March 25 | Washington, D.C., United States of America
ParlAmericas Parliamentary Delegation to Washington in preparation for the X Summit of the Americas
- ParlAmericas Parliamentary Delegation to Washington, D.C., 2024 Report.
- ParlAmericas and the IX Summit of the Americas – Parliamentary meeting at the IX Summit of the Americas held in 2022 Building a sustainable, resilient, and equitable future. 2022.
- Commitment for Parliamentary Engagement in the Summits of the Americas Process. ParlAmericas, 2022.
- Inter-american action plan on democratic governance adopted at the IX Summit of the Americas (commitment 24f on parliamentary engagement). Summits of the Americas Secretariat, OAS, 2022.
- Interparliamentary Meeting Beyond Borders: Regional Security Strategies. ParlAmericas, 2024.
- Concept paper on the theme of the Tenth Summit of the Americas (GRIC/O.1/inf.53/25), “Building a Secure and Sustainable Hemisphere with Shared Prosperity.” Summits of the Americas Secretariat, OAS, 2025.
- Summit of the Americas mandates on security issues.
- Inter-American system. ParlAmericas.
March 14 | Virtual
Meeting of the ParlAmericas Parliamentary Staff Network on Open Parliament
March 7 | Virtual
Parliamentary Exchange: Strategies for Bold Climate Initiatives
- Civil Society Priorities for Climate Justice. Sapphire Alexander, Founder of Caribbean Feminist
- Caribbean Feminist Redefining Work Report 2024, Caribbean Feminist 2024
- The Caribbean We Want: A comprehensive list of recommendations developed by SIDS civil society, CANARI. 2024
January 31 | Panama City, Panama
- Enhancing Legislative Capacities in Panama. Alicia del Águila, International IDEA (in Spanish)
January 31 | Virtual
Organized by the ParlAmericas Green Economy Caucus
- Analyzing methane emissions
- Methane Calculator: Assessment of Energy Utilization of Biogas in Water Treatment Plants (ECLAC)
- Carbon Mapper: Methane, CO2 Detection Satellite
- The Waste Methane Assessment Platform (WasteMAP)
- Global Methane Pledge. 2023.
- Parliamentary Platform for Climate Action and Against Methane. (in Spanish)
- Global Methane Assessment: 2030 Baseline Report. United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) and UNEP-convened Climate and Clean Air Coalition, 2023.
- Global Methane Assessment: Benefits and Costs of Mitigating Methane Emissions. UNEP and UNEP-convened Climate and Clean Air Coalition, 2021.
- Global Methane Tracker 2024. International Energy Agency, 2024.
- Wastewater treatment
- IV Edition of the Regional Water Dialogues for Latin America and the Caribbean: Forging Alliances for Action (ECLAC)
- Circular Economy Opportunities in the Treatment of Wastewater in Latin America and the Caribbean (ECLAC; in Spanish)
- Methane Energy Use in Wastewater Treatment: Case Studies in El Salvador, Mexico and Panama (ECLAC; in Spanish)
- EPA Releases New Food Waste Reports: Reports reveal the impacts of food waste on landfill methane emissions and provide updated recommendations for managing food waste (US Environmental Protection Agency)
- Inclusive recycling and formalizing the informal sector
- Agriculture
January 28 | Virtual
ParlAmericas Parliamentary Staff Network for Gender Equality Annual Planning Exchange
December 4 | Port of Spain, Trinidad and Tobago
Caribbean Parliamentary Workshop

- Opening Reflection by Dr. Rosina Wilshire
- Day 1
- Day 2
- Day 3
- Making the Case: Key Gender Considerations for Addressing Development Challenges in Caribbean SIDS, ParlAmericas, 2024.
- Gender Sensitivity in Legislation, ParlAmericas and the Parliament of Trinidad and Tobago
- Intersectionality Tool, ParlAmericas, 2021.
- Navigating Online Information: Tips and Tricks for Parliamentary Research, ParlAmericas, 2024.
- Justice through a Gender Lens: Gender Equality Protocol for Judicial Officers, Belize Judiciary, CCJ, CAJO, UN Women Caribbean, and the JURIST Project, 2024.
- Toolkit on Beijing +25: Fulfilling the Commitments, UN Women Caribbean and ParlAmericas
- Strategies for Chairing Inclusive Meetings, ParlAmericas, 2017.
- Gender Sensitising Parliaments Guidelines, CPA, 2020.
- Lactation and Daycare Facilities in Parliaments: Good Practices in the Americas and the Caribbean, ParlAmericas, 2023.
- What We Heard: Survey of Caribbean Women’s Organizations on their Engagement with Parliaments, ParlAmericas, 2022.
- Citizen Participation in the Legislative Process, ParlAmericas, 2018.
- Promoting Inclusion and Equality through Parliamentary Youth Programming, ParlAmericas, 2023.
December 3 | Brasilia, Brazil
Open Parliament Day on the margins of the Open America Regional Conference

Parliamentary delegations are encouraged to participate in the regional conference sessions on December 4 (Open Americas sessions).
INFO BULLETIN (in Spanish)
- Artificial Intelligence in parliaments. Rocío Noriega, Bicameral Group on Transparency, Chamber of Deputies of Chile (in Spanish)
- Open Parliament and innovations for the future. Cristiane Brum Bernardes, ONMP, Women’s Secretariat, Chamber of Deputies of Brazil (in Spanish)
- Roadmap to Open Parliament 2.0. ParlAmericas.
- Open Parliament Commitment Tool. ParlAmericas.
- Latin American Index of Legislative Transparency, 2023. Latin American Network for Legislative Transparency. (in Spanish)
- Recommendation on the Ethics of Artificial Intelligence. UNESCO.
November 22 | Panama City, Panama

- Gender-based political violence in the digital sphere in Latin America. Marcela Ríos Tobar, International IDEA (in Spanish)
- Inter-American Convention on the Prevention, Punishment, and Eradication of Violence Against Women (“Convention of Belém do Pará”). Organization of American States, 1994
- MESECVI Document on Cyber Violence. Organization of American States, 2020
- Political Gender Violence in the Digital Sphere in Latin America. International IDEA, 2024 (in Spanish)
- State of Legislation on Gender Violence. Eurosocial, 2022
November 20 | Virtual
- AI Tools for Parliaments. Caribbean Webinar Series. Marci Harris, POPVOX Foundation
November 14 | Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
November 11 | Baku, Azerbaijan
- Pre-COP29 campaign: Information to support engagement of parliamentarians from the region at COP29, ParlAmericas.
- Parliaments and the Paris Agreement, ParlAmericas.
- Environment and Sustainability: Mapping the Strategies and Plans of the Americas and the Caribbean, ParlAmericas.
- 10 Actions for Stronger National Climate Commitments, IPU.
- Duration of COP29: There will be a parliamentary pavilion, run by GLOBE Legislators.
- The parliamentary pavilion will also host daily briefings from 9:00-9:30 am.
- View all events happening at the parliamentary pavilion here
- A COP29 virtual platform is being made available to accredited individuals. ParlAmericas has a limited number of accredited spots to access this virtual feature. If you are interested, please contact us.
- UNFCCC Pavilion side events will be live-streamed on the official secretariat-managed YouTube channel.
- Press conferences and a variety of events can also be viewed on the public webcast schedule of the official UNFCCC website.
October 23 | San José, Costa Rica

- Global Compact for Safe, Orderly and Regular Migration. United Nations, 2019
- Los Angeles Declaration on Migration and Protection. Summit of the Americas, 2022
- Inclusive Migration Governance in the Americas and Caribbean: A Primer for Parliamentarians. ECLAC and ParlAmericas, 2024
- Regional Framework Law on the Management of Migration for Climate and Environmental Reasons with a Human Rights. FOPREL/IOM, 2024 (in Spanish)
- Regional Framework Law on Migration with a Human Rights. FOPREL/IOM, 2019 (in Spanish)
- How Does International Migration Contribute to Sustainable Development in Latin America and the Caribbean? ECLAC, 2022
- Global Migration Data Portal, website
- Migration Policy Institute, website
- Migration, Environment and Climate Change, IOM Regional Office for the Americas, webpage
- Gender and Migration, IOM Regional Office for the Americas, webpage
- Regional Handbook for Mainstreaming a Human Rights, Gender and Intercultural Approach in the Work of Immigration and Border Security Authorities in the Americas. OAS Department of Social Inclusion, 2023
- Seven Key Elements on Building Human Rights Based Narratives on Migrants and Migration. Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights, 2020
Parliamentary Network for Gender Equality (PNGE)
Parliamentary Network on Climate Change and Sustainability (PNCCS)
During the 8th Gathering of the ParlAmericas Parliamentary Network on Climate Change and Sustainability and 16th Gathering of the ParlAmericas Parliamentary Network for Gender Equality, elections will be held for certain positions on the Executive Committee of the PNCCS and the Executive Committee of the PNGE. The nominations received can be found below:
Parliamentary Network for Gender Equality
PNGE 2nd Vice-Presidency – Central America
October 21 | Cali, Colombia
- Official COP16 Side Events:
- Information for participants:
Parliamentary meetings taking place at COP16 of the CBD:
October 23: Parliamentary Forum: “Parliamentarians for Economic Transitions for the Care, Conservation, and Sustainable Use of Biodiversity”
- Hosts: Ministries of Environment and Sustainable Development and Foreign Affairs, together with the Secretariat of the Convention on Biological Diversity, in coordination with the International Conservation Caucus Foundation Group and with the support of the Inter-Parliamentary Union.
- Location and time: Blue zone; 8:00am – 5:50 pm (followed by a cocktail)
October 24: Parliamentary Dialogue: Amazon Free of Fossil Fuels
- Host: Parliamentarians for a Fossil-Free Future
- Location and time: Blue zone (Colombian Pavilion); 11:00 – 12:00
October 25: First Public Hearing: Current Situation of Oil and Gas Exploitation in the Amazon Biome
- Host: Parliamentarians for a Fossil-Free Future
- Location and time: Green zone (San Pedro: Carrera 1 con calle 10, sobre el boulevard del río); 11:00 – 15:00
October 26: The role of parliamentarians in the protection of environmental defenders in Latin America
- Host: Parliamentarians for a Fossil-Free Future and Global Witness
- Location and time: Green zone (San Pedro: Carrera 1 con calle 10, sobre el boulevard del río); 9:00 – 10:30
October 27: Side event “Satellite Technologies Role in Conservation”
- Host: International Conservation Caucus Foundation Group
- Location and time: Blue zone (British Pavilion); 10:00 – 12:00
October 28: Gathering of Women from Water and Biodiversity Regions and Promotion of the “Women in Biodiversity” Bill
- Host: Legal Committee for Women’s Equity of the Congress of Colombia, Network of Women of Water Territories, Government of Valle del Cauca
- Location and time: Green zone (Biblioteca Departamental Jorge Garcés Borrero, Auditorio Diego Garcés); 16:00 – 18:00
October 31: Regional Parliamentary Gathering
- Host: Commission of the Pacific Alliance (CISAP), CAF
- Location and time: Blue zone (CAF Pavilion); 9:30 – 11:00 am
November 1: Dialogue – Biodiversity Protection: Opportunities and Challenges
- Host: Commission of the Pacific Alliance (CISAP)
- Location and time: Green zone (Auditorio Universidad Católica de Cali); 10:30
October 2 | Guatemala City, Guatemala

- Leaving no one behind: democracy, participation and inclusion, Marcela Ríos Tobar, Regional Director, International IDEA (In Spanish)
September 25 | Virtual

- Better Practises and Lessons Learned in Inclusive Disaster Risk Management, UN Women MCO Caribbean
- Multi-Hazard Early Warning Systems: Perspectives on Sustainable and Inclusive Governance, UNDRR
- Linking Shock-Responsive Social Protection to Disaster Risk Financing: Lessons from On the Ground, WFP
- Resilient Infrastructure: The Urgency from Legislation and Institutional Architecture to Cope with Disasters, UNDRR
September 24 | Virtual
Meeting of the ParlAmericas Parliamentary Staff Network for Gender Equality
August 30 | Virtual
Part of a dialogue series organized by the ParlAmericas Digital Caucus

- FATF Guidance on Digital Identity
- Interoperability and Digital Identity, Gustavo Giorgetti, University of San Andrés
- Caribbean experiences in inclusive digital transformation, Michele Marius, ICT Pulse
August 28 | Virtual
Meeting of the ParlAmericas Parliamentary Staff Network on Climate Change and Sustainability
- Sustainable Procurement, Reeve Consulting
- Becoming ISO 14001 certified, Chamber of Deputies of Mexico
- Sustainable Management, Chamber of Deputies of Brazil
- Institutional Program on Environmental Management, Legislative Assembly of Costa Rica
- Waste Reduction Efforts, Parliament of Trinidad and Tobago
- Sustainable Practices in Building Renovations, Parliament of Canada
August 13 | Virtual
Meeting of the ParlAmericas Parliamentary Staff Network on Open Parliament
- Artificial Intelligence in Parliamentary Work, Natalia Zuazo, Consultant for the Regional Communication and Information Program, UNESCO (In Spanish)
- CAMINAR Project: Transforming Chile’s National Congress, Miguel Landeros, Secretary-General of the Chamber of Deputies of Chile (In Spanish)
- Use of AI in the Federal Senate of Brazil, Mr. João Lima, Analyst on Legislative Information Technology, Federal Senate (In Portuguese)
August 8 | Virtual

- Making the Case: Key Gender Considerations for Addressing Development Challenges in Caribbean SIDS. ParlAmericas, 2024.
- Communiqué to SIDS4 from the Gender Equality Forum
- SIDS 4 Outcome Document: The Antigua and Barbuda Agenda for SIDS (ABAS) – a Renewed Declaration for Resilient Prosperity
- Bridgetown Initiative 3.0
- Beijing Declaration and Platform for Action
- SDG Dashboard, Sustainable Development Report
- Beijing +25: Fulfilling the Commitments, ParlGenderTools
June 25 | Asuncion, Paraguay
May 25 | Saint John's, Antigua and Barbuda
AGENDA – Official Side-Event to SIDS Conference
May 8 | Asuncion, Paraguay
20th ParlAmericas Plenary Assembly & 8th Gathering of Open Parliament Network

- Latinobarómetro Report 2021
- Report “The Global State of Democracy 2023” from International IDEA
- Road Map Towards Legislative Openness 2.0
- Open Parliament Commitment Tool
- Latin American Legislative Transparency Index 2023 (In Spanish)
During the 20th ParlAmericas Plenary Assembly and 8th Gathering of the Open Parliament Network, elections will be held for certain positions on the Board of Directors, the OPN Executive Committee, and the host parliament of the next gathering. The nominations received can be found below.
Board of Directors
Representative of South America
Representative of Central America
Representative of the Caribbean
Open Parliament Network (OPN)
OPN Vice-Presidency – South America
OPN Vice-Presidency – Caribbean
March 22 | Virtual
Part of a dialogue series organized by the ParlAmericas Digital Caucus

- Generative AI and Jobs: A Global Analysis of the Potential Effects on the Quantity and Quality of Work, Regional Director Ana Virginia Moreira Gomes, Latin America and the Caribbean International Labour Organization (ILO).
- The Effects of Artificial Intelligence on the Working Lives of Women, Specialist in the Labor Markets Division Livia Gouvêa Gomes, Inter-American Development Bank (IADB).
March 13 | Virtual
Meeting of the ParlAmericas Parliamentary Staff Network on Climate Change and Sustainability
- Scientific evidence of climate change: Key messages from the IPCC, Dr. Paulina Aldunce, University of Chile and lead author of the IPCC AR6 report.
- Climate Change Laws of the World: Designing gender and Human Rights Responsive Climate Laws, Catherine Higham, Grantham Research Institute.
- About the International Science Council, Dr. Carolina SantaCruz, International Science Council.
- Presentation on Sustainable Management, Chamber of Deputies of Brazil.
- Presentation on Waste Management, Senate of Brazil.
- The Synthesis Report of the IPCC Sixth Assessment Report: Climate Change 2023, IPCC, 2023.
- Parliaments and the Paris Agreement, ParlAmericas, GLOBE, INTER PARES, and WFD, 2021.
- Climate Change Laws of the World, LSE Database.
- Principles for effective communication and public engagement on climate change: A Handbook for IPCC authors, Climate Outreach, 2018.
- Environment and Sustainability: Mapping the Strategies and Plans in the Americas and the Caribbean, ParlAmericas.
- The Sustainable Program of the Chamber of Deputies of Mexico (in Spanish)
- EcoCâmara of the Chamber of the Deputies of Brazil (in Portuguese)
March 6 | Virtual
December 13 | Virtual

- Changing the Paradigm: Advances and Regulatory Challenges Toward the Care Society. Ana Güezmes García, ECLAC.
- Inter-American Model Law on Care. Recognizing and valuing the invisible work of women. Alejandra Mora Mora, CIM/OAS.
- Buenos Aires Commitment, XV Regional Conference on Women in Latin America and the Caribbean. ECLAC and UN Women.
- The care society: A horizon for sustainable recovery with gender equality. ECLAC and UN Women.
- Global care policy portal. ILO.
- Lactation and daycare facilities in parliaments. ParlAmericas.
- Policy guide: Parental leave. ParlAmericas.
- Declaration of the 14th Gathering of the Parliamentary Network for Gender Equality “Legislative Perspectives for Inclusive Economic Growth: Investing in the Care Economy”. ParlAmericas, 2022.
- Advances in care policies in Latin America and the Caribbean: towards a care society with gender equality. ECLAC and UN Women, 2023.
December 4 | Dubai, United Arab Emirates

ParlAmericas side event and networking space
December 4 | Dubai, United Arab Emirates
The Escazú Agreement and ACE: Strengthening environmental democracy in Latin America and the Caribbean
December 5 | Dubai, United Arab Emirates
COP28: Latin American legislative perspectives for effective and inclusive climate action
Virtual Participation
Key resources for parliaments
- Parliaments and the Paris Agreement. ParlAmericas, GLOBE, INTER PARES, and WFD, 2021.
- Environment and Sustainability: Mapping the Strategies and Plans in the Americas and the Caribbean
- Parliamentary declaration adopted at the 6th Gathering of the Parliamentary Network on Climate Change titled “Realizing our green future: The road to low emissions.”
- Parliamentary declaration adopted at the 7th Gathering of the Parliamentary Network on Climate Change and 5th Gathering of the Parliamentary Network for Gender Equality titled “A food secure future: Building people and planet-centred strategies.”
Recent reports on the state of climate change
- The Adaptation Gap Report 2023: Underfinanced. Underprepared – Inadequate investment and planning on climate adaptation leaves world exposed. UNEP, 2023.
- Emissions Gap Report 2023: Broken Record – Temperatures hit new highs, yet world fails to cut emissions (again). UNEP, 2023.
- The State of the Climate in Latin America & the Caribbean 2022. WMO, 2023.
- Tripling renewable power and doubling energy efficiency by 2030: Crucial steps towards 1.5°C. IRENA, COP28 Presidency, and GRA, 2023.
- Technical dialogue of the first global stocktake. Synthesis report. UNFCCC, 2023.
- The Synthesis Report of the IPCC Sixth Assessment Report: Climate Change 2023. IPCC, 2023.
- Climate Change 2022: Impacts, Adaptation and Vulnerability. Working Group II Contribution to the IPCC Sixth Assessment Report. IPCC, 2022.
- Climate Change 2022: Mitigation of Climate Change. Working Group III Contribution to the IPCC Sixth Assessment Report. IPCC, 2022.
November 29 | Bogota, Colombia

