Democracy


  • To improve the ability of parliamentarians to implement gender-equality policies through the exchange of experiences and best practices
  • To assess progress in the area of women’s leadership in the region while identifying tools to enhance their participation in decision-making venues
  • To make recommendations to FIPA’s Plenary Assembly ahead of the 4th Summit of the Americas (Mar del Plata, Argentina, November 4-5, 2005), which will focus on the theme of creating employment to confront poverty and strengthen democratic governance

March 20 | Bridgetown, Barbados

1st Regional Forum of the Group of Women Parliamentarians (Caribbean & North America)


Enhancing Women’s Leadership to Strengthen Democracy


  • To create a forum for women parliamentarians of the Americas to advance the regional gender-equality agenda for shaping the direction and character of emerging societies of the 21st century
  • To build the capacity of parliamentarians to promote and implement gender-equity policies, through the sharing of experiences and best practices
  • To assess the advancement of women thus far and identify key growth areas and tools for their participation in leadership and decision making
  • To submit recommendations to the Plenary Assembly of FIPA, looking ahead to the 4th Summit of the Americas

April 2 | Valparaiso, Chile

2nd Meeting of the Group of Women Parliamentarians (held during the 3rd Plenary Assembly)


– To discuss democratic governance and public policies with a gender perspective

February 21 | Panama City, Panama

1st Meeting of the Group of Women Parliamentarians (held during the 2nd Plenary Assembly)


– To discuss the creation of the Group of Women Parliamentarians of the Americas