March 25 | Washington, D.C., United States of America

Multidimensional Security and Regional Cooperation: Parliamentary Perspectives
ParlAmericas Parliamentary Delegation to Washington in preparation for the X Summit of the Americas

March 14 | Virtual

Digital Readiness in Parliaments
Meeting of the ParlAmericas Parliamentary Staff Network on Open Parliament

March 7 | Virtual

Meeting of the Executive Committee of the ParlAmericas Parliamentary Network on Climate Change and Sustainability
Parliamentary Exchange: Strategies for Bold Climate Initiatives

January 31 | Panama City, Panama

Progress and Opportunities for Legislative Openness

January 31 | Virtual

Reducing Methane Emissions: A Legislative Agenda
Organized by the ParlAmericas Green Economy Caucus

January 28 | Virtual

Charting the Course to More Gender-Sensitive Parliaments in 2025
ParlAmericas Parliamentary Staff Network for Gender Equality Annual Planning Exchange

December 4 | Port of Spain, Trinidad and Tobago

Making the Work of Parliaments Responsive to the Needs of Women and Men
Caribbean Parliamentary Workshop

December 3 | Brasilia, Brazil

Open Parliament and Innovations for the Future
Open Parliament Day on the margins of the Open America Regional Conference

November 22 | Panama City, Panama

Building Safe, Inclusive, and Violence-Free Digital Spaces

November 20 | Virtual

AI Tools for Parliaments: Caribbean Webinar Series

November 14 | Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

Aligning Global Agendas: Gender and Race Parity as a Principle of Social, Economic Justice and Democracy

November 11 | Baku, Azerbaijan

Supporting parliamentary participation at COP29

October 23 | San José, Costa Rica

Migration in the Context of Socio-Environmental Challenges

October 21 | Cali, Colombia

Participation at COP16 of the Convention on Biological Diversity

October 2 | Guatemala City, Guatemala

Inclusive Citizen Participation: Exploring the Opportunities of Digital Transformation

October 2 | Guatemala City, Guatemala

Promoting Women’s Full Political Participation in Guatemala

September 25 | Virtual

Parliamentary Action for Disaster Risk Reduction and Preparedness in the Caribbean

September 24 | Virtual

Strategies for Gender Equality Training in Parliaments
Meeting of the ParlAmericas Parliamentary Staff Network for Gender Equality

September 7 | Miami, United States

The Role of Parliaments in Transforming Digital Economies in the Caribbean

August 30 | Virtual

Legislative Strategies to Strengthen Digital Identity Governance
Part of a dialogue series organized by the ParlAmericas Digital Caucus

August 28 | Virtual

Promoting Sustainable Practices Within Parliaments
Meeting of the ParlAmericas Parliamentary Staff Network on Climate Change and Sustainability

August 13 | Virtual

Artificial Intelligence in Parliamentary Work
Meeting of the ParlAmericas Parliamentary Staff Network on Open Parliament

August 8 | Virtual

Tying the Threads Together: Parliamentary Actions to Advance International Agreements on the SIDS and Gender Equality

July 10 | Lima, Peru

Beyond Borders: Regional Security Strategies
Interparliamentary Meeting

June 25 | Asuncion, Paraguay

Towards Parity: Strengthening Women’s Political Participation in Paraguay

May 25 | Saint John's, Antigua and Barbuda

Parliamentary Engagement in the Gender Equality Forum and 4th International Conference on Small Island Developing States (SIDS)

May 8 | Asuncion, Paraguay

Building Partnerships to Strengthen Democracy and Promote Human Rights
20th ParlAmericas Plenary Assembly & 8th Gathering of Open Parliament Network

March 22 | Virtual

The Future of Work and Labour Rights: Challenges and Opportunities of Artificial Intelligence
Part of a dialogue series organized by the ParlAmericas Digital Caucus

March 13 | Virtual

Tips and Tools for Research to Inform Evidence-Based Climate Action
Meeting of the ParlAmericas Parliamentary Staff Network on Climate Change and Sustainability

March 12 | Washington, D.C., United States of America

ParlAmericas Parliamentary Delegation to Washington, D.C.