INFO BULLETIN (in Spanish)
- Road Map towards Legislative Openness 2.0. ParlAmericas, 2022.
- Latin American Index of Legislative Transparency. Latin American Network for Legislative Transparency, 2020. (in Spanish)
- Indicators for democratic parliaments. Inter-Parliamentary Union (IPU).
- Declaration on Parliamentary Openness., 2012.
- Open Parliament in the World, evolution and good practices. Rafael Rubio and Ricardo Vela, 2017. (in Spanish)
October 31 | Gros Islet, Santa Lúcia
October 25 | Panama City, Panama

October 24 | Panama City, Panama

- Regulatory Frameworks and Governance. IOM.
- The Migratory Situation in the Darién Gap.
- Socio-Economic Contributions of International Migration to Sustainable Development. CELADE-Population Division, ECLAC
- Evolution & Impact of the OECS Free Movement of Persons Regime. OECS
- Contributions of migration to socio-economic development. UN Women
International instruments
- Global Compact for Safe, Orderly and Regular Migration. United Nations
- Los Angeles Declaration on Migration and Protection. IX Summit of the Americas
Children and adolescents
- The Changing Face of Child Migration in Latin America and the Caribbean
- Children on the move in Latin America and the Caribbean
Gender and migration
September 28 | Mexico City, Mexico
7th Gathering of the ParlAmericas Parliamentary Network on Climate Change and 15th Gathering of the ParlAmericas Parliamentary Network for Gender Equality

- A food secure future: Building people and planet-centered strategies – Day 1
- A food secure future: Building people and planet-centered strategies – Day 2
Parliamentary Network for Gender Equality (PNGE)
Parliamentary Network on Climate Change (PNCC)
During the 7th Gathering of the ParlAmericas Parliamentary Network on Climate Change (PNCC) and the 15th Gathering of the Parliamentary Network for Gender Equality (PNGE), elections will be held for certain positions on the Networks’ Executive Committees and for the host parliament of the next gathering. Nominations received can be found below.
PNCC Executive Commitee nominations
PNCC Presidency
- Senator Rosa Galvez (Canada)
PNCC Vice-Presidency – North America
- Senator Raúl Bolaños-Cacho Cué (Mexico)
PNCC Vice-Presidency – South America
- Member of the Member of the Chamber of Deputies Margarita Stolbizer (Argentina)
- Member of the National Assembly Radjendrekoemar Debie (Suriname)
PNCC Vice-Presidency – Caribbean
- Member of the Chamber of Deputies Nelsa Shoraya Suárez Ariza (Dominican Republic)
- Senator Anthony Vieira (Trinidad and Tobago)
PNGE Executive Committee nominations
PNGE Presidency
- Senator Verónica Noemí Camino Farjat (Mexico)
PNGE Vice-Presidency – North America
- Member of Parliament Stephanie Kusie (Canada)
PNGE Vice-Presidency – South America
PNGE Vice-Presidency – Central America
- Member of the National Assembly Kayra Harding Bart (Panama)
- Member of Congress Andrea Villagrán Ánton (Guatemala)
PNGE Vice-Presidency – Caribbean
- Senator Lisa Jawahir (Saint Lucia)
August 23 | San José, Costa Rica

- Model Protocol for Political Parties. Preventing, Addressing, Punishing, and Eradicating Violence Against Women in Political Life, Inter-American Commission of Women
August 17 | Panama City, Panama
August 16 | Panama City, Panama
- Political Participation Of Women In Panama (In Spanish)
August 16 | Virtual Meeting

- Parliaments and the Paris Agreement. ParlAmericas.
- Guide on Green Parliaments: Actions to Promote Sustainable Practices within Parliaments. ParlAmericas.
- Environment and Sustainability: Mapping the Strategies and Plans in the Americas and the Caribbean, ParlAmericas interactive resource.
August 10 | Brasilia, Brazil

INFO BULLETIN (in Spanish)
- General Directorate of Equality. Argentina (in Spanish)
- Open and Inclusive Parliaments: Promotion of Gender and Racial Equality in the Federal Senate. Brazil (in Spanish)
- Open and Inclusive Parliaments: Experiences and Strategies in Latin America. Chile (in Spanish)
Children’s congress. Honduras (in Spanish)
- Alliance for Open Parliament. Paraguay (in Spanish)
- Citizen Participation. Uruguay (in Spanish)
July 11 | Virtual Meeting

- The Escazú Agreement: Where are we now? David Barrio Lamarche, 2023.
- Factsheet for Parliamentarians: The Escazú Agreement, an Environmental and Human Rights Treaty. PGA, 2022.
- Regional Agreement on Access to Information, Public Participation and Justice in Environmental Matters in Latin America and the Caribbean. Implementation guide. ECLAC, 2022.
- Towards an Environmental Democracy with a Gender Perspective. IUCN, FARN, and ECO MAXEI, 2022.
- Road Map Towards Legislative Openness 2.0. ParlAmericas, 2022.
- Toolkit: Citizen Participation in the Legislative Process. ParlAmericas, 2018.
- Observatory on Principle 10 in Latin America and the Caribbean of ECLAC, website.
- Environment and Sustainability: Mapping the Strategies and Plans in the Americas and the Caribbean, ParlAmericas interactive resource.
- Actions for Climate Empowerment (ACE)
- Gender and climate change action plans
- Status on the ratification of the Escazú Agreement
May 30 | Virtual Meeting
- Brazil (In Portuguese)
May 24 | Virtual Meeting

- International landscape and the importance of ending plastic pollution. UNEP, 2023.
- Circular Economy of Plastics. WRAP, 2023.
- Transitioning away from a linear economy. EMF, 2023.
- Decent work in the circular economy: An overview of the existing evidence base. Circular Economy. ILO, and S4YE, 2023.
- Turning off the Tap: How the world can end plastic pollution and create a circular economy. UNEP, 2023.
- Monitoring trade in plastic waste and scrap. OCDE, 2022.
April 20 | Santiago, Chile
7th Gathering of the ParlAmericas Open Parliament Network

- Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean (ECLAC) – In Spanish
- UN Women – In Spanish
- Inter-American Court of Human Rights – In Spanish
- Media Institute of the Caribbean
- Digital Moment
- Member of the Legislative Assembly Luz Mary Alpízar (Costa Rica) – In Spanish
- Senator Kenneth Pugh (Chile) – In Spanish
- Latin American Network of Legislative Transparency – In Spanish
- She Leads IT
- Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) – In Spanish
During the 7th Gathering of the ParlAmericas Open Parliament Network, elections will be held for certain positions on the Network’s Executive Committee and for the host parliament of the next gathering. Nominations received can be found below.
- Presidency
- Senator Javier Macaya Danus (Chile)
- Vice-Presidency – North America
- Senator Bertha Alicia Caraveo Camarena (Mexico)
- Senator René Cormier (Canada)
- Vice-Presidency – Center America
- Vice-Presidency – South America
December 2 | Bogota, Colombia
19th ParlAmericas Plenary Assembly
During the Plenary Assembly, elections will be held for certain positions on the Board of Directors. Nominations received can be found below.
- Representative of North America
November 30 | Bogota, Colombia
14th Gathering of the ParlAmericas Parliamentary Network for Gender Equality

- Towards the Construction of Comprehensive Care Systems in Latin America and the Caribbean: Elements of Implementation, UN Women and ECLAC, 2021
- The Care Economy in Latin America: Putting Care at the Centre of the Agenda, Valeria Esquival, ILO, 2011
- The Care Economy in the New Social Contract by Gender in Latin America Working Group, IDRC, 2022
- Unpaid Carework: The Missing Link in the Analysis of Gender Gaps in Labour Outcomes, OECD, 2014
- Care in Latin America and the Caribbean during the COVID-19: Towards comprehensive systems to strengthen and response and recovery, ECLAC, 2020
- The Effect of Women’s Economic Power in Latin America and the Caribbean, The World Bank, 2012
- Caring in Times of COVID-19: A global study on the impact of the pandemic on care work and gender equality, ECLAC,, 2022
- Towards a Care Society: The Contributions of the Regional Gender Agenda to sustainable development, ECLAC, 2021
- Methodological guide on time-use measurements in Latin America and the Caribbean, ECLAC, 2022
- The COVID-19 Pandemic is exacerbating the care crisis in Latin America and the Caribbean, ECLAC, 2020
- Inter-American Model Law on Care, OAS and CIM, 2022
- Parliamentary Diplomacy: the Canadian Approach. Kinsella and Milliken. 2007.
- Parliamentary Diplomacy. Weisglas and de Boer. 2007.
- Legislative Diplomacy. Scoville. 2013.
- White paper on parliamentary diplomacy: Strategic actions. Chamber of Deputies of Mexico. 2021. (in Spanish)
- The role of parliamentary diplomacy in a world marked by insecurity. Salimena and Teruggi. Institute of International Relations. University of La Plata. (in Spanish)
- Parliamentary diplomacy. Burgos and Riffo. Chilean Senate. 2014. (in Spanish)
- Parliamentary diplomacy in an uncertain world. Systemic restructuring as a challenge and opportunity. Giglio. 2021. (in Spanish)
November 6 | Sharm El-Sheikh, Egypt

- COP27 Legislators Summit, hosted by GLOBE
- Parliamentary Meeting at COP27, hosted by the Inter-Parliamentary Union
- Protagonist Latin American and Caribbean Parliaments: Mobilizing climate finance, a side-event hosted by the Parliamentary Observatory on Climate Change and Just Transition (OPCC)
- Utilising expertise of the youth to bridge the science-policy divide and improve access to finance, a side-event hosted by Fédération Internationale des Ingénieurs-Conseils (FIDIC), International Water Association (IWA), Moravian University and The Association of Commonwealth Universities (The ACU)
- Parliaments and the Paris Agreement. ParlAmericas, GLOBE, INTER PARES, and WFD, 2021.
- Environment and Sustainability: Mapping the Strategies and Plans in the Americas and the Caribbean
- Parliamentary declaration adopted at the 6th Gathering of the ParlAmericas Parliamentary Network on Climate Change on Realizing our Green Future: The Road to Low Emissions.
- The State of the Climate in Latin America & the Caribbean 2021. WMO, 2022.
- The Latin America and the Caribbean Climate Week 2022 output report. UNFCCC, 2022.
- Emissions Gap Report 2022: The Closing Window – Climate crisis calls for rapid transformation of societies. UNEP, 2022.
- The Adaptation Gap Report 2022. UNEP, 2022.
- Climate Change 2022: Impacts, Adaptation and Vulnerability. Working Group II Contribution to the IPCC Sixth Assessment Report. IPCC, 2022.
- Climate Change 2022: Mitigation of Climate Change. Working Group III Contribution to the IPCC Sixth Assessment Report. IPCC, 2022.
- An IPCC Special Report: Climate Change and Land. IPCC, 2019.
- An IPCC Special Report: Global Warming of 1.5 ºC. IPCC, 2018.
October 6 | Lima, Peru
September 15 | Virtual Meeting
- Road Map Towards Legislative Openness 2.0, ParlAmericas (2022)
- Organizing Virtual Parliamentary Sittings, ParlAmericas (2020)
The experience of:
July 5 | Virtual Meeting
6th Gathering of the ParlAmericas Parliamentary Network on Climate Change

- Agriculture, Forestas and Other Land Uses (AFOLU): Trends and opportunities, Dr. Mercedes Bustamante, 2022.
- Sustainable agriculture adapted to climate change and gender-sensitive, Dr. Osana Bonilla-Findji, 2022 (in Spanish).
- Catalyzing finance to turn NDCs into Action, Minister Matthew Samuda, 2022.
- The Global Land Outlook: Latin America and the Caribbean Thematic Report: Sustainable Land Management and Climate Change Adaptation, United Nations Convention to Combat Desertification (UNCCD), 2019.
- Global Land Outlook 2: Land Restoration for Recovery and Resilience, UNCCD, 2022.
- Climate Change and Land, IPCC, 2019.
- Land rights matter for people and the planet, UNCCD, 2022.
- Forest Pulse: The Latest on the World’s Forests, World Resources Institute, 2022.
During the 6th Gathering of the ParlAmericas Parliamentary Network on Climate Change, elections was held for the Network’s vice-presidency for Central America and for the host parliament of the next gathering. Nominations received can be found below.
June 23 | Virtual Meeting
- Achieving Sustainability: Energy at the centre. Dr. Devon Gardner, 2022.
- Shift Strategies: From higher emitting modes to lower emitting modes, Multimodal and active transport. Andrea Palma, 2022.
- Climate Change 2022: Mitigation of Climate Change, IPCC, 2022.
- Emissions Gap Report 2020, UNEP, 2020.
- Just Transition Towards Environmentally Sustainable Economies and Societies for All, International Labour Organization (ILO), 2018.
- Zero Carbon Latin America and the Caribbean: The opportunity, cost, and benefits of the coupled decarbonization of the power and transport sectors in Latin America and the Caribbean, UNEP, 2019.
- How better transport will help Latin America get ahead of the climate crisis, World Bank, 2021.
- Approaches for Gender Responsive Urban Mobility, GIZ, SUTP & Transformative Urban Mobility Initiative, 2018.
- World Energy Transition Outlook: 1.5°C Pathway, IRENA, 2022.
- Production Gap Report 2020, UNEP, 2020.
- Wind energy: A gender perspective, IRENA, 2020.
June 1 | Virtual Meeting
April 6 | Virtual Meeting

- Background document: Introduction to Circular Economy Workshop
- Environment and Sustainability: Mapping strategies and plans of the Americas and the Caribbean – Circular Economy Roadmaps
- Comprehensive report of the circular economy workshop
- Circular Economy in Trinidad and Tobago. Dr. Sherwyn Millette, 2022.
- The Role of Data, Monitoring, and Reporting. David Oswald, 2022.
- The Role of Education. Sian Cuffy-Young, 2022.
March 22 | Virtual Meeting
6th Gathering of the ParlAmericas Open Parliament Network

- Corruption perceptions index, International Transparency (2021)
- Cultivating a culture of integrity in the civil service in times of crisis, OAS (2021)
- Guidelines on Anti-Corruption and Integrity in State-Owned Enterprises, OCDE (2019)
- Public Integrity in Latin America and the Caribbean 2018-2019, OECD (2019) (in Spanish)
During the 6th Gathering of the ParlAmericas Open Parliament Network, elections will be held for certain positions on the Network’s Executive Committee and for the host parliament of the next gathering. Nominations received can be found below.
- Vice-President – The Caribbean
- Senator, His Honour Reginald Farley (Barbados)
March 15 | Virtual Meeting
March 9 | Virtual Meeting
January 28 | Virtual meeting

- Reflections on the advances made to legislative openness of the Senate of the Republic of Colombia (in Spanish), presented by Mónica Vanegas, Chief of the Office of Citizen Attention, Congress of the Republic of Colombia
- New web site of the Chamber of Deputies of Mexico (in Spanish), presented by Andrea González Somellera, Advisor to the Secretary General, Chamber of Deputies of Mexico
- The new internal regulations for the Chamber of Deputies of Brazil (In Spanish), presented by Fabio Almeida Lopes, Legislative Analyst, Chamber of Deputies of Brazil and Public Policy Director, Bússola Tech
- Road Map Towards Legislative Openness. ParlAmericas, 2016.
- Guide to Develop an Open Parliament Action Plan. ParlAmericas, 2019.
December 14 | Virtual Event
Note: Agenda also available in Russian.
- The Importance of Parliamentary Oversight during the COVID-19 Pandemic. ParlAmericas, 2021
- Legislative Transparency Toolkit. ParlAmericas, EUROsociAL+, and Transparency and Access to Information Network, 2020.
- Road Map Towards Legislative Openness. ParlAmericas, 2016.
December 10 | Virtual Meeting
18th ParlAmericas Plenary Assembly

- President of ParlAmericas, Senator Blanca Ovelar (Paraguay)
- President of the Open Parliament Network (OPN), Member of the Chamber of Deputies Javier Macaya Danús (Chile)
- President (2019-2021) of the Parliamentary Network for Gender Equality (PNGE), Member of the Chamber of Deputies Maya Fernández Allende (Chile)
- President of the Parliamentary Network on Climate Change (PNCC), Senator Rosa Galvez (Canada)
During the Plenary Assembly, elections will be held for certain positions on the Board of Directors. Nominations received can be found below.
- Representative of the Caribbean
- Representative of Central America
- Representative of South America
November 29 | Virtual meeting
- Young Women in Leadership – Antigua and Barbuda (ParlAmericas & CIWiL)
- Young Women in Leadership – Trinidad and Tobago (ParlAmericas & CIWiL)
November 26 | Virtual meeting: Inter-parliamentary Dialogue
October 4 | Virtual Meeting
13th Gathering of the ParlAmericas Parliamentary Network For Gender Equality

- Can social protection be a driver of gender equality? UNICEF, 2020.
- 2.7 billion people have had no social protection to cope with Covid-19 economic crisis. OXFAM, 2020
- COVID-19 Global Gender Response Tracker. UNDP and UN Women, 2021
- Making social protection gender-responsive: Lessons from UN Women’s work in the Eastern Caribbean. UN Women Caribbean, 2020
- Employment and informality in Latin America and the Caribbean: an insufficient and unequal recovery. ILO, 2021
- Policy Guide: Parental Leave. ParlAmericas, 2020.
During the 13th Gathering of the ParlAmericas Parliamentary Network for Gender Equality, elections will be held for the Network’s Executive Committee and for the host parliament of the next gathering. Nominations received can be found below.
- President
- Senator Verónica Noemi Camino Farjat (Mexico) – in Spanish
- Vice-President – North America
- Senator Mobina Jaffer (Canada) – in French
- Vice-President – Central America
- Vice-President – South America
- Vice-President – The Caribbean
- Host Parliament of the 14th Gathering of the ParlAmericas Parliamentary Network for Gender Equality
- Colombia – in Spanish
September 22 | Virtual meeting: Parliamentary Dialogue with Civil Society and Youth Representatives
- Equal Measures 2020 Data Hub. Equal Measures, 2020
- Where are there gaps in gender data in five LAC countries? Data2X, 2020
- Differentiated socioeconomic impacts of COVID-19 in the condition of women from SICA member countries (in Spanish). SICA, 2020
- United Nations survey on Latin American and Caribbean youth within the context of the COVID-19 pandemic. UN Women, 2021
- COVID-19 in Latin America and the Caribbean: How to Incorporate Women and Gender Equality in the Management of the Crisis Response. UN Women, 2020
September 13 | Virtual meeting: Inter-parliamentary Dialogue
- Differences-Sensitive Social Protection in the context of COVID-19 in Latin America and the Caribbean, Carlos Maldonado, CEPAL (in Spanish)
- Gender, Food Security, Nutrition and Inclusive Social Protection: Keys to Post-Pandemic Recovery, Claudia Brito, FAO (in Spanish)
- Gender-Responsive Age-Sensitive Social Protection, Zahrah Nesbitt-Ahmed, UNICEF
- Mainstreaming gender into social protection strategies and programs. UNICEF, 2021
- 2020 Social Panorama of Latin America. ECLAC, 2020
- Gender-responsive and age-sensitive social protection. UNICEF, 2021
- The recovery paradox in Latin America and the Caribbean. Growth amid persisting structural problems: inequality, poverty and low investment and productivity. ECLAC, 2021
- The economic autonomy of women in a sustainable recovery with equality. CEPAL, 2021
- Summary Status of Women and Men Report – The Impacts of COVID-19. UN Women Caribbean, 2021
- The Coronavirus Disease (COVID-19) Pandemic: An Opportunity for a Systemic Approach to Disaster Risk for the Caribbean. ECLAC, 2021
- The Santiago Commitment. ECLAC, 2020
- Preventing the COVID-19 crisis from becoming a food crisis: Urgent measures against hunger in Latin America and the Caribbean. ECLAC, 2020
August 18 | Virtual Meeting
June 25 | Virtual Meeting
5th Gathering of the ParlAmericas Parliamentary Network on Climate Change

