March 7 | Virtual
Parliamentary Exchange: Strategies for Bold Climate Initiatives
- Civil Society Priorities for Climate Justice. Sapphire Alexander, Founder of Caribbean Feminist
- Caribbean Feminist Redefining Work Report 2024, Caribbean Feminist 2024
- The Caribbean We Want: A comprehensive list of recommendations developed by SIDS civil society, CANARI. 2024
January 31 | Virtual
Organized by the ParlAmericas Green Economy Caucus
- Analyzing methane emissions
- Methane Calculator: Assessment of Energy Utilization of Biogas in Water Treatment Plants (ECLAC)
- Carbon Mapper: Methane, CO2 Detection Satellite
- The Waste Methane Assessment Platform (WasteMAP)
- Global Methane Pledge. 2023.
- Parliamentary Platform for Climate Action and Against Methane. (in Spanish)
- Global Methane Assessment: 2030 Baseline Report. United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) and UNEP-convened Climate and Clean Air Coalition, 2023.
- Global Methane Assessment: Benefits and Costs of Mitigating Methane Emissions. UNEP and UNEP-convened Climate and Clean Air Coalition, 2021.
- Global Methane Tracker 2024. International Energy Agency, 2024.
- Wastewater treatment
- IV Edition of the Regional Water Dialogues for Latin America and the Caribbean: Forging Alliances for Action (ECLAC)
- Circular Economy Opportunities in the Treatment of Wastewater in Latin America and the Caribbean (ECLAC; in Spanish)
- Methane Energy Use in Wastewater Treatment: Case Studies in El Salvador, Mexico and Panama (ECLAC; in Spanish)
- EPA Releases New Food Waste Reports: Reports reveal the impacts of food waste on landfill methane emissions and provide updated recommendations for managing food waste (US Environmental Protection Agency)
- Inclusive recycling and formalizing the informal sector
- Agriculture
November 11 | Baku, Azerbaijan
- Pre-COP29 campaign: Information to support engagement of parliamentarians from the region at COP29, ParlAmericas.
- Parliaments and the Paris Agreement, ParlAmericas.
- Environment and Sustainability: Mapping the Strategies and Plans of the Americas and the Caribbean, ParlAmericas.
- 10 Actions for Stronger National Climate Commitments, IPU.
- Duration of COP29: There will be a parliamentary pavilion, run by GLOBE Legislators.
- The parliamentary pavilion will also host daily briefings from 9:00-9:30 am.
- View all events happening at the parliamentary pavilion here
- A COP29 virtual platform is being made available to accredited individuals. ParlAmericas has a limited number of accredited spots to access this virtual feature. If you are interested, please contact us.
- UNFCCC Pavilion side events will be live-streamed on the official secretariat-managed YouTube channel.
- Press conferences and a variety of events can also be viewed on the public webcast schedule of the official UNFCCC website.
October 23 | San José, Costa Rica