March 6 | Virtual

Meeting of the ParlAmericas Parliamentary Staff Network on Open Parliament

March 5 | Virtual

Regional Meeting of Women of Political Parties

December 14 | Virtual

Current Legislative Experiences in the Governance of Artificial Intelligence

December 13 | Virtual

7th Meeting of the ParlAmericas Parliamentary Staff Network for Gender Equality

December 5 | Virtual

A Virtual Seminar for Women Parliamentarians of the Americas and the Caribbean on the Defence, Peace, and Security Agenda

December 4 | Dubai, United Arab Emirates

Parliamentary Engagement at COP28

November 29 | Bogota, Colombia

Legislative Transparency Measurements and Tools: Opportunities for Parliamentary Openness

October 31 | Gros Islet, Saint Lucia

Multi-Stakeholder Dialogue: Gender Equality and Sustainable Development

October 31 | Gros Islet, Santa Lúcia

Diálogo com multiatores: Igualdade de gênero e desenvolvimento sustentável

October 25 | Panama City, Panama

UNFCCC Latin America and the Caribbean Climate Week 2023: “Upscaling Renewable Energy Deployment for the Good of All: The Role of Legislators”

October 24 | Panama City, Panama

Parliamentary Perspectives for Safe, Orderly, and Regular Migration in Latin America and the Caribbean

September 28 | Mexico City, Mexico

A Food Secure Future: Building People and Planet-centred Strategies
7th Gathering of the ParlAmericas Parliamentary Network on Climate Change and 15th Gathering of the ParlAmericas Parliamentary Network for Gender Equality

August 23 | San José, Costa Rica

Building Networks of Sisterhood to Promote Gender Equality

August 17 | Panama City, Panama

The Role of Youth in Strengthening Democracy: Building a Just and Inclusive Future

August 16 | Panama City, Panama

Towards Equality: More Women Shaping Politics

August 16 | Virtual Meeting

2nd Meeting of the ParlAmericas Parliamentary Staff Network on Climate Change (PNCC – Staff)

August 10 | Brasilia, Brazil

Open and Inclusive Parliaments: Experiences and Strategies in Latin America

July 11 | Virtual Meeting

Towards Effective Environmental Governance: Access to Information, Participation, and Justice

June 15 | Virtual

Virtual Parliamentary Exchange on Artificial Intelligence and Digital Rights

May 30 | Virtual Meeting

Addressing Gender-Based Violence in Parliaments from an Intersectional Perspective

May 24 | Virtual Meeting

Historic Opportunity: The Role of Parliaments in Ending Plastic Pollution

April 20 | Santiago, Chile

The Future of Democracy in the Digital Era
7th Gathering of the ParlAmericas Open Parliament Network

March 24 | Virtual Meeting

5th Meeting of the Parliamentary Staff Network on Open Parliament

March 1 | Virtual Meeting

Mobilizing Parliaments to Address Climate Migration: Virtual Learning Lab within the Framework of the VIII Platform for Disaster Risk Reduction in the Americas and the Caribbean

February 24 | Virtual workshop

Strengthening the Legislative Advocacy of Feminist Organizations in Latin America: Processes, Tools, and Experiences

December 2 | Bogota, Colombia

Parliamentary Engagement in the Inter-American System
19th ParlAmericas Plenary Assembly

November 30 | Bogota, Colombia

Legislative Perspectives for Inclusive Economic Growth: Investing in the Care Economy
14th Gathering of the ParlAmericas Parliamentary Network for Gender Equality

November 6 | Sharm El-Sheikh, Egypt

Parliamentary Engagement at COP27 and Side Events

October 6 | Lima, Peru

High-level Parliamentary Dialogue | Consolidating the Full Political Participation of Women: Building Consensus

September 28 | Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic

Interparliamentary Meeting: Promoting Legislative Openness in the Region, an activity within the framework of the Open Americas Regional Conference

September 15 | Virtual Meeting

Working Meeting on Digital Transformation, hosted by the ParlAmericas Parliamentary Staff Network on Open Parliament & Bússola Tech

September 9 | Virtual Meeting

Effective Engagement in Parliamentary Processes | A series of virtual workshops for women’s organisations in the Caribbean – Workshop 1: Parliamentary Advocacy