- What is the Paris Agreement. UNFCCC.
- NDC Synthesis Report. UNFCCC, 2021.
- A review of “Transition Management” strategies: Lessons for advancing the green low-carbon transition. Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD), 2018.
- Solidary and Just transition: Silesia Declaration. COP24, 2018.
- Declaration on Children, Youth and Climate Action. UNICEF, 2019.
- Guide for Participation in Democratic Environmental Governance. Westminster Foundation for Democracy (WFD), 2021.
- What is Action for Climate Empowerment. UNFCCC.
During the 5th Gathering of the ParlAmericas Parliamentary Network on Climate Change, elections will be held for the Network’s Executive Committee and for the host parliament of the next gathering. Nominations received can be found below.
- President
- Senator, the Honourable Rosa Galvez (Canada)
- Vice-President – North America
- Senator Raúl Bolaños-Cacho Cué (Mexico)
- Vice-President – South America
Vice-President – Central America
Member of the Legislative Assembly Paola Vega (Costa Rica)
- Vice-President – Caribbean
- Senator Anthony Vieira (Trinidad and Tobago)
June 15 | Virtual meeting: Dialogue with Civil Society and Youth Representatives
- Caribbean AGYLE. United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC).
- Declaration on Children, Youth and Climate Action. UNICEF, 2019.
- Toolkit for young climate activists. UNICEF, 2020.
- Healthy and Environmentally Friendly Youth Campaign. HEY Campaign, 2021.
- Guide for Participation in Democratic Environmental Governance. Westminster Foundation for Democracy (WFD), 2021.
- Citizen Participation in the Legislative Process. ParlAmericas, 2018.
- The Observatory on Principle 10. United Nations Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean (ECLAC).
- What is Action for Climate Empowerment. UNFCCC.
- Unless we act now: The Impacts of climate change on children. UNICEF, 2015.
June 4 | Virtual meeting: Inter-parliamentary Dialogue (Working Session)
- Just Transition Towards Environmentally Sustainable Economies and Societies for All. International Labour Organization (ILO), 2018.
- A review of “Transition Management” strategies: Lessons for advancing the green low-carbon transition. Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD), 2018.
- Enhancing Social Inclusion in Latin America: key issues and the role of social protection systems. OECD, 2017.
- Just Transition. Just Transition Centre, 2017.
- Knowledge Hub. Interamerican Institute for Justice and Sustainability (IIJS).
- A just transition for all. Dialogue with developing countries. Climate Strategies, 2021.
- Solidarity and Just transition: Silesia Declaration. COP24, 2018.
March 26 | Virtual Meeting
5th Gathering of the ParlAmericas Open Parliament Network
- Gendered Disinformation & Online Attacks Against Women in Politics. Lucina Di Meco, Gender Equality Expert and Co-founder of #ShePersisted Global.
During the 5th Gathering of the ParlAmericas Open Parliament Network, elections will be held for certain positions on the Network’s Executive Committee and for the host parliament of the next gathering. Nominations received can be found below.
- President
- Vice-President – North America
- Senator Bertha Alicia Caraveo Camarena (Mexico)
- Senator, the Honourable René Cormier (Canada)
Vice-President – The Caribbean
Senator, the Honourable Ranard Henfield (The Bahamas)
Vice-President – South America
Vice-President – Central America
March 22 | Virtual event
PRESENTATIONS Panel on Technological Innovation in Parliaments
- Integrating Citizen Participation in the Legislative Process through Collective Intelligence. María Paz Hermosilla, Director of the Public Innovation Lab (GobLab), School of Governance, University Adolfo Ibáñez, Chile. (in Spanish)
- Common Cybersecurity Attacks. Diego Subero, Consultant, Cybersecurity Program, Inter-American Committee Against Terrorism (CICTE), Organization of American States (OAS).(in Spanish)
Presentation of the Open Data Hub
- Open Data Innovation Hub. Patricia Almeida (Brazil), Coordinator of Innovation and Digital Strategy of the Chamber of Deputies and Coordinator of the Open Data Center.
Working Group: Artificial Intelligence in Parliaments
- Collective Intelligence and Machine Learning: Improving the Quality of Legislation. Cristian Carrión (Chile), Deputy Head of the Department of Information Technologies, Senate. (in Spanish)
- Artificial Intelligence. Patricia Almeida (Brazil), Coordinator of Innovation and Digital Strategy of the Chamber of Deputies and Coordinator of the Open Data Center.
Working Group: Maximizing resources to modernize parliament, in collaboration with the Commonwealth Parliamentary Association – United Kingdom (CPA-UK)
- Strengthening the Work of the Legislature Using ICT tools: Facilitating the Work of Legislators & Improving Interactions with the Public. Jonathan King (Isle of Man), Deputy Clerk and Clerk of the Legislative Council of the Tynwald.
Working Group: Cybersecurity in parliaments
- Cybersecurity in the Chilean Parliament. Pablo Torrealba (Chile), Information Systems Advisor, Chamber of Deputies.
- Social media guide for parliaments and parliamentarians. Inter-Parliamentarian Union, 2021.
- Social Media: Misinformation and Content Moderation Issues for US Congress. Congressional Research Services, 2021.
- Open Data in Latin American Parliaments. National Democratic Institute – NDI, 2020. (in Spanish)
- Open Parliaments Around the World. Open Parliaments’ Tools in Comparative Perspective. LUISS School of Government, 2019.
- CyberSecurity – Risks, Progress and the Way Forward in Latin America and the Caribbean. OAS-IDB, 2020.
- Open Parliaments: Technological Enactment in State Legislatures. Dr. Tiago Carneiro Peixoto, 2013.
March 15 | Virtual event: Working Session
PRESENTATIONS Working Group 1: Addressing the gendered dimensions of disinformation
- Addressing the Gendered Dimensions of Disinformation. Sandra Pepera, Senior Associate and Director for Gender, Women and Democracy, National Democratic Institute.
Working group 2: Ensuring data protection and securing electoral integrity
- Securing Electoral Integrity and a Democratic Information Space. Dan Arnaudo, Advisor for Information Strategies, National Democratic Institute & Victoria Welborn, Technology and Innovation Program Manager, National Democratic Institute.
Working Group 3: Collaborating with the news media sector and promoting ethical algorithms
- Presentation of collaborating with the news media sector. Nazima Raghubir, First Vice-President, Association of Caribbean Media Workers.
- Presentation of promoting ethical algorithms. Micaela Mantegna, Professor at the Center for Technology and Society, University of San Andrés.
- Social media guide for parliaments and parliamentarians. Inter-Parliamentarian Union, 2021.
- Guide to guarantee freedom of expression regarding deliberate disinformation in electoral contexts. Organization of American States – OAS, 2019.
- Malign Creativity: How Gender, Sex, and Lies are Weaponized Against Women Online. The Wilson Center, 2021.
- Creating a Data Protection Framework: a Do’s and Don’ts Guide for Lawmakers. Access Now, 2018.
February 8 | Virtual Meeting

- Lessons from Guyana’s electoral quota law: Remarks by Hon. Minister Vindhya Persaud during the preparatory CSW65 Caribbean meeting. ParlAmericas Podcast, 2021
- CARICOM Statement Preparatory to CSW65. CARICOM, 2021
January 29 | Virtual meeting

- Experiences of Legislative Modernization in Latin America: Adaptation, Innovation, and Citizen Participation in the Legislative Process. Member of the Legislative Assembly Ana Lucía Delgado (Costa Rica). (in Spanish)
- Road Map Towards Legislative Openness. ParlAmericas, 2016.
- Citizen Participation in the Legislative Process. ParlAmericas, 2018.
- Strengthening Accountability through Fiscal Openness: A Toolkit for Parliamentarians in the Americas and the Caribbean. ParlAmericas, Institute of Fiscal Studies and Democracy, and Global Initiative for Fiscal Transparency, 2020.
January 22 | Virtual Meeting
- ParlAmericas Road Map towards Legislative Openness
- Latin American Legislative Transparency Index (in Spanish)
- Results from the Road Map towards Legislative Openness Survey, Emilie Lemieux, Deputy Director for Open Parliament and Sustainable Development of ParlAmericas
- Applying the Latin American Index for Legislative Transparency, Roger Celi, Coordinator for the Legislative Sector of Fundacíon Ciudadanía y Desarollo
- Updating the Methodology for the Latin American Index for Legislative Transparency, Raúl Ferrada, EurosociAL+ Consultant for the project on updating the Latin American Index for Legislative Transparency
November 27 | Virtual Gathering
17th ParlAmericas Plenary Assembly

- Ellen MacArthur Foundation,The Circular Economy in Detail.
- Platform for Accelerating the Circular Economy, The Circularity Gap Report 2020, 2020.
- Chatham House, The circular economy in Latin America and the Caribbean, 2020.
- Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development, Gender-specific consumption patterns, behavioural insights, and circular economy, 2020.
- Government of Canada, Ocean Plastics Charter.
- UNEP, “Global Environment Outlook 6”, Circular Economy. p. 439-450, 2019.
- Konrad Adenauer Stiftung, EKLA, and Centro de Innovación y Economía Circular, Circular Economy and Public Policies, 2019.
- President of ParlAmericas, Member of the National Assembly Elizabeth Cabezas (Ecuador)
- President of the Open Parliament Network (OPN), Senator Blanca Ovelar (Paraguay)
- President of the Parliamentary Network for Gender Equality (PNGE), Member of the Chamber of Deputies Maya Fernández Allende (Chile)
- President of the Parliamentary Network on Climate Change (PNCC), Member of the National Assembly Ana Belén Marín (Ecuador)
- Presidency
- Blanca Ovelar (Paraguay)
Bridgid Annisette-George (Trinidad and Tobago)
- Representative of Central America
- Representative of North America
Representative of South America
- Representative of the Caribbean
Host of the 18th ParlAmericas Plenary Assembly
November 16 | Virtual gathering
- Oswald, David. Executive summary of presentation, 2020.
- Galvez, Rosa et al., Building Forward Better: A Clean and Just Recovery from the COVID-19 Pandemic, 2020.
- Ellen MacArthur Foundation,The Circular Economy in Detail.
- Platform for Accelerating the Circular Economy, The Circularity Gap Report 2020, 2020.
- Chatham House, The circular economy in Latin America and the Caribbean, 2020.
- Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development, Gender-specific consumption patterns, behavioural insights, and circular economy, 2020.
- Government of Canada, Ocean Plastics Charter.
- UNEP, “Global Environment Outlook 6”, Circular Economy. p. 439-450, 2019.
- Konrad Adenauer Stiftung, EKLA, and Centro de Innovación y Economía Circular, Circular Economy and Public Policies, 2019.
November 13 | Virtual Meeting

- Road Map Towards Legislative Openness. ParlAmericas, 2016.
- Organizing Virtual Parliamentary Sittings. ParlAmericas, 2020.
October 2 | Virtual Meeting
12th Gathering of the Parliamentary Network for Gender Equality

- Podcast: Youth and Politics in Latin America (in Spanish). Atenea, 2020.
- Youth for Gender Equality Roadmap. Plan International, 2019.
- Youth and Gender Equality Strategy. UN Women, 2017.
- Youth Participation in National Parliaments. IPU, 2018.
- Youth 2030: Working with Young People. UN Youth Envoy, 2020.
- Youth Participation in Democratic Processes. Resolution adopted by consensus by the 122nd IPU Assembly, Bangkok, April 1st, 2010.
- Action Coalitions, Generation Equality. UN Women, 2020.
- Gender Data for Generation Equality: A Brief Series. Data 2x, 2020.
- Women in the Parliament of Canada. Library of Parliament, Canada, 2020.
October 1 | Virtual Meeting
- Presentation of the Legislative Transparency Toolkit. María José Méndez, Eurosocial+. (in Spanish)
- Presentation by INAI of the Legislative Transparency Toolkit. Blanca Lilia Ibarra, National Institute for Transparency, Access to Information and Personal Data Protection (INAI) of Mexico. (in Spanish)
- Presentation by the Latin American Network for Legislative Transparency. Marcelo Espinel, Citizenship and Development Foundation. (in Spanish)
- Presentation of good practices in legistlative transparency from Europe. Miguel Ángel Gonzalo, Project Coordination and Planning Unit of the Office of the Secretary General, Congress of Deputies of Spain. (in Spanish)
- Presentation of the Congreso2030py platform. María Liz Sosa, Legislative Strengthening and External Cooperation, Chamber of Senators of Paraguay. (in Spanish)
- Presentation of the Open Data Portal. Manuel Cotado, Program for Parliamentary Modernization, Innovation, Transparency, and Democratic Strengthening, Chamber of Deputies of Argentina. (in Spanish)
- Red de Transparencia y Acceso a la Información Pública (RTA) (in Spanish)
- EUROsociAL+
- Road Map Towards Legislative Openness. ParlAmericas, 2016
- ParlAmericas Open Parliament Portal. ParlAmericas.
September 2 | Virtual meeting
- Video of the meeting Gender-Responsiveness and Disaster Resilience during the COVID-19 Crisis (held on July 22, 2020)
- Gender-Transformative Hurricane Resilience During the COVID-19 Crisis. UN Women, 2020
- Guidance for GBV Shelters in the Context of COVID-19. Un Women, WHO, and UNFPA, 2020
- UN Secretary-General’s Policy Brief: The Impact of COVID-19 on Women. UN and UN Women, 2020
- COVID-19 in Latin America and the Caribbean: How to Incorporate Women and Gender Equality in the Management of the Crisis Response. UN Women, 2020
- Parliamentary Protocol for Disaster Risk Reduction and Climate Change Adaptation. ParlAmericas, 2019
- COVID-19: An Analysis of the Legislative Agenda and the Centering of Gender Equality in Legislative Responses. ParlAmericas and Directorio Legislativo, 2020
August 21 | Virtual Meeting

- Strengthening Oversight of Responses to the COVID-19 Pandemic: The Gender Agenda in Argentina. Member of the Chamber of Deputies Jimena López (Argentina). (in Spanish)
- Brazil x COVID-19: Parliamentary Action during the Pandemic. Senator Confúcio Moura (Brazil). (in Portuguese)
- Strengthening Oversight of Responses to the COVID-19 Pandemic: Legal Committee for Women’s Equity. Senator Esperanza Andrade (Colombia). (in Spanish)
- COVID-19 Working Group of the Senate of the Republic: Activity Report. Senator Antares Vázquez (Mexico). (in Spanish)
- Experiences of the Bicameral Congressional Committee for the Oversight of Resources Provided in Law N°6524/20 “Which declares a State of Emergency throughout the Territory of the Republic of Paraguay.” Senator Agustín Amado Florentín (Paraguay). (in Spanish)
- COVID-19 and Parliament’s Role during a Pandemic. ParlAmericas, 2020.
- COVID-19: The Challenge of Adapting and Strengthening the Role of Parliaments. An Analysis from an Open Parliament Perspective. ParlAmericas and Directorio Legislativo, 2020.
- COVID-19: The Challenge of Adapting and Strengthening the Role of Parliaments. An Analysis of the Legislative Agenda and the Centering of Gender Equality in Legislative Responses. ParlAmericas and Directorio Legislativo, 2020.
- Strengthening Accountability through Fiscal Openness: A Toolkit for Parliamentarians in the Americas and the Caribbean. ParlAmericas, Institute of Fiscal Studies and Democracy, and Global Initiative for Fiscal Transparency.
- Public Procurement in States of Emergency: Minimum Considerations by Governments to Reduce Risks of Corruption and Misuse of Extraordinary Resources. Transparency International, 2020. (in Portuguese and Spanish)
August 17 | Virtual Meeting
- United Nations convention on the law of the sea. United Nations.
- The Sate of World Fisheries and Aquaculture 2020. Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, 2020.
- Intergovernmental Conference on Marine Biodiversity of Areas Beyond National Jurisdiction. United Nations, 2020.
- The Action Plan for the Protection of the Marine Environment and Coastal Areas of the Southeast Pacific. Permanent Commission of the South Pacific, 1981. (in Spanish)
- Principles for Fisheries Management in Areas Beyond National Jurisdiction—the Essential Role of Incentive-Based Approaches. World Wildlife Fund, 2019.
- Addressing Marine Plastics: A Systemic Approach – Recommendations for Actions. United Nations Environment Programme, 2019.
- Challenges and Prospects for Fisheries in Latin America and the Caribbean. Alejandro Flores-Nava, FAO Regional Office for Latin America and the Caribbean
- Legislative actions for the conservation of marine biodiversity in the South Pacific coastal waters. María Amparo Albán, Inter-American Institute of Justice and Sustainability
July 22 | Virtual Meeting

- Gender-Responsive Approaches to Building Climate and Disaster Resilience. Angie Dazé, IISD.
- Gender-Transformative Disaster Resilience. Kyana Bowen, UN Women.
- Hazards, Hurricane Season and COVID-19. Elizabeth Riley, CDEMA.
- Enabling Gender-Responsive Disaster Recovery, Climate and Environmental Resilience in the Caribbean (EnGenDER), Massimiliano Tozzi, UNDP.
- Gender-Transformative Hurricane Resilience During the COVID-19 Crisis. UN Women, 2020
- Sustainable Responses for a Post COVID-19 Economic Recovery. ParlAmericas, 2020
- Generation Equality: Realizing Women’s Rights for an Equal Future. UN Women, 2020
- UN Secretary-General’s Policy Brief: The Impact of COVID-19 on Women. UN and UN Women, 2020
- COVID-19 in Latin America and the Caribbean: How to Incorporate Women and Gender Equality in the Management of the Crisis Response. UN Women, 2020
- Climate Change and Small States: Parliamentarian’s Toolkit. CPA, 2020
- Parliamentary Protocol for Disaster Risk Reduction and Climate Change Adaptation. ParlAmericas, 2019
- COVID-19: An Analysis of the Legislative Agenda and the Centering of Gender Equality in Legislative Responses. ParlAmericas and Directorio Legislativo, 2020
- Guidance for GBV Shelters in the Context of COVID-19. Un Women, WHO, and UNFPA, 2020
- COVID-19 in the Caribbean: Daily Surveillance Report. GA-CDRC, 2020.
- Tackling Social Norms: A Game Changer for Gender Inequalities. UNDP, 2020
July 10 | Virtual Meeting

- The Merits of a Clean COVID-19 Recovery. Brian O’Callaghan, University of Oxford.
- Disaster risk management for a better and sustainable reconstruction. Raúl Salazar, UNDRR. (in Spanish)
- Perspectives for the post-COVID-19 reactivation in Latin America and the Caribbean. Leo Heileman, UNEP. (in Spanish)
- The post COVID-19 recovery: How to articulate integrated responses to the health, economic and climate crises in Latin America and the Caribbean. UNEP, 2020.
- Preventing the next pandemic: Zoonotic diseases and how to break the chain of transmission. UNEP, ILRI, and CGIAR, 2020.
- Support program for the post-COVID19 economic recovery aligned with the Paris Agreement. UNEP and EuroClima+, 2020. (In Spanish)
- Will COVID-19 fiscal recovery packages accelerate or retard progress on climate change? Oxford Smith School of Enterprise and the Environment, 2020.
- Brief guide to contribute to the reconstruction and ‘green’ recovery post the COVID-19 crisis in Spain. Oxford Smith School of Enterprise and IIDMA, 2020. (In Spanish)
- Planning for the economic recovery from COVID-19: A sustainability checklist for policymakers. World Bank, 2020.
- A government roadmap for addressing the climate and post COVID-19 economic crises. Climate Action Tracker, 2020.
- Sustainable Recovery. International Energy Agency, 2020.
- Inclusion and social cohesion in the framework of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development: keys to inclusive social development in Latin America. ECLAC, 2020. (In Spanish)
- Virtual Dialogue of the Americas and the Caribbean against the COVID-19 Pandemic: Towards Integrated Management in Disaster Risk Reduction. UNDRR, 2020. (In Spanish)
June 11 | Virtual Meeting