- Global Compact for Safe, Orderly and Regular Migration. United Nations, 2019
- Los Angeles Declaration on Migration and Protection. Summit of the Americas, 2022
- Inclusive Migration Governance in the Americas and Caribbean: A Primer for Parliamentarians. ECLAC and ParlAmericas, 2024
- Regional Framework Law on the Management of Migration for Climate and Environmental Reasons with a Human Rights. FOPREL/IOM, 2024 (in Spanish)
- Regional Framework Law on Migration with a Human Rights. FOPREL/IOM, 2019 (in Spanish)
- How Does International Migration Contribute to Sustainable Development in Latin America and the Caribbean? ECLAC, 2022
- Global Migration Data Portal, website
- Migration Policy Institute, website
- Migration, Environment and Climate Change, IOM Regional Office for the Americas, webpage
- Gender and Migration, IOM Regional Office for the Americas, webpage
- Regional Handbook for Mainstreaming a Human Rights, Gender and Intercultural Approach in the Work of Immigration and Border Security Authorities in the Americas. OAS Department of Social Inclusion, 2023
- Seven Key Elements on Building Human Rights Based Narratives on Migrants and Migration. Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights, 2020
Parliamentary Network for Gender Equality (PNGE)
Parliamentary Network on Climate Change and Sustainability (PNCCS)
During the 8th Gathering of the ParlAmericas Parliamentary Network on Climate Change and Sustainability and 16th Gathering of the ParlAmericas Parliamentary Network for Gender Equality, elections will be held for certain positions on the Executive Committee of the PNCCS and the Executive Committee of the PNGE. The nominations received can be found below:
Parliamentary Network for Gender Equality
PNGE 2nd Vice-Presidency – Central America
October 21 | Cali, Colombia
- Official COP16 Side Events: https://www.cbd.int/side-events/
- Information for participants: https://www.cbd.int/conferences/2024/info-note
Parliamentary meetings taking place at COP16 of the CBD:
October 23: Parliamentary Forum: “Parliamentarians for Economic Transitions for the Care, Conservation, and Sustainable Use of Biodiversity”
- Hosts: Ministries of Environment and Sustainable Development and Foreign Affairs, together with the Secretariat of the Convention on Biological Diversity, in coordination with the International Conservation Caucus Foundation Group and with the support of the Inter-Parliamentary Union.
- Location and time: Blue zone; 8:00am – 5:50 pm (followed by a cocktail)
October 24: Parliamentary Dialogue: Amazon Free of Fossil Fuels
- Host: Parliamentarians for a Fossil-Free Future
- Location and time: Blue zone (Colombian Pavilion); 11:00 – 12:00
October 25: First Public Hearing: Current Situation of Oil and Gas Exploitation in the Amazon Biome
- Host: Parliamentarians for a Fossil-Free Future
- Location and time: Green zone (San Pedro: Carrera 1 con calle 10, sobre el boulevard del río); 11:00 – 15:00
October 26: The role of parliamentarians in the protection of environmental defenders in Latin America
- Host: Parliamentarians for a Fossil-Free Future and Global Witness
- Location and time: Green zone (San Pedro: Carrera 1 con calle 10, sobre el boulevard del río); 9:00 – 10:30
October 27: Side event “Satellite Technologies Role in Conservation”
- Host: International Conservation Caucus Foundation Group
- Location and time: Blue zone (British Pavilion); 10:00 – 12:00
October 28: Gathering of Women from Water and Biodiversity Regions and Promotion of the “Women in Biodiversity” Bill
- Host: Legal Committee for Women’s Equity of the Congress of Colombia, Network of Women of Water Territories, Government of Valle del Cauca
- Location and time: Green zone (Biblioteca Departamental Jorge Garcés Borrero, Auditorio Diego Garcés); 16:00 – 18:00
October 31: Regional Parliamentary Gathering
- Host: Commission of the Pacific Alliance (CISAP), CAF
- Location and time: Blue zone (CAF Pavilion); 9:30 – 11:00 am
November 1: Dialogue – Biodiversity Protection: Opportunities and Challenges
- Host: Commission of the Pacific Alliance (CISAP)
- Location and time: Green zone (Auditorio Universidad Católica de Cali); 10:30
September 25 | Virtual

- Better Practises and Lessons Learned in Inclusive Disaster Risk Management, UN Women MCO Caribbean
- Multi-Hazard Early Warning Systems: Perspectives on Sustainable and Inclusive Governance, UNDRR
- Linking Shock-Responsive Social Protection to Disaster Risk Financing: Lessons from On the Ground, WFP
- Resilient Infrastructure: The Urgency from Legislation and Institutional Architecture to Cope with Disasters, UNDRR
August 28 | Virtual
Meeting of the ParlAmericas Parliamentary Staff Network on Climate Change and Sustainability
- Sustainable Procurement, Reeve Consulting
- Becoming ISO 14001 certified, Chamber of Deputies of Mexico
- Sustainable Management, Chamber of Deputies of Brazil
- Institutional Program on Environmental Management, Legislative Assembly of Costa Rica
- Waste Reduction Efforts, Parliament of Trinidad and Tobago
- Sustainable Practices in Building Renovations, Parliament of Canada
March 13 | Virtual
Meeting of the ParlAmericas Parliamentary Staff Network on Climate Change and Sustainability
- Scientific evidence of climate change: Key messages from the IPCC, Dr. Paulina Aldunce, University of Chile and lead author of the IPCC AR6 report.
- Climate Change Laws of the World: Designing gender and Human Rights Responsive Climate Laws, Catherine Higham, Grantham Research Institute.
- About the International Science Council, Dr. Carolina SantaCruz, International Science Council.
- Presentation on Sustainable Management, Chamber of Deputies of Brazil.
- Presentation on Waste Management, Senate of Brazil.
- The Synthesis Report of the IPCC Sixth Assessment Report: Climate Change 2023, IPCC, 2023.
- Parliaments and the Paris Agreement, ParlAmericas, GLOBE, INTER PARES, and WFD, 2021.
- Climate Change Laws of the World, LSE Database.
- Principles for effective communication and public engagement on climate change: A Handbook for IPCC authors, Climate Outreach, 2018.
- Environment and Sustainability: Mapping the Strategies and Plans in the Americas and the Caribbean, ParlAmericas.
- The Sustainable Program of the Chamber of Deputies of Mexico (in Spanish)
- EcoCâmara of the Chamber of the Deputies of Brazil (in Portuguese)
December 4 | Dubai, United Arab Emirates