July 5 | Virtual Meeting

Realizing our Green Future: The Road to Low Emissions
6th Gathering of the ParlAmericas Parliamentary Network on Climate Change

June 23 | Virtual Meeting

6th Gathering of the ParlAmericas Parliamentary Network on Climate Change | Realizing our Green Future: The Road to Low Emissions (Interparliamentary Dialogue)

June 7 | Los Angeles, United States of America

Building a Sustainable, Resilient, and Equitable Future
The Parliamentary Gathering on the occasion of the IX Summit of the Americas

June 1 | Virtual Meeting

High-level dialogue on the occasion of the IX Summit of the Americas: Promoting multilateralism through parliamentary diplomacy

April 6 | Virtual Meeting

Towards a Circular Economy: A Workshop for Parliamentarians and Parliamentary Staff of Trinidad and Tobago

March 22 | Virtual Meeting

Integrity Matters: Building Stronger Democracies
6th Gathering of the ParlAmericas Open Parliament Network

March 15 | Virtual Meeting

6th Gathering of the ParlAmericas Open Parliament Network | Integrity Matters: Building Stronger Democracies (Inter-parliamentary session)

March 9 | Virtual Meeting

6th Gathering of the ParlAmericas Open Parliament Network | Integrity Matters: Building Stronger Democracies (Parliamentary Dialogue with Civil Society and Youth Representatives)

January 28 | Virtual meeting

4th Meeting of the Parliamentary Staff Network on Open Parliament

December 14 | Virtual Event

Parliamentary Day on the margins of the 2021 OGP Global Summit, hosted by OPeN

December 10 | Virtual Meeting

Rebuilding the Social Contract
18th ParlAmericas Plenary Assembly

November 29 | Virtual meeting

18th ParlAmericas Plenary Assembly (Dialogue with Civil Society and Youth Representatives)

November 26 | Virtual meeting: Inter-parliamentary Dialogue

18th ParlAmericas Plenary Assembly: Rebuilding the Social Contract

October 4 | Virtual Meeting

Bolstering Social Protection beyond COVID-19: What the Data Tells Us
13th Gathering of the ParlAmericas Parliamentary Network For Gender Equality

September 22 | Virtual meeting: Parliamentary Dialogue with Civil Society and Youth Representatives

13th Gathering of the ParlAmericas Parliamentary Network For Gender Equality. Bolstering Social Protection beyond COVID-19: What the Data Tells Us

September 13 | Virtual meeting: Inter-parliamentary Dialogue

13th Gathering of the ParlAmericas Parliamentary Network For Gender Equality. Bolstering Social Protection beyond COVID-19: What the Data Tells Us

August 18 | Virtual Meeting

Interparliamentary Dialogue | Canada – Central America Celebrating 60 Years of Diplomatic Relations: The Important Role of Interparliamentary Cooperation

July 19 | Virtual Meeting

1st Gender Equality Staff Network Meeting

June 25 | Virtual Meeting

Addressing Inequalities to Enable Climate Ambition: A Just Transition to Achieve the Paris Agreement
5th Gathering of the ParlAmericas Parliamentary Network on Climate Change

June 15 | Virtual meeting: Dialogue with Civil Society and Youth Representatives

5th Gathering of the ParlAmericas Parliamentary Network on Climate Change. Addressing Inequalities to Enable Climate Ambition: A Just Transition to Achieve the Paris Agreement

June 4 | Virtual meeting: Inter-parliamentary Dialogue (Working Session)

5th Gathering of the ParlAmericas Parliamentary Network on Climate Change. Addressing Inequalities to Enable Climate Ambition: A Just Transition to Achieve the Paris Agreement

March 26 | Virtual Meeting

Countering Disinformation to Promote Responsible Public Discourse
5th Gathering of the ParlAmericas Open Parliament Network

March 22 | Virtual event

3rd Meeting of the Parliamentary Staff Network on Open Parliament

March 15 | Virtual event: Working Session

5th Gathering of the ParlAmericas Open Parliament Network

February 8 | Virtual Meeting

Building a Coordinated Caribbean Position for CSW65

January 29 | Virtual meeting

Experiences of Legislative Modernization in Latin America: Adaptation, Innovation, and Citizen Participation in the Legislative Process (in Spanish)