- Sustainable Responses for a Post COVID-19 Economic Recovery. Diane Quarless, ECLAC.
- The Economic and Gendered Impacts of COVID-19. Monika Queisser, OECD.
- Covid-19 and Parliament’s Role during a Pandemic. ParlAmericas, 2020.
- Compendium of Legislative and Executive Actions from the Americas and the Caribbean in Response to COVID-19. ParlAmericas, 2020.
- Covid-19 and Implications for Inclusive Economic Empowerment in Caricom: Policy and Programme Considerations. UN Women, 2020.
- Caribbean Region Quarterly Bulletin: Caribbean Economies in the Time of Coronavirus. IDB, 2020.
- COVID-19 in Latin America and the Caribbean: How to Incorporate Women and Gender Equality in the Management of the Crisis Response. UN Women, 2020.
- A Policy Framework for Mitigating the Impact of the COVID-19 Crisis. World Bank Group, 2020.
- Industries post-COVID-19: A gender-responsive approach to global economic recovery. UNIDO, 2020
- Policy Brief: The Impact of COVID-19 on Women. UN, 2020.
- The post COVID-19 recovery: How to articulate integrated responses to the health, economic and climate crises in Latin America and the Caribbean. UN, 2020.
- Women at the core of the fight against COVID-19 crisis. OECD, 2020.
- Our recovery from the coronavirus crisis must have gender empowerment at its heart. World Economic Forum, 2020
June 5 | Virtual Meeting

- The Economic and Social Effects of COVID-19 in Latin America and the Caribbean. Alicia Bárcena, CEPAL. (in Spanish)
- COVID-19 and Parliament’s Role during a Pandemic. ParlAmericas, 2020.
- Compendium of Legislative and Executive Actions from the Americas and the Caribbean in Response to COVID-19. ParlAmericas, 2020.
- Practical Guidebook to Inclusive Rights-Focused Responses to COVID-19 in the Americas. OEA, 2020. (in Spanish)
- The post COVID-19 recovery: How to articulate integrated responses to the health, economic and climate crises in Latin America and the Caribbean. UN, 2020.
- Employment Situation in Latin America and the Caribbean. Work in times of pandemic: The challenges of the coronavirus disease (COVID-19). ECLAC, 2020. (in Spanish)
- COVID-19 Observatory in Latin America and the Caribbean. ECLAC, 2020.
May 8 | Virtual Meeting

- Presentation by Member of the National Assembly Karina Arteaga. National Assembly of Ecuador, 2020.
- Testimony of a participant in the Financial School for Entrepreneurs. Member of the National Assembly Karina Arteaga, 2020.
- Considerations and Reflections on Gender Violence against Women in Times of the Pandemic in Mexico. Senator Verónica Camino, 2020.
RESOURCES (in Spanish)
May 1 | Virtual Meeting

- COVID-19: The challenge of adapting and strengthening the role of parliaments. ParlAmericas and Directorio Legislativo (2020).
- Video of the implementation of the virtual sessions of the Chamber of Deputies of Brazil. (in Portuguese and Spanish)
- COVID-19 and parliament’s role during a pandemic. ParlAmericas (2020).
- Manual of technology transfer for remote parliamentary sessions. Brazilian Federal Senate (2020).
- How to run a parliament during a pandemic: Q and A. Inter-Parliamentary Union (2020).
- CPA Toolkit for Commonwealth Parliaments and Legislatures on the COVID-19 (Coronavirus) pandemic and delivering parliamentary democracy. Commonwealth Parliamentary Association (2020).
- Organizing Virtual Parliamentary Sittings. ParlAmericas (2020).
- COVID-19 Hybrid proceedings in the House of Commons. House of Commons of the United Kingdom (2020).
April 16 | Virtual Meeting

- Virtual Plenary of the Chamber of Deputies of Brazil. Gustavo Vasconcellos Cavalcante
- The Implementation of Virtual Sessions of the National Assembly of Ecuador. Claudio Prieto
- Video of the implementation of the virtual sessions of the Chamber of Deputies of Brazil. (in Portuguese and Spanish)
- COVID-19 and parliament’s role during a pandemic. ParlAmericas (2020).
- Manual of technology transfer for remote parliamentary sessions. Brazilian Federal Senate (2020).
- How to run a parliament during a pandemic: Q and A. Inter-Parliamentary Union (2020).
February 10 | Bridgetown, Barbados

- Beijing Declaration and Platform for Action. UN Women, 1995.
- National Reports from the Latin American and Caribbean governments to the Beijing Declaration and Platform for Action. ECLAC.
- Regional report on the review of the Beijing Declaration and Platform for Action in Latin American and Caribbean countries, 25 years on. ECLAC, 2019.
- Santiago Commitment. XIV Regional Conference on Women in Latin America and the Caribbean, 2020.
- Caribbean Joint Statement on Gender Equality and the Post 2015 and SIDS Agenda. UN Women, Multi-Country Office – Caribbean et al., 2013
December 4 | Panama City, Panama

- Road Map Towards Legislative Openness, ParlAmericas (2016).
- ParlAmericas Open Parliament Portal (website).
- Toolkit: Citizen Participation in the Legislative Process. ParlAmericas, 2018.
- Design Thinking for Public Service Excellence. UNDP, 2014.
- Report on the Chamber of Deputies of Brazil. Antonio Carvalho e Silva Neto (in Spanish)
- Report on the Chamber of Deputies of Chile. Luis Rojas (in Spanish)
- Report on the Legislative Assembly of Costa Rica. Juan Carlos Chavarría (in Spanish)
- Report on the National Assembly of Ecuador. María José Vásquez (in Spanish)
- Report on the Congress of Guatemala. Patricia Letona (in Spanish)
- Report on the Congress of Honduras. Karen Motiño (in Spanish)
- Report on the Senate of Mexico. Juan Carlos Vazquez (in Spanish)
- Report on the National Assembly of Panama. Agapito González (in Spanish)
- Report on the Chamber of Senators of Paraguay. María Inés Ramírez (in Spanish)
- Report on the Congress of Peru. Víctor Hugo Neciosup (in Spanish)
- Report on the Senate of the Dominican Republic. Faustino Montes de Oca (in Spanish)
- Workshop on Design Thinking. César Bazán (in Spanish)
- Congress and Accountability. Khemvirg Puente (in Spanish)
- Good Practices on Citizen Participation Developed by the National Assembly of Panama. Eira Santamaría (in Spanish)
- Good Practices on Citizen Participation, Experience from FONAMUPP. Elia López (in Spanish)
- Toolkit on Transparency and Access to Information for Parliaments. María José Mendez (in Spanish)
- Open Parliament in the Americas. Member of the National Assembly Elizabeth Cabezas (Ecuador), President of ParlAmericas (in Spanish)
- Parliamentary Action Plans and Cocreation. Luis Rojas. Chamber of Deputies (in Spanish)
October 30 | Asuncion, Paraguay
16th ParlAmericas Plenary Assembly

PRESENTATIONS Session 1: Examining regional progress in implementing the Sustainable Development Goals from the parliamentary perspective:
- Examining regional progress in implementing the SDGs from the parliamentary perspective. Emanuele Sapienza, Policy Advisor, Governance, UNDP Regional Center in Panama.
Session 2: From words to action – Case studies on how parliaments have adapted and are making progress to achieve the 2030 Agenda:
- Agenda 2030 in the Legislative Assembly of Costa Rica: Progress and Challenges. Nielsen Perez, Member of the Legislative Assembly (Costa Rica).
- Monitoring the SDGs through an Open Parliament. Blanca Ovelar, Senator (Paraguay).
Session 3: Gender equality: An essential condition for achieving the 17 Sustainable Development Goals:
- Gender equality: An essential condition for achieving the 17 Sustainable Development Goals. Senator Rosa Gálvez (Canada).
- Gender equality: an essential condition for achieving the 17 Sustainable Development Goals Target 5.3: Child, early and forced marriage (CEFM). Dosia Calderón, Senior Officer for Latin America and the Caribbean, Girls Not Brides.
- Land Tenure & Gender: Promoting Equity & Climate Resilience through Landownership. Ayesha Constable, Advisor to FRIDA and the Young Feminist Fund, Caribbean Representative of the Sustainable Development Solutions Youth Network.
- From silence to word … from word to action. Melania Canales, President of the National Organization of Andean and Amazonian Indigenous Women of Peru.
Session 4: Encouraging partnerships and collaborative work for a sustainable future:
- The participation of the Private Sector in the Implementation of the SDGs. Jessica Domínguez, Sustainable Development Division of Allcot.
- Encouraging partnerships and collaborative work for a sustainable future. Emanuele Sapienza, Policy Advisor, Governance, UNDP Regional Center in Panama.
- Agenda 2030 – Sustainable Development Goals in Paraguay. Fabián Forestieri, Director of Interinstitutional Relations of the office of the Comptroller General of the Republic.
- Dataset on parliamentary involvement in SDG monitoring. Fotios Fitsilis and Eleni Zisioglu, 2019.
- Engaging parliaments on the 2030 Agenda and the SDGs: representation, accountability and implementation: A handbook for civil society. Together 2030, Newcastle University, Philippine Social Enterprise Network, Sightsavers, World Vision, Global Focus, and UNDP, 2018.
- Fiscal Policy and Development: Human, Social, and Physical Investment for the SDGs. Vitor Gaspar, David Amaglobeli, Mercedes GarciaEscribano, Delphine Prady, and Mauricio Soto, 2019.
- Guide for parliamentary engagement in implementation, monitoring and evaluation of the sustainable development goals (sdgs). UN SDG Action Campaign and The Rockfeller Foundation, 2016.
- Montevideo Strategy for Implementation of the Regional Gender Agenda within the Sustainable Development Framework by 2030. NU and CEPAL, 2017.
- Parliamentary engagement with the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). ADB, 2017.
- Parliamentary Oversight of Sustianble Development Goals and the Application of Post-Legislative Scrutiny Principles. Fotios Fitisilis and Franklin De Vrieze, 2019.
- Parliaments and the Sustainable Development Goals: A self-assessment toolkit. IPU and UNDP, 2016.
- SDG institutionality in Latin America: Advances at the first year of the 2030 Agenda. Cepei, 2017.
- Second annual report on regional progress and challenges in relation to the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development in Latin America and the Caribbean. ECLAC, 2018.
- The 2030 Agenda and the Sustainable Development Goals: An opportunity for Latin America and the Caribbean. ECLAC, 2018.
During the Plenary Assembly, elections will be held for certain positions on the Board of Directors. Nominations received can be found below.
- Representative of Central America
- Representative of the Caribbean
Representative of South America
Host of the 17th ParlAmericas Plenary Assembly
August 8 | Paramaribo, Suriname
4th Gathering of the Parliamentary Network on Climate Change

PRESENTATIONS Keynote address
- Keynote address presentation. Ana F. González Guerrero, Co-Founder and Managing Director of Youth Climate Lab
Special Presentations
- National Decarbonization Plan. Paola Vega, President of the Special Permanent Commission for the Environment of the Legislative Assembly of the Republic of Costa Rica
- Overcoming the Challenge of Consensus: The Creation of the Green Caucus in Peru. Ana María Choquehuanca, Member of Congress (Peru), coordinator of the multi-party green caucus
- Climate – Activities of DNA – Suriname. Dr. R. Nurmohamed, Member of the National Assembly (Suriname)
- Activities of the Surinamese parliament on climate change and disasters. Grace Watamaleo, Member of the National Assembly (Suriname)
Session 1: Outcomes of COP 24 (Poland) and Preparations for COP25 (Chile)
- Outcomes of COP24. Carlos Fuller, International and Regional Liaison Officer of the CCCCC and Chair of the Alliance of Small Island Nations
- COP25 Chile 2019. Iván Flores, President of the Chamber of Deputies (Chile)
Session 2: Taking Climate Action and Building Resilience through the Power of Legislation
- Climate-smart extractive industries. Hon. David M. Wells, Senator (Canada)
- Disaster Risk Reduction. Ana Belén Marín, Member of the National Assembly (Ecuador)
- Ocean and Coastal protection. Dr. Sewnath Naipal (Suriname)
Session 3: Overcoming the Obstacles and Seizing Opportunities for Implementing Carbon Market and Non-Market Mechanisms
- Market and Non-market mechanisms. Carlos Ruiz-Garvia, Regional Coordinator – Regional Collaboration Center, Latin America and Caribbean, UNFCCC
- Fiscal incentives. Hon. Arthur E. Holder, Speaker of the House of Assembly (Barbados)
- Bolivia facing Climate Change. Nelly Lenz Roso, Member of the Chamber of Deputies (Bolivia) (in Spanish)
Session 4: Raising Ambition and Accessing Climate Financing
- Raising Ambition for Climate Action. Hon. Robby Ramlakhan, Ambassador and Advisor to the Cabinet of the President – Coordination Environment (Suriname)
- Perspectives on Climate Financing. Dr. César Falconi, Inter-American Development Bank representative in Suriname
- UNFCCC & PA Finance Opportunities for LAC Countries. Dr. Victor Viñas, Board member representing Latin America and the Caribbean in the Adaptation Fund and Green Climate Fund
- The Katowice climate package: Making The Paris Agreement Work For All. UNFCCC, 2019
- Climate Agenda: Key Topics of Discussion from COP24 to COP25. ParlAmericas, 2019
- COP 25 Chile (web page). Presidency COP25, 2019
- GEO-6: Global Environment Outlook: Regional assessment for Latin America and the Caribbean. UNEP, 2019
- Climate change and health. WHO, 2018
- Parliamentary Protocol for Disaster Risk Reduction and Climate Change Adaptation. ParlAmericas, 2019
- What are Market and Non-Market Mechanisms? UNFCCC. n.d.
- Primer on Climate Financing: Mechanisms and Opportunities for Latin America and the Caribbean. ParlAmericas, 2019
During the gathering, elections will be held for certain positions on the Network’s Executive Committee and for the host parliament of the next gathering. The results were the following:
- President
- Vice President – North America
- Senator Rosa Galvez (Canada)
- Vice President – Central America
- Vice President – Caribbean
- Speaker of the House of Assembly Andy Daniel (Saint Lucia)
- Vice President – South America
- Alternate Vice President – South America
- Speaker of the National Assembly Jennifer Simons (Suriname)
June 18 | Cidade do México, México
- Análise de legislação discriminatória na América Latina e no Caribe em matéria de autonomia e empoderamento econômico das mulheres. ONU Mulheres e Secretaria Geral Ibero-Americana (SEGIB), 2018 (em espanhol)
- Mulheres, empresa e o direito 2018. Grupo Banco Mundial, 2018 (em espanhol)
- O progresso das mulheres na América Latina e no Caribe 2017: Transformando as economias em direitos. ONU Mulheres, 2017 (em espanhol)
- O trabalho assistencial e seus prestadores de serviço para um futuro com trabalho decente. OIT, 2018 (em espanhol)
- O trabalho assistencial: uma questão de direitos humanos e políticas públicas. ONU Mulheres, 2018 (em espanhol)
- Oportunidades e desafios para a autonomia das mulheres no futuro cenário do mercado de trabalho. CEPAL, 2019 (em espanhol)
Recursos on-line
- ODS 8: Trabalho decente e crescimento econômico. Nações Unidas, website (em espanhol)
- Portal de dados de gênero. Banco Mundial, website (em espanhol)
- Portal sobre igualdade de gênero. OIT, website (em espanhol)
- Autonomia econômica. Observatório de Igualdade de Gênero da América Latina e do Caribe, website
- O futuro do trabalho na América Latina e no Caribe. BID, website (em espanhol)
June 18 | Mexico City, Mexico
11th Gathering of the Parliamentary Network for Gender Equality

- Recognizing Women’s Labour: The Care Economy. Member of the Legislative Assembly Shirley Díaz Mejías (Costa Rica)
- Analysis of Discriminatory Legislation on Women’s Economic Autonomy and Empowerment in Latin America and the Caribbean. Beatriz García, UN Women Regional Office for Latin America and the Caribbean
- Closing the Gaps on Women’s Economic Rights: A Canadian Perspective. Member of Parliament Dr. Kellie Leitch (Canada)
- Women in the Labour Market: Perspectives and Challenges. Member of the National Assembly Maritza Espinales (Nicaragua)
- Women and the Future of Work. Member of the Chamber of Deputies Camila Vallejo (Chile)
- Women and Men in CARICOM: Capitalizing on Windows of Opportunity for Achieving Gender Equality in the World of Work. Isiuwa Iyahen, UN Women Multi-Country Office for the Caribbean
- “Gendering” the 4th Industrial Revolution: The Role of the Private Sector. Diana Gutiérrez, UNDP
- The State of Leadership Diversity in Entrepreneurship & Traditional Employment. Sophia D. Bryan, Jamaica Youth Ambassador
- Analysis of Discriminatory Legislation in Latin America and the Caribbean on the Autonomy and Economic Empowerment of Women. UN Women and the Ibero-American General Secretariat, 2018
- Advancing the Economic Empowerment and Autonomy of Women in the Caribbean through the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development. ECLAC, 2018
- Women, Business and the Law 2019. World Bank Group, 2019
- Care Work and Care Jobs for the Future of Decent Work. ILO, 2018
- Promoting Women’s Economic Empowerment: Recognizing and Investing in the Care Economy. UN Women, 2019
- Women in the Future of Work. ECLAC, 2019
Online resources
- SDG 8: Decent Work and Economic Growth. United Nations, website
- Gender Data Portal. World Bank, website
- Gender Equality Portal. ILO, website
- Economic Autonomy. Gender Equality Observatory for Latin America and the Caribbean, website
- The Future of Work in Latin America and the Caribbean. IDB, website
During the gathering, elections were held for certain positions on the Network’s Executive Committee. The results were the following:
- President
- Vice-President – Caribbean
- President of the Senate Chester Humphrey (Grenada)
- Vice-President – North America
- Senator Verónica Noemí Camino Farjat (Mexico)
May 29 | Ottawa, Canada

AGENDA: Parliamentary Track of the OGP Global Summit (May 29-30)
- Official Website of the Open Government Partnership Global Summit 2019
- Latin American Legislative Transparency Index, Latin American Network for Legislative Transparency (in Spanish)
- ParlAmericas Open Parliament Portal (website)
- Road Map Towards Legislative Openness, ParlAmericas (2016)
- Parliaments as Partners for Open Government Reform, Open Government Partnership
- Guide to Develop Open Parliament Action Plans
March 12 | Quito, Ecuador
4th Gathering of the ParlAmericas Open Parliament Network

