Home PNCCS Activities

PNCCS Activities


March 7 | Virtual

Meeting of the Executive Committee of the ParlAmericas Parliamentary Network on Climate Change and Sustainability
Parliamentary Exchange: Strategies for Bold Climate Initiatives

January 31 | Virtual

Reducing Methane Emissions: A Legislative Agenda
Organized by the ParlAmericas Green Economy Caucus



November 11 | Baku, Azerbaijan

Supporting parliamentary participation at COP29



  • Duration of COP29: There will be a parliamentary pavilion, run by GLOBE Legislators. 
    • The parliamentary pavilion will also host daily briefings from 9:00-9:30 am.
    • View all events happening at the parliamentary pavilion here


Map of pavilions


October 23 | San José, Costa Rica

Migration in the Context of Socio-Environmental Challenges

Parliamentary Network for Gender Equality (PNGE)
Parliamentary Network on Climate Change and Sustainability (PNCCS)

During the 8th Gathering of the ParlAmericas Parliamentary Network on Climate Change and Sustainability and 16th Gathering of the ParlAmericas Parliamentary Network for Gender Equality, elections will be held for certain positions on the Executive Committee of the PNCCS and the Executive Committee of the PNGE. The nominations received can be found below:

Parliamentary Network for Gender Equality

PNGE 2nd Vice-Presidency – Central America

October 21 | Cali, Colombia

Participation at COP16 of the Convention on Biological Diversity

Parliamentary meetings taking place at COP16 of the CBD:

October 23: Parliamentary Forum: “Parliamentarians for Economic Transitions for the Care, Conservation, and Sustainable Use of Biodiversity”

  • Hosts: Ministries of Environment and Sustainable Development and Foreign Affairs, together with the Secretariat of the Convention on Biological Diversity, in coordination with the International Conservation Caucus Foundation Group and with the support of the Inter-Parliamentary Union.
  • Location and time: Blue zone; 8:00am – 5:50 pm (followed by a cocktail)

October 24: Parliamentary Dialogue: Amazon Free of Fossil Fuels 

  • Host: Parliamentarians for a Fossil-Free Future
  • Location and time: Blue zone (Colombian Pavilion); 11:00 – 12:00 

October 25: First Public Hearing: Current Situation of Oil and Gas Exploitation in the Amazon Biome

  • Host:  Parliamentarians for a Fossil-Free Future
  • Location and time: Green zone (San Pedro: Carrera 1 con calle 10, sobre el boulevard del río); 11:00 – 15:00

October 26: The role of parliamentarians in the protection of environmental defenders in Latin America

  • Host: Parliamentarians for a Fossil-Free Future and Global Witness
  • Location and time: Green zone (San Pedro: Carrera 1 con calle 10, sobre el boulevard del río); 9:00 – 10:30

October 27: Side event “Satellite Technologies Role in Conservation”

  • Host: International Conservation Caucus Foundation Group
  • Location and time: Blue zone (British Pavilion); 10:00 – 12:00

October 28: Gathering of Women from Water and Biodiversity Regions and Promotion of the “Women in Biodiversity” Bill

  • Host: Legal Committee for Women’s Equity of the Congress of Colombia,  Network of Women of Water Territories, Government of Valle del Cauca
  • Location and time: Green zone (Biblioteca Departamental Jorge Garcés Borrero, Auditorio Diego Garcés); 16:00 – 18:00

October 31: Regional Parliamentary Gathering

  • Host: Commission of the Pacific Alliance (CISAP), CAF
  • Location and time: Blue zone (CAF Pavilion); 9:30 – 11:00 am

November 1: Dialogue – Biodiversity Protection: Opportunities and Challenges

  • Host: Commission of the Pacific Alliance (CISAP)
  • Location and time: Green zone (Auditorio Universidad Católica de Cali); 10:30

August 28 | Virtual

Promoting Sustainable Practices Within Parliaments
Meeting of the ParlAmericas Parliamentary Staff Network on Climate Change and Sustainability


March 13 | Virtual

Tips and Tools for Research to Inform Evidence-Based Climate Action
Meeting of the ParlAmericas Parliamentary Staff Network on Climate Change and Sustainability

December 4 | Dubai, United Arab Emirates

Parliamentary Engagement at COP28




ParlAmericas side event and networking space

December 4 | Dubai, United Arab Emirates
The Escazú Agreement and ACE: Strengthening environmental democracy in Latin America and the Caribbean

December 5  | Dubai, United Arab Emirates
COP28: Latin American legislative perspectives for effective and inclusive climate action

Virtual Participation


Key resources for parliaments

Recent reports on the state of climate change

October 25 | Panama City, Panama

UNFCCC Latin America and the Caribbean Climate Week 2023: “Upscaling Renewable Energy Deployment for the Good of All: The Role of Legislators”

September 28 | Mexico City, Mexico

A Food Secure Future: Building People and Planet-centred Strategies
7th Gathering of the ParlAmericas Parliamentary Network on Climate Change and 15th Gathering of the ParlAmericas Parliamentary Network for Gender Equality




Parliamentary Network for Gender Equality (PNGE)
Parliamentary Network on Climate Change (PNCC)

During the 7th Gathering of the ParlAmericas Parliamentary Network on Climate Change (PNCC) and the 15th Gathering of the Parliamentary Network for Gender Equality (PNGE), elections will be held for certain positions on the Networks’ Executive Committees and for the host parliament of the next gathering. Nominations received can be found below.