January 22 | Virtual Meeting

2nd Meeting of the Parliamentary Staff Network on Open Parliament (in Spanish)

November 27 | Virtual Gathering

Circular Economy
17th ParlAmericas Plenary Assembly

November 16 | Virtual gathering

17th ParlAmericas Plenary Assembly: Circular Economy (Day 1)

November 13 | Virtual Meeting

Experiences of Legislative Modernization in Latin America: Virtual Session for Parliamentarians from El Salvador, Guatemala, and Honduras

October 2 | Virtual Meeting

Designing Inclusive Futures in Partnership with Youth
12th Gathering of the Parliamentary Network for Gender Equality

October 1 | Virtual Meeting

Transparency is not in Quarantine: Launch of the Legislative Transparency Toolkit (in Spanish)

September 2 | Virtual meeting

Supporting the National Adoption of Gender-Responsive Disaster and Crisis Planning

August 21 | Virtual Meeting

Strengthening Oversight of Responses to the COVID-19 Pandemic (in Spanish)

August 17 | Virtual Meeting

Legislative Actions for the Conservation of Marine Biodiversity in the Coastal Waters of the South Pacific

July 22 | Virtual Meeting

Gender-Responsiveness and Disaster Resilience during the COVID-19 Crisis (in English)

July 10 | Virtual Meeting

Build Back Better: A Green and Sustainable Economic Recovery

June 11 | Virtual Meeting

Sustainable Responses for a Post COVID-19 Economic Recovery (in English)

June 5 | Virtual Meeting

Legislating for Post COVID-19 Economic Recovery (in Spanish)

May 8 | Virtual Meeting

Legislative Actions for the Prevention of Violence Against Women during the COVID-19 Pandemic

May 1 | Virtual Meeting

Virtual Parliamentary Sittings during the COVID-19 Pandemic (in English)

April 16 | Virtual Meeting

Organizing Virtual Parliamentary Sessions during the COVID-19 Pandemic (in Spanish)

February 10 | Bridgetown, Barbados

Building a Coordinated Position for Caribbean Negotiations on Beijing +25

December 4 | Panama City, Panama

1st Meeting of Parliamentary Staff Network on Open Parliament

October 30 | Asuncion, Paraguay

Accelerating Progress on Agenda 2030, Good Practices for Parliamentary Action
16th ParlAmericas Plenary Assembly

August 8 | Paramaribo, Suriname

Advancing Climate Action through Legislation and Parliamentary Oversight
4th Gathering of the Parliamentary Network on Climate Change

June 18 | Cidade do México, México

11o Encontro da Rede Parlamentar para a Igualdade de Gênero

June 18 | Mexico City, Mexico

Achieving Balance in the World of Work
11th Gathering of the Parliamentary Network for Gender Equality

May 29 | Ottawa, Canada

Open Parliament Day and Parliamentary Track of the Open Government Partnership Summit

March 12 | Quito, Ecuador

Beyond the Walls of Parliament, Strengthening Parliamentary Oversight
4th Gathering of the ParlAmericas Open Parliament Network

January 24 | San Jose, Costa Rica

Meeting on Open Parliament in Costa Rica

December 6 | Santiago, Chile

Co-creation Meeting: Guide to Develop an Open Parliament Action Plan

December 5 | Santiago, Chile

Reunião para os funcionários do parlamento: planos de ação de parlamento aberto

November 19 | Bridgetown, Barbados

Parliamentary-Civil Society Dialogue | Transformational Leadership for Gender Equality in the Caribbean: Regional Strategies and Partnerships

October 4 | Panama City, Panama

Fostering Climate Action in the Americas and the Caribbean: The Role of Parliaments within the Climate Agenda
3rd Gathering of the Parliamentary Network on Climate Change

September 10 | Victoria, Canadá

15a Asamblea plenaria de ParlAmericas: Promoviendo sociedades inclusivas para el desarrollo sostenible

September 10 | Victoria, Canada

Promoting Inclusive Societies for Sustainable Development
15th ParlAmericas Plenary Assembly

May 22 | Port of Spain, Trinidad and Tobago

Gender-Responsive Climate Action
10th Gathering of the Parliamentary Network for Gender Equality