PRESENTATIONS Session 1: Towards a systemic transformation to counter corruption
- Citizen participation and action, Shaazka Beyerle, United States Institute of Peace
Session 2: Strengthening parliamentary oversight to promote openness and counter corruption
- National Anti-Corruption System in Grenada, Anande Trotman-Joseph, Integrity and Anti Corruption Commission of Grenada
- Anti-money laundering regimes and beneficial ownership transparency, Esteban Fullin, International Monetary Fund
- Strengthening parliamentary oversight to promote openness and counter corruption, Jaime B. Guerrero, Foley & Lardner LLP
Session 3: Applying openness practices to advance sustainable development
- Shaping a model for successful civil society participation in national governance & sustainable development processes, Zakiya Uzoma-Wadada, Caribbean Natural Resources Institute
- Bribri and Cabecar Indigenous Network (RIBCA), Leví Sucre, Atlantic Block of the Bribrí Cabécar Indigenous Network
- National Forum of Women in Political Parties, Juana Herrera, National Forum of Women in Political Parties (FONAMUPP)
- Report of the Expert Advisory Group on Anti-Corruption, Transparency, and Integrity in Latin America and the Caribbean. Inter-American Development Bank, 2018
- Corruption Perceptions Index 2018. Transparency International, 2019
- Latin American Legislative Transparency Index. Latin American Network for Legislative Transparency, website (in Spanish)
- Open Parliament Portal. ParlAmericas, website
- Executive Summary: Guide to Develop an Open Parliament Action Plan (preliminary draft). ParlAmericas, 2018
- Road Map Towards Legislative Openness. ParlAmericas, 2016
- Post-legislative scrutiny: Introduction, Devin O’Shaughnessy and Franklin De Vrieze, Westminster Foundation for Democracy
- Canada’s Perspective on Post-Legislative Scrutiny, Senator Percy Downe (Canada)
- Post-Legislative Scrutiny in the Congress of the State of Guanajuato: Methodology and experiences, María Fernanda Arreguín Gámez, State Congress of Guanajuato, Mexico
- Parliament of the Republic of Trinidad and Tobago: Post-Legislative scrutiny, Angelique Massiah, Parliament of Trinidad and Tobago
- Workshop on Post-Legislative Scrutiny, Rocío Noriega, Bicameral Group on Transparency of Chile
- Post-legislative scrutiny: Principles and Practical Steps, Franklin De Vrieze, Westminster Foundation for Democracy
- Principles of Post-Legislative Scrutiny by Parliaments. Westminster Foundation for Democracy, 2018
- Post-Legislative Scrutiny: Comparative study of practices of Post-Legislative Scrutiny in selected parliaments and the rationale for its place in democracy. Westminster Foundation for Democracy, 2017
During the gathering, elections were held for the Open Parliament Network Executive Committee. The result of the election was the following:
- Vice-President – Caribbean:
- Senator Ranard E. Henfield (Bahamas)
January 24 | San Jose, Costa Rica
RESOURCES Costa Rican Open Parliament Action Plans and commitments
- Costa Rica Legislative Openness Action Plan 2015-2016 (in Spanish)
- Costa Rica Open Parliament Action Plan 2016-2017 (in Spanish)
- Costa Rican Open Government Partnership Action Plan 2017-2019 (in Spanish)
Reports and resources on the progress of open parliament in Costa Rica
- Latin American Legislative Transparency Index, Latin American Network for Legislative Transparency (in Spanish)
- Progress and ongoing issues in Costa Rica’s open parliament agenda, Alliance for an Open Assembly (in Spanish)
ParlAmericas’ resources and other international publications
- ParlAmericas Open Parliament Portal (website)
- Guide to Develop an Open Parliament Action Plan (preliminary draft), ParlAmericas (2018)
- Guide to Develop an Open Parliament Action Plan, Executive Summary (preliminary draft), ParlAmericas (2018)
- Road Map Towards Legislative Openness, ParlAmericas (2016)
- Declaration on Parliamentary Openness (2012)
December 6 | Santiago, Chile

- Success Story: Addressing the Voluntary Interruption of Pregnancy (IVE) in Argentina. Mercedes de los Santos (in Spanish)
- Disseminating Open Parliament Culture beyond the Limits of the National Congress. Paulo Henrique Alves Araújo (in Spanish)
- The State of Open Parliament in Costa Rica. María Inés Solís (in Spanish)
- The Evaluation of Candidates for the Office of Magistrate of the Supreme Court of Justice. Norman Quijano (in Spanish)
- The Inclusion of the Indigenous Population in Open Parliament. Cesar Solórzano (in Spanish)
- The Implementation, Monitoring and Evaluation of Open Parliament Action Plans. Luis Rojas (in Spanish)
- The Monitoring and Evaluation of Open Parliament Action Plans. María Liz Sosa (in Spanish)
- Protocol on the Prevention and Punishment of Sexual Harassment in the Chamber of Deputies of Chile. Natalia Castillo (in Spanish)
- Workshop on the Creation of Open Parliament Action Plans. Francisco Sebastián Sánchez Lay (in Spanish)
- Strategies for Chairing Gender-Inclusive Meetings, ParlAmericas (2017)
- Road Map Towards Legislative Openness, ParlAmericas (2016)
- Parliamentary Commitment Tool, ParlAmericas
- A Toolkit for Advancing Legislative Openness, NDI
- OGP Participation & Co-Creation Standards, Open Government Partnership (2017)
- OGP Participation and Co-Creation Toolkit, Open Government Partnership (2018)
- When More is More: Toward Higher Impact OGP Commitments, Open Government Partnership (2018)
December 5 | Santiago, Chile

- Report on the Chamber of Deputies of the Nation of Argentina. María Dolores Martínez (Argentina) (in Spanish)
- Report on the Chamber of Deputies of Brazil. Paulo Enrique Alves Araújo (Brazil) (in Spanish)
- Report on the Senate of the Republic of Colombia. Marcela del Pilar Rodríguez Cuéllar (Colombia) (in Spanish)
- Report on the Legislative Assembly of the Republic of Costa Rica. Juan Carlos Chavarría Herrera (Costa Rica) (in Spanish)
- Report on the Legislative Assembly of El Salvador. William Córdova Carrillo (El Salvador) (in Spanish)
- Report on the Honourable Chamber of Senators of Paraguay. María Inés Ramírez (Paraguay) (in Spanish)
- Report on the Congress of the Republic of Peru. Leny Palma Encalada (Peru) (in Spanish)
- Concepts and Experiences from Monitoring and Evaluating Transparency Initiatives. Daniel Pefaur Dendal (in Spanish)
- Innovating in the Public Sector: A Road Full of Thorns. Alejandro Barros (in Spanish)
- Communication Challenges for Congress. Giovanna Peñaflor Guerra (in Spanish)
- Regional Perceptions of the Progress of Open Parliament. Rocío Noriega (in Spanish)
- Strategies for Chairing Gender-Inclusive Meetings, ParlAmericas (2017)
- Road Map Towards Legislative Openness, ParlAmericas (2016)
- Parliamentary Commitment Tool, ParlAmericas
- A Toolkit for Advancing Legislative Openness, NDI
- OGP Participation & Co-Creation Standards, Open Government Partnership (2017)
- OGP Participation and Co-Creation Toolkit, Open Government Partnership (2018)
- When More is More: Toward Higher Impact OGP Commitments, Open Government Partnership (2018)
November 19 | Bridgetown, Barbados

- Institute for Gender and Development Studies: Nita Barrow Unit. Dr. Halimah DeShong, Head and Lecturer
- No! to Online Abuse and Harassment. Ashell Forde, President
- UN Women Multi-Country Office for the Caribbean. Tonni Brodber, Deputy Representative
- The Commonwealth Secretariat. Dr. Tres-Ann Kremer, Head of Good Offices for Peace and Political Adviser for the Caribbean Region
- Promoting Women’s Political Leadership in the Caribbean: A joint CIWiL-ParlAmericas project. Lady Anande Trotman-Joseph, Chairperson of the Caribbean Institute for Women in Leadership (CIWiL), and Alisha Todd, Director General of ParlAmericas
RESOURCES Women’s political leadership
- Women’s Political Leadership in the Caribbean. UN Women, 2018
- The Status of Women in Leadership Across the Commonwealth. The Commonwealth, 2015
- Paving the Way to Opportunities: Women in Leadership across the Commonwealth. The Commonwealth Business Council and ACCA, 2013
- Women and Political Parties in Five Small States of the Commonwealth Caribbean. Commonwealth Secretariat, 2018
- Where are the Women? A Study of Women, Politics, and Equality in the CARICOM Countries. UNDP, 2015
- Promoting Women’s Candidacies: An overview of electoral systems, political parties, and campaign financing. ParlAmericas, 2017
Gender and sustainable development
- United Nations Multi-Country Sustainable Development Framework in the Caribbean. UN Caribbean, 2016
- Why Gender Equality Matters to Achieving all 17 SDGs. Infographic. UN Women, 2018
- Turning Promises into Action: Gender Equality in the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development. UN Women, 2018
- Making Social Protection Gender-Responsive: Lessons from UN Women’s Work in the Eastern Caribbean. UN Women, 2017
Inclusive legislative work
- Citizen Participation in the Legislative Process. Toolkit, ParlAmericas, 2018
- Intersectionality. ParlAmericas, 2018
Gender-based violence and discrimination
- Foundations Programme: Strengthening Prevention Approaches To Address Gender-Based Violence In the Caribbean. Brochure, UN Women and the Maria Holder Memorial Trust, 2018
- Reference documents compiling CEDAW recommendations by country:
- Concluding Observations on the Role of Parliaments. UN Women, 2018
- Recommendations on Equality and Social Inclusion. UN Women, 2018
- Recommendations for a Healthy Caribbean. UN Women, 2018
- Recommendations for an Inclusive, Equitable, and Prosperous Caribbean. UN Women, 2018
- Recommendations for a Safe, Cohesive, and Just Caribbean. UN Women, 2018
- Recommendations for a Sustainable and Resilient Caribbean. UN Women, 2018
October 4 | Panama City, Panama
3rd Gathering of the Parliamentary Network on Climate Change

- Bangkok climate talks: key outcomes on the Paris Agreement ‘rulebook’, CarbonBrief: Clear on Climate (2018)
- Benefits of Climate Action: Piloting a Global Approach to Measurement, C40 Cities (2016)
- Loss and Damage: Online Guide, UNFCCC (2017)
- Primer on the United Nations Climate Change Regime, ParlAmericas (2018)
- Primer on Carbon Pricing, ParlAmericas (2017)
- Nationally Determined Contributions Summary Cards for Parliamentarians, ParlAmericas (2017)
- Assessing the impact of disasters: current scenarios and trends in the Americas. Raul Salazar, Chief of the United Nations Office for Disaster Risk Reduction (UNISDR) Secretariat for the Americas.
- Carbon Pricing in the Americas and the Caribbean. Alexis L. Leroy, CEO, Allcot Group (greenhouse gas emissions management expert).
- Carbon Pricing: A Parliamentarian Perspective. The Honourable Jennifer Simons, Vice president – The South American Parliamentary Network on Climate Change and Speaker of the National Assembly, Suriname.
- Paris Agreement and NDCs. Carlos Garvia, Regional Coordinator, Regional Center of Collaboration, Latin America and Caribbean, United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change.
- Subnational climate change adaptation and mitigation: challenges and opportunities for urban settlements. Gian Carlo Delgado Ramos, Member of the Working Group II, Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), Mexico.
- Sustaining the fabric of life. Nidya Pesántez, Program specialist, UN Women Ecuador.
September 10 | Victoria, Canadá
- Coyuntura laboral en América Latina y el Caribe: avances y desafíos en la medición del trabajo decente. CEPAL, 2012
- Panorama Laboral 2017 de América Latina y el Caribe. OIT, 2017
- Migración internacional en las Américas 2017. OEA y OCDE, 2017
- 2016 Informe Mundial del ACNUR: Panorama Regional de las Américas. ACNUR, 2016
- Informe sobre las Migraciones en el Mundo 2018. OIM, 2018
- Migración en la Agenda 2030. OIM, 2017 (en inglés)
- Género, Edad y Migración. BRIDGE, 2016 (en inglés)
- La Reintegración en Colombia: Una oportunidad lo cambia todo. Joshua Mitrotti, socio fundador BO Consoulting Group – Colombia, ex-director de la Agencia para la Reincorporación y Normalización, Colombia
- Inclusión económica: Mercados de trabajo accesibles y equitativos en Canadá. Michael Prince, profesor, Facultad de Desarrollo Humano y Social, Universidad de Victoria
- Contexto mundial sobre inmigración y sus consecuencias: Problemas, aciertos y sus grandes desafíos. Diego Beltrand, director regional para América del Sur, OIM
- Políticas canadienses de inmigración e integración social. Marc Serré, diputado, Cámara de los Comunes, Canadá
- Legislación modelo y políticas para la integración económica y social de migrantes en América del Sur. Elizabeth Cabezas, diputada, presidenta de la Asamblea Nacional, Ecuador
- Medidas frente al reasentamiento/desplazamiento ocasionado por el clima en el Caribe anglófono. Alincia Williams-Grant, senadora, presidenta del Senado, Antigua y Barbuda
- Mejores prácticas y legislación para la protección social y la integración de migrantes en América Central. José Arturo Martínez Dell, diputado, presidente de la Comisión de Migrantes, Congreso, Guatemala
Taller sobre consultas presupuestarias parlamentarias
PRESENTACIONESContribuciones ciudadanas y participación pública en el ciclo presupuestario: oportunidades y lecciones para el Poder Legislativo. Juan Pablo Guerrero, director, Iniciativa Global para la Transparencia PresupuestariaParticipación ciudadana como mecanismo para el Presupuesto General del Estado. Asambleísta Karina Arteaga (Ecuador)Consultas parlamentarias federales previas al presupuesto en Canadá: El rol de la Comisión Permanente de Finanzas de la Cámara de los Comunes. Diputado Randy Boissonnault (Canadá)El Parlamento como facilitador de la participación ciudadana en el proceso presupuestario. Congresista María Melgarejo (Perú)PRESENTACIONES
- Contribuciones ciudadanas y participación pública en el ciclo presupuestario: oportunidades y lecciones para el Poder Legislativo. Juan Pablo Guerrero, director, Iniciativa Global para la Transparencia Presupuestaria
- Participación ciudadana como mecanismo para el Presupuesto General del Estado. Asambleísta Karina Arteaga (Ecuador)
- Consultas parlamentarias federales previas al presupuesto en Canadá: El rol de la Comisión Permanente de Finanzas de la Cámara de los Comunes. Diputado Randy Boissonnault (Canadá)
- El Parlamento como facilitador de la participación ciudadana en el proceso presupuestario. Congresista María Melgarejo (Perú)
RECURSOS- Ecosistema Fiscal
- Ciclo presupuestario
- Principios de Participación Pública en Política Fiscal. Iniciativa Global para la Transparencia Presupuestaria (GIFT)
- Encuesta de Presupuesto Abierto 2017. International Budget Partnership, 2017
Durante la 15 Asamblea Plenaria, se renovaron ciertos cargos del Consejo de ParlAmericas. Los resultados de las elecciones fueron los siguientes:
- Presidencia:
- Vicepresidencia:
- Norteamérica:
- Centroamérica:
- Sudamérica:
- Caribe:
- Parlamento anfitrión de la 16a Asamblea Plenaria
September 10 | Victoria, Canada
15th ParlAmericas Plenary Assembly

- The Employment Situation in Latin America and the Caribbean: Advances and Challenges in Measuring Decent Work. ECLAC, 2013
- 2017 Labour Overview of Latin America and the Caribbean – Executive Summary. ILO, 2017
- International Migration in the Americas 2017. OAS and OECD, 2017
- UNHCR Global Report 2017 Regional Summaries: The Americas. UNHCR, 2017
- World Migration Report 2018. IOM, 2018
- Migration in the 2030 Agenda. IOM, 2017
- Gender, Age and Migration. BRIDGE, 2016
- Reintegration in Colombia: An opportunity changes everything. Joshua Mitrotti, founding partner BO Consulting Group – Colombia, former director of the Agency for Reincorporation and Normalization, Colombia
- Economic Inclusion: Accessible and Equitable Labour Markets in Canada. Michael Prince, professor, Faculty of Human and Social Development, University of Victoria
- Global Immigration Context and its Consequences: Problems, Successes, and its Great Challenges. Diego Beltrand, Regional Director for South America, IOM
- Canadian Immigration and Social Integration Policies. Marc Serré, Member of Parliament, House of Commons, Canada
- Model legislation and policies for economic and social integration of migrants in South America. Elizabeth Cabezas, Member of Parliament, President of the National Assembly, Ecuador
- Climate-Induced Displacement/Resettlement Measures in the English Caribbean. Alincia Williams-Grant, Senator, President of the Senate, Antigua and Barbuda
- Best practices and legislation for social protection and integration of migrants in Central America. José Arturo Martínez Dell, Member of Parliament, Chair of the Standing Committee on Migrants, Congress, Guatemala
Training Session on Parliamentary Budget Consultations AGENDA PHOTO GALLERY PRESENTATIONS
- Parliaments, money and participation. Helaina Gaspard, Director, Governance and Institutions, Institute of Fiscal Studies and Democracy
- Citizen Participation in the National Budget. Member of Parliament Nicole Olivierre (Trinidad and Tobago), Parliamentary Secretary in the Ministry of Energy and Energy Industries
- Federal Parliamentary Pre-Budget Consultations in Canada: The Role of the House of Commons Standing Committee on Finance. Honourable Wayne Easter (Canada), Member of Parliament and Chair of the Standing Committee on Finance
- Budget Consultations in British Columbia. Kate Ryan-Lloyd, Deputy Clerk and Clerk of Committees, Legislative Assembly, British Columbia
- Fiscal Ecosystem
- Budget Cycle
- Principles of Public Participation in Fiscal Policy. Global Initiative for Fiscal Transparency (GIFT)
- Open Budget Survey 2017. International Budget Partnership, 2017
- Open Budget Survey Results by Country. International Budget Partnership, website
During the 15th Plenary Assembly, elections were held for certain positions on the Board of Directors and for the host parliament of the next Plenary. The results of the election were the following:
- Presidency
- Vice-Presidency:
- North America:
- Central America:
- South America:
- Caribbean:
- Host of the 16th Plenary Assembly
May 22 | Port of Spain, Trinidad and Tobago
10th Gathering of the Parliamentary Network for Gender Equality