PNCC Executive Commitee nominations

PNCC Presidency

PNCC Vice-Presidency – North America

PNCC Vice-Presidency – South America

PNCC Vice-Presidency – Caribbean

PNGE Executive Committee nominations

PNGE Presidency

PNGE Vice-Presidency – North America

PNGE Vice-Presidency – South America

PNGE Vice-Presidency – Central America

PNGE Vice-Presidency – Caribbean

August 16 | Virtual Meeting

2nd Meeting of the ParlAmericas Parliamentary Staff Network on Climate Change (PNCC – Staff)

July 11 | Virtual Meeting

Towards Effective Environmental Governance: Access to Information, Participation, and Justice

March 1 | Virtual Meeting

Mobilizing Parliaments to Address Climate Migration: Virtual Learning Lab within the Framework of the VIII Platform for Disaster Risk Reduction in the Americas and the Caribbean

November 6 | Sharm El-Sheikh, Egypt

Parliamentary Engagement at COP27 and Side Events


Parliamentary Meetings
Virtual Participation
Many pavillions at COP27 have recordings of their events:
Visit the full list of pavilions for more.
Key Resources for Parliaments
Background Information on COP27 and Current Climate State

July 5 | Virtual Meeting

Realizing our Green Future: The Road to Low Emissions
6th Gathering of the ParlAmericas Parliamentary Network on Climate Change

During the 6th Gathering of the ParlAmericas Parliamentary Network on Climate Change, elections was held for the Network’s vice-presidency for Central America and for the host parliament of the next gathering. Nominations received can be found below.

April 6 | Virtual Meeting

Towards a Circular Economy: A Workshop for Parliamentarians and Parliamentary Staff of Trinidad and Tobago

June 25 | Virtual Meeting

Addressing Inequalities to Enable Climate Ambition: A Just Transition to Achieve the Paris Agreement
5th Gathering of the ParlAmericas Parliamentary Network on Climate Change

During the 5th Gathering of the ParlAmericas Parliamentary Network on Climate Change, elections will be held for the Network’s Executive Committee and for the host parliament of the next gathering. Nominations received can be found below.

June 15 | Virtual meeting: Dialogue with Civil Society and Youth Representatives

5th Gathering of the ParlAmericas Parliamentary Network on Climate Change. Addressing Inequalities to Enable Climate Ambition: A Just Transition to Achieve the Paris Agreement


June 4 | Virtual meeting: Inter-parliamentary Dialogue (Working Session)

5th Gathering of the ParlAmericas Parliamentary Network on Climate Change. Addressing Inequalities to Enable Climate Ambition: A Just Transition to Achieve the Paris Agreement


August 17 | Virtual Meeting

Legislative Actions for the Conservation of Marine Biodiversity in the Coastal Waters of the South Pacific



July 10 | Virtual Meeting

Build Back Better: A Green and Sustainable Economic Recovery



August 8 | Paramaribo, Suriname

Advancing Climate Action through Legislation and Parliamentary Oversight
4th Gathering of the Parliamentary Network on Climate Change

PRESENTATIONS Keynote address

Special Presentations

Session 1: Outcomes of COP 24 (Poland) and Preparations for COP25 (Chile)

  • Outcomes of COP24. Carlos Fuller, International and Regional Liaison Officer of the CCCCC and Chair of the Alliance of Small Island Nations
  • COP25 Chile 2019. Iván Flores, President of the Chamber of Deputies (Chile)

Session 2: Taking Climate Action and Building Resilience through the Power of Legislation

Session 3: Overcoming the Obstacles and Seizing Opportunities for Implementing Carbon Market and Non-Market Mechanisms

Session 4: Raising Ambition and Accessing Climate Financing


During the gathering, elections will be held for certain positions on the Network’s Executive Committee and for the host parliament of the next gathering. The results were the following:

Vice President – Central America

October 4 | Panama City, Panama

Fostering Climate Action in the Americas and the Caribbean: The Role of Parliaments within the Climate Agenda
3rd Gathering of the Parliamentary Network on Climate Change



Assessing the impact of disasters: current scenarios and trends in the Americas. Raul Salazar, Chief of the United Nations Office for Disaster Risk Reduction
(UNISDR) Secretariat for the Americas.

February 22 | Panama City, Panama

Dialogue on Disaster Risk Reduction



August 3 | Panama City, Panama

Renewable Energies
2nd Gathering of the Parliamentary Network on Climate Change

SPECIAL REMARKS: Claudia de Windt, Senior Legal Specialist in the Department of Sustainable Development of the Organziation of American States (OAS) (in Spanish). PRESENTATIONS


During the 2nd Gathering of the PNCC, the four vice-presidents of the ParlAmericas PNCC executive committee were elected:

August 3 | Panama City, Panama

Parliamentary Action to Stop Climate Change




For general information on climate change and the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change, please visit the following link (UNFCCC). INAUGURAL SPEECHES