ParlAmericas side event and networking space
December 4 | Dubai, United Arab Emirates
The Escazú Agreement and ACE: Strengthening environmental democracy in Latin America and the Caribbean
December 5 | Dubai, United Arab Emirates
COP28: Latin American legislative perspectives for effective and inclusive climate action
Virtual Participation
Key resources for parliaments
- Parliaments and the Paris Agreement. ParlAmericas, GLOBE, INTER PARES, and WFD, 2021.
- Environment and Sustainability: Mapping the Strategies and Plans in the Americas and the Caribbean
- Parliamentary declaration adopted at the 6th Gathering of the Parliamentary Network on Climate Change titled “Realizing our green future: The road to low emissions.”
- Parliamentary declaration adopted at the 7th Gathering of the Parliamentary Network on Climate Change and 5th Gathering of the Parliamentary Network for Gender Equality titled “A food secure future: Building people and planet-centred strategies.”
Recent reports on the state of climate change
- The Adaptation Gap Report 2023: Underfinanced. Underprepared – Inadequate investment and planning on climate adaptation leaves world exposed. UNEP, 2023.
- Emissions Gap Report 2023: Broken Record – Temperatures hit new highs, yet world fails to cut emissions (again). UNEP, 2023.
- The State of the Climate in Latin America & the Caribbean 2022. WMO, 2023.
- Tripling renewable power and doubling energy efficiency by 2030: Crucial steps towards 1.5°C. IRENA, COP28 Presidency, and GRA, 2023.
- Technical dialogue of the first global stocktake. Synthesis report. UNFCCC, 2023.
- The Synthesis Report of the IPCC Sixth Assessment Report: Climate Change 2023. IPCC, 2023.
- Climate Change 2022: Impacts, Adaptation and Vulnerability. Working Group II Contribution to the IPCC Sixth Assessment Report. IPCC, 2022.
- Climate Change 2022: Mitigation of Climate Change. Working Group III Contribution to the IPCC Sixth Assessment Report. IPCC, 2022.
October 25 | Panama City, Panama

October 24 | Panama City, Panama

- Regulatory Frameworks and Governance. IOM.
- The Migratory Situation in the Darién Gap.
- Socio-Economic Contributions of International Migration to Sustainable Development. CELADE-Population Division, ECLAC
- Evolution & Impact of the OECS Free Movement of Persons Regime. OECS
- Contributions of migration to socio-economic development. UN Women
International instruments
- Global Compact for Safe, Orderly and Regular Migration. United Nations
- Los Angeles Declaration on Migration and Protection. IX Summit of the Americas
Children and adolescents
- The Changing Face of Child Migration in Latin America and the Caribbean
- Children on the move in Latin America and the Caribbean
Gender and migration
September 28 | Mexico City, Mexico
7th Gathering of the ParlAmericas Parliamentary Network on Climate Change and 15th Gathering of the ParlAmericas Parliamentary Network for Gender Equality

- A food secure future: Building people and planet-centered strategies – Day 1
- A food secure future: Building people and planet-centered strategies – Day 2
Parliamentary Network for Gender Equality (PNGE)
Parliamentary Network on Climate Change (PNCC)
During the 7th Gathering of the ParlAmericas Parliamentary Network on Climate Change (PNCC) and the 15th Gathering of the Parliamentary Network for Gender Equality (PNGE), elections will be held for certain positions on the Networks’ Executive Committees and for the host parliament of the next gathering. Nominations received can be found below.
PNCC Executive Commitee nominations
PNCC Presidency
- Senator Rosa Galvez (Canada)
PNCC Vice-Presidency – North America
- Senator Raúl Bolaños-Cacho Cué (Mexico)
PNCC Vice-Presidency – South America
- Member of the Member of the Chamber of Deputies Margarita Stolbizer (Argentina)
- Member of the National Assembly Radjendrekoemar Debie (Suriname)
PNCC Vice-Presidency – Caribbean
- Member of the Chamber of Deputies Nelsa Shoraya Suárez Ariza (Dominican Republic)
- Senator Anthony Vieira (Trinidad and Tobago)
PNGE Executive Committee nominations
PNGE Presidency
- Senator Verónica Noemí Camino Farjat (Mexico)
PNGE Vice-Presidency – North America
- Member of Parliament Stephanie Kusie (Canada)
PNGE Vice-Presidency – South America
PNGE Vice-Presidency – Central America
- Member of the National Assembly Kayra Harding Bart (Panama)
- Member of Congress Andrea Villagrán Ánton (Guatemala)
PNGE Vice-Presidency – Caribbean
- Senator Lisa Jawahir (Saint Lucia)
August 16 | Virtual Meeting

- Parliaments and the Paris Agreement. ParlAmericas.
- Guide on Green Parliaments: Actions to Promote Sustainable Practices within Parliaments. ParlAmericas.
- Environment and Sustainability: Mapping the Strategies and Plans in the Americas and the Caribbean, ParlAmericas interactive resource.
July 11 | Virtual Meeting