- May 22, 2018
- May 23, 2018
- Gender Equality & Climate Policy: Words to Action. Bridget Burns, WEDO
- Strengthening the Gender Responsiveness of Climate Change Policies & Actions. UnaMay Gordon, Climate Change Division, Ministry of Economic Growth and Job Creation of Jamaica
- Gender and Climate Change in Mexico: Achievements, Opportunities, Lessons Learned, and Challenges. Itzá Castañeda, IUCN Global Gender Office
- The Sendai Framework for Disaster Risk Reduction 2015-2030: Articulating Global Agendas on DRR, CC and SDGs with a Gender Perspective. Jennifer Guralnick, UNISDR
- May 24, 2018
- Gender-Responsive Disaster Response. Farmala Jacobs, Directorate of Gender Affairs of Antigua and Barbuda
- UNFPA’s Work in Addressing Disasters. Aurora Noguera-Ramkissoon, UNFPA’s Sub-regional Office for the Caribbean in Trinidad and Tobago
- Waste Picker Perceptions on Health and Health Risks: Perspectives from the Ground. Ana Carolina Ogando, WIEGO
- Gender, Health and Climate Action. Cathy Cuellar, PAHO
- Gender-Responsive Budgeting Training Session Tools. ParlTools Portal, UN Women and ParlAmericas
- Climate Change Laws of the World, database, The Grantham Research Institute on Climate Change and the Environment
- Gender Mainstreaming in Public Policies on Climate Change in Latin America. ECLAC and the European Union, 2017 (in Spanish)
- Climate Change Gender Action Plans, website, IUCN
- Paris Agreement. United Nations, 2015
- Mapping Nationally Determined Contributions, website, ParlAmericas
- A Gender Analysis of Intended Nationally Determined Contributions. WEDO, 2016
- Gender Action Plan. UNFCCC, 2017
- Pocket Guide to Gender Equality under the UNFCCC. European Capacity Building Initiative, 2017
- Sendai Framework for Disaster Risk Reduction (2015-2030). UNISDR, 2015
- UN Women in Crisis and Emergency Contexts in Latin America and the Caribbean. UN Women, 2017
- Gender, Climate Change and Health. WHO, 2016
- Training Manual on Gender and Climate Change. IUCN, UNDP, GGCA, 2009
- Gender inequalities in health in the Americas. PAHO, 2016
Following the elections held at the gathering, the composition of the Parliamentary Network for Gender Equality Executive Committee is as follows:
- President:
- Member of the Chamber of Deputies Karina Banfi (Argentina)
- Vice-President – North America:
- Senator Mobina Jaffer (Canada)
- Vice-President – Central America:
- Member of the Legislative Assembly Norma Cristina Cornejo (El Salvador)
- Vice-President – Caribbean:
- President of the Senate Chester Humphrey (Grenada)
- Vice-President – South America:
- Member of the National Assembly Karina Arteaga (Ecuador)
- Alternate: Member of the Chamber of Deputies Marcela Sabat (Chile)
- Observer:
- Member of the National Assembly Delsa Solórzano (Venezuela)
April 11 | Lima, Peru
3rd Gathering of the ParlAmericas Open Parliament Network on the occasion of the VIII Summit of the Americas

- Keynote address, Martin Kreutner, Dean & Executive Secretary of the International Anti-Corruption Academy (IACA)
- Keynote presentation, Martin Kreutner, Dean & Executive Secretary of the International Anti-Corruption Academy (IACA)
- Communications at the Senate of Canada. Senator Rosa Galvez (Canada)
- “Participatory” Participation Regulations. Member of the Chamber of Deputies Paulina Nuñez (Chile)
- Adoption of Parliamentary Initiatives on Communication and Citizen Participation: Experiences from the National Congress of Honduras. Member of Congress Welsy Vásquez (Honduras)
- Road Map Towards Legislative Openness, ParlAmericas
- Toolkit: Citizen Participation in the Legislative Process. ParlAmericas, 2018
- Regulatory Frameworks for Citizen Participation in the Legislative Process in the Americas and the Caribbean. ParlAmericas, 2018
- The Open Government Partnership: An Overview for Parliamentarians in the Americas and the Caribbean. ParlAmericas, 2017
- Working document – Session 4: Guidelines to Develop Open Parliament Action Plans
- Inter-American Convention Against Corruption, OAS
- Mechanism for Follow-Up on the Implementation of the Inter-American Convention against Corruption (MESICIC)
- Common Ethical Principles for Members of Parliament, OGP Legislative Openness Working Group, 2015
- OECD Recommendation of the Council on Public Integrity, 2017
- Gender-Sensitive Parliaments: A Global Review of Good Practice, Inter-Parliamentary Union, 2011
Following the elections held at the gathering, the composition of the Open Parliament Network Executive Committee is as follows:
- President:
- Senator Blanca Ovelar (Paraguay)
- Vice-President – North America:
- Member of Parliament Randy Boissonnault (Canada)
- Vice-President – Central America:
- Member of Parliament Marvin Orellana (Guatemala)
- Vice-President – Caribbean:
- Senator Saphire Longmore (Jamaica)
- Vice-President – South America:
- Member of the Chamber of Deputies Javier Macaya Danús (Chile)
- Alternate: Senator Andrés García Zuccardi (Colombia)
- Observer:
- Member of the National Assembly Williams Dávila (Venezuela)
February 22 | Panama City, Panama

- Conceptual Framework on Disaster Risk Reduction and Adaptation to Climate Change, Pilar Moraga Sariego, Centre of Climate Science and Resilience and University of Chile Centre for Environmental Law
- Sendai Framework for Disaster Risk Reduction 2015-2030, Raúl Salazar, United Nations Office for Disaster Risk Reduction (UNISDR) Regional Office for the Americas
- Dialogue on Disaster Risk Reduction, Alma Pérez, UN Women Regional Office for the Americas and the Caribbean
- The Disaster Risk Reduction Agenda and the Nationally Determined Commitments under the Paris Agreement, Cayetano Casado, United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) and NDC Partnership
- A Look at the Local Frontline, María Verónica Bastías, Global Network of Civil Society Organizations for Disaster Reduction (GNDR)
- Chart of the Sendai Framework for Disaster Risk Reduction. UNISDR
- Sendai Framework for Disaster Risk Reduction. United Nations
- UN Women in Crisis and Emergency Contexts in Latin America and the Caribbean. UN Women, 2017
- Country Disaster Risk Profiles, World Bank Group
January 24 | Kingston, Jamaica

- Keynote address, Sheila Roseau, Deputy Regional Director – UNFPA Regional Office for Latin America and the Caribbean
- Metricizing Gender For State Intervention, Patricia Mohammed, University of the West Indies
- Men and Boys and Gender Equality, Humberto Carolo, White Ribbon
RESOURCES Session 1: Comprehensive approaches to address gender inequality
- National Gender Policies in the English Speaking Caribbean. Deborah McFee, IDRC Research Report, 2014
- Gender Equality Plans in Latin America and the Caribbean: Roadmaps for Development. ECLAC, 2017
- Policies and plans
- Strategic Plan to Address Gender-Based Violence. The Bahamas, 2015
- Revised National Gender Policy. Belize, 2013
- It’s Time: Canada’s Strategy to Prevent and Address Gender-Based Violence. Status of Women Canada, website
- National Policy and Action Plan for Gender Equity and Equality in the Commonwealth of Dominica. Dominica, 2006
- National Policy for Gender Equality. Jamaica, 2011
Session 2: Effective strategies for engaging men
- Male Allies for Gender Equality: A Toolkit for Parliamentarians. ParlAmericas, website
- White Ribbon. Website
- Strengthening Civil Society Organizations and Government Partnerships to Scale Up Approaches to Engaging Men and Boys for Gender Equality and Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights: A Tool for Action. UNFPA, Promundo and the MenEngage Alliance, 2016
- Men, Masculinities and Changing Power: A Discussion Paper on Engaging Men in Gender Equality from Beijing 1995 to 2015. MenEngage, UN Women and UNFPA, 2015
Session 3: Media and cultural agents
- WMW (Women’s Media Watch) Jamaica. Website
- Global Media Monitoring Project – Caribbean Regional Report. Global Media Monitoring Project, 2015
Session 4: Advancing legislative reforms for workplace equality: Critical moments for change
- Employment Sexual Harassment (Prevention) Act. Barbados, 2017
- Bill C-65: An Act to amend the Canada Labour Code (harassment and violence), the Parliamentary Employment and Staff Relations Act and the Budget Implementation Act. Canada, introduced in 2017
- Model Sexual Harassment Bill. IMPACT Justice, 2017
- Model Guidelines for Sexual Offences Cases in the Caribbean Region. Judicial Reform and Institutional Strengthening (Jurist) Project
November 21 | Buenos Aires, Argentina

- Open Government Partnership and its Impacts on Citizens and Parliaments. Member of the National Assembly Paula Forteza (France)
- Evolution of a Partnership and a Concept. Joseph Foti, Director of the Independent Reporting Mechanism, Open Government Partnership
- First Action Plan Open and Transparent Congress. Senator Mauricio Lizcano (Colombia), Vice-President of the ParlAmericas Open Parliament Network for South America
- First Legislative Visualizathon – PARALELO. David Bello, Winner of the Colombian Congress’s Legislative Visualizathon
- The Open Government Partnership: An Overview for Parliamentarians in the Americas and the Caribbean. ParlAmericas, 2017
- Open Government Partnership, website
- Open Government Partnership, brochure
- Open Government Declaration
- Parliamentary Engagement Policy Guidance, Open Government Partnership
- Legislative Openness Data Explorer, National Democratic Institute, website
November 15 | Medellin, Colombia
14th ParlAmericas Plenary Assembly

- Reading the News on Trump. Pablo J. Boczkowski, research professor, Northwestern University
- Computational Propaganda: Challenges and Solutions. Nick Monaco, researcher, ComProp and DigIntel Lab
- Lie Detector: The struggle to attack post-truth during the Plebiscite for Peace. Natalia Arbeláez, academic and business coordinator, La Silla Vacía
- Fake News & the Future of Journalism: Looking through the Caribbean Window. Kiran Maharaj, President, Media Institute of the Caribbean
- Parliamentary Practices to Facilitate Media Coverage of Legislative Issues. Blanca Lilia Ibarra Cadena, Director General, Television Channel of the General Congress of the United States of Mexico
- Parliamentary Practices to Facilitate Media Coverage of Legislative Issues. Wesley Gibbings, President, Association of Caribbean Media Workers
- Journalistic Coverage of the Brazilian Parliament: The Case of the Chamber of Deputies. Cristiane Brum Bernandes, researcher, Centre for Education, Training and Improvement of the Chamber of Deputies of Brazil
- Written evidence submitted to Fake News Inquiry. United Kingdom Parliament, website
- Concept Note for Global Media and Information Literacy Week 2017. UNESCO
- Cyber Hygiene Guide for Politicians and Political Parties. Facebook, 2017
- World Trends in Freedom of Expression and Media Development. UNESCO, 2015
- Post-truth: Fake News and the Future of Journalism. Pablo Boczkowski (in Spanish)
- Joint Declaration on Freedom of Expression and “Fake News,” Disinformation and Propaganda. OAS, 2017
- “Fake News” and the EU’s response. European Parliament, 2017
Training Session | Navigating Information: Online Research Practices to Support Parliamentary Work
- Navigating Information Online: Tips and Tricks for Parliamentary Research. ParlAmericas and OAS, 2017
During the Plenary Assembly, several seats on the Board of Directors were open for election. The results of the election were the following:
- Central America
- Caribbean
- South America
October 16 | Ottawa, Canada

- Access to Information Act –The Canadian Model. Nancy Bélanger, Deputy Commissioner, Legal Services and Public Affairs, Office of the Information Officer
- Office of the Parliamentary Budget Officer: Role, Legislative Mandate and the Importance of Data Access. Jean-Dénis Fréchette, Parliamentary Budget Officer, Parliament of Canada
- Open House Nova Scotia. Mark Coffin, Executive Director & Founder, Springtide
- The Role and Mandate of the Office of the Conflict of Interest and Ethics Commissioner. Mary Dawson, Conflict of Interest and Ethics Commissioner
- Public Engagement at the House of Commons. Eric Janse, Clerk Assistant, Committees and Legislative Services, House of Commons
- Senate Communications. Mélisa Leclerc, Director of Communications, Senate of Canada
- Indigenous Peoples and Participation in Parliamentary Process(es). Gwen Phillips, British Colombia Region Data Governance Coordinator, Co-chair of the national INAC Community Development Strategy Implementation Working Group and British Colombia First Nations Health Council Representative
- Legislative Action Plan – Paraguay. Senator Blanca Ovelar (Paraguay)
- Legislative Action Plan – Experience of the National Congress of Chile. Member of the Chamber of Deputies Patricio Vallespín (Chile)
- Office of the Information Commissioner of Canada, website
- Open data, House of Commons of Canada, website
- Office of the Parliamentary Budget Officer, website
- Open Parliament Canada, Civil Society Initiative, website
- Office of the Conflict of Interest and Ethics Commissioner of Canada, website
- Office of the Commissioner of Lobbying of Canada, website
- Office of the Senate Ethics Officer, website
- Open Government Canada, website
- Participate, House of Commons of Canada, website
September 7 | Port of Spain, Trinidad and Tobago

- Educating Citizens and Promoting Participation: Focus on Youth (18-30). Caro Loutfi, Executive Director, Apathy is Boring (Canada)
- Improving Local Governance in Jamaica. Prof. Rosalea Hamilton, Member of Board of Directors, National Integrity Action (Jamaica)
- Public Engagement and Sensitization Relative to the Business of Parliament. Senator Mauricia Thomas-Francis (Saint Lucia)
- Strategies for Citizen Participation at the Parliament of Trinidad and Tobago. Jason Elcock, Manager of Corporate Communications, Parliament of Trinidad and Tobago
- Citizens Initiative for Participation & Good Governance. Sharda Ganga, Director, Projekta (Suriname)
- Road Map Towards Legislative Openness. ParlAmericas, 2016
- Report: Citizen Participation Co-creation Meeting. ParlAmericas, 2017
- Report: 2nd Gathering of the Open Parliament Network of ParlAmericas: Strengthening the Ties between Citizens and Legislatures. ParlAmericas, 2017
September 6 | Port of Spain, Trinidad and Tobago

- Towards Establishing a Parliamentary Budget Office (PBO) in Jamaica. Cheryl Gibson, Assistant Clerk, Parliament of Jamaica
- Fiscal Openness and Opportunities. Juan Pablo Guerrero, Network Director, Global Initiative for Fiscal Transparency (GIFT)
- Fiscal Transparency as an Element of Government Accountability. Sandeep Saxena, Senior Economist of the Public Financial Management
Division, International Monetary Fund (IMF) - Public Participation in Fiscal Policies. Juan Pablo Guerrero, Network Director, Global Initiative for Fiscal Transparency (GIFT)
- Public Participation in Budget Policy – The Story of Gender Responsive Budgets in Mexico. Manuela Garza, Founding Partner, Colectivo Cometa
- Report: Workshop “Building Trust between Parliaments and Citizens”. ParlAmericas, 2017
- Budget Transparency Toolkit. OECD
- Recommendation of the Council on Principles for Independent Fiscal Institutions. OECD, 2014
- Draft Guideline for Operationalizing a Parliamentary Budget Office. The Global Network of Parliamentary Budget Officers, 2015
- Public Participation Principles Guide. GIFT, website
- The Fiscal Transparency Code. The International Monetary Fund, 2014
August 3 | Panama City, Panama
2nd Gathering of the Parliamentary Network on Climate Change

SPECIAL REMARKS: Claudia de Windt, Senior Legal Specialist in the Department of Sustainable Development of the Organziation of American States (OAS) (in Spanish). PRESENTATIONS
- Sustainability and Climate Change. Gisela Alonso, keynote speaker
- Climate Change, Elliot Sucari, Organization of American States (OAS)
- Public Policies and Climate Change. Orlando Reyes, Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean (ECLAC)
- Legal Implications of the Paris Agreement and Renewable Energy Integration, Derrick Oderson
- Corporate Social Responsibility in Remote Areas of Latin America and the Caribbean. Byron Chiliquinga, Latin American Energy Organization (OLADE)
- Indicators for Renewable Energy – GEF Experience. Neeraj Kumar Negi, The Global Enviroment Facility (GEF) Independent Evaluation Office
- Gender and Energy: From International Commitments to National Implementation. Itzá Castañeda, International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN)
- Acting in an Integrated Way: Sustainable Development – Adaptation and Mitigation. Marianela Curi, Fundación Futuro Latinoamericano (FFLA)
- Electric Mobility: Opportunities for Latin America. Gustavo Máñez, United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP)
- Climate Change: A Comparative Overview of Legislative and Executive Responses in the Americas. Organization of American States and ParlAmericas, 2017
- Climate Change: A Comparative Overview of the Rights Based Approach in the Americas. Organization of American States and ParlAmericas, 2017
- Projecting Progress: The SDGs in Latin America and the Caribbean. Overseas Development Institute, 2016
- Review for Parliamentarians: A Periodic Brief on Renewable Energy. International Renewable Energy Agency, 2016
- Global Trends in Climate Change Legislation and Litigation. London School of Economics, 2017
- Climate Change 101: Climate Science Basics. Center for Climate Change and Health, 2016
- Finding the Nexus: Exploring Climate Change Adaptation and Mitigation. Local Governments for Sustainability, 2012
- Guide on Gender and Energy for Trainers and Managers of Public Policy and Projects. Latin American Energy Organization, 2014 (in Spanish)
- Mainstreaming Gender in Policies and Laws related to Climate Change and REDD+ in Mexico. Alianza México REDD+, 2017
- 10 Questions to ask about Scaling On-Grid Renewable Energy. World Resources Institute, 2014
- Roadmap for a Renewable Energy Future. International Renewable Energy Agency, 2016
During the 2nd Gathering of the PNCC, the four vice-presidents of the ParlAmericas PNCC executive committee were elected:
- North America:
- Member of Parliament Dan Ruimy (Canada)
- Central America:
- Member of Congress Sofía Hernández (Guatemala)
- South America:
- Speaker of the National Assembly Jennifer Simons (Suriname)
- Member of the National Assembly Ana Belén Marín (Ecuador) (Alternate Vice-president)
- Caribbean:
- President of the Senate Andy Daniel (Saint Lucia)
May 29 | Lima, Peru

- International Standards for Lobbying Regulation. Access Info Europe, Open Knowledge, Sunlight Foundation, Transparency International, 2015
- OECD Principles for Transparency and Integrity in Lobbying
- Laws and articles for lobby regulation in Latin America
May 23 | Buenos Aires, Argentina
9th Gathering organized by the Parliamentary Network for Gender Equality

- Equal Media Treatment of Women Politicians: Recommendations to promote balanced media coverage and communication free of gender stereotypes. ParlAmericas, 2017
- Promoting Women’s Candidacies: An overview of electoral systems, political parties, and campaign financing. ParlAmericas, 2017
- Diversifying political power to build inclusive societies, report of the 8th gathering organized by the Group of Women Parliamentarians. ParlAmericas, 2016
During the 9th gathering organized by the Group of Women Parliamentarians, the president, two vice-presidents of the Group’s executive committee, and the host for the next gathering were elected:
- President: Member of the Chamber of Deputies Karina Banfi (Argentina)
- Vice-President (Central America): Member of the Legislative Assembly Ligia Fallas (Costa Rica)
- Vice-President (Caribbean): Senator Chester Humphrey, President of the Senate (Grenada)
- Host Parliament: Trinidad and Tobago
May 22 | Buenos Aires, Argentina
- Men as Allies in Parliamentary Work for Gender Equality, ParlAmericas
April 20 | Bogota, Colombia

- How to Implement a Budget Office or Other Control Tools in Parliament?, Nelson Shack, World Bank
- Open Budget Survey: An Instrument for Transparency in the Public Budget, Mario Martínez, Survey on Open Budget
- Latin American Index on Legislative Transparency 2016, Octavio Del Favero, Ciudadano Inteligente
- Infographic by the Budget Technical Assistance Office (OATP, Spanish initials) for the Congress of Colombia
- Parliamentary Initiatives Adopted for Communication and Citizen Participation, Member of Congress Welsy Vásquez (Honduras)
- Open Parliament for Public Budgets in Mexico, Guillermo Ávila, Fundar
- Public Participation in Budgetary Policies and Processes: International Perspective and Experience, Juan Pablo Guerrero, GIFT
- Perceptions and Progress of Parliaments: How Are We Doing?, Rocío Noriega, Bicameral Group on Transparency of the Congress of Chile
- Global Initiative for Fiscal Transparency, GIFT (website)
- Public Participation Principles Guide, GIFT (website)
- Principles of Public Participation in Fiscal Policy
- Open Budget Survey
- Corruption Perceptions Index 2016
* This workshop was held in collaboration with the World Bank, the Congress of Chile, and the Congress of Colombia.
April 19 | Bogota, Colombia