April 11 | Lima, Peru

Open States for Democratic Governance Against Corruption
3rd Gathering of the ParlAmericas Open Parliament Network on the occasion of the VIII Summit of the Americas

February 22 | Panama City, Panama

Dialogue on Disaster Risk Reduction

January 24 | Kingston, Jamaica

Inter-parliamentary Meeting: Partnerships to Transform Gender Relations

November 21 | Buenos Aires, Argentina

Parliamentary Meeting: Parliament’s Role in the Open Government Partnership

November 15 | Medellin, Colombia

Parliamentary Actions to Promote Responsible Political Discourse
14th ParlAmericas Plenary Assembly

October 16 | Ottawa, Canada

Study Visit on Legislative Openness

September 7 | Port of Spain, Trinidad and Tobago

2nd Co-creation meeting: Citizen Participation Toolkit

September 6 | Port of Spain, Trinidad and Tobago

Workshop: Strengthening Accountability through Fiscal Transparency Practices

August 3 | Panama City, Panama

Renewable Energies
2nd Gathering of the Parliamentary Network on Climate Change

May 29 | Lima, Peru

Co-creation Meeting: International Standards for Lobby Regulation

May 23 | Buenos Aires, Argentina

Women’s Empowerment: Social and Political Responses
9th Gathering organized by the Parliamentary Network for Gender Equality

May 22 | Buenos Aires, Argentina

Men as Allies in Parliamentary Work for Gender Equality

April 20 | Bogota, Colombia

Workshop: Building Trust between Parliaments and Citizens

April 19 | Bogota, Colombia

Co-creation Meeting: Toolkit on Citizen Participation

March 16 | San José, Costa Rica

Strengthening the Ties between Citizens and Legislatures
2nd Gathering of the Open Parliament Network

March 15 | San José, Costa Rica

Training Session: Maximizing the Use of Social Networks to Promote Citizen Participation

January 12 | Santiago, Chile

Gender Equality and the Media
3rd Parliamentary Forum on Beijing+20

December 6 | Mexico City, Mexico

13th ParlAmericas Plenary Assembly: Strengthening Parliaments and Building Resilient Societies to Achieve the Sustainable Development Goals

December 5 | Mexico City, Mexico

Training session in English: Maximizing the Use of Technology to Improve Communication with Constituents

November 6 | Washington D.C., United States

Parliamentary Delegation Visit to the United States Elections

October 20 | Ottawa, Canada

Parliamentary Exchange: Multi-party Caucuses for Gender Equality

September 13 | Santiago, Chile

Study Visit on Legislative Openness

September 12 | Antigua, Guatemala

Parliamentary Gathering for Central America: The Electoral Journey of Women Candidates

August 3 | Panama City, Panama

Parliamentary Action to Stop Climate Change

June 2 | Quito, Ecuador

8th Annual Gathering organized by the Group of Women Parliamentarians: Diversifying Political Power to Build Inclusive Societies

May 26 | Asuncion, Paraguay

1st Annual Gathering of ParlAmericas’ Open Parliament Network: Road Map Towards Legislative Openness

January 26 | Castries, Saint Lucia

Gender-based Political Harassment: Building Awareness in Parliaments

October 29 | Mexico City, Mexico

Open Parliament Network Working Session – Open Government Partnership Summit

September 3 | Panama City, Panama

12th ParlAmericas Plenary Assembly: Legislating for Prosperity with Equity

June 11 | Termas de Río Hondo, Argentina

7th Annual Gathering of the Group of Women Parliamentarians: Action Plan for Preventing Political Harassment and Violence Against Women

April 10 | Panama City, Panama

Legislative Transparency
Parliamentary Gathering on the occasion of the VII Summit of the Americas

September 26 | Santiago, Chile

10th Meeting of the Group of Women Parliamentarians (held during the 11th Plenary Assembly)

September 25 | Santiago, Chile

11th ParlAmericas Plenary Assembly: Mainstreaming Sustainability

June 24 | Mexico City, Mexico

6th Annual Gathering of the Group of Women Parliamentarians

February 5 | Port of Spain, Trinidad and Tobago

Workshop 7: Strengthening Parliamentary Budget Oversight in the Caribbean – Phase 2