- The Escazú Agreement: Where are we now? David Barrio Lamarche, 2023.
- Factsheet for Parliamentarians: The Escazú Agreement, an Environmental and Human Rights Treaty. PGA, 2022.
- Regional Agreement on Access to Information, Public Participation and Justice in Environmental Matters in Latin America and the Caribbean. Implementation guide. ECLAC, 2022.
- Towards an Environmental Democracy with a Gender Perspective. IUCN, FARN, and ECO MAXEI, 2022.
- Road Map Towards Legislative Openness 2.0. ParlAmericas, 2022.
- Toolkit: Citizen Participation in the Legislative Process. ParlAmericas, 2018.
- Observatory on Principle 10 in Latin America and the Caribbean of ECLAC, website.
- Environment and Sustainability: Mapping the Strategies and Plans in the Americas and the Caribbean, ParlAmericas interactive resource.
- Actions for Climate Empowerment (ACE)
- Gender and climate change action plans
- Status on the ratification of the Escazú Agreement
May 24 | Virtual Meeting

- International landscape and the importance of ending plastic pollution. UNEP, 2023.
- Circular Economy of Plastics. WRAP, 2023.
- Transitioning away from a linear economy. EMF, 2023.
- Decent work in the circular economy: An overview of the existing evidence base. Circular Economy. ILO, and S4YE, 2023.
- Turning off the Tap: How the world can end plastic pollution and create a circular economy. UNEP, 2023.
- Monitoring trade in plastic waste and scrap. OCDE, 2022.
November 6 | Sharm El-Sheikh, Egypt

- COP27 Legislators Summit, hosted by GLOBE
- Parliamentary Meeting at COP27, hosted by the Inter-Parliamentary Union
- Protagonist Latin American and Caribbean Parliaments: Mobilizing climate finance, a side-event hosted by the Parliamentary Observatory on Climate Change and Just Transition (OPCC)
- Utilising expertise of the youth to bridge the science-policy divide and improve access to finance, a side-event hosted by Fédération Internationale des Ingénieurs-Conseils (FIDIC), International Water Association (IWA), Moravian University and The Association of Commonwealth Universities (The ACU)
- Parliaments and the Paris Agreement. ParlAmericas, GLOBE, INTER PARES, and WFD, 2021.
- Environment and Sustainability: Mapping the Strategies and Plans in the Americas and the Caribbean
- Parliamentary declaration adopted at the 6th Gathering of the ParlAmericas Parliamentary Network on Climate Change on Realizing our Green Future: The Road to Low Emissions.
- The State of the Climate in Latin America & the Caribbean 2021. WMO, 2022.
- The Latin America and the Caribbean Climate Week 2022 output report. UNFCCC, 2022.
- Emissions Gap Report 2022: The Closing Window – Climate crisis calls for rapid transformation of societies. UNEP, 2022.
- The Adaptation Gap Report 2022. UNEP, 2022.
- Climate Change 2022: Impacts, Adaptation and Vulnerability. Working Group II Contribution to the IPCC Sixth Assessment Report. IPCC, 2022.
- Climate Change 2022: Mitigation of Climate Change. Working Group III Contribution to the IPCC Sixth Assessment Report. IPCC, 2022.
- An IPCC Special Report: Climate Change and Land. IPCC, 2019.
- An IPCC Special Report: Global Warming of 1.5 ºC. IPCC, 2018.
July 5 | Virtual Meeting
6th Gathering of the ParlAmericas Parliamentary Network on Climate Change

- Agriculture, Forestas and Other Land Uses (AFOLU): Trends and opportunities, Dr. Mercedes Bustamante, 2022.
- Sustainable agriculture adapted to climate change and gender-sensitive, Dr. Osana Bonilla-Findji, 2022 (in Spanish).
- Catalyzing finance to turn NDCs into Action, Minister Matthew Samuda, 2022.
- The Global Land Outlook: Latin America and the Caribbean Thematic Report: Sustainable Land Management and Climate Change Adaptation, United Nations Convention to Combat Desertification (UNCCD), 2019.
- Global Land Outlook 2: Land Restoration for Recovery and Resilience, UNCCD, 2022.
- Climate Change and Land, IPCC, 2019.
- Land rights matter for people and the planet, UNCCD, 2022.
- Forest Pulse: The Latest on the World’s Forests, World Resources Institute, 2022.
During the 6th Gathering of the ParlAmericas Parliamentary Network on Climate Change, elections was held for the Network’s vice-presidency for Central America and for the host parliament of the next gathering. Nominations received can be found below.
June 23 | Virtual Meeting
- Achieving Sustainability: Energy at the centre. Dr. Devon Gardner, 2022.
- Shift Strategies: From higher emitting modes to lower emitting modes, Multimodal and active transport. Andrea Palma, 2022.
- Climate Change 2022: Mitigation of Climate Change, IPCC, 2022.
- Emissions Gap Report 2020, UNEP, 2020.
- Just Transition Towards Environmentally Sustainable Economies and Societies for All, International Labour Organization (ILO), 2018.
- Zero Carbon Latin America and the Caribbean: The opportunity, cost, and benefits of the coupled decarbonization of the power and transport sectors in Latin America and the Caribbean, UNEP, 2019.
- How better transport will help Latin America get ahead of the climate crisis, World Bank, 2021.
- Approaches for Gender Responsive Urban Mobility, GIZ, SUTP & Transformative Urban Mobility Initiative, 2018.
- World Energy Transition Outlook: 1.5°C Pathway, IRENA, 2022.
- Production Gap Report 2020, UNEP, 2020.
- Wind energy: A gender perspective, IRENA, 2020.
April 6 | Virtual Meeting