- Road Map Towards Legislative Openness, ParlAmericas
- Declaration of Commitment of the 2nd Gathering of the Open Parliament Network (OPN)
- Legislative action plans:
- Chile (in Spanish)
- Colombia (in Spanish)
- Costa Rica (in Spanish)
- Guatemala (in Spanish)
- Paraguay (in Spanish)
- Legislative Transparency Index 2016, The Latin America Network for Legislative Transparency (LALT) (in Spanish)
- OGP Participation and Co-creation Standards
- Legislative Engagement in the Open Government Partnership
March 16 | San José, Costa Rica
2nd Gathering of the Open Parliament Network

- TV News (March 17, 2017), TV Legislativa, Asamblea Legislativa de Costa Rica (in Spanish)
- Radio interview featuring Senator Marcela Guerra (México), President of ParlAmericas, and Senator Hernán Larraín (Chile), President of the Open Parliament Network (OPN) (March 17, 2017), Matices, Radio Monumental (in Spanish)
- TV News (March 16, 2017), TV Legislativa, Asamblea Legislativa de Costa Rica (in Spanish)
- Inauguration (March 16, 2017), TV Legislativa, Asamblea Legislativa de Costa Rica (in Spanish)
- TV News (March 13, 2017), TV Legislativa, Asamblea Legislativa de Costa Rica (in Spanish)
- Press release (March 13, 2017) (in Spanish)
- New horizons for citizen participation, Scott Hubli, National Democratic Institute (in Spanish)
- The role of CSOs in an Open Parliament, Agustina de Luca, Fundación Directorio Legislativo
- A step forward towards transparency, Senator Mauricio Lizcano (Colombia), President of the Senate
- Incorporating Gender Perspective in the Costa Rican Parliament, Haydee Hernandez Perez, Legislative Assembly of Costa Rica
- Leveraging Citizen Engagement: Guiding Questions for Incorporating Citizen Engagement into the Legislative Framework, GovLab, Yale Open Government & Open Data Governance Innovation Clinic
- Road Map Towards Legislative Openness, ParlAmericas
- What is Open Parliament?, ParlAmericas
- Best practices for the use of social networks by parliamentarians, ParlAmericas
- OGP Participation and Co-creation Standards
- Legislative Engagement in the Open Government Partnership
- Legislative Transparency Index 2016, The Latin America Network for Legislative Transparency (LALT) (in Spanish)
- World e-Parliament Report 2016, Inter-Parliamentary Union (IPU)
- Model Inter-American Law on Access to Public Information, Organization of American States (OAS)
- Inter-American Program on Access to Public Information, Organization of American States (OAS)
- Legislative action plans:
- Chile (in Spanish)
- Colombia (in Spanish)
- Costa Rica (in Spanish)
- Guatemala (in Spanish)
- Paraguay (in Spanish)
- Member of the Legislative Assembly José Alfaro Jiménez (Costa Rica), Interim President of the Legislative Assembly (in Spanish)
- Senator Marcela Guerra (México), President of ParlAmericas (in Spanish)
During the 2nd Gathering of the OPN, the four vice-presidents of the OPN executive committee were elected:
- North America: Member of Parliament Marcela González Salas (Mexico)
- Central America: Member of the Legislative Assembly Karla Prendas (Costa Rica)
- South America: Senator Mauricio Lizcano (Colombia), President of the Senate
- Caribbean: Senator Saphire Longmore (Jamaica)
March 15 | San José, Costa Rica
- Road Map Towards Legislative Openness, ParlAmericas
- What is Open Parliament?, ParlAmericas
- Best practices for the use of social networks by parliamentarians, ParlAmericas
January 12 | Santiago, Chile
3rd Parliamentary Forum on Beijing+20

- Communication Media, Gender and Human Rights, Dr. Aimée Vega Montiel (in Spanish)
- Challenging Stereotypes: Communications Strategies, Dr. Virginia García Beaudoux (in Spanish)
- Organic Law on Communication (Ecuador, 2013) (in Spanish)
- Inclusive Language Manual (Mexico, 2016) (in Spanish)
- Social Media: Advancing Women in Politics? (WIP – Harvard – Facebook)
- Public Policies on Communication and Gender in Latin America (2016), Civil Association Communication for Equality and the Public Defender of Audiovisual Communications Services of Argentina (in Spanish)
- Public Policies on Communication and Gender in Latin America (2014), Civil Association Communication for Equality (in Spanish)
- Section J, “Women and the Media” (Beijing Platform for Action)
- Illustrated Guide for Communication without Gender Stereotypes (Secretariat of Communications – SECOM, in collaboration with the National Women’s Service – SERNAM, Chile) (in Spanish)
- Gender-Sensitive Indicators for the Media: Framework of Indicators to Gauge Gender Sensitivity in Media Operations and Content (UNESCO)
- Guide for the Use of a Non-Sexist and Egalitarian Language in the HCDN (Chamber of Deputies, Argentina) (in Spanish)
December 6 | Mexico City, Mexico
- International Institute for Sustainable Development (IISD)
- United Nations Development Program (UNDP) (in Spanish)
- Economic Comission for Latin America and the Caribbean (ECLAC) (in Spanish)
- Round table discussion questios
- Inter-American Development Bank (IDB) (in Spanish)
- Sustainable Development Goals (UN)
- SDGs and Parliaments (UNDP)
- SDGs and the Role of Parliaments (Agora)
- High-level Political Forum on Sustainable Development (UN)
- Forum of the Countries of Latin America and the Caribbean on Sustainable Development (ECLAC)
- SDG Knowledge Hub (IISD)
- Summary on SDGs (IISD)
Several seats on the Board of Directors and Executive Committee of the Group of Women Parliamentarians were open for election. The results of the elections were the following:
Presidency | – Marcela Guerra, Senator, Mexico | ||
Vice Presidency | – Robert Nault, MP, Canada | ||
North America (3 seats open) | – Canada – Mexico | ||
Central America (1 seat open) | – Nicaragua | ||
The Caribbean (2 seats open) | – Jamaica – Trinidad and Tobago | ||
South America (2 seats open) | – Chile – Ecuador | ||
Host Parliament – 14th Plenary Assembly | – Colombia | ||
Vice Presidencies GoWP (2 seats open) | – Claudia Nogueira, MP, Chile – Mobina Jaffer, Senator, Canada |
* The members of the Board of Directors must be active members of their respective Chambers. A Board Director cannot simultaneously hold office as a Cabinet minister in the executive branch of his/her government. ** According to Resolution 34-03, ratified at the 11th Plenary Assembly, Parliaments will need to remain current with their membership due payments to run for and retain a seat on the Board. Payment receipt for the current year must be confirmed by the International Secretariat the day prior to the election.
December 5 | Mexico City, Mexico

- Social Media Strategies for parliamentarians, Mr. Sebastián de Lara (Navegación Política)
- ICT Strategies for Parliaments, Mr. Garreth Ferguson (Parliament of Trinidad and Tobago)
- Facebook Live, Mr. Gibrán Mena (Social TIC)
- Online hearing, ParlAmericas Facebook
- Road Map Towards Legislative Openness, ParlAmericas
- World e-Parliament Report, 2016 (IPU)
- Information and Communication Technologies in Parliament, 2010 (OPPD)
- Social Media Guidelines for Parliaments, 2013 (IPU)
- Road Map Towards Legislative Opennes, 2016 (ParlAmericas)
October 20 | Ottawa, Canada
- Multi-Party Caucuses for Gender Equality (presentation prepared by Dr. Sonia Palmieri, facilitator)
- Strategic Planning Tool for Initiating a Multi-Party Caucus for Gender Equality
- A Comparative Study of Structures for Women MPs in the OSCE Region (OSCE Office for Democratic Institutions and Human Rights, 2013)
- Guidelines for Women’s Caucuses (IPU, 2013)
- Legislative Change Agents: Multi-Partisan Caucuses (IRI, 2014)
- One Size Does Not Fit All: Lessons Learned from Legislative Gender Commissions and Caucuses (NDI, International IDEA, 2010)
- PARLINE database: Specialized Parliamentary Bodies (IPU)
September 13 | Santiago, Chile
- Open Congress and the Latin American Network for LEgislative Transparency (Ciudadano Inteligente) (in Spanish)
- History of Lawa and Parliamentary Labour (Library of the National Congress of Chile) (in Spanish)
- Anti-corruption observatory (Ciudadano Inteligente and Espacio Público) (in Spanish)
- Virtual Senator (Library of the National Congress of Chile) (in Spanish)
- Visualization of the National Budget (Library of the National Congress of Chile)
- Comisión de ética del Senado de Chile (in Spanish)
- Comisión de ética de la Cámara de diputados de Chile (in Spanish)
- Historia de la Ley orgánica constitucional del Congreso de Chile (in Spanish)
- Modificaciones a la Ley orgánica constitucional del Congreso de Chile (in Spanish)
- Ley de lobby de Chile (in Spanish)
- Plataforma Ley de Lobby (in Spanish)
- Declaración de intereses y patrimonio del Senado de Chile (in Spanish)
- Declaración de intereses y patrimonio de la Cámara de diputados de Chile (in Spanish)
- Visualización del Presupuesto de la Nación de Chile (in Spanish)
- Senador virtual (in Spanish)
- Observatorio anti-corrupción (in Spanish)
- Congreso abierto (in Spanish)
- Observatorio fiscal (in Spanish)
- What is intersectionality?
On Monday, September 12, 2016, legislators participating in the study visit will be part of a regional delegation of parliamentarians that will attend the I Regional Workshop on Open Budget, “Strengthening Legislatures’ Functions in the Budgetary Process”, organized by the Bicameral Group on Transparency of the National Congress of Chile and the World Bank. WORKSHOP AGENDA (in Spanish)
September 12 | Antigua, Guatemala

- Prezi presentation by ParlAmericas
- Strategic Plan – Group of Women Parliamentarians 2014-2015 (in Spanish)
- Women in Central American parliaments (in Spanish)
- Comparative Charts (in Spanish)
August 3 | Panama City, Panama

- Plácida Espinoza Mamani, Senator (Bolivia) (in Spanish)
- Carlos Viteri Gualinga, Member of the National Assembly (Ecuador) (in Spanish)
- Arnaldo Giuzzio Bnítez, Senator (Paraguay) (in Spanish)
- Mónica Araya, Executive Director (Nivela) (in Spanish)
- María del Rocío Pineda Gochi, Senator (México) (in Spanish)
- Creating a Sustainable Financial System – A Role for Finance Ministries (October 2015)
- Uncovering Pathways towards an Inclusive Green Economy – A Summary for Leaders (2015)
- Actions on Air Quality – Policies & Programmes for Improving Air Quality around the World
- Financial Reform, Institutional Investors And Sustainable Development – A review of current policy initiatives and proposals for further progress (October 2015)
- Global Environment Outlook Geo-6 Regional Assessment For Latin America And The Caribbean
- Green Energy Choices: the benefits, risks and trade-offs of low-carbon technologies for electricity production (2016)
- INSURANCE 2030 – Harnessing Insurance for Sustainable Development (June 2015)
- Integrated Assessment of Short-Lived Climate Pollutants in Latin America and the Caribbean – Improving air quality while contributing to climate change mitigation
- Marine plastic debris and microplastics – Global lessons and research to inspire action and guide policy change (2016)
- Options for decoupling economic growth from water use and water pollution – A report of the Water Working Group of the International Resource Panel (2015)
- Raising the bar – advancing environmental disclosure in sustainability reporting (2015)
- REDD+ Implementation: A Manual for National Legal Practitioners (2015)
- Resource Efficiency: Potential and Economic Implications (2015)
- The Adaptation Gap Report 2016
- The rise of environmental crime – A growing threat to natural resources, peace, development and security
- UNEP FRONTIERS 2016 REPORT – Emerging Issues of Environmental Concern
- Unlocking the sustainable potential of land resources – evaluation systems, strategies and tools
- Zero carbon Latin America – a pathway for net decarbonisation of the regional economy by mid-century
- Introduction to Climate Change – UNEP
- Climate Change and its Consequences for Latin America (in Spanish) – FES
- Climate Change 2014 Synthesis Report – Summary of policy-makers – IPCC
- Legislative Contributions to Climate Change in Latin America and the Caribbean (in Spanish) – UNEP
- The 2015 Global Climate Legislation Study – LSE
- Parliamentary action plan on climate change – IPU
- Economics of Climate Change in Latin America and the Caribbean – CEPAL
- Principle 10 of the Rio Declaration on Environment and Development – CEPAL
- A catalog of Climate Change adapation options – IDRC
- Supporting Energy Pricing Reform and Carbon Pricing Policies Through Crediting – IISD
For general information on climate change and the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change, please visit the following link (UNFCCC). INAUGURAL SPEECHES
- Mr. Elías Castillo, MP (Panama), Secretary General of the Latin American and Caribbean Parliament (in Spanish)
- Mr. Javier Ortega, MP (Panama), Representative of the National Assembly of Panama and Member of the Board of Directors of ParlAmericas (in Spanish)
- Senator Marcela Guerra (Mexico), President of ParlAmericas (in Spanish)
- Hon. Ms. Mirei Endara (Panama), Minister of the Environment (in Spanish)
May 26 | Asuncion, Paraguay