August 22 | San Jose, Costa Rica

Economic Development
10th ParlAmericas Plenary Assembly

August 21 | San Jose, Costa Rica

OAS Regional Seminar: Legislative Activity and New Alternatives in the Fight Against Drugs

May 16 | Paramaribo, Suriname

5th Annual Gathering of the Group of Women Parliamentarians (2013)

February 25 | Bogota, Colombia

Workshop 6: Parliaments and Extractive Industries (South America)

August 30 | Panama City, Panama

9th ParlAmericas Plenary Assembly

August 30 | Panama City, Panama

8th Meeting of the Group of Women Parliamentarians (held during the 9th Plenary Assembly)

May 9 | Valparaiso, Chile

4th Annual Gathering of the Group of Women Parliamentarians (2012)

April 9 | Cartagena, Colombia

Parliamentary Dialogue prior to the 6th Summit of the Americas

February 9 | Washington DC, USA

Signing of Memorandum of Understanding between ParlAmericas and the OAS

January 30 | St. John's, Antigua & Barbuda

Workshop 5: Strengthening Parliamentary Budget Oversight (Caribbean)

September 8 | Asuncion, Paraguay

7th Meeting of the Group of Women Parliamentarians (held during the 8th Plenary Assembly)

September 8 | Asuncion, Paraguay

June 30 | Santo Domingo, República Dominicana

3rd Annual Gathering of the Group of Women Parliamentarians (2011)

June 5 | San Salvador, El Salvador

OAS General Assembly 41

March 31 | San Jose, Costa Rica

Workshop 4: Strengthening Parliamentary Budget Oversight (Central America)

November 17 | Mexico City, Mexico

6th Meeting of the Group of Women Parliamentarians (held during the 7th Plenary Assembly)

November 17 | Mexico City, Mexico

August 11 | Quito, Ecuador

2nd Annual Gathering of the Group of Women Parliamentarians (2010)

June 6 | Lima, Peru

OAS General Assembly 40

May 20 | Mexico City, Mexico

Workshop 3. The Doha Development Round

September 13 | Ottawa, Canada

September 13 | Ottawa, Canada

5th Meeting of te Group of Women Parliamentarians (held during the 6th Plenary Assembly)

April 16 | Port of Spain, Trinidad and Tobago

Parliamentary Dialogue prior to the 5th Summit of the Americas “Engaging Parliaments in the Summits of the Americas’ Process”

April 2 | Port-au-Prince, Haïti

2nd Parliamentary Mission to Haiti by the Group of Women Parliamentarians

November 20 | Bogota, Colombia

1st Annual Gathering of the Group of Women Parliamentarians (2008)

November 6 | San Jose, Costa Rica

Workshop 2: Trade Liberalization

June 1 | Medellin, Colombia

OAS General Assembly 38

March 18 | Ottawa, Canada

Workshop 1: Trade Knowledge

November 20 | Bogota, Colombia

4th Meeting of the Group of Women Parliamentarians (held during the 5th Plenary Assembly)

November 19 | Bogota, Colombia

October 28 | Mar del Plata, Argentina

Parliamentary Dialogue prior to the 4th Summit of the Americas

September 11 | Port-au-Prince, Haïti

1st Parliamentary Mission to Haiti by the Group of Women Parliamentarians

May 20 | Brasilia, Brazil

3rd Meeting of the Group of Women Parliamentarians (held during the 4th Plenary Assembly)

May 19 | Brasilia, Brazil

April 6 | Buenos Aires, Argentina

2nd Regional Forum of the Group of Women Parliamentarians (Central & South America)

March 20 | Bridgetown, Barbados

1st Regional Forum of the Group of Women Parliamentarians (Caribbean & North America)

April 2 | Valparaiso, Chile

2nd Meeting of the Group of Women Parliamentarians (held during the 3rd Plenary Assembly)

April 1 | Valparaiso, Chile

May 21 | Mexico City, Mexico

1st Meeting. Group on Terrorism

February 21 | Panama City, Panama

1st Meeting of the Group of Women Parliamentarians (held during the 2nd Plenary Assembly)

February 20 | Panama City, Panama

March 14 | Mexico City, Mexico

March 7 | Ottawa, Canada