- Background document: Introduction to Circular Economy Workshop
- Environment and Sustainability: Mapping strategies and plans of the Americas and the Caribbean – Circular Economy Roadmaps
- Comprehensive report of the circular economy workshop
- Circular Economy in Trinidad and Tobago. Dr. Sherwyn Millette, 2022.
- The Role of Data, Monitoring, and Reporting. David Oswald, 2022.
- The Role of Education. Sian Cuffy-Young, 2022.
June 25 | Virtual Meeting
5th Gathering of the ParlAmericas Parliamentary Network on Climate Change

- What is the Paris Agreement. UNFCCC.
- NDC Synthesis Report. UNFCCC, 2021.
- A review of “Transition Management” strategies: Lessons for advancing the green low-carbon transition. Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD), 2018.
- Solidary and Just transition: Silesia Declaration. COP24, 2018.
- Declaration on Children, Youth and Climate Action. UNICEF, 2019.
- Guide for Participation in Democratic Environmental Governance. Westminster Foundation for Democracy (WFD), 2021.
- What is Action for Climate Empowerment. UNFCCC.
During the 5th Gathering of the ParlAmericas Parliamentary Network on Climate Change, elections will be held for the Network’s Executive Committee and for the host parliament of the next gathering. Nominations received can be found below.
- President
- Senator, the Honourable Rosa Galvez (Canada)
- Vice-President – North America
- Senator Raúl Bolaños-Cacho Cué (Mexico)
- Vice-President – South America
Vice-President – Central America
Member of the Legislative Assembly Paola Vega (Costa Rica)
- Vice-President – Caribbean
- Senator Anthony Vieira (Trinidad and Tobago)
June 15 | Virtual meeting: Dialogue with Civil Society and Youth Representatives
- Caribbean AGYLE. United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC).
- Declaration on Children, Youth and Climate Action. UNICEF, 2019.
- Toolkit for young climate activists. UNICEF, 2020.
- Healthy and Environmentally Friendly Youth Campaign. HEY Campaign, 2021.
- Guide for Participation in Democratic Environmental Governance. Westminster Foundation for Democracy (WFD), 2021.
- Citizen Participation in the Legislative Process. ParlAmericas, 2018.
- The Observatory on Principle 10. United Nations Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean (ECLAC).
- What is Action for Climate Empowerment. UNFCCC.
- Unless we act now: The Impacts of climate change on children. UNICEF, 2015.
June 4 | Virtual meeting: Inter-parliamentary Dialogue (Working Session)
- Just Transition Towards Environmentally Sustainable Economies and Societies for All. International Labour Organization (ILO), 2018.
- A review of “Transition Management” strategies: Lessons for advancing the green low-carbon transition. Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD), 2018.
- Enhancing Social Inclusion in Latin America: key issues and the role of social protection systems. OECD, 2017.
- Just Transition. Just Transition Centre, 2017.
- Knowledge Hub. Interamerican Institute for Justice and Sustainability (IIJS).
- A just transition for all. Dialogue with developing countries. Climate Strategies, 2021.
- Solidarity and Just transition: Silesia Declaration. COP24, 2018.
August 17 | Virtual Meeting
- United Nations convention on the law of the sea. United Nations.
- The Sate of World Fisheries and Aquaculture 2020. Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, 2020.
- Intergovernmental Conference on Marine Biodiversity of Areas Beyond National Jurisdiction. United Nations, 2020.
- The Action Plan for the Protection of the Marine Environment and Coastal Areas of the Southeast Pacific. Permanent Commission of the South Pacific, 1981. (in Spanish)
- Principles for Fisheries Management in Areas Beyond National Jurisdiction—the Essential Role of Incentive-Based Approaches. World Wildlife Fund, 2019.
- Addressing Marine Plastics: A Systemic Approach – Recommendations for Actions. United Nations Environment Programme, 2019.
- Challenges and Prospects for Fisheries in Latin America and the Caribbean. Alejandro Flores-Nava, FAO Regional Office for Latin America and the Caribbean
- Legislative actions for the conservation of marine biodiversity in the South Pacific coastal waters. María Amparo Albán, Inter-American Institute of Justice and Sustainability
July 10 | Virtual Meeting

- The Merits of a Clean COVID-19 Recovery. Brian O’Callaghan, University of Oxford.
- Disaster risk management for a better and sustainable reconstruction. Raúl Salazar, UNDRR. (in Spanish)
- Perspectives for the post-COVID-19 reactivation in Latin America and the Caribbean. Leo Heileman, UNEP. (in Spanish)
- The post COVID-19 recovery: How to articulate integrated responses to the health, economic and climate crises in Latin America and the Caribbean. UNEP, 2020.
- Preventing the next pandemic: Zoonotic diseases and how to break the chain of transmission. UNEP, ILRI, and CGIAR, 2020.
- Support program for the post-COVID19 economic recovery aligned with the Paris Agreement. UNEP and EuroClima+, 2020. (In Spanish)
- Will COVID-19 fiscal recovery packages accelerate or retard progress on climate change? Oxford Smith School of Enterprise and the Environment, 2020.
- Brief guide to contribute to the reconstruction and ‘green’ recovery post the COVID-19 crisis in Spain. Oxford Smith School of Enterprise and IIDMA, 2020. (In Spanish)
- Planning for the economic recovery from COVID-19: A sustainability checklist for policymakers. World Bank, 2020.
- A government roadmap for addressing the climate and post COVID-19 economic crises. Climate Action Tracker, 2020.
- Sustainable Recovery. International Energy Agency, 2020.
- Inclusion and social cohesion in the framework of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development: keys to inclusive social development in Latin America. ECLAC, 2020. (In Spanish)
- Virtual Dialogue of the Americas and the Caribbean against the COVID-19 Pandemic: Towards Integrated Management in Disaster Risk Reduction. UNDRR, 2020. (In Spanish)
August 8 | Paramaribo, Suriname
4th Gathering of the Parliamentary Network on Climate Change

PRESENTATIONS Keynote address
- Keynote address presentation. Ana F. González Guerrero, Co-Founder and Managing Director of Youth Climate Lab
Special Presentations
- National Decarbonization Plan. Paola Vega, President of the Special Permanent Commission for the Environment of the Legislative Assembly of the Republic of Costa Rica
- Overcoming the Challenge of Consensus: The Creation of the Green Caucus in Peru. Ana María Choquehuanca, Member of Congress (Peru), coordinator of the multi-party green caucus
- Climate – Activities of DNA – Suriname. Dr. R. Nurmohamed, Member of the National Assembly (Suriname)
- Activities of the Surinamese parliament on climate change and disasters. Grace Watamaleo, Member of the National Assembly (Suriname)
Session 1: Outcomes of COP 24 (Poland) and Preparations for COP25 (Chile)
- Outcomes of COP24. Carlos Fuller, International and Regional Liaison Officer of the CCCCC and Chair of the Alliance of Small Island Nations
- COP25 Chile 2019. Iván Flores, President of the Chamber of Deputies (Chile)
Session 2: Taking Climate Action and Building Resilience through the Power of Legislation
- Climate-smart extractive industries. Hon. David M. Wells, Senator (Canada)
- Disaster Risk Reduction. Ana Belén Marín, Member of the National Assembly (Ecuador)
- Ocean and Coastal protection. Dr. Sewnath Naipal (Suriname)
Session 3: Overcoming the Obstacles and Seizing Opportunities for Implementing Carbon Market and Non-Market Mechanisms
- Market and Non-market mechanisms. Carlos Ruiz-Garvia, Regional Coordinator – Regional Collaboration Center, Latin America and Caribbean, UNFCCC
- Fiscal incentives. Hon. Arthur E. Holder, Speaker of the House of Assembly (Barbados)
- Bolivia facing Climate Change. Nelly Lenz Roso, Member of the Chamber of Deputies (Bolivia) (in Spanish)
Session 4: Raising Ambition and Accessing Climate Financing
- Raising Ambition for Climate Action. Hon. Robby Ramlakhan, Ambassador and Advisor to the Cabinet of the President – Coordination Environment (Suriname)
- Perspectives on Climate Financing. Dr. César Falconi, Inter-American Development Bank representative in Suriname
- UNFCCC & PA Finance Opportunities for LAC Countries. Dr. Victor Viñas, Board member representing Latin America and the Caribbean in the Adaptation Fund and Green Climate Fund
- The Katowice climate package: Making The Paris Agreement Work For All. UNFCCC, 2019
- Climate Agenda: Key Topics of Discussion from COP24 to COP25. ParlAmericas, 2019
- COP 25 Chile (web page). Presidency COP25, 2019
- GEO-6: Global Environment Outlook: Regional assessment for Latin America and the Caribbean. UNEP, 2019
- Climate change and health. WHO, 2018
- Parliamentary Protocol for Disaster Risk Reduction and Climate Change Adaptation. ParlAmericas, 2019
- What are Market and Non-Market Mechanisms? UNFCCC. n.d.
- Primer on Climate Financing: Mechanisms and Opportunities for Latin America and the Caribbean. ParlAmericas, 2019
During the gathering, elections will be held for certain positions on the Network’s Executive Committee and for the host parliament of the next gathering. The results were the following:
- President
- Vice President – North America
- Senator Rosa Galvez (Canada)
- Vice President – Central America
- Vice President – Caribbean
- Speaker of the House of Assembly Andy Daniel (Saint Lucia)
- Vice President – South America
- Alternate Vice President – South America
- Speaker of the National Assembly Jennifer Simons (Suriname)
October 4 | Panama City, Panama
3rd Gathering of the Parliamentary Network on Climate Change

- Bangkok climate talks: key outcomes on the Paris Agreement ‘rulebook’, CarbonBrief: Clear on Climate (2018)
- Benefits of Climate Action: Piloting a Global Approach to Measurement, C40 Cities (2016)
- Loss and Damage: Online Guide, UNFCCC (2017)
- Primer on the United Nations Climate Change Regime, ParlAmericas (2018)
- Primer on Carbon Pricing, ParlAmericas (2017)
- Nationally Determined Contributions Summary Cards for Parliamentarians, ParlAmericas (2017)
- Assessing the impact of disasters: current scenarios and trends in the Americas. Raul Salazar, Chief of the United Nations Office for Disaster Risk Reduction (UNISDR) Secretariat for the Americas.
- Carbon Pricing in the Americas and the Caribbean. Alexis L. Leroy, CEO, Allcot Group (greenhouse gas emissions management expert).
- Carbon Pricing: A Parliamentarian Perspective. The Honourable Jennifer Simons, Vice president – The South American Parliamentary Network on Climate Change and Speaker of the National Assembly, Suriname.
- Paris Agreement and NDCs. Carlos Garvia, Regional Coordinator, Regional Center of Collaboration, Latin America and Caribbean, United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change.
- Subnational climate change adaptation and mitigation: challenges and opportunities for urban settlements. Gian Carlo Delgado Ramos, Member of the Working Group II, Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), Mexico.
- Sustaining the fabric of life. Nidya Pesántez, Program specialist, UN Women Ecuador.
February 22 | Panama City, Panama

- Conceptual Framework on Disaster Risk Reduction and Adaptation to Climate Change, Pilar Moraga Sariego, Centre of Climate Science and Resilience and University of Chile Centre for Environmental Law
- Sendai Framework for Disaster Risk Reduction 2015-2030, Raúl Salazar, United Nations Office for Disaster Risk Reduction (UNISDR) Regional Office for the Americas
- Dialogue on Disaster Risk Reduction, Alma Pérez, UN Women Regional Office for the Americas and the Caribbean
- The Disaster Risk Reduction Agenda and the Nationally Determined Commitments under the Paris Agreement, Cayetano Casado, United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) and NDC Partnership
- A Look at the Local Frontline, María Verónica Bastías, Global Network of Civil Society Organizations for Disaster Reduction (GNDR)
- Chart of the Sendai Framework for Disaster Risk Reduction. UNISDR
- Sendai Framework for Disaster Risk Reduction. United Nations
- UN Women in Crisis and Emergency Contexts in Latin America and the Caribbean. UN Women, 2017
- Country Disaster Risk Profiles, World Bank Group
August 3 | Panama City, Panama
2nd Gathering of the Parliamentary Network on Climate Change

SPECIAL REMARKS: Claudia de Windt, Senior Legal Specialist in the Department of Sustainable Development of the Organziation of American States (OAS) (in Spanish). PRESENTATIONS
- Sustainability and Climate Change. Gisela Alonso, keynote speaker
- Climate Change, Elliot Sucari, Organization of American States (OAS)
- Public Policies and Climate Change. Orlando Reyes, Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean (ECLAC)
- Legal Implications of the Paris Agreement and Renewable Energy Integration, Derrick Oderson
- Corporate Social Responsibility in Remote Areas of Latin America and the Caribbean. Byron Chiliquinga, Latin American Energy Organization (OLADE)
- Indicators for Renewable Energy – GEF Experience. Neeraj Kumar Negi, The Global Enviroment Facility (GEF) Independent Evaluation Office
- Gender and Energy: From International Commitments to National Implementation. Itzá Castañeda, International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN)
- Acting in an Integrated Way: Sustainable Development – Adaptation and Mitigation. Marianela Curi, Fundación Futuro Latinoamericano (FFLA)
- Electric Mobility: Opportunities for Latin America. Gustavo Máñez, United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP)
- Climate Change: A Comparative Overview of Legislative and Executive Responses in the Americas. Organization of American States and ParlAmericas, 2017
- Climate Change: A Comparative Overview of the Rights Based Approach in the Americas. Organization of American States and ParlAmericas, 2017
- Projecting Progress: The SDGs in Latin America and the Caribbean. Overseas Development Institute, 2016
- Review for Parliamentarians: A Periodic Brief on Renewable Energy. International Renewable Energy Agency, 2016
- Global Trends in Climate Change Legislation and Litigation. London School of Economics, 2017
- Climate Change 101: Climate Science Basics. Center for Climate Change and Health, 2016
- Finding the Nexus: Exploring Climate Change Adaptation and Mitigation. Local Governments for Sustainability, 2012
- Guide on Gender and Energy for Trainers and Managers of Public Policy and Projects. Latin American Energy Organization, 2014 (in Spanish)
- Mainstreaming Gender in Policies and Laws related to Climate Change and REDD+ in Mexico. Alianza México REDD+, 2017
- 10 Questions to ask about Scaling On-Grid Renewable Energy. World Resources Institute, 2014
- Roadmap for a Renewable Energy Future. International Renewable Energy Agency, 2016
During the 2nd Gathering of the PNCC, the four vice-presidents of the ParlAmericas PNCC executive committee were elected:
- North America:
- Member of Parliament Dan Ruimy (Canada)
- Central America:
- Member of Congress Sofía Hernández (Guatemala)
- South America:
- Speaker of the National Assembly Jennifer Simons (Suriname)
- Member of the National Assembly Ana Belén Marín (Ecuador) (Alternate Vice-president)
- Caribbean:
- President of the Senate Andy Daniel (Saint Lucia)
August 3 | Panama City, Panama

- Plácida Espinoza Mamani, Senator (Bolivia) (in Spanish)
- Carlos Viteri Gualinga, Member of the National Assembly (Ecuador) (in Spanish)
- Arnaldo Giuzzio Bnítez, Senator (Paraguay) (in Spanish)
- Mónica Araya, Executive Director (Nivela) (in Spanish)
- María del Rocío Pineda Gochi, Senator (México) (in Spanish)
- Creating a Sustainable Financial System – A Role for Finance Ministries (October 2015)
- Uncovering Pathways towards an Inclusive Green Economy – A Summary for Leaders (2015)
- Actions on Air Quality – Policies & Programmes for Improving Air Quality around the World
- Financial Reform, Institutional Investors And Sustainable Development – A review of current policy initiatives and proposals for further progress (October 2015)
- Global Environment Outlook Geo-6 Regional Assessment For Latin America And The Caribbean
- Green Energy Choices: the benefits, risks and trade-offs of low-carbon technologies for electricity production (2016)
- INSURANCE 2030 – Harnessing Insurance for Sustainable Development (June 2015)
- Integrated Assessment of Short-Lived Climate Pollutants in Latin America and the Caribbean – Improving air quality while contributing to climate change mitigation
- Marine plastic debris and microplastics – Global lessons and research to inspire action and guide policy change (2016)
- Options for decoupling economic growth from water use and water pollution – A report of the Water Working Group of the International Resource Panel (2015)
- Raising the bar – advancing environmental disclosure in sustainability reporting (2015)
- REDD+ Implementation: A Manual for National Legal Practitioners (2015)
- Resource Efficiency: Potential and Economic Implications (2015)
- The Adaptation Gap Report 2016
- The rise of environmental crime – A growing threat to natural resources, peace, development and security
- UNEP FRONTIERS 2016 REPORT – Emerging Issues of Environmental Concern
- Unlocking the sustainable potential of land resources – evaluation systems, strategies and tools
- Zero carbon Latin America – a pathway for net decarbonisation of the regional economy by mid-century
- Introduction to Climate Change – UNEP
- Climate Change and its Consequences for Latin America (in Spanish) – FES
- Climate Change 2014 Synthesis Report – Summary of policy-makers – IPCC
- Legislative Contributions to Climate Change in Latin America and the Caribbean (in Spanish) – UNEP
- The 2015 Global Climate Legislation Study – LSE
- Parliamentary action plan on climate change – IPU
- Economics of Climate Change in Latin America and the Caribbean – CEPAL
- Principle 10 of the Rio Declaration on Environment and Development – CEPAL
- A catalog of Climate Change adapation options – IDRC
- Supporting Energy Pricing Reform and Carbon Pricing Policies Through Crediting – IISD
For general information on climate change and the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change, please visit the following link (UNFCCC). INAUGURAL SPEECHES
- Mr. Elías Castillo, MP (Panama), Secretary General of the Latin American and Caribbean Parliament (in Spanish)
- Mr. Javier Ortega, MP (Panama), Representative of the National Assembly of Panama and Member of the Board of Directors of ParlAmericas (in Spanish)
- Senator Marcela Guerra (Mexico), President of ParlAmericas (in Spanish)
- Hon. Ms. Mirei Endara (Panama), Minister of the Environment (in Spanish)