- Senator Carlos Filizzola (Paraguay)
- Mr. Juan Pablo Guerrero – Open Budget Survey (Global Iniciative for Fiscal Transparency)
- Presentation (in Spanish)
- Open Budget Survey
- Ms. Natalia Albañil (National Democratic Institute)
- Member of the Legislative Assembly, Rafael Ortiz Fábrega (Costa Rica)
- Mr. Yacine Khelladi (The Caribbean Open Institue)
- Mr. Jean-Noé Landry (Open North), video presentation (in Spanish)
- Senator Marcela Guerra, President of ParlAmericas (in Spanish)
- Senator Blanca Ovelar, Host of the gathering of the Open Parliament Network of ParlAmericas (in Spanish)
- Mr. Hugo Velázquez, President of the Chamber of Deputies (in Spanish)
October 29 | Mexico City, Mexico
Open Parliament Newtwork meeting and OGP Summit Mexico 2015 panel: Efforts toward Parliamentary Openness Reform in the Americas
September 3 | Panama City, Panama
September 26 | Santiago, Chile
THEME Women’s Healthcare
Women’s Healthcare: From Mother to Woman with Rights – Dr. Paulina Troncoso [Spanish only]
La Conferencia Internacional de Población y Desarrollo: su impacto y su futuro – María Antonieta Alcalde [Spanish only]
ARTICLE Is 20 Years Just Nothing? The International Conference on Population and Development 20 Years after its Adoption (María Antonieta Alcalde)
September 25 | Santiago, Chile
Hacker Laboratory – Cristiano Ferri Faria Index of Legislative Transparency in Latin America: Results from Argentina – María Baron [Spanish only]
Sustainable Development in Latin America and the Caribbea: Rio+20 and the Post-2015 Development Agenda – Carlos de Miguel [Spanish only]
Post-2015 Development Agenda: Legislative Perspectives – Claudia S. de Windt [Spanish only]
Statement of Commitment on Open Parliament in the Americas
Statement of Commitment on the Post-2015 Development Agenda in the Americas
Working Group 1: “Open Parliament”
Experts: Cristiano Ferri Faria (Laboratorio Hacker), María Baron (Fundación Directorio Legislativo)
Working Group 2: “Post-2015 Development Agenda: Legislative Perspectives”
Experts: Carlos de Miguel (ECLAC), Claudia S. de Windt (OAS)
Meeting of the Group of Women Parliamentarians, Women’s Healthcare
Experts: Dr. Paulina Troncoso (Ministry of Health, Chile), María Antonieta Alcalde (International Planned Parenthood Foundation / Western Hemisphere Region)
Building the Open Parliament: The Case of Brazil – Cristiano Ferri Faria
June 24 | Mexico City, Mexico
THEME Moving from Formal to Substantive Equality
Challenging the Barriers to Real Equality: Transformative Equality (Ramona Biholar – S1)
Gender Equality – The Legislative Agenda (Teresa Incháustegui – S2)
Session 1 – Achievements in Guaranteeing Equality: Experiences Promoting Legislation and Programs Benefiting Women
Session 2 – Barriers to Real Equality
Strategic Planning – Bridging the Gap: Parliamentarians as Agents of Change
Challenging the Barriers to Real Equality: Transformative Equality (Ramona Biholar – S1)
Progress and Challenges in the Gender Equality Agenda in the Americas (Teresa Incháustegui – S2)
February 5 | Port of Spain, Trinidad and Tobago
Re-visioning Public Accounts Committees in Small Legislatures (discussion paper) Characteristics of Different External Audit Systems (discussion paper) Lima Declaration of Guidelines on Auditing Precepts / Mexico Declaration on SAI Independence (declaration) PAC and SAI: “Partners” in the Accountability Process (presentation)
Understandin Parliamentary Oversight Committees and Relationships: Attributes of an Effective Public Accounts Committee (discussion paper)
- To build on the discussions about parliamentary budget oversight mechanisms and other key issues of concern to Public Accounts Committees (PACs) that took place during ParlAmericas’ Workshop 5
- To provide a space for parliamentarians and Auditors General from the Caribbean to continue sharing best practices
- To enhance practical skills related to auditing
Day 1:
Overview of the Budgetary Cycle (presentation)
Challenges and Practices: Public Accounts Committees in “Small” and “Large” Legislatures (presentation)
Day 2:
Supreme Audit Institution (SAI)-Parliament Cooperation (presentation)
Understanding Key Audit Products: Introductions to Regularity/Financial Statement & Value-for-Money Audit (presentation)
IN THE NEWS (original language)
Julius Espat takes lobby for PAC reform to hemispheric organization, ParlAmericas, 4 February 2014, Amandala, Belize.
Caribische landen willen versterking begrotingsproces, 6 February 2014, Starnieuws, Suriname.
Shaw wants PAC to examine contractor general reports, 6 February 2014, Gleaner, Jamaica.
August 22 | San Jose, Costa Rica
10th ParlAmericas Plenary Assembly
- Challenges to Realizing the Right to Food in the Hemisphere (Ricardo Rapallo – Keynote Speaker)
- To discuss the topics of food security, natural resources development, and connecting women’s rights to food security
- To develop recommendations for the hemisphere’s parliaments with the guidance of experts
WORKING GROUPS 1. Natural Resources Development 2. Food Security Meeting of the Group of Women Parliamentarians: Connecting Women’s Rights to Food Security
- Vulnerability, Adaptation and Climate Change (Gleyse Peiter – Working Group 1)
- Natural Capital and Economic Growth: Policy Lessons from Costa Rica (Carlos Manuel Rodríguez – Working Group 1)
- The Current Consumption Model and its Impacts on Food Security (Xaviera Cabada Barrón – Working Group 2)
- The Importance of Food Security for Decision Making in the Fight Against Hunger (Hugo Melgar-Quiñonez – Working Group 2)
- The Political Commitment towards Food Security and Women’s Rights: A Parliamentary Challenge (Guadalupe Valdez – Group of Women Parliamentarians)
- Strategies to Enhance Women’s Leadership to Address Food and Nutrition Security Under a Changing Climate (Cristina Tirado – Group of Women Parliamentarians)
August 21 | San Jose, Costa Rica
- To increase dialogue among parliamentarians, building on the release of the OAS comprehensive report The Drug Problem in the Americas
- To discuss topics such as criminality, democracy, legislative agendas, the role of legislative institutions, and the importance of collaborative dialogue on these issues in the region
*This regional seminar is part of an ongoing project of the OAS: Strengthening the Capacities of Legislators from Central America, Mexico, and the Dominican Republic. ParlAmericas is pleased to provide support for the project in the form of facilitating the participation of parliamentarians.
PARLAMERICAS DELEGATION ParlAmericas sponsored the participation of parliamentarians, including members of the Board of Directors. Secretary-Treasurer Germán Blanco spoke on the high-level panel “Drugs and collaborative dialogue between public authorities.”
May 16 | Paramaribo, Suriname
- To develop strategies for increasing the political participation and leadership of women in the Americas, and provide legislators with tools for passing laws that are reflective of women’s issues from the region
Session 1: Women Presidents of National Legislatures Session 2: Leadership and Political Participation of Women of African Descent Session 3: The Effects of Women’s Participation in Politics
- Political Participation and Leadership of Afro-Descendant Women (Beatriz Ramírez Abella – S2)
- Presentation (Beatriz Ramírez Abella – S2)
- Women’s Political Representation in the Commonwealth Caribbean and Latin America: A Preliminary Analysis (Cynthia Barrow Giles – S3)
- Presentation (Cynthia Barrow Giles – S3)
- Presentation (Maureen Clarke Clarke – keynote speaker) (in Spanish)
February 25 | Bogota, Colombia
Theme: How to Improve Oversight and Increase Collaboration Presentations
- Extractive industries and transition post-extraction in Latin America (Carlos Monge – Introduction) (Spanish)
- Parliaments and extractive industries (Fernando Patzy – Introduction) (Spanish)
- The role of parliament with regard to extractive industries (Fernando Patzy – S1) (Spanish)
- Roles of parliament: legislation, supervision and representation (Manuel Briceño – S1) (Spanish)
- Current status of prior consultations in South America: the case of Colombia (Gloria Rodriguez – S2) (Spanish)
- Contracts, grants and tax regimes (Fernando Patzy – S3) (Spanish)
- Parliaments: strengthening governance and transparency in extractive industries (Lisa Bhansali – S3) (Spanish)
- Management of income derived from extractive industries (Carlos Monge – S4) (Spanish)
- Adjustments to the primary extractive export model (Carlos Monge – S5) (Spanish)
- Presentation of the Executive Power of the Gran Porte Mining Law Project (LMGP, as per its acronym in Spanish), Uruguay (Carlos Baráibar – S5) (Spanish)
- Transitions: post-extractivism and alternatives to extractivism in Peru (Alejandra Alayza – S5) (Spanish)
Participation of Parliamentarians and Guest Speakers (Spanish)
Objectives of the meeting: to offer a space where parliamentarians and experts in the subject matter can discuss the roles and actions of national legislatures with respect to extractive activities and to increase regional knowledge and best practices with regards to the extractive sector in South America, and possibilities of parliamentary cooperation.
- S1. Parliamentary Roles: Legislation, Supervision and Representation
- S2. The Current State of the Right to Prior Consultation in South America
- S3. Types of Contracts, Tax Regime and Transparency
- S4. Managing Revenues from Extractive Activities
- S5. Superior or alternative models of development
August 30 | Panama City, Panama
Objectives of the meeting: to discuss the topics of weak rule of law, the economic crisis, and climate change, with the guidance of experts from eight countries of the Americas, and to develop recommendations for the hemisphere’s parliaments.
Working groups
- From Local Microstructures to Democratic Rule of Law (Marco Castillo – WG1)
- How Administrative Justice and Security Are Related (Howard N. Fenton – WG1)
- The Social and Political Consequences of the International Financial Crisis in Latin America (Laura Gómez-Mera – WG2)
- The Impact of the Global Economic Crisis on the Americas: the China Effect (Otton Solís – WG2)
- The Extractive Industries Today: Climate Change and the Environment. Energy Fuels and Materials Focus (Michelle Michot Foss – WG3)
- Environment and climate change: challenges and trends with a regional perspective (Margarita Astrálaga – WG3)
- How Do Women Weather Economic Shocks? What We Know (Mayra Buvinic – Group of Women Parliamentarians)
August 30 | Panama City, Panama
Host: Panama Theme: Financial Crisis and its Effects on Women in the Region
Objectives of the meeting: to reflect upon the economic crisis and its impact on women, to identify the unique characteristics of women as vulnerable subjects in an economic crisis, to define the social and historical context giving rise to the economic crisis, as well as its financial components, and to identify potential Government policies to protect women and support them in an economic downturn.
- How Do Women Weather Economic Shocks? What We Know (Mayra Buvinic)
May 9 | Valparaiso, Chile
Citizen Security for Women: A Parliamentary Task
- To discuss strategies for incorporating concrete mechanisms of protection for women into the national public safety policies of countries in the Americas
- Gender-based Violence in the Americas and the Caribbean: A National Perspective (Christine Brendel)
- Systemic Sexual Violence Against Women (Pável Uranga)
- Adjusting National Budgets to Citizen Security Needs (Lorena Vinueza)
April 9 | Cartagena, Colombia
Who: ParlAmericas representatives from Canada, Mexico, Honduras, and Haiti.
Objectives of the meeting: to participate in an inter-parliamentary dialogue coordinated by the Andean Parliament, with the support of ParlAmericas.
February 9 | Washington DC, USA
- To formalize a framework to enhance cooperation and interaction in areas of common concern, in particular: democracy, legal systems, and the rule of law
January 30 | St. John's, Antigua & Barbuda
Host: Antigua Theme: Strengthening Parliamentary Budget Oversight Publication: Strengthening Parliamentary Oversight in the Caribbean
Objectives of the meeting: to discuss key issues faced by Public Accounts Committees (PACs), to share best practices from PACs in large and small Caribbean legislatures, to strengthen the relationship between Auditors General and PACs, to develop strategies to strengthen the independence of Auditors General, and to enhance regional knowledge sharing on budgetary oversight.
September 8 | Asuncion, Paraguay
Gender Perspective on Citizen Security
- To undertake an analysis of new forms of violence against women – expressed as femicide, the feminization of poverty and migration, the trade of women and girls or illegal trafficking, as factors which contribute to the deterioration of citizen security and that affect all women in the hemisphere
- Gender Perspective on Citizen Security (Teresa Ulloa)
September 8 | Asuncion, Paraguay
Theme: Citizen Security
Objectives of the meeting: to discuss different aspects of citizen security, including the role of human rights and development, transnational crime prevention, and disaster risk management, and to develop recommendations for the hemisphere’s parliaments.
Working groups
- WG1. The Role of Human Rights and Development in Citizen Security
- WG2. Transnational Aspects of Citizen Security
- WG3. Multidimensional Approaches to Citizen Security
- Group of Women Parliamentarians. Gender Perspective on Citizen Security
- Transnational Aspects of Citizen Security I (Eric L. Olson – WG2)
- Transnational Aspects of Citizen Security II (Alejandra Mohor – WG2)
- Multidimensional Approaches to Citizen Security II (Marco Antonio Castillo – WG3)
- Gender Perspective on Citizen Security (Teresa Ulloa – Group of Women Parliamentarians)
June 30 | Santo Domingo, República Dominicana
- To discuss key issues such as women’s leadership and empowerment in politics; migration and afro-descendants; the challenges of the democratic system to ensure gender equality in political participation; and the situation of female politicians in the Caribbean
June 5 | San Salvador, El Salvador
OBJECTIVES The FIPA delegation met with Secretary General Insulza, where both parties reiterated their desire to work together towards shared goals and discussed the drafting of a Memorandum of Understanding. The delegation also attended the General Assembly as observers.
- Edmonde Supplice Beauzile, Senator, Haiti
- Alberto Grillón Conigliaro, Senator, Paraguay
- Member of the National Assembly, Linda Machuca Moscoso, Ecuador
- Dr. Gina Hill, Director General, FIPA
March 31 | San Jose, Costa Rica
Host: Costa Rica Theme: Strengthening Parliamentary Budget Oversight
Objectives of the meeting: to provide training to Parliamentarians from oversight committees in Central America, in areas including increased awareness of their roles in the budget process, improving the functioning of parliamentary committees conducting oversight over the spending of government funds, and improving the working relationships of legislatures with state audit institutions.
November 17 | Mexico City, Mexico
Progress, Difficulties and Challenges With Respect to Political and Electoral Participation by Women
To discuss issues related to the current situation of women’s participation in politics, family issues they face, as well as their roles, and the issue of confidence in their abilities and the right to act as political representatives of men and women
November 17 | Mexico City, Mexico
Theme: New Challenges for the Americas in the 21st Century
Objectives of the meeting: to discuss a number of challenges facing the Americas, including preparation and response to disasters and emergency situations, regional security and transnational crime, and the participation of civil society in democracy, and to develop recommendations for the hemisphere’s parliaments.
Working groups
- WG1. Preparation and Response to Natural and Human-Made Disasters and Emergency Situations
- WG2. Regional Security and Transnational Crime
- WG3. Participation of Civil Society in the Strengthening of Democracy
- Group of Women Parliamentarians. No discrimination and interculturality
Inauguration. Statement by Adriana González (Mexico), member of the Executive Committee of ParlAmericas (Spanish)
August 11 | Quito, Ecuador
Women in Power: Challenges for the 21st Century
- To further develop women parliamentarians’ political skills from a gender and human rights perspective
The meeting agenda was developed based on the current scenario in the Americas and the status of women’s rights, under the following topics: Exercising Power: The Experience of a Woman Politician; The Current Situation of Women’s Rights in the Americas: A Critical Look at National Legislatures; and Women Politicians and the Media.
June 6 | Lima, Peru
Objectives of the meeting: to adopt decisions on issues such as peace, hemispheric security and cooperation, democracy, human rights, freedom of expression, legal development, social development, terrorism, corruption, civil society, removal of anti-personnel landmines, combating the manufacturing of and illicit trafficking in arms, cooperation in dealing with criminal gangs, drug abuse control, natural disasters, trade, tourism, scholarships, disability, women, children, and indigenous peoples.
FIPA delegation
- Adriana González Carillo, Senator, Mexico
- Alberto Grillón, Senator, Paraguay
- Rosemary Husbands-Mathurin, Speaker of the House of Assembly, Saint Lucia
- Víctor Juliao, Member of the National Assembly, Panama
- Linda Machuca, Member of the National Assembly, Ecuador
- Emmanuelle Pelletier, Executive Secretary, FIPA
May 20 | Mexico City, Mexico
Theme: The Doha Development Round: Challenges and Opportunities for the Region
Objectives of the meeting: to promote a better understanding of the multilateral trading system and the current state of play in the Doha Development Agenda negotiations, to provide a forum for participants to discuss and share ideas and opinions on the content of the negotiations and their possible impact on countries in the region as well as on other topics of regional interest, and to encourage open discussion on the potential role of parliaments, international organizations and trade in promoting development.
September 13 | Ottawa, Canada
Theme: Prosperity and Cooperation: A New Agenda for the Americas
Objectives of the meeting: To discuss different aspects of prosperity and cooperation in the Americas, including the global economic and financial crisis, the issue of food security and challenges related to international migrations and human rights, and to develop recommendations for the hemisphere’s parliaments.
Working groups
- WG1. Financial and Economic Crisis
- WG2. Food Security
- WG3. International Migrations and Human Rights
- Group of Women Parliamentarians. Towards a Gender-Sensitive Legislative Agenda for Development in the Americas
September 13 | Ottawa, Canada
Prosperity and Cooperation: A New Agenda for the Americas
To discuss how to eliminate or reduce the disparity in the number of women engaged in the political process
April 16 | Port of Spain, Trinidad and Tobago
Objectives: to explore the potential for deeper cooperation between parliaments and governments, toward advancing hemispheric goals set forth in the Declaration of Commitment of Port-of-Spain, to ensure that the Summit Process is more transparent and accountable, and that decisions made by Heads of States and Governments at the 5th Summit are implemented in a way that benefits the citizens of the Americas.
FIPA delegation
- Luiz Hauly, Member of the Chamber of Deputies, Brazil
- Céline Hervieux-Payette, Senator, Canada
- Nancy Patricia Gutiérrez Castañeda, President of the Senate, Colombia
- Emmanuelle Pelletier, Executive Secretary, FIPA
April 2 | Port-au-Prince, Haïti
- To build capacity and accompany women candidates to the 2009 legislative and municipal elections in Haiti
- For FIPA delegates to participate as speakers and mentors in a round table with candidates of various political parties, addressing issues such as campaign financing, communication strategies, parliamentary roles and responsibilities, and the incorporation of a gender perspective to the programs of political parties
November 20 | Bogota, Colombia
THEME Towards a Gender-Sensitive Legislative Agenda for Development in the Americas
- To discuss how to achieve a gender-sensitive legislative agenda for development in the Americas, including current economic and gender policies, social and environmental policies, political and electoral reforms from a gender perspective, as well as the implications of the international crisis for the Americas
November 6 | San Jose, Costa Rica
Theme: Trade Liberalization: The WTO, the Doha Round and Development Challenges
Objectives: to raise awareness about the multilateral trading system, to stimulate parliamentarians’ interest in these issues, and to inform them of the basic functioning of the WTO, the key items on the multilateral and regional trade agenda and the status of the Doha Development Agenda negotiations. The workshop also aimed to provide a forum for participants to discuss and share ideas and opinions regarding the content of the negotiations and their possible impact on countries in the region, and to encourage discussion of the potential role of parliaments and international organizations in trade and development.
June 1 | Medellin, Colombia
Objectives of the meeting: the FIPA delegation expressed the organization’s desire to pursue discussions towards becoming the legislative partner of the Organization of American States (OAS) in the Americas.
FIPA delegation
- Senator Nancy Patricia Gutiérrez Castañeda, Senate of Colombia
- MP James Bezan, House of Commons of Canada
- MP Mario Silva, House of Commons of Canada
- MP Marcel Lussier, House of Commons of Canada
- Emmanuelle Pelletier, Executive Secretary, FIPA
March 18 | Ottawa, Canada
Theme: Trade Knowledge
Objectives: to provide essential information on trade regulation and politics to parliamentarians in a manner that was relevant to their concerns and those of their constituents, and to provide a framework for dealing with poverty, development, social movements, and gender, among others, within the trade policy context.
November 20 | Bogota, Colombia
Host: Colombia
Objectives of the meeting: to carry out the 2007-2008 work plan of the Group of Women Parliamentarians.
November 19 | Bogota, Colombia
- To look at the role of parliamentarians in trade and integration policies, the implementation of poverty reduction strategies, and the fight against drug trafficking
- To develop recommendations for the hemisphere’s parliaments
- WG1. Trade, Integration and Development Polices in the Americas
- WG2. Strategies to Reduce Poverty and Inequality
- WG3. The Fight against Drug Trafficking
- Group of Women Parliamentarians
October 28 | Mar del Plata, Argentina
Theme: Creating jobs to fight poverty and strengthen democratic governance FIPA delegation
- Stockwell Day, Member of Parliament, Canada
- Don Boudria, Member of Parliament, Canada
- Diane Ablonczy, Member of Parliament, Canada
- Céline Hervieux-Payette, Senator, Canada
- Emmanuelle Pelletier, Executive Secretary, FIPA
Objectives: reaffirm the commitment to fight poverty, inequality, hunger, and social exclusion in order to raise the standard of living of the peoples of the Americas and strengthen democratic governance in the Americas.
September 11 | Port-au-Prince, Haïti
- To promote the participation of Haitian women in the electoral process by encouraging them to register on electoral lists and to run as candidates in the legislative elections taking place in November 2005
May 20 | Brasilia, Brazil
- To analyze the results of the regional forums on women’s leadership and the strengthening of democracy held in Bridgetown, Barbados, and Buenos Aires, Argentina, in order to prepare a work plan for the Group of Women Parliamentarians of the Americas
- To share the recommendations and commitments of the parliamentarians of the Americas with the Heads of State and Government who will meet at the 4th Summit of the Americas (November 4–5, 2005 in Mar del Plata, Argentina)
May 19 | Brasilia, Brazil
- To discuss the role of parliamentarians in the fight against terrorism, the FTAA process, and the external debt
- To develop recommendations for the hemisphere’s parliaments
1. Confronting the Threat of Terrorism
2. The Free Trade Area of the Americas (FTAA)
3. External Debt as a Factor Affecting Economic Growth and Quality of Life
4. Group of Women Parliamentarians
April 6 | Buenos Aires, Argentina
Enhancing Women’s Leadership to Strengthen Democracy
- To improve the ability of parliamentarians to implement gender-equality policies through the exchange of experiences and best practices
- To assess progress in the area of women’s leadership in the region while identifying tools to enhance their participation in decision-making venues
- To make recommendations to FIPA’s Plenary Assembly ahead of the 4th Summit of the Americas (Mar del Plata, Argentina, November 4-5, 2005), which will focus on the theme of creating employment to confront poverty and strengthen democratic governance
March 20 | Bridgetown, Barbados
Enhancing Women’s Leadership to Strengthen Democracy
- To create a forum for women parliamentarians of the Americas to advance the regional gender-equality agenda for shaping the direction and character of emerging societies of the 21st century
- To build the capacity of parliamentarians to promote and implement gender-equity policies, through the sharing of experiences and best practices
- To assess the advancement of women thus far and identify key growth areas and tools for their participation in leadership and decision making
- To submit recommendations to the Plenary Assembly of FIPA, looking ahead to the 4th Summit of the Americas
April 2 | Valparaiso, Chile
– To discuss democratic governance and public policies with a gender perspective
April 1 | Valparaiso, Chile
- To discuss the role of parliamentarians in the fight against terrorism, the FTAA process, and the harmonization of hemispheric tax systems, and to develop recommendations for the hemisphere’s parliaments.
1. Confronting the Threat of Terrorism
2. Formalizing Parliamentary Involvement in the FTAA Negotiations
3. Fiscal Systems in the Americas: Assessing the Need for Coordinated Tax Reforms
4. Group of Women Parliamentarians
May 21 | Mexico City, Mexico
Objectives of the meeting: to establish a representative working group that can make concrete contributions on the topic of terrorism and lay the foundation to develop concerted political solutions to fight it.
February 21 | Panama City, Panama
– To discuss the creation of the Group of Women Parliamentarians of the Americas
February 20 | Panama City, Panama
Challenges and Opportunities for Hemispheric Integration
- To discuss challenges and opportunities for hemispheric integration, including the Summit of the Americas process
- To discuss the importance of the International Criminal Court, the process of negotiating the FTAA, international cooperation to combat terrorism, the work of the OAS in consolidating the democratic process in the Americas
- To discuss the scope of the Inter-American Democratic Charter, and to develop recommendations for the hemisphere’s parliaments
WORKING GROUPS 1. The Interaction of Tax Policy and Trade, Economic Growth, and Social Development 2. The Impact of Economic and Financial Crises in the Region 3. The Free Trade Area of the Americas Negotiations 4. Group of Women Parliamentarians
March 14 | Mexico City, Mexico
Security in the New Millenium: The Role of Legislators in Enhancing Security in the Hemisphere
- To discuss security in the new millennium and the role of legislators in ensuring greater security in the hemisphere
- To develop recommendations for the hemisphere’s parliaments
- Legal Instruments for Security Matters
- The Issue of Organized Crime
- Migration and Frontiers
- Free Trade Area of the Americas (FTAA)
March 7 | Ottawa, Canada
- To consider a motion to constitute the Inter-Parliamentary Forum of the Americas (FIPA)
- To discuss a number of subjects under the theme of Strengthening Democracy, Creating Prosperity, and Realizing Human Potential
- To elect the chair of FIPA and the sub-regional countries for the Executive Committee, as well as the host of the next meeting
- 111 delegates from the national legislatures of 26 member countries of the Organization